#im feeling pissy today


here’s a very hot take a lot of people probably aren’t going to like, but i don’t care because i’m kind of sick of seeing this.

i’m going to be honest here. i’m so, unbelievably tired of people getting uncomfortable or going quiet when i point out that many parts of the DID community do the same exact things endos are doing: spreading misinformation about DID and how it works. just, for some reason, this misinformation is almost always blindly accepted when the person spreading it happens to be anti-endo.

just because they agree with your stance on endos and appear to be “pro-science” doesn’t make them correct. 

examples of misinformation i’ve seen plenty of horrifically misinformed anti-endo DID systems spread:

  • “you can split from hyperfixation and not just stress and trauma, it just has to be intense emotions!”
  • “fictive-only systems are valid.”
  • “there’s a correlation between polyfragmentation and autism because of media special interests!”
  • “polyfragmentation is when you have 100+ alters.”
  • “i get tics when i dissociate and only when i dissociate.”
  • “a DID diagnosis is bad because they can take away your options for housing, your driver’s license and even your ability to buy alcohol!”
  • “a diagnosis is bad because all doctors are evil and want to force you to final fuse, and you shouldn’t trust them.”
  • “final fusion is murdering your alters and if you go through with it, you’re a terrible person.”
  • “fictive is a DID-only term!”
  • “i’m 15 and i’m 100% certain i have 300,000 alters and if you tell me i’m misinformed about how DID works and that the largest amount of alters recorded has been 4,000 and that jeni haynes, with 2,500 alters had one of the most horrific cases of child abuse that australia had ever seen, then you’re ableist.”
  • “this carrd i made totally doesn’t over-simplify an extremely complex disorder, i promise! it’s so super-duper accurate. the most research i have done is watch tiktoks and youtube videos and read twitter threads and also i did a google search once.”

if you can’t learn to call out the bullshit in your own community, especially when a lot of that bullshit was started by endos misunderstanding DID in various ways, you aren’t ready for syscourse. because there is bullshit in our community, just as much as there is in the endo communities, and pretending like it’s a one-off thing when someone spreads misinfo is being willfully ignorant. pretending like endos are the only problem that the DID community has with misinformation is being willfully ignorant. pretending like the DID community doesn’t have a problem with misinformation at all is being willfully ignorant.
