#ikevamp vincent van gogh


Angel [Vincent x Reader][Fluff]

Submitted for the Spring Bouquet Content Creation Challenge hosted by @atelier-maroron.

Characters ↬ Vincent van Gogh x Reader

Rating ↬ General

Tags ↬ Fluff, Established Relationship

Spring Bouquet CCC Prompt 6. Nursing an abandoned baby chick back to health.

Description ↬ You and Vincent, your adoring lover, find an abandoned baby chick during one of your weekly dates. Over the next few weeks, the two of you pour endless love and affection into caring for the chick, which only leads you to a revelation that will change the course of your relationship…

Disclaimer ↬ I do not own the rights to Ikemen Prince or any of the Ikemen series games.

Wordcount ↬ 1.4k

Tag List@aquagirl1978@kleeps@ikesimp100@chaosangel767@devildomwritersposts@themysticalbeing@and-then-she-died-tm@kpop-and-otome@rhodolitesroseforclavis@curious-skybunny@moonstruck-writing@lordsister@violettduchess@randonauticrap

Peep. Peep.

The soft chirps of the little, fuzzy, slightly feeble baby chick echoed around your room. One single heat lamp was aimed at the cardboard box holding the adorable fluffy chick to heat up the makeshift shelter you and Vincent had created for it. After finding it abandoned in an empty nest on a bush, you were trying your best to nurse it back to health. “Come on, little guy. Come on, you can make it!” You urged, pumping your fists gently in encouragement at the little chick. This only caused Vincent to look over at you and offer you a kind smile at your soft words of encouragement.

“I’m sure our little chick will grow up to be healthy and strong, especially when it has such a great mama like you.” His arms circled loosely around your waist, and he began to rub small circles into the soft skin of your arms. The comforting warmth of Vincent, both his body and his kindred soul, always reassured you and brought you back from those anxious waves that drowned you.

Through pure luck, you’d stumbled upon the little chick in the midst of a date to your secret spot on the bluffs with Vincent. In fact, the two of you hadn’t even planned the date. It was entirely spontaneous that you two ended up in that place, only to spend hours frantically searching for the source of the soft peeping. That’s when Vincent discovered the smallest, most fragile-looking baby chick wedged in an empty nest with no mama chicken around. Being known as the pure-hearted angels of Comte’s mansion, the two of you stuck around for two hours to see if the mother would come back. Unfortunately, luck was not on your – or the baby chick’s – side.

It had been two days of touch and go. There were times when the chick almost didn’t make it, times when it wouldn’t even peck at the tastiest creepy critters you’d caught for it. To be fair, Vincent had done most of the heavy work when it came to that, but with your fear of spiders and worms, you’d chalked it up to a win with you even being close to the creepy critters.

“But Vincent, what if it doesn’t make it? I know we’ve only been taking care of it for a few days, but I’m already attached….” You trailed off uncomfortably, shifting back and forth on your feet as you continued peering into the cardboard box.

“Then we will know that we tried our best to make our little chick’s life as wonderful as possible, no matter how short their life may have been,” Vincent responded without missing a beat.

Selfishly, a tiny part of you was also looking forward to seeing Vincent show his nurturing side. The man was the epitome of an angel, serene, kind, and golden-hearted. Yet, the deepest part of you wanted to see morefacets of him – that raw, unbridled passion that he’d consume you with during intimate nights with just the two of you and the sweet, tender gaze he’d bestow upon you whenever his eyes met yours. But as things became more serious between the two of you, you slowly found yourself wanting to see how Vincent would be as a father. Would he be a total sucker for his children? Would he be a kind but stern father? Would he be a father that encouraged his children to pursue their dreams? All of these questions were thoughts you kept to yourself.

Though a baby chick was nothing like a child, it would at least let you see the nurturing side of Vincent. The side that you knewwould make you start longing to start your family with him.

And with each week that passed, you ended up seeing the exact side of Vincent that you wished for. It was a wonder just how gentle he could be with the little ball of fluff. His touches seemed to only just graze over the soft down of its fur, as though soothing away all of the chick’s maladies. The way he’d pick up the little chick and hold close to his face, staring into its little button-eyes with his bright, sapphire ones, murmuring words of encouragement and kindness to it.

