

Illusogender: When you know you’re a certain gender, but there’s still the feeling of ‘fakeness’ there, either due to neurodivergency and/or due to outside pressure from parents, society, etc. These feelings and/or pressures can be part of the gender experience. (It’s illusogender, just to make things clear because apparently capitalized i looks the same as lower case L here)

Term coined by: Unknown



[image description: a flag with six stripes. from top to bottom they are: dark blue, dark purple, purple, pink, orange, yellow. a white animal head, which can look like either a rabbit or a duck, is centered on the flag]

Full size [Here]


[image description: same as the above, but with a white ‘x’ instead of the animal head]

Full size [Here]



[image description: same as the first, but the animal head is pink]

Full size [Here]


[image description: same as the second, but the 'x’ is pink]

Full size [Here]



[image description: same as the first, but the animal head is light blue]

Full size [Here]


[image description: same as the first, but the 'x’ is light blue]

Full size [Here]

Designed by: Me, colors chosen by FunCatty

Color meanings: Unknown, likely just aesthetics. The figure on the first set is the famous “Rabbit or Duck” illusion.

Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!
