#voltron headcanons


voltron headcanons no one asked for

  • (If Adam was alive) Lance and Adam are best friends™ and have a lot of inside jokes. Shiro and Keith are constantly scared of these two.
  • Platonic Kidge. Pidge and Keith are conspiracy theorie freaks and could talk hour about it. (Pidge secretly doesn’t trust the government)
  • Matt teaches/shows Romelle memes
  • Everyone ships Klance and they are open about it. Pidge “Tell your boyfriend to shut up” Keith “Lance is not my boyfriend” Pidge “Yeah, and I am Morgan Freeman”.
  • Shiro makes a lot of gay jokes
  • Shiro uses het emojis
  • The Paladins call Coran “Uncle Coran” most of the time (Like they call Shiro “Dad”)
  • A lot of adults are actually really scared of Pidge
  • The Paladins have a “Hunk’s cookies friday”. Hunk makes cookies every Friday and they all have a movie night.
  • Pidge secretly likes MCR
  • Keith is a weeb
  • The first time Keith heard about “Klance” he asked Lance what it means. After Lance explained it to Keith, they both got really red and were awkward around each other for a week
  • Lance adopted a cat and names her Blue (Blue and Kosmo are getting along really well)
  • Lance worships the bee-movie
  • Pidge, Hunk, and Lance call the Galra “Furries (is that how you write it?) Including Keith
  • Lance wants to know what shampoo Lotor used
  • Adam is the cooler dad™

New headcanon:

There is no such thing as a lion on Altea - at least, no such real thing.

There is, however, a creature called a lion (in rough English translation, of course) that is a fearsome yet benevolent animal of fairy tales and children’s stories. Alfor was always fond of these stories (and so was Allura, for that matter), and could think of no better creature after which to model the ships made from the comet’s ore.

New headcanon:

We all already know Alfor is a science nerd (we’re gonna assume Altean alchemy was a science), but he also adores learning about other cultures.

It’s his favourite part of the whole alliance and later Voltron thing. He loves tasting the foods, trying on the clothes, learning the customs and languages, and especially just interacting with the people. He takes the time to learn about every culture they meet - and the people around the universe love him for it. He is happy to teach people about Altean culture too; he could talk for quintants about his home. With his enthusiasm for both learning and teaching, he’s (somewhat surprisingly) one of the most natural diplomats on the team.

New headcanon:

Alfor and Coran became friends at a young age, but it was a bit less becoming friends and a bit more Alfor deciding he liked this orange-haired kid and basically actually kidnapping him and running off on a fantastic adventure (without ever actually leaving the palace, much to the relief of every adult involved). The adults eventually convinced him that Coran had to go home, but they had already become fast and best friends, and over the next several years would manage to wreak more havoc than Altea had seen in centuries.


Fandom has pretty much unanimously decided that Lance is bisexual, but y’know, I don’t often see a lot of bi headcanons for him. So let’s fix that with some of my own~ 

