#implied scat


Warning, very, very explicit vore, digestion, and disposal ahead!!

I’ll never know why I have some kind of strong, inescapable, perverse desire to end up as a squishy mass of ground-up, acid-softened, viscous soup squeezing through your intestines. It makes no sense! I’m a person, a living breathing human! There’s no way I should actually want to end up as gut-slop, as your literal fat and shit after experiencing the same, humiliating fate that every slice of pizza and every hamburger, every glass of soda or coffee, every plate of cookies and every single other piece of greasy, fatty junk food that’s ever ended up inside of youhas been forced to suffer

That would be weird, and just so horrible and gross… But while I don’t understand it, I remain drawn to such a fate anyways. I don’t really blame myself either. I mean, how could I ever hope to not fantasize over being forcibly swallowed whole as I scream and struggle, before my terrified, fighting body is slowly churned down into a goopy pulp of melted flesh and shattered bone? How could I ever resist the allure of being treated as nothing more than a juicy piece of meat, of being seen no differently than any other gutful of greasy, fattening junk food despite my screams, struggles, and pleas? Why wouldn’t I shudder in delight at the thought of my mushy, chymal remains draining and pumping down through the dank, smelly confines of your tight, winding bowels, feeding you, fattening you, letting your greedy, plump body leech away all of my nutrients, transforming my essence into roll after roll of soft, plush fat for your jiggling, pudgy form, before the useless leftovers are finally squeezed out of you as a massive pile of former gutslut a mere week or so after gulping me down?

Warning, heavy themes of vore, digestion, and post vore ahead

Your girlfriend? Hmm… BWHOAAPP!! OH, yeah, that’s right! I remember her! Great tasting, & a real fighter too! She lasted almost 3 days, but got pretty still & quiet about halfway through


Hmm? Where is she now? Well, from the sound and feel of it, her lumpy, sloppy remains are pumping through my dank, smelly guts. C'mon, don’t be a baby! I know you want to rub & stoke my belly, maybe give it a little squeeze here and there to hear her squelch & squish


Don’t lie, I can tell from the look on your face! It’s painfully obvious that you actually want to listen & to feel the pulpy mess of her corpse sliding around within me, buried beneath layers of soft, jiggling fat & powerful, merciless muscle


Be honest, I just KNOW that you actually want to feel the gelatinous, mushy bulge of her slushy remnants move lower and lower beneath your fingertips, slowly making it’s way down to pack her into my colon


C'mon, you might as well help me out with a rub here, I know you want it! Besides, I’m doing you a favor, so you owe me one!


What do you mean “What favor?” Isn’t it obvious? I’m gonna ‘dump’ her so that you don’t have to!
