
dylandraws:I just think they’re neat  [Image description: A series of four images, featuring Imogen,dylandraws:I just think they’re neat  [Image description: A series of four images, featuring Imogen,dylandraws:I just think they’re neat  [Image description: A series of four images, featuring Imogen,dylandraws:I just think they’re neat  [Image description: A series of four images, featuring Imogen,


I just think they’re neat 

[Image description: A series of four images, featuring Imogen, Laudna and Pâté from Critical Role. The first image features Imogen, a human woman, holding up Pâté, a taxidermied rat with a bird skull for a head, puppeting his movements. A speech bubble shows a small cartoony version of Laudna’s face, the text in the bubble reading “I want to see my little boy!” Imogen smiles as she looks offscreen at Laudna, saying “Here he comes!”

The second drawing shows Imogen in a more cartoony style, sat on the ground, her eyes glowing purple as she holds a large glowing stone between her legs. Energy lines radiate off her as she says “This is fine…”.

The third drawing features Laudna, a Hollow One/undead human woman, in a similar cartoony style as the second drawing. She is shown running off to the left, a piece of toast hanging out of her mouth. Black text above her reads “Can’t miss craft day!”

The last image features both Laudna and Imogen. Laudna is in the foreground, standing with her hands on her hips and looking at someone offscreen, saying “I don’t like having people in my head… Unless it’s Imogen…”. A much smaller Imogen is in the background, looking lovingly at Laudna with little hearts floating around her. End description.]

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