#im dumb okay


A/N: I dunno if any of you have read that one manga. Something about this OL whose first time is with an android who is actually a well… s3x bot that she ordered on accident. Well. This… is kinda inspired by that.

Idk…. Why I wrote this. Uh.

This is terribly written and dumb.

Idk anymore. It’s like… midnight rn. I am dumb.

I have other, better (???) stories I should be updating. Instead, I’m starting another trainwreck about two dumbasses. Yeah. Makes sense. Man, life sucks, y’know?

Anyway, uh.. bye? I guess?



~Shintori Khazumi

Oh, dw. No explicit anything on this thing. Just Kuro cursing the world.


“Do You Regret This Purchase?” Chapter 1: Curses, Sighs, and Bad (?) Decisions



“Yes, my love?” The older woman felt a chill run down her spine at the sickeningly, threateningly sweet smile her one and only, beloved daughter wore on her face, hands gripping a stack of papers, wrinkling them with the force by which she held them. Even the way she was addressed unnerved her somewhat.

Where was her precious baby who always called her, ‘Maman’ and snuggled into her bosom? Where was thatClaudine?

“She’s right in front of you, and she’s quite… infuriated, Maman <3.” Claudine, reading her mother perfectly, took a step closer to the woman, showing her the papers that had been in her possession since this whole event began.

“O-oh? And who would dare get on my baby’s nerves like that?” Saijou Cathleen was not one to be daunted by anything, really. But her daughter right now? She scared her.

She watched Claudine sigh, easing off on the pressure, as she turned about to drop the papers on the nearby coffee table of their living room before falling back onto their couch with a resounding ‘thump’.

“Who got you to agree to this and which of you three paid for it?” She asked, throwing an arm over her face to shield her eyes from the ceiling lights.

“Whatever do you mean, mon amo-

“Mamaaannnn~…” Claudine whined, turning to her mother with a look that was as pointed as it was pleading, her arm still over her forehead.

The sight was scarily adorable. Or adorably scary.

Whichever it was, it was the push Claudine’s mother seemed to need to finally cave.

“Well, you see… Kao-chan and Yacchan-“

I KNEW IT.” Claudine growled, quickly jumping to her feet and sweeping the papers into her hand haphazardly as she readied herself to head for the door to hunt down some uselessly nosy assholes that needed a throttling.

“My love!” Saijou Cathleen begged, holding Claudine back by embracing her around her waist, squeezing her in a silent request for her to calm down.

Claudine huffed, not wanting to move rashly lest she hurt her mother.

Mamannnn.” She groaned, breathing out her anger slowly. “Please let me go?”

“And possibly have to bail you out of prison for murder? No, thank you!”


“I’m saving up for a yacht this year.”



“Maman, with all my love, I just want to ask you, okay?” Claudine- ignoring what her mother had just revealed to her- turned around in her mother’s arms, loosely wrapping her arms around her waist as she stared into an almost mirror image of herself. “Please respond honestly.” She requested.

“Okay.” Her mother nodded.

Claudine saw the sincerity in her eyes and trusted that her mother would tell her the truth and nothing but that. Of course, she had always been a little sneaky around it, but if Claudine asked the right questions, she was sure to get the answers she wanted.

And Claudine knew what the right questions were, after doing this for so long.

…but she didn’t really want to ask this particular set of them.


Taking in a deep breath of air and hoping the answer she’d get wouldn’t snap her dying patience and sanity, Claudine parted her lips, words at the tip of her tongue. With a small blush, she managed to ask,

“Why, in the world,would you buy me a sex doll?”


“Come on, Kuro-han. It was just a tiny joke.”

“Haha. It was hilarious. Thank you.” Claudine responded drily, crossing her legs and resting her feet on Kaoruko’s favorite coffee table, enjoying the way the woman’s eyes widened as she began to seethe.

“Oi, oi, oi. You can retaliate any other way you’d like, but those things on my nice wood? Get. Them. Off.” Kaoruko commanded with a glare.

-And glared some more when Claudine simply grinned at her, a sadistically happy sparkle in her eye.

