#illustrators exhibition

This year I attended Bologna Children’s Book Fair from day one. In comparison to the last year when This year I attended Bologna Children’s Book Fair from day one. In comparison to the last year when This year I attended Bologna Children’s Book Fair from day one. In comparison to the last year when This year I attended Bologna Children’s Book Fair from day one. In comparison to the last year when This year I attended Bologna Children’s Book Fair from day one. In comparison to the last year when This year I attended Bologna Children’s Book Fair from day one. In comparison to the last year when This year I attended Bologna Children’s Book Fair from day one. In comparison to the last year when This year I attended Bologna Children’s Book Fair from day one. In comparison to the last year when This year I attended Bologna Children’s Book Fair from day one. In comparison to the last year when This year I attended Bologna Children’s Book Fair from day one. In comparison to the last year when

This year I attendedBologna Children’s Book Fair from day one. In comparison to the last year when I arrived in the afternoon of day two, it was a big improvement. I also had differently focused appointments, made some new artists/publishers friends, and didn’t get food poisoning (thank you universe!) = Bologna Children’s Book Fair 2017 was a success!

Last year I had a lot of meetings with all kinds of publishers I admire, it was my first fair and I wanted to use it to the maximum. This year I only focused on those publishers who I believed were a good match for my work, something I learned from the previous experience. Since I’m in search of a European literary/illustration agent, I also had a couple of meetings at the agents’ centre.

Of course one of the highlights of the fair is seeing the illustrator’s exhibition. This year the artworks were arranged on tables (wouldn’t have been my choice for many reasons including bigger crowds, bad light reflection and general feeling of impracticality) but I still managed to take a good look at the artworks and took some pictures of my favourites. Unfortunately I forgot to write down the names of the authors (I’M REALLY SORRY :() The only author’s name I remember is Yara Kono (artwork with pink colour).

My friend Olya Ezova Denisova was part of the exhibition too! You can see her standing next to her work on the photo.

When I had some free time in between meetings, events and exploring the fair,  I had a chance to meet up and chat with some new friends, illustrators and animators <3

This year I tried to tame my curiosity a bit and be more selective with what I spend my time on. I couldn’t resist sticking around Asian pavilions since Korean, Taiwanese and Japanese books are my favourite as well as more rare to spot in European bookshops. Other than that I was only visiting the stands of the publishers I already knew and liked.

After two full days I was completely exhausted and overwhelmed with new thoughts and reflections but since I was staying in Bologna for two more days I decided to attend the fair for one more day. 

Other then the fair I also visited some cultural events in town including the opening of the exhibition of the children’s author and illustrator Beatrice Alemagna and another one of Isabelle Arsenault both of whom I really admire.I also managed to get an autograph from Beatrice (last photo <3)

That’s about it. See you next year Bologna <3

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