#im blessed to work on this hahahhahahahahaha



Coruscant High School AU headcanons

  • Quinlan is a substitute teacher. He comes and goes randomly, you can never know when he will show up. It’s also a mystery how do his socks show up, while he hasn’t been seen in the whole school.
  • He also likes to tell crazy stories, but no one believes him. They are the most fucked up stories you can hear, that shouldn’t be even possible, but they happened. He is telling the truth, maybe with some dramatic tweaks. He even tells the students that Obi-Wan was there for most of these, yet no one believes him.
  • Obi-Wan never denies or confirms these stories. Every time someone asks about it, he humms and strokes his beard and starts talking about something else.
  • Yoda’s full name is Gustave Minch Yoda. Maul calls him Bob though.
  • Students, teachers, everyone placed bets when Obi-Wan and Cody would get together. They kept it a secret, so they can won the bet. They paid down Ahsoka. She got 50%, and they got 25-25% of the money they won.
  • They are disgustingly in love. They will stare into each other’s eyes for minutes without even noticing.
  • They both served in the army. They know soldier hand signals and they keep talking using that. People around them hate it.
  • Yoda is French, that’s why he is talking with bad grammar. With an accent of course.
  • Sheev Palpatine works as a janitor in the school. He is little crazy. Will plot your death if you crossed the path he just cleaned. Be aware,he shockingly knows too many ways how to kill someone.
  • Maul already graduated years ago, but he keeps coming back acting like a student so he can sell weed. To whom? Yoda.
  • Yoda loves messing with Obi-Wan and steals his tea. Sometimes he switches the tea with weed. No one knows why Obi-Wan acting so weird those days.
  • Dex works in the cafeteria. Everyone loves him.
  • Obi-Wan buys sunflowers every morning for Cody. How does he get sunflowers when its not summer? No one knows.
  • Yoda is bald and only wears green. His favourite shirt is one with a cannabis design. He is 120 cm, sometimes he gets lost and step on when the students fill the hallway. He has a very nice walkingpoking stick, so watch out for your shins. He smells like weed and oldness. He might have an ugly mustache. Maybe.
  • Mace Windu is a big theater nerd. He will plan at least two school plays. He cries during them.
  • Plo is blind, and the students didn’t notice for weeks. He always wears sunglasses. He also has a bunch of service dogs, called Wolfpack. He is the history teacher in the school.
  • Anakin is still in college, studying engineering. He is living off energy drinks. He lost his right arm in an accident, if you ask him about it he will tell a different story every time.
  • While Cody and Obi-Wan dont even touch when they are in public areas of the school, they had been caught in the closet many times making out.
  • Cody had a mullet for a whole year. He looked fabolous.