“What kind of revenge would that be if it didn’t rile you up, Kaoruko~?” She sang, swapping the position of her legs, purposefully making a thud on the table, grin widening as Kaoruko began to turn red. “You don’t get to be mad at me this time.” Claudine huffed, smile dropping as she crossed her arms. “Not after this scandalous stunt you’ve pulled.”

Scanda- I’d never! Had Kaoruko not been bound by the ropes Claudine had brought over with her, she’d probably have a hand on her chest right now, feigning offense at such an outlandish accusation. Guess she’d have to make do with her facial muscles for now. “It was an act of love!”

“Sure,love. A lotta love I must be about to get from that”. Claudine rolled her eyes, taking a sip from the tea she harbored from the blue devil’s cupboard. “Gotta thank you for that, I suppose, my oh-so-generous benefactor.” Claudine sarcastically remarked, giving a mock bow in Kaoruko’s direction.

The Kyoto woman smirked, unperturbed by Claudine’s reaction. In fact, it amused her and gave her more fuel by which to rile her up further. “You’re very welcome. I’m sure it will really help you to finally loosen up. I can’t even imagine how bad dry season must be for yo-mph! HEY!

Claudine no longer responded to that, eyes trained on the television across from her, dainty fingers popping a macaron into her mouth. She made a small hum of delight, the corners of her mouth tipping upwards as the sweet filled her with an irreplaceable joy that not even Kaoruko could tamper with.

Of course, her being tied up to a wooden chair in her own home, annoyingness taken down a notch, was a plus for Claudine.

“Kuro-han!” She complained.

Seeing as the French-born wouldn’t be giving her the time of day anytime soon, she leaned backwards, falling onto a warm figure’s back that was equally restrained as her. Kaoruko sighed, throwing her head back to rest more against her companion’s fluffy pink hair.

She then realized something, frowning at the thought. “How come she didn’t rant your ear off?”

“Probably because I know my limits when it comes to messing with people.” Yachiyo shrugged, tapping her feet as she hummed a melody familiar to everyone in the room as it was from one of the more popular plays they’d done in the past.

Kaoruko would have contested that fact. Yachiyo was a little shit, a gremlin worse than her. She had nolimitswhen it came to messing around. But maybe, well… Maybe this time, it really was Kaoruko’s fau-

“Also, we both know I’m Kuro-san’s favorite asshole.”

“You little fuc-“


Upon entering her apartment, Claudine immediately frowned, brows tightly knit together as she braced herself for the terrors she was about to battle again tonight, having had enough of it this morning.

Beyond the scare she got from waking up to a stranger in her bed, naked as the day she was born, and feeling her up, what Claudine detested more was the fact that she had maybe-probably-kinda-just a little, tiny bit-might haveenjoyedit.

What exactly?

Well… the warmth of another body, curled up against hers in a mutual embrace; the soft skin that her hands had accidentally roamed in her thoughtless state, as well as the nips and kisses to her neck that she was luckily able to hide from the evil demons that were her best friends; the brown tresses that curtained over her as a body shifted atop her own; the full, pink lips- Claudine… hated that she couldn’t hate that.

And above all those things, what Claudine seemingly enjoyed the most were the eyes of amethyst, sparkling as they met Claudine’s own. In them, there was a swirl of mixed emotions that Claudine wasn’t all-too familiar with, but… she… she liked them. How they made her feel under the expressive gaze. It was warm, but also a scalding heat.

It almost made Claudine think she was loved and… desired.

She admitted, she almost gave in and leant forward.

And then that voice called,


The spell was broken, quicker than a flick of a magic wand, and Claudine… well… panicked.

She finally realized her abnormal proximity with a complete stranger, eyes darting everywhere and everywhere in attempts to not stare at a view full of boob that she had somehow gotten a front-row seat to.

In her frazzled state, mind now in fight-or-flight mode, Claudine had shoved the stranger backward, making the woman fall backward with an audible thud and a groan of pain that immediately halted Claudine’s internal crisis, protective instincts kicking in as she clumsily shuffled over to the woman’s side, dumbly inquiring, “Are you hurt?”.

