#ill try to be more active


Thank you, everyone!! ❤️❤️ I’m so grateful for your support, and for all the amazing people I got to meet!! 


The Eldritch Pantheon

A collection of Rpgideas blogs corrupted by evil, their powers, and their power level.


@probablygoodrpgideas has the ability to create a cursed version of any magical item described in the DM Guide (5e). For example, a Sun Blade would vaporize anyone in a 5 foot radius of the blade (including the user) when turned on.

@probablybadrpgideas has the ability to create deals with the devil with anyone. These deals will eventually end with the dealmakers death within 72 hours.


@probablyfrickenweirdrpgideas has the power to increase the Cuil level in any 20 foot radius.

@worldbuildingrpgideas has the ability to turn any landscape into a mass of writhing tentacles that attack anyone in their radiuses

@actuallybestrpgideas has the ability to replicate the powers of any lesser or minor Eldritch god.

@verystupidrpgideas has the ability to move points from INT, WIS, DEX, CON, or STR into charisma for any living being.

@verydaftrpgideas has the ability to cause a coma in everyone in a 69 foot radius by dabbing.

@hopefullygoodrpgideas has the ability to impersonate anyone.

@probablyadrpgideas has the ability to turn any fluid, including blood, into Pepsi.


@probablyimpossiblerpgideas has the ability to change any laws in any city or town

@probablytieflingrpgideas has the ability to seduce anyone

@probablydadrpgideas has the ability to make bad puns that lower the INT score of anyone who hears them

@probablypaladinrpgideas has a gun

@probablyquestionablerpgideas has the ability to turn any non-god into an octopus

@probablyvaguerpgideas has a power that does stuff I guess

@probablyvorerpgideas has the ability to swallow any object or person whole

@probablybonkersrpgideas has the ability to give anyone depression

@probablybisexualrpgideas can make bi-g changes to people’s sexuality

@probablyevilrpgideas has the ability to change anyone’s alignment

@probablytimetravelrpgideas can travel sixteen seconds into the past

@probablygayrpgideas has the ability to make rainbows that cause insanity

@probablyhalfbakedrpgideas can do something with fire

@probablyhumanrpgideas can change anyone’s race into a human

@probablychadrpgideas has the ability to turn any male into a gnome

@probablymetarpgideas has the ability to join the rpgideas discord

(Feel free to send asks. I’ll try to answer them within the next few hours.)