And the baby chick responded in kind to Vincent’s care. The chick became stronger and stronger under his tender love and care. First, it was able to get up and walk a few steps. Then, it started to flap its wings, readying to take flight. After that, it was able to launch itself into the air enough to fly over the side of the cardboard box and waddle towards Vincent, whom the chick had deemed as its mother. In fact, the sight was so adorable that Theo had even commented on it, wondering why the chick was so attached to Vincent.

“Oy, broer, why does that little ball of feathers follow you around all the time? Isn’t it enough that you have hondje attached at your hip at all hours of the day? What’s so great about them that they can hog all of your time like this?” Theo’s eyebrow raised as he watched the little chick flap around Vincent, almost seeming to ward off Vincent’s first pet, Brush, at the same time.

“The more the merrier, Theo. I’m the lucky one to have been chosen by such wonderful beings.” Vincent responded kindly, tucking the chick into his palms. “But my dearest Theo, you know I always have time for you.”

A flush formed on Theo’s face, despite his best efforts at hiding it. “Ah, w—well, that’s good then.”

Meanwhile, throughout all these weeks of watching the chick grow, you became surer of your love for Vincent. Surer of the future you wanted for the both of you. It all came to a head one day when your heart began bursting with your affection for the blonde man after he’d come up with a particularly adorable lullaby for the baby chick. After all, he was just so darned cute that no one could resist his charms. That’s what you told yourself when you immediately blurted out his name. “Vincent!”

“Yes?” He replied, perplexed as he turned his attention back to you. “What’s wrong, my love?”

“I—I—I think we should start a family.” You managed to stammer out, cursing your nerves and embarrassment at the less-than-perfect way you stated something so serious. To your surprise, a deep shade of red began to form on Vincent’s cheekbones, only complimenting his radiant smile.

“Do you mean that?” The joy spread across Vincent’s face was almost child-like in its purity. He grasped your hands in his and pressed gentle kisses across your knuckles. “I don’t mean to pressure you… but this whole adventure with our little chick has made me feel like we should consider trying for one of our own…. You’re so naturally nurturing.”

A wave of relief washed over you at his words. It was like every little trouble you’d been holding onto for the past few weeks were immediately swept away. “I’ve been feeling the exact same way with you, Vincent! I mean, I’ve been thinking about this for a while, but I think you’d be the perfect father. After all, you’re already my angel.

"Ah, I’m so glad… but you’re the one that’s myangel.”

You had thought it was impossible to love Vincent even more than you already did, but with each day that passed, he proved that statement wrong. Every time a compliment spilled from his lips, pure in nature, you fell head over heels in love with him all over again. In fact, you’d even tried to purposely find Vincent’s flaws one time to see if he had any, only to immediately flip the weak “flaws” that you could find into positives. Naïve? No, endlessly optimistic and trusting. Oblivious?Not that either, rather, focused and serene.

Vincent ran one finger down the plane of your soft cheek, pulling you back from your daydreams. “I think there’s only one last thing we have to figure out….” A mischievous, at least for him, smirk slowly formed on his lips, and you widened your eyes briefly, wondering what was going to come out of his lips next. “What do we name our little chick?… And our future kids?”

“Well, I’m not sure about our future kids, but I want to name our little chick afterwhat you are… an angel.”

“It seems like we’ll have to settle for naming it after both of us, in that case.”


Sebastian: How would you like your pancakes?

Vincent: Plain.

Isaac: With syrup please!

Theo: Chocolate chips and whipped cream.

Dazai: Potatoes.

*Vincent, Isaac, and Theo look at Dazai*

Dazai: What? They’re good.

(Arthur has been acting odd)

Vincent: You guys worried about Arthur too?

Sebastian: Yes!

Theo: Yeah, he called me in the middle of the night and just yelled, “what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do?”

Vincent: What’d you say to him?

Theo: "I dunno, I dunno, I dunno, I dunno.“


Vincent: He’s lucky to have you as a friend.