‘Of course, she is, Claudine! What are you even asking!’

“S-s-s-sorry. I just.” Claudine tried her best to communicate with this unknown being, eyes striving to stay loyal to her gorgeous face and not traverse down the milky expanse of silken skin and curve- Claudine felt her face flush hotter as her hungover mind was clearly still in the gutter.

Just what the hell had happened last night after Kaoruko’s party?!

Claudine rubbed her suddenly throbbing temples, aching in all their agonizing glory. Really. What had happened?

Claudine shut her eyes for a moment, willing her sudden migraine away (hopefully) as she had things to do, mainly figuring out what the fuck was going on and who the hell this gorgeous specimen was, and if Claudine had done anything that could have ruined both their lives because of her known occasional rashness.

Upon opening her eyes, she saw her companion staring at her calmly, almost curiously, still not responding to the question she’d asked her possibly five minutes ago.

“Um?” Claudine waved a hand in front of the woman, checking if she was sober, or conscious or just… with her at the moment. “You good? Do you hear me? Do you understand, er, English? Japanese? Oh, what the actual fuck. Did I just really pick up some random woman off the streets or something?” Claudine regretfully muttered. God, she hoped not.

Something could have transpired, and Claudine hadn’t the slightest idea if there was a chance for her to go back- heck, she didn’t think she could even do that despite nothing happening!

The woman continued to stare.

“Excuse me, uh…” Claudine was starting to feel uncomfortable under that piercing stare. “Did I perhaps… wrong you somehow? Or are you just unresponsive because-“ Claudine, with her senses coming in order bit by bit, recalled what she’d just done a few minutes ago, this morning. “Shi- Did I accidentally give her a concussion? Agh- so much for… I am so sorry.” She apologized, immediately shuffling behind the mystery woman, muttering a small ‘excuse me’ before she awkwardly parted brown locks to check for any reddening or swollen areas.

Finding nothing, Claudine sighed in relief, thoughtlessly leaning forward to rest her head against the shoulder of her newfound company, tired and utterly confused. “Comfy.” She mumbled, feeling her eyelids droop in exhaustion.

Feeling her consciousness begin to slip as Claudine headed for the door to the realm of sleep,

“I’m glad you find me a comfort, Master.”

-She was harshly jerked back to the unbelievable reality that made her flat out scream an apology she’d never get to live down if heard by anyone else,

“Sorry if I fucked you!”.


Claudine groaned into her palms as she relived that particular memory, desperate to erase it from the face of the earth- or at least her mind.

That was not how she expected her morning to go. The night prior, she was sure she’d just get stupid drunk after a playful competition with Yanagi Koharu at the afterparty of the award’s ceremony, then she’d probably be herded home by a- praise all divine forces of the universe- sober Futaba or Nana, then she’d just crash onto her bed and sleep the next fourteen hours away and wake up, feeling like she was just runover by the shinkansen, before finding her pain-relievers and some microwavable food left by her guardian angels before they left after dropping her off.

By then, it would have been well into the afternoon where Claudine would have taken a warm bath and recovered a bit to do a little training at night and then get some relatively early sleep just to reset her body clock and prepare for another hectic schedule the next day.

This was it. This was what she was used to. Her norm.

And… the elegant goddess striding down her hallway, dressed in nothing but one of Claudine’s oversized hoodies… was not.

“Welcome home, Ma-“

“Claudine.” Said woman cut off, a finger pressed to the softest pair of lips she’d ever felt.

There was a brief pause before the other woman nodded, taking Claudine’s wrist, and lowering her hand so she could do as requested.

With a smile that Claudine couldn’t decided whether it infuriated her or made her feel all pleasantly warm inside, the woman leaned over, planting her lips against the flustered French actress, lingering a tad too long for the safety of Claudine’s poor, poor heart.

“Welcome home, Claudine.”

“I’m home.”