  • The boy knows he’s bi. He 1000% knows this. It’s not a question for him anymore and hasn’t been for a long time.
  • But sometimes, he does question his validity. Like? Maybe he’s just pretending? He has a preference for girls. Loves girls. But every once in a while, he gets a crush on a cute guy with pretty eyes and a nice smile.
  • It’s harder to approach guys tho. Rejection is embarrassing enough. Rejection because you don’t meet their physical requirements is downright humiliating. It’s not a fun place to be. Especially when it means outing yourself at the same time.
  • His family is a bit conservative, being Catholic and all, but they are for the most part supportive of him. Just so long as he’s happy, they are happy. But his mom does talk a lot about marriage and grandkids and he kinda doesn’t want to disappoint her. He thinks his partner might be enough for her to love, but what if it’s not like that at all?
  • Okay but what if he does find Mrs. Blue Lion and has a million kids, what then? Is he not bi anymore? That’s silly, of course he is, but… his family might not see at that way. They might be relieved that he “chose” to be straight, not take his sexuality seriously. As though his years of questioning and doubting and determination to embrace his sexuality despite it all are magically erased once he says “I do”.
  • Sometimes he wonders if his gender preference is due to internalized pressure of a future marriage and conceiving children.
  • Sometimes he tells himself that he’s attracted to who he’s attracted to and it’s just that simple and he shouldn’t worry about it so much.
  • He’s actually not sure which gender he was attracted to first. Possibly girls, but maybe that’s just society again? All he knows for sure is that in middle school in the locker room, something about the older guys excited him in ways that’s different from how girls excite him. He tries not to stare because 1) staring is rude anyway and 2) that’s how you get punched. Why can’t guys have sexy pillow fights at sleepovers or something? Instead, they get gross games like gay chicken.
  • He’s made out with guys before. Mostly while drunk. They don’t kiss much different from girls, and smell a bit more musky than sweet. And it’s a pleasant “fuck you” to anyone who’s told him that he just likes dudes aesthetically. Nah. He wants to smash faces.
  • But makeout sessions have always been for funsies. He’s never dated a guy. Not sure why. Maybe he’s far too shy to commit to another dude. Then again, the number of girls he’s been with is also a very low number. So maybe he’s just not very lucky compared to others when it comes to the opportunity to date.
  • He participates enthusiastically in Bi Pride things on social media, especially if selfies are involved. Most of the time, he gets lots of compliments and it makes him very happy.
  • Now and again, there’s one asshole on his feed who tells him that he’s really just gay. That he’s only pretending to like girls because society tells him to. There are times when he completely brushes it off. But sometimes, shit, what if that asshole’s right? And his confidence shatters and it’s back to square one.
  • It’s worse if he’s with a girl. Like with her with her. And they’re together and he’s happy with her and having fun with her while a little voice in his head whispers how much of a fraud he is. Should he even participate in these things anymore?
  • Luckily though, this exposure to bi-erasure is more online stuff. Then again, he doesn’t really talk about his sexuality that much in the real world. A few of close friends and cousins know, and they have been nothing but supportive so at this point he’s been very lucky with coming out in the real world. That kind of acceptance goes such a long way.
  • Every once in a while he feels guilty for not being with enough guys to validate his sexuality. He firmly reminds himself that nobody questioned his “straightness” when he went for long stretches of time without being with a girl, why should guys be any different? Why does he have to prove anything to anyone?
  • He works hard every day to embrace his sexuality and be confident in who he is. Shiro said it best: “Owning who you are will make you better.” Pidge wasn’t the only one who found validation and influence in those words that day.
  • When he finally gets the confidence to flirt with that cute alien boy and the alien reciprocates, he just kinda happily faints inside and acts like a lovesick dork.

Having just seen the LEGO Batman movie, I have a strong and desperate need for Pidge to acquire a pair of Robin glasses that make her eyes go big and shiny like this:

And she absolutely hates the crap out of them because they make her look ten years younger than she already looks, but they’re always close by and handy when she needs the big-eyed vulnerable look against Shiro or Coran or any of the others.


i feel like lance and pidge’s friendship isn’t appreciated enough so….. here are some lance ‘n pidge things that are def canon

  • pidge will seek lance out just to sit on him, even if there’s plenty of empty room on the couch
    • especially likes sitting on his back or on his legs if he’s laying down
  • always asking for facts about the other’s special interests (lance’s is fish, especially sharks. pidge’s are lizards and robotics)
  • sometimes when pidge is hyperfocusing lance will stick random things in her hair like pencils and paperclips
  • likewise, if lance is hyperfocusing pidge will put things in the hood of his jacket
  • constantly trying to give each other wet willies. CONSTANTLY.
    • pidge has set up really elaborate situations, sometimes involving allura and shiro pretending to need lance for something important, just to lead him into a wet willy trap
    • lance on the other hand will just chase her around and try to get hunk to grab her when she runs past
  • lance, every time he’s sitting on a couch with pidge: *sticks bare foot in her face* lick it
  • pidge sleepwalks sometimes and lance has gone into the kitchen looking for a snack at 2 AM and found her rifling around pointlessly in drawers 
    • he just. quietly takes her by the arm and leads her back to her room
  • lance:hey pidge if i decide to [insert really bad idea] what’s the probability that [insert incredibly unlikely but positive outcome] pidge, not looking up from laptop: i’d say there’s a 0.5 to 1% chance of that working out in your favor lance, already doing the thing: good enough for me
  • lance and pidge both stim by chewing and they both LOVE chewing pencils
    • back in the garrison days lance would buy packs of pencils specifically for him and pidge to chew on while studying
    • they can get through a pack of twenty in like an hour
  • pidge also likes to stim by zipping and unzipping things, so sometimes lance will let her borrow his jacket so she can just zip away
  • lance dissociates when he gets very stressed and pidge is always the one to get him some cold water and stay with him until he starts coming back to reality (also to make sure he doesn’t do anything weird like get into his lion for no reason)
  • talk to each other about their families when they start missing them too much

So, we all know Lance is the meme king, but what if he gets back and keeps using the memes he remembers (plus his own) and everyone’s like?? Dude, that meme was funny five years ago. What the heck??

