#ill be reblogging this one and your fic post





Quick painting to get to know how clip studio works~

Thorin received a mushroom crown… hobbits and their strange ways

aw man,,,he’s confused but completely lost in love

Happiest of birthdays, Star!! I’ve said it many times already, but I hope you have a great day and we’re all so lucky to have you!! I can’t wait to yell about more, but in the meantime, let’s yell about mushrooms!! (Totally hijacking your artwork so that everyone can see the beauty that inspired this fic!)

A Lesson in Morels [E]
​↳Read the full fic on AO3

Thorin was still trying to understand Shire customs. Hobbits were incredible creatures and had their own meanings and habits just as dwarves did. For instance, Thorin was well aware that gems and flowers held the same sort of importance. Each having a significant meaning behind them based on color and type that could be used as a language in itself. He’d even grown accustomed to seven meals a day, even if some of those meals often meant just tea for him while Bilbo chowed down on whatever was on his plate.

But there were just some things that Thorin hadn’t quite understood, and hadn’t felt compelled to ask. Assumptions would forever be his enemy, but right now he couldn’t be arsed to be anything other than blissfully unaware of the message he was sending.

A crown of various mushrooms adorned the dwarf’s head as he strolled into the small market square. A basket hooked at his elbow and a look upon his face that just oozed pride as if he were sporting Erebor’s finest of craftsmanship. He was proud of the gift Bilbo had given him earlier this morning, and he simply took it as some loving meaning much like flowers. The way the stems of the mushrooms had been woven together like braids and how each mushroom cap was unblemished, was the sign of a pure craftsman, and Thorin liked to think he had an eye for things like that. Bending metal to your will was one thing, but dealing with fragile materials such as flowers, stems and yes, even mushrooms, seemed to be an even more difficult craft that he could appreciate.

Despite the teasing tone that Bilbo had used with him earlier when Thorin declared he would ‘wear it until each cap was withered beyond recognition’, Thorin absolutely was sticking true to his word. He earned no shortage of stares, and that only made his pride swell even more. Hobbits were incredibly prideful when it came to their plants and gardens, so why wouldn’t each and every one of them stop and stare at such a fine gift?

Though Thorin kept to himself, for the most part, not wanting to come across as the egotistical sort, it had to be known throughout the entire Shire that he was one lucky dwarf. He was simply here for a few things to fill a few travel bags. Some berries, nuts, and other things that would make for good snacks, after all, a hungry hobbit was typically a cranky one, and Thorin would do anything to avoid that.

It was to be a nice little weekend getaway. ‘Camping’ was what Bilbo said, though a far cry from the type of camping that they had done while on the quest. It was to be far more relaxed, to simply get away from the bustling town of Hobbiton for a few days. To sleep under the stars and enjoy the quiet.

Shout-out to this heaven of a fic!!! It’s so well written and funny and !!!

I’m so lucky guys, you don’t have idea how good you are ❤️❤️❤️❤️
