#vore digestion



Warning: VERY graphic vore and digestion content ahead. Proceed at your own risk!!

The sort of vore where the pred digests and fully processes bits and pieces of their meal while the helpless prey is still alive and squirming within them is criminally underutilized.

I wonder how it would feel, being digested inch by inch, having bits and pieces of my body slowly broken down, boiled and crushed into mulch by the preds powerful stomach walls and gastric juices, leaving me helplessly lying in a neck deep pool of my own mushy, liquified remains. I wonder what sort of sensations would flow through me, feeling my own arms and legs slowly losing their shape and consistency, collapsing into chunky, grimy sludge with a few loud snaps and crunches as the powerful stomach walls cave in, kneading my acid soaked body like a lump of softened dough, grinding my meat and skin into fleshy soup.

I can just imagine being left a broken, limbless torso, quivering and shaking helplessly within the stomach as it starts to drain of its contents, feeling my own liquified body swirling and bubbling around me as it squelches and slops noisily through the sphincter into the preds intestines. I can practically already hear the gurgling and glorping of my own remains pumping through the preds creaking, groaning bowels deep below, knowing that soon they’ll plant their plump ass down on the toilet and squeeze out a hot, heavy loaf of digested preymeat while I still squirm and whimper within their churning depths, waiting for the rest of me to inevitably follow suit…

New mini series coming to my patreon. Gonna be me documenting my appetite and meals I’ve swallowed and showing off the aftermath for you to enjoy as if I really swallowed someone (which I did) Let’s just keep this one secret between us

Some of my meals just don’t know when to give up. Its fine though, feels good inside me and all that effort means nothing for my appetite.

Protein and brotein, gotta grow by all means necessary even if it means putting my own teammates to good use. All that matters to me is that Im the biggest player and keep that title. Coach is gonna find out soon enough whats been happening to his players. Anyways, gotta put all these nutrients to good use, muscle milk and a whole teammate, Im sure this belly is gonna grow more and handle more meals.

Daniel twitched a bit in his sofa when he suddenly woke up from sound of key entering entrance door keyhole as it opened and yawned lazily as his daily afternoon sleeping was rudely cut off.

“Who is there? John? No way it can be he, he said about delay at job” a bit surprised, Daniel switched to the messages from his roommate to check if he made a mistake, but there was no one. “Be back few hours later today, troubles on job. Not your turn today, but I beg you to make a dinner”. Regularly Jack was coming home nearly at 20:00. Moving his eyes to clock on wall, Dan noticed that it’s only 18:45 on them.

“Ok, let’s figure what’s going on” Daniel said, standing up from sofa to meet Jack and opening delivery app to check an order status. After cooking for three days, when he received the message from Jack, he was too much lazy to cook again and just ordered a lot in pizzeria. “Your order was delayed because of technical troubles. It’ll be delivered in an hour” was said there.

- Are you kidding me?! – Daniel yelled loudly from anger.

- Me? No – he received a laugh from John – What’s going on, buddy?

- Oh, hi John. Sorry, just some troubles with you food. How’s your day actually? You came back earli…

-Oh, yes-yes, that was a torture today, but I dealed with it finally. - John cut Daniel’s reply, what next leaded by loud groan from inside his flat 6-pack belly. With his fast metabolism, John had always had troubles with gaining weight despite his gluttonous food preferences – But I’m so tired and hungry. So then, what was you saying about my dinner?

-Sort of bad news being honestly. I made an order to you, pretty big one, but it’s not delivered yet.

-Wait. Want to say you hadn’t cooked anything?

-Yeah. That’s a problem here. You know, it’d be my 4th day today, and we’re regularly cooking for 3 days. Also, I was lazy of some kind today, so then just asked to deliver some pizza when you texted, and now I’m waiting for it to be delivered. So then, I’m afraid that you’ll need to wait a bit for it.

-Damn, you’re seriously? What should I eat now?! I’m HUNGRY!!

-Bro, just wait a bit. I’m sure they’ll be here soon enough. Also you can check the fridge. There’s some food from last days. It won’t fulfill you, but at least will help you waiting for delivery guy.

And after these words Daniel just went back to bedrom to continue sleeping. John meantime opened the fridge but discovered nothing to satisfy him – only some potato-stuffed pies, vegetables and milk. “Damn, it’s completely nothing to eat! I need some meat…”. However there was no meat in the flat, so then, grabbing pies, John sat on sofa and started chewing in tries to distract himself from meat.