(i’m a 3rd year theatre major and this is incredibly self-indulgent i hope you enjoy)

Shiro: Technical theatre professor, & is loved by the entire department. Runs the scene shop alongside Coran, and assists in overseeing a lot of the design work on shows. Used to do some acting work back in his undergrad and everyone likes to ask him about it. Catch him on a good day and he’ll do a classic. (Catch him on a great day and you can maybe hear him sing.)

Allura: Acting and theatrical literature/history professor. Intensely recommended for hire by Coran, and the board of directors ultimately had to approve Alfor’s daughter– not because she was his daughter, but because she was that damn good. Is also starting to direct shows. Secretly loves doing weird avant-garde pieces. 

Coran: One of the eldest professors/lecturers in the department, friends with the Dean of Altea University (Alfor), and oversees most, if not all, shows that happen throughout the year. Also helps run the scene shop. Coran kind of does everything and no one questions it.

Lance: Acting major. Also does an intense amount of musical theatre. Loves to mess around but will not hesitate to cut the man who gets in the way of him getting the parts he’s after. (It’s been Keith a couple times, and Lance almost had a heart attack.) Particularly skilled in improvisation work, makes for a great backbone to comedic shows. Is trying his hardest to get better at more dramatic pieces.

Pidge: Technical theatre major- lights and sound double concentration. Will absolutely blackout the stage just to be an ass. Singlehandedly convinced the department to get a fly system in their theater and she literally lives for rigging people and set pieces up on it. All in all, Pidge is just having a darn good time with her job. 

Hunk: Technical theatre major- scenic design/construction concentration. Also helps Pidge do a lot of the heavy lifting and rigging in lighting. One of the kindest, most benevolent souls in the department that you do not want to screw with whatsoever, because he also does a lot of stage management and that puts even more power in his hands. 

Keith: Surprisingly, acting major. Didn’t start off as one, but remembered his brief encounters with working high school theatre and remembered that it clicked for him somehow, So he gave it another shot– and now he basically sleeps in the theater. Specializes in stage combat, and ends up being a student choreographer for a lot of productions, both in and out of school. 

all your headcanon/scenario/imagine asks, send ‘em in, i’ll be ready!

i’ll try to semi-regularly post my own headcanon posts as well to keep content and ideas flowing, and addition reblogs/suggestions are 100% welcome!

hi there! 

as of today, a new voltron legendary defender blog is opening up shop! this is a sfw headcanons/scenarios/etc. blog, and it’s still in development, but is absolutely open to take requests right away!

if there are any questions, don’t hesitate to let me know.

- K 

the resurrection

I have been dormant for years, as the whole college thing sort of nabs you. (Plus I am mad inattentive.)

I’m heading off to grad school real soon, but I wanted to open the HCs blog back up because I too have a lot of feelings about Voltron (in a constructive, loving way!)

(If anyone’s still out there - hey y’all ✌)

Respectfully from here on out, Shiro will only be written with male or gender neutral S/Os. The rest of my rules still apply! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!

If I see any of that Mean Discourse here, I’m not gonna have it, dudes. Stay gold.

- Mod K

So, we know from like, earlier season, that Keith had a solid reaction to touching quintessence directly. His hand in the inside looked, well, purple. Not burnt or bruised kind either.


What I’m trying to say is

If he is exposed to large amounts of quintessence, he may turn more Galra looking than before.

And um

That’s a pretty big, yellow looking, explosion. Like the liquid(?) quintessence in earlier season.

And I don’t wanna be that person but

If it IS a quintessence infused explosion, and we don’t know how late into the season this scene is gonna take place, we may have a Galra looking Keith sooner than we know.


[Veronica and Pidge being best friends and pranking their brothers]

Thank you for your attention!

