#im mush




Summary: To save Rose from the fires and ashes of Honnoji. Nobunaga drove his blade into the flesh of abdomen , ripping her skin fathersdemning her to a quick and sudden death. What Lord of Fools didn’t know, someone was inside of her.


“I’m not coming home for New Years, mom!” her fingers wrapped around her carbon black smartphone, exasperated with her mother’s condescending voice. Something annoying was about to come out of her mouth and Rose braced for the impact of her scathing words.

Sighing she walked around around her Tokyo Apartment to where her 12 month old daughter sat on her Pom Pom Purin mat engrossed by kids show on NHK.

“Your family has not seen you in a while! We’d like to see Erika!” blasted through the speaker.

“No you mean you want to show off Erika then discuss for hours that she didn’t come from my body!” she sat down on the sofa in front of the tv.

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AAAAH. This is lovely, thank you so much! It was really cool seeing my name in something when I’ve never had that done before for me in a fic, and I loved this so much. I’m gonna cherish this forever.