However, nothing was able to deal with hungry stomach, which growling was only more and more annoying and putting crazy thoughts in head, the longer John tried to resist, the crazier:

“No, I can’t do it!”

“Big meat”

“He’s person!”

“Sleeping, tasty…”

“It won’t work, I’ll burst”

“So hungry…”

“How to do it?”

“No! Don’t think about it!”


“It won’t happen!”


-DEAL! I’ll TRY IT! – the decision was made finally, but next John closed his own mouth afraid to wake up his roommate. “If it’ll works, it’s his fault. Or maybe I’ll just make it temporary”. And next he just opened Daniel’s room.

Through his sleep, Daniel moaned from pleasure as he felt soft and warm feeling on his feet. First he was angry when he heard how door in his bedroom opened and closed, and was going to wake up already to deal with whoever was interrupting his sleep, but next stopped. It was a winter, but their heating in flat wasn’t working good enough. So then, when this feeling of warmth appeared, Daniel decided not to resist. And when it started spreading up his legs, he just gave moan of pleasure, finally being into comfortable temperature.

All till he was suddenly hoisted up from his sofa and next slipped down for a few inches. For his confused half-sleeping state it took some time to understand what’s going on, but when he finally slipped down a bit again and warmth feeling reached his belly button level, Daniel managed to take a look on what this is finally. But when he did it, he thought he’s still dreaming.

What he had seen was John’s mouth, somehow able to become extremely wide – enough to be around his midsection. Daniel’s legs were gripped in the throat of his roommate, as John was now rudely playing with his belly button by using his tongue. Daniel got stunned from this for a moment, what lead to another gulp. Sudden sensation from mix of pain and pleasure took all John’s mind as they both realized that Daniel’s feet just entered the stomach finally. It was enough already to satisfy John, however his work should have been done. Other trouble was fear from Daniel’s side, because he finally started to struggle in a try to escape. And if he won’t be packed down completely, this try may can be successful. “God, he’s so tasty, but I hope I won’t be torn apart”. And with such thoughts and to pleasure of his stomach, John had made another gulp.

“God damn, is this really happening?! No way it can be so!”

Daniel was all panicking in a try to do something at least, but It lead to his final mistake. In a try to push himself out of the gluttonous throat, he put both his hands on face of his hungry roommate, making it easier to just gulp hands as well when he reached Daniel’s thorax.

Feeling pleasurable movement, John was moaning as more and more of his appetizing roommate was going deeper down him. Now, when Daniel almost willingly pinned his hands against sides of his body, nothing was going to stop him from escapement, and John was supposed not to hurry up even more, to enjoy the taste of his friend till his belly is slowly using to sizes of what’s entering it. Amazing feeling of breathing and heartbeat of Daniel’s under his tongue were the best sensation he had ever felt during the whole process, especially as it was all mixed with sweat and saliva. Being in such a pleasure, John decided to take a little break to enjoy it, closed his eyes and threw his head back, massaging his growing sphere by both hands while his friend was cursing in his mouth.

But a minute later it lead to generating of so much of saliva that it was enough for Daniel to fully slide down in John’s belly, resulting unexpected it predator fall down to the floor from sudden weight in his middle.

-Ohh, dude, you’re… you’re really heavy – John said laughing, climbing up and laying on Daniel’s sofa.

-Dude, why in hell you did it?! Let me out! – Daniel shouted in back, giving a kick to the wall of his slippery prison.

-Ohhh, don’t move so much in there, settle down please… - John yelled, pressing on his belly from sides to hold it belly still from all the kicking – my belly is not …HIC.. used yet to your size…

-Well, you’re actually deserved tummy ache, you gluttonous porker! You actually ate me whole!

John just rolled his eyes, being proud of what he did despite all the hard work and completely not going to let his meal out.

-And moreover, now you’re just saying me to settle down! How can I? – Daniel asked, continue being more and more angry.

John just yawned, tired from all the kicking and hard work of swallowing.

-Dude, relax… It’s all just till delivery will arrive… I can’t stay hungry… – he said first thing that came in his mind.