[I’m sure that paladins have played 21 questions while being stuck in space]


keith: um yeah

pidge: lol me too. romance sucks

lance: matt told me that you used to have a crush on your math teacher

pidge: >>>:]]] lance, darling…



hunk: so, 3 people with me on an abandoned island, huh? i would probably take lance…

lance: ooooooOOOOOOH

hunk: because


hunk: he’s… my…

lance: o-o-o-o-o-o-oh

hunk: best… friend

lance: oh

lance: and that’s all? not the love of your life? just a best friend? i feel betrayed


pidge: how much lemonade can you consume in one session?

allura: le monade? is it french?

pidge: gosh your translator glitches again

hunk: maybe you better learn our language, princess. it’s not that hard

lance: okay, i’m the teacher. Here we go: *sings*

A for Allura

B for bayard

C for citizen

D for… um

keith: D for damn it lance shut up please


keith: it’s weird but sometimes i only want to sit in somebody’s living room with a cup of coffee and talk about life till the damn. y'know, the feeling of being safe and loved and trusted and… shit forget about what i said

hunk: *tears up* please continue

pidge: dude, after we return we can have sleepovers every day if you want

lance: *snores*

keith: feels like we are already having one


[I wonder about some things that would definetly happen after paladins returned on Earth…]

Lance teaches Coran how to use a smartphone and social media

A nice vacation somewhere on Cuba. Turns out that alteans’ sunburn makes their skin lighter and Keith can not swim

Krolia tries milkshake for the first time

Pidge and Keith somehow managed to steal an old van and paint a Castle of Lions on it

When paladjns understand that OH F*CK WE NEED MONEY Shiro does that kind of ‘i got u covered’ face and tells them about his salary for Kerberos mission (a big amount of bucks, actually)

Allura goes shopping

Lance, Pidge, Allura and Keith grab their pets and go to veterinarian hospital

Pidge: so yeah, his name is Dave and I think he became a little bit greener last week…


Keith has grown up and he can’t show up in his Marmora suit so here goes a loooooong process of finding some clothes

Keith: nuh, too bright. too dark. too new. too tight. nuh… too cool

everybody: WHAT THE

Coran rides a motorcycle

A workshop in the backyard of the Holts’ house

Hunk teaches everyone some gardening and since then paladins keep small plants in their bedrooms


Like/Reblog this and tag which you post, if you post:

+Voltron: Legendary Defender
+Voltron: Defender of the Universe/GoLion
+KLANCE (Keith/Lance)
+Voltron Headcanons
+Keith Kogane
+Lance Mcclain
+Hunk Garrett
+Matt Holt
+Shay or Balmerans in general

I will check out everyone’s blogs, follow people who have the same interests as me and i’ll message you too if your blog allows people to send a message! Hope we can become voltron friends! -justklance

okay but if Keith turns out to be part Altean….imagine how happy Allura and Coran would be when they find out that they’re not the last two of their kind in the entire universe. and how happy Keith would be to find out he does have a connection to others and he’s not alone:

  • Keith has people to talk to now about his culture and heritage. He, Coran, and Allura stay up nights chattering about Altea.
  • Coran and Allura teach him how to read Altean text, and it’s hard to get the hang of but Keith’s super excited about learning the language he was deprived of all his life. it’s his and he’s gonna master it!! Occasionally Pidge joins in because she wants to learn as well, and they help each other study after dinners.
  • When Keith first finds out about his lineage, his Altean marks appear. He’d been unconsciously hiding them as a defense mechanism his whole life, but now with the acceptance of his friends, he can wear them proudly. His marks are a dark red, and Hunk remarks that they look like cute little blushes on his cheeks, making Keith actually go red.
  • Keith finds he can do more than alter marks on his skin, and so Allura trains him in Altean shapeshifting. Keith doesn’t have the powers to the extent that a full-blooded Altean has, but he can do little things like changing tint and altering his height slightly, much to the annoyance of Lance.
  • Coran digs out an old cookbook that had been passed down the royal family line for ages. He teaches Keith how to make some of the people’s most favored dishes. Keith might not be the best chef—and some of the dishes he might find..less than savory—but Keith is gonna make the best damn space goo the team has ever tasted.
  • They introduce Keith to important holidays that they can celebrate together now that Keith has embraced his Altean self.
  • Allura wishes her father’s AI was still there, imagines how happy he would’ve been to see another Altean. It would’ve brought him to tears, so Allura cries for him instead.
  • Allura thinking of Keith as her little brother. Allura becoming protective of Keith, ruffling Keith’s hair, checking in on him every now and then to see if everything’s ok. Keith is awkward at first because..this is a first for him. But it’s nice.