Claudine did her best to ignore that compelling gaze, the one she knew was being given to her as a means to pressure her into giving in to the request her ‘guest’ had been pestering her about since earlier; something she just couldn’t seem to do.

“Claudine.” She called. The blonde did her best not to look remotely in the other woman’s direction, grounding herself with the potted plant by her doorway.

“Y-yes?” She cursed her weak mouth.

“Are you ready to register me now?”

Mind suddenly clear as a slate, with a throat drying fast at the question, Claudine swallowed- and swallowed hard- as she felt those fingers still wrapped around her wrist begin their gentle, tempting caress up and down, inching Claudine’s hand closer to a place radiating warmth form under her hoodie.

Coming to her senses, she yanked her hand away, eyes shaky and wide as they stared at the brunette in front of her, smiling gently as if she’d done and said nothing out of the ordinary.

“I-I-I already told you, what is all this registering and w-why are you… down there… my h-hand…”

Cocking her head to the side with an expression containing all the innocence in the world, Claudine got her response.

“Didn’t I tell you earlier, Claudine?” The woman said with a pout that Claudine could just kis-

‘Saijou Claudine, what in the devil, Kaoruko’s name are you even considering?!’

“After purchasing me, Unit: T3ND0, Model: M4Y4,” The woman continued on, ignorant to Claudine’s inner turmoil. “You need to perform the registration proper. Identification such as fingerprints, eyescans, and saliva and sweat samples need to be taken to ensure that no one else may use me and my services, even if I’m taken from you.”

That last line didn’t seem to sit quite well with Claudine, and she was yet to know why.

“But I didn’t purchase you.” Claudine argued, ignoring the unfamiliar thoughts and feelings that stirred within her with regards to ‘Maya’, as she requested to be called.

Maya’seyes widened a fraction but lasted too short a while before she was back to her composed self, a hand moving to her chin as she seemed to be running diagnostics through her head.

“Well… your name was written on the order form, and your card was used for my purchase… so… I am unsure of how to deal with it as it wasn’t accounted for in protocol.” Maya uttered, looking up to Claudine with… remorse?

Claudine felt her chest constrict painfully. All the more when Maya bowed deeply and apologized for ‘not knowing what to do’.

“Shall I… Shall I contact the factory then? And ask if I can be sent back instead?” Maya quietly asked, face still to the floor. “I… I’m sorry I hadn’t noticed before, but… does… Mas- Claudine… possibly not have wanted me?”

NowClaudine was starting to feel a little remorseful.

Scratching the back of her neck and looking up the heavens- that she supposes was hidden behind her ceiling, Claudine sighed, pinching the bridge of her other nose as she contemplated what would possibly the dumbest decision of her life, or the greatest. Her greatest regret or greatest move, she guessed she’d just have to figure out later.

For now…

“Ah, damn it, Yachiyo and Kaoruko… Maman…” She cursed them in her head. This was definitely all their fault. She was going to ensure that they made it up to her.

“Claudine?” Maya’s soft timbre tickled Claudine’s ears in a way that made her want to hear more of it.

Curse this dumb situation and her inability to get out of it.

Curse her- as Kaoruko would probably put it- ‘useless lesbianism’.

And she’d probably agree with the little jerk for once, not that she’d ever admit that to her or let her know. Not in a lifetime.

Claudine groaned as her hands found purchase on Maya’s upper arms, gently guiding the girl until she stood upright, looking down at Claudine slightly in all her beautiful stature.

Ah, why did Maya have to be so. Damned. Attractive.

And why did Claudine just so happen to be utterly, terribly, and undeniably… gay.

With another sigh, and another internal curse… and another bad decision made, probably, Claudine mouthed the life-changing words,

“You should stay.”

Well, fuck. That didn’t sound like a free-will invite or an option at all.

But with the beatific smile that graced Maya’s features, was it safe for Claudine to think she was pleased with this arrangement?

Who knew?

WhatClaudine knew- and maybe didn’t hate as much- was that somewhere deep down inside her,


A/N: I dunno anymore. I have no clue what I wrote.


Til next time?

~Shintori Khazumi