-Seriously? Well, it’s gross, but I suppose I can deal with it… – Daniel was confused by such extraordinary ask “On second thought, my laziness is at some point is source of this trouble. If I’d cook him food and not ordered it, I wouldn’t have been here… Fine, I can suffer it. Just hope that he won’t digest me…” and, making such a decision, Daniel stopped kicking to the relief of John’s belly – Fine! Just promise me that you won’t digest me!

-Yeah, yeah, whatever… John replied, dumbing with fingers surface of his taut belly, as he finally started to fall asleep, while Daniel slowly settled inside.

The place where Daniel was supposed to be was awful for him. Tight, slippery, dark prison with stinky air of all the food which John had been eating regularly and in big quantities, it was strong hugging and rudely massaging him, making the situation even more gross for it temporary inhabitant. However, Daniel gave a promise. So then, trying to distract himself from all the discomfort of his weird situation, he concentrated on sounds of heartbeat and breathing surrounding him. Trying to feel it in together with his own, he suddenly noticed that John’s one was much slower, resulting an unsettling thought crossed Daniel’s mind. And listening, he heard silent but obvious confirmation of his theory.

“John is sleeping… He’s sleeping… He won’t know if his stomach will get out of control and will start digesting me!” Knowing his fiend is hard-sleeper who’s really hard to wake up, after 2-3 shouts Daniel started using the method what was working – stretching the walls of a stomach in a try to wake John up.

-Dude, wake up! You should control your belly! – first that wasn’t working, but till Daniel wasn’t going to give up, he managed to have some effect, however totally contrary to what he was hoping for.

-Damn… dude… Just digest in there – YAWN – already… - What was received from John though the sleep.

Completely shocked by the fact it all was just a trick to melt him, it caused only overpowering of all the activity in the belly, as it turned from annoying but careful to feared tries of discovering his way out.

And being completely not agree with such a fate, Daniel started kicking even more, trying to discover his way to freedom. He was kicking and punching from inside, causing lots of bulges on overstretched belly of the sleeping John, resulting it being even more sick.

After some time of it, he had found some kind of solution when he accidentally pushed his hand through the cardiac sphincter, resulting it back in the esophagus. So then, using newfound loophole, he pushed himself way back up the throat.

Suddenly, through his sleep, John had felt some heaviness and pressure in his chest, which gave him some difficulties with breathing. Even before fully awakening, John closed his mouth with one hand, and swallowed hardly, feeling some falling down of the bulge, as he understood what’s going on.

He sat up, heating himself in thorax. Meanwhile, lump of Daniel had traveled almost to the neck already. Back part of thorax opened a bit, and there was a voice.

-Let me out, you, GLUTTONOUS PIG! – Daniel screamed, but that was almost immediately muffled with John’s hand laid on top of his head, shoving him back in the thorax – No, no no, no! NO! STOP TRYING TO EAT ME, JUST LET ME GO OUTSIDE!!!!

Daniel had felt himself really weird from all the situation and resistance his roommate was putting. Few minutes later he started to feel himself really weak. And John was extremely determined to keep him inside.

Finally, Daniel started to feel himself helpless, and relaxed out of energy for more fight. This was all what was necessary to John as he gulped carefully, feeling how his meal is getting limp and finally returns back where he belongs to stay.

-PHEW, that was close, buddy… - John said, smiling and slapping his belly as he laid back on sofa, finally relaxing and observing the resuming of that much tummy aching kicking – Dude, you should stop –BUUUUUUUURRRRRRPP- kicking that much in there. You had seen already, it’s useless and unavoidable. Maybe you should just try to relax and have some fun from what’s going on?

But in back he received nothing except too much muffled to understand words and grooving intensity of kicking So then, John just closed his eyes, trying to all back asleep to digest his gorgeous meal quickly. But next second it was cut off by the doorbell rang.

First angry and obsessed from constant distracting from chilling, seconds later John figured something, causing smile on his lips

-Looks like it’s time to deal with you forever there… - John smiled angrily, rubbing his belly as he went to the entrance door.


Tasty Vacations

Like every year, I went on vacation on my favourite Island. It is a small island, and it’s not very crowded, even in the summer.

What made me wanna come back each year is the fact that this island is inhabited by incredible sexy men with sexy hairy legs. Some of them even have a great round belly. I’ve always been attracted to each one of them.

