#im not norse pagan




…Anyone feel like there’s less community interaction in the norse-pagan-related tags lately, or is it just me?

Outside of the Lokean tag, I feel like the heathen-related tags just have a whole lot of instagram cross-posts or one-off thoughts. There’s not nearly as much art or poetry or general content-production as there used to be. :c

I thought about this in the shower yesterday (don’t judge me) but to me it seemed the growing Norse Paganism is finally in decline now that the “vikings” and “marvel” series had waned.

It reminds of the spartan/greek craze that happened briefly when the movie 300 aired however quantify that to Disney status because of Thor, Loki, and the avengers.

Most other Norse Pagans… Er… Pagans in general that I know IRL have left the internet and seem to be retreating to mild hermitage or private practices pointedly being less open in public with increased christian fervor (in the US).

In contrast, a handful are taking to political extremism/activism and had steered away from actual practice.

People like my husband and me, we live in the bible belt. We have always played it kind of close to the chest. I post sparingly on my practice (I’m actually very active but not openly) and my husband avoids using social media by general policy. But since we’re at work majority of the time we don’t bring it up just because the overwhelming majority are conservative christian both coworkers and customers.

In conclusion, I think the general atmosphere in many people’s lives have increasingly became hostile and they have decided to be more reserved on their content.

That’s my biased speculation from a shower musing though.
