#im like a thousand percent down with this



Fandom has pretty much unanimously decided that Lance is bisexual, but y’know, I don’t often see a lot of bi headcanons for him. So let’s fix that with some of my own~ 

  • The boy knows he’s bi. He 1000% knows this. It’s not a question for him anymore and hasn’t been for a long time.
  • But sometimes, he does question his validity. Like? Maybe he’s just pretending? He has a preference for girls. Loves girls. But every once in a while, he gets a crush on a cute guy with pretty eyes and a nice smile.
  • It’s harder to approach guys tho. Rejection is embarrassing enough. Rejection because you don’t meet their physical requirements is downright humiliating. It’s not a fun place to be. Especially when it means outing yourself at the same time.
  • His family is a bit conservative, being Catholic and all, but they are for the most part supportive of him. Just so long as he’s happy, they are happy. But his mom does talk a lot about marriage and grandkids and he kinda doesn’t want to disappoint her. He thinks his partner might be enough for her to love, but what if it’s not like that at all?
  • Okay but what if he does find Mrs. Blue Lion and has a million kids, what then? Is he not bi anymore? That’s silly, of course he is, but… his family might not see at that way. They might be relieved that he “chose” to be straight, not take his sexuality seriously. As though his years of questioning and doubting and determination to embrace his sexuality despite it all are magically erased once he says “I do”.
  • Sometimes he wonders if his gender preference is due to internalized pressure of a future marriage and conceiving children.
  • Sometimes he tells himself that he’s attracted to who he’s attracted to and it’s just that simple and he shouldn’t worry about it so much.
  • He’s actually not sure which gender he was attracted to first. Possibly girls, but maybe that’s just society again? All he knows for sure is that in middle school in the locker room, something about the older guys excited him in ways that’s different from how girls excite him. He tries not to stare because 1) staring is rude anyway and 2) that’s how you get punched. Why can’t guys have sexy pillow fights at sleepovers or something? Instead, they get gross games like gay chicken.
  • He’s made out with guys before. Mostly while drunk. They don’t kiss much different from girls, and smell a bit more musky than sweet. And it’s a pleasant “fuck you” to anyone who’s told him that he just likes dudes aesthetically. Nah. He wants to smash faces.
  • But makeout sessions have always been for funsies. He’s never dated a guy. Not sure why. Maybe he’s far too shy to commit to another dude. Then again, the number of girls he’s been with is also a very low number. So maybe he’s just not very lucky compared to others when it comes to the opportunity to date.
  • He participates enthusiastically in Bi Pride things on social media, especially if selfies are involved. Most of the time, he gets lots of compliments and it makes him very happy.
  • Now and again, there’s one asshole on his feed who tells him that he’s really just gay. That he’s only pretending to like girls because society tells him to. There are times when he completely brushes it off. But sometimes, shit, what if that asshole’s right? And his confidence shatters and it’s back to square one.
  • It’s worse if he’s with a girl. Like with her with her. And they’re together and he’s happy with her and having fun with her while a little voice in his head whispers how much of a fraud he is. Should he even participate in these things anymore?
  • Luckily though, this exposure to bi-erasure is more online stuff. Then again, he doesn’t really talk about his sexuality that much in the real world. A few of close friends and cousins know, and they have been nothing but supportive so at this point he’s been very lucky with coming out in the real world. That kind of acceptance goes such a long way.
  • Every once in a while he feels guilty for not being with enough guys to validate his sexuality. He firmly reminds himself that nobody questioned his “straightness” when he went for long stretches of time without being with a girl, why should guys be any different? Why does he have to prove anything to anyone?
  • He works hard every day to embrace his sexuality and be confident in who he is. Shiro said it best: “Owning who you are will make you better.” Pidge wasn’t the only one who found validation and influence in those words that day.
  • When he finally gets the confidence to flirt with that cute alien boy and the alien reciprocates, he just kinda happily faints inside and acts like a lovesick dork.