Last night, we had a local party with all of the people, including tourists and the local resort crew. I was making the most of the night, when a group of five guys of the staff came to approach me. One in particular started to fondle my thights. He was an handsome suntanned guy, wearing short shorts that let his beautiful hairy legs out. It also let see that he seemed to like what he was touching. His name was Jess and he was one of the only guy not with a big tummy. Even though he was nice, something in his eyes made me uncomfortable. So I started to get a bit suspicious and went back with my friends to feel safe. And that’s how we ended the night.

Today I decided to go out of the resort to visit the rest of the island by myself. The landscape was breathtaking and the sea was transparent blue. I decided to rest a little on the beach. I was geting a tan when I felt a presence nearby me. I opened my eyes, and Jess was here, crouching. Before I could ask him what he was doing, he just tied my hands and feets together, and carried me to a cabin that was near by.


When we arrived he started to tell me that he saw me last year on the island and that he really wanted to taste me, that I seemed to look delicious. He started to lick my thigh, and said that, as I was his first meal, he wanted to season me so I would taste like perfection. He just took a bottle of oil that was on the table and started to pour it on me.


The oil smelled so good that I even wanted to taste it. He then came to me with a mixture of salt and grease and started to massage my thighs and my chest. At this point I was split between me wanting to scream and ask for help and also me enjoying and moaning, feeling his hands touching my body.


When he got me fully seasoned, he grabed me by the arms and put my head into his mouth. He started to suck my body, that slid perfectly in his mouth and throat as I was seasoned with oil and grease. It seems that he was enjoying the taste of his piece of meat as I heard him moan and, as half of my body was still out, I could feel him becoming hard. He arrived to my hips, I could felt the heat of his wet tongue, and it made me moan even more. He started to lick every inch of my oiled thighs and it made me shoot a load. He then laid back, and the rest of my legs just slid to his throat and belly.

The rest of my body falling into his gut made his belly expending suddenly. I felt his hands rubbing his big full tummy, as I was pressing my face on it. I abruptly felt his hand pushing me back into it. While he was moaning, he let a loud belch out, ejecting my shorts he didn’t took the pain to remove. I slowly started to digest and becoming part of his arms, chest and thighs muscle.

Some time later he attracted one of my friend in the cabin, and before becoming food as I did, he just noticed the only remain of me on the ground. Too bad he didn’t realised it was my shorts.



Warning, yet another instance of graphic vore, digestion, and their nasty implications ahead:

My favorite kind of dates are the ones when you’ve already scheduled a visit from plumber for the very next day before you’ve even met me face to face. What can I say, I like a partner who’s confident, and who knows what they want!

In fact, the only disappointing aspect of hooking up with someone so single-mindedly predatory and ruthless is the fact that a body as smooth and limber and perfect as mine winds up resigned to such a lowly and humiliating fate… I wonder if you’ll feel guilty at all, reducing these elegant features and succulent curves down into a broken, sizzling pile of hot, mushy meat simmering away in your ravenous stomach? I doubt it. Hunger comes before the appreciation of beauty after all!

Regardless, I don’t think you’ll even remember or care about the disgusting end of my graceful beauty when you’re stuck on the toilet for a few hours straight the next day. I’m willing to bet the only thing on your mind will be how to hide the bones from the plumber~

Baking involves chemical reactions and heat, which means that vore with digestion is like baking bread, which means that farts are like an oven timer

It might be a BRAP instead of a DING but both sounds mean that there’s a hot, steaming, distinctly-smelling loaf ready to come out

Stretch marks on the belly and hips are honestly just vore tally marks signifying all the prey you’ve eaten. It’s like when WWII pilots drew up their confirmed kills on the side of their planes.

Preds, it’s sucha power move to lift a leg and let a ripe, bassy, cheek-wobbling fart rip right as the sludgy, liquified mess of your preys remains start to pump from your stomach down into your bowels.

There’s no better way to establish dominance over your next meal.

Warning: VERY graphic vore and digestion content ahead. Proceed at your own risk!!

The sort of vore where the pred digests and fully processes bits and pieces of their meal while the helpless prey is still alive and squirming within them is criminally underutilized.

I wonder how it would feel, being digested inch by inch, having bits and pieces of my body slowly broken down, boiled and crushed into mulch by the preds powerful stomach walls and gastric juices, leaving me helplessly lying in a neck deep pool of my own mushy, liquified remains. I wonder what sort of sensations would flow through me, feeling my own arms and legs slowly losing their shape and consistency, collapsing into chunky, grimy sