#ill probably start with feanors house

Noldorin Portraits pt3: Findis, Fingolfin, Írimë, and Finarfin.Alrighty, here’s the last batch! I liNoldorin Portraits pt3: Findis, Fingolfin, Írimë, and Finarfin.Alrighty, here’s the last batch! I liNoldorin Portraits pt3: Findis, Fingolfin, Írimë, and Finarfin.Alrighty, here’s the last batch! I liNoldorin Portraits pt3: Findis, Fingolfin, Írimë, and Finarfin.Alrighty, here’s the last batch! I li

Noldorin Portraits pt3: Findis, Fingolfin, Írimë, and Finarfin.

Alrighty, here’s the last batch! I like having all of Indis’ kids together hahaa XDD The only changes here are in Írimë’s shawl, which was originally pink. But I didn’t quite like how it went with her green dress, so I changed it!

The next part of these portraits will be Finwë’s grandchildren … Man, that’s going to be a lot loll ^^;;

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