

Being in a relationship with someone who isn’t a permanent resident or citizen is incredibly difficult.  It places a strain on our relationship, but also gives me the opportunity to be a better partner to him.  He has come to my country, with no friends or family to support him.  The least I can do is to help him get his visa so we can stay together here.

Next steps - Temporary Graduate Visa

He is on a student visa in his final month of study, and the next step is to get his Temporary Graduate Visa to allow him to work unrestricted for 18 months.  During that time, hopefully, he can apply for his Permanent Residency visa.  The next steps for us will be difficult both financially and mentally, but I believe we are both strong enough to get through it together.

- He needs to submit all of his assessments.  He was asked to re-do a few of them because his teacher is very strict.  I try to help as much as I can, but I know nothing about automotive mechanic, so all I can do is help with his English.

- After that, he needs to apply for and obtain his Temporary Graduate Visa. This will cost about $1500, however that doesn’t take into consideration health checkup costs, IELTS testing costs, and other expenses.

- He will need to achieve at least a 6 on his IELTS test, or a 50 on his PTE.

He finishes his course within the next month, so it will be advisable for him to have all of his assessments and testing done within the next week or so.  This gives us enough time to re-do any IELTS tests if we need to, or re-submit any assessments.  It will also give us enough time for his visa to process and hopefully be granted!
