#im in so much pain


life update: dislocated my knee in a mosh, kept moshing, relocated it myself, went to hospital drunk (lyft), hospital said i was fine and gave me an ace bandage and made me limp out, been a few days and now can’t walk at all, had to get crutches from school security, elevators of dorms broke down, i live on third floor, teachers don’t want to hold a virtual meeting during class for just one person. no nurse or medical help on campus despite the school’s average tuition being $40,000.

Having my period AND having HS boils in SO many spots now… One painful huge boil is bleeding now, totally stained my knickers, the boil is just outside the width of my pad. Fark.

My HS bleeds more than my period -.-

Sigh……. And this migraine.. for the past idunohowmany hours now. HALP.

Update: now im bleeding from both armpits AND the pube, and there’s still 1 more boil that’s “ripening”… Ugh.
