#im still printing shit even after another hour lmao


yeah so im bored while im working on prints

kinda just have to set stuff up and leave it to print, not much to do in the mean time

so i watching TUA s3’s trailer so im going to do org13 opinions on clone fucking =)

Xemnas- pro clone fucking, thinks its just masturbation. frankly i think this is a dangerous opinion considering how many clones xehanort has. he doesnt consider ansem an extension of himself so hes exempt from this ruling. but for nothing else but scientific curiosity, xemnas would absolutly fuck a clone of himself.

Xigbar- pro clone fucking, has probably fucked a clone of himself already tbh. look me in the eyes and tell me xigbar does not fuck. yeah i didnt think you could either. i would not be surprised to learn he has done this in canon. hes the one whos going around asking the others what their clone fucking opinions are.

Xaldin- neutral. hes the one who gives the long winded answer going into ethics and such. he talks for an hour about how if his clone was game he might be tempted but ultimately concludes with a neutral statement that just leaves everyone going “so…would you fuck you clone or not?”

Vexen- pro clone fucking, makes everyone else uncomfortable about it. if you thought xaldins explanation was long get ready for a 4 hour powerpoint on the merits of clone sex, with many graphs. xemnas is pro clone fucking for science reasons. he is just “yeah sure why not” . vexen on the other hand is pro science for clone fucking reasons. Hes never given such an enthusiastic answer. Xigbar regrets asking him.

Lexaeus- unknown, please dont ask him. as soon as xigbar started asking this lexaeus left the room. hed already had enough of him for the day. creepy enough that several members can create clones of themselves already, Lexaeus didnt want to know what the others opinons on the matter was.

Zexion- anti clone fucking. pretty rich coming from a guy who fights almost exclusively with clones. refuses to elaborate further but balked when pressed, saying its weird, gross and so is xigbar for asking. quietly admitted that on reflection he may try it once.

Saix- anti clone fucking (but only of himself) - Disgusted by the idea of fucking a clone of himself but admits it might be useful to have another pair of competent hands around here. went suspiciously quiet when xigbar insinuated he would be happy to fuck clones of others coughaxelcough

Axel- pro clone fucking but has the good graces to be ashamed of it. wont admit it out loud, absolutely pretends to be anti clone fucking so he doesnt look like a lunatic in front of saix.

Demyx- pro clone fucking, has done it, proud of it and is happy to tell you about it. xigbar has mentally tucked that nugget of information away for later blackmail.

Luxord- anti clone fucking. he uses his time abilities too often and is worried he’ll wind up being his own grandfather or some shit. no problems with other people fucking him and/or his clone tho.

Marluxia- anti clone fucking. possibly the only sane person in the building, thinks its a dumb question because its just not possible. defiantly does a hair flick and says “cant improve on perfection.” or something.

Larxene- anti clone fucking because shes convinced her clone would try to kill her. more to the point she doesnt like to share.

Roxas- pro clone fucking but he doesnt really get the question. just thinks it means he’ll have more friends to eat icecream with.

Xion- anti clone fucking- understands the question, is asking for an adult to escort xigbar away from her. the only thing she and og org 13 saix agree on.
