#ikevamp shakespeare x mc

Hey there my little anon, thank you so much for this! We all know that I love our silly little poet

Hey there my little anon, thank you so much for this! We all know that I love our silly little poet man so I really enjoyed writing this even though it did take me so so long to get around to >2<

- JJ x


William Shakespeare:

MC felt hot tears fall onto their pink cheeks, their chest tight as they read the most beautiful words of love written in human history. They snuggled the warm blanket up over their own softly shaking shoulders as the prettily penned poetry they he read blurred a little from the tears in their eyes.

William poked his head around the corner from the kitchen to check on his beloved, his wine red hair tied back, long sleeves rolled up and an apron keeping his clothing clean. The playwright quirked a brow when he noticed MC shaking where they lay on the sofa, prompting him to drop the pan he was drying up and rush to their side. Will knelt by MC’s side, reaching his gentle hand to cradle their cheek and brush away their salty tears, “Lamb of mine, why dost thou weep so?” He craned his head forward and pressed kiss to each of MC’s cheeks, his lips brushing away his darling’s tears, “Alloweth me to steal thine tears away, mine turtledove. Pray tell,” Shakespeare attempted to peer at the book MC was reading, “Whose words stir thine beautiful heart?”

“Y-your’s, Will,” MC stuttered out, swallowing down another wave of tears, “Your w-writing is so passionate.” They handed the little book to their boyfriend whose handsome face lit up with recognition at the title written on the dark leather cover,

“Ah yes, Anthony and Cleopatra dost often waver the gentle of heart.” The poet smiled softly at MC before placing the old book down on the coffee table and pulling his love into his arms, “ ‘Tis alright, flower of mine. Still thine tears, now.” William’s hand was warm as it stroked MC’s back lovingly and the sweet scent of his perfume - summer roses and rich sage - comforting as it washed through their senses.

MC chuckled briefly, hiccupping a little as their tears started to dry upon their cheeks, “You’re wearing a new perfume. It’s nice.” They raised their gaze to see their lover’s mismatched gemstone eyes and their heart fluttered a little at the look of utter adoration and tenderness he bestowed upon them, “It suits you.”

Shakespeare let out his own short, warm laugh as he watched MC nuzzle their nose against his shirt collar, “Mine sweetness, thou art so very charming. Come,” he stood up and offered his darling his hand, “Let us take thine mind from sorrow. A romantic walk together shalt brighten thy mood.”

The couple had managed to stroll out to the outskirts of the city where they found a field of beautiful wild flowers: the perfect place to sit and watch the sun set together. All through the afternoon, Shakespeare had had his hand on MC, holding their hand, squeezing their waist or as he did now, stroking their hair carefully all to keep them safe. There was something so comforting about his warm touch, lithe hands that wrote the world into existence, capable of so much but primarily, loving his beloved to no end. And there they sat until stars freckled the sky with light and MC could giggled without a worry in the world and then, Shakespeare was content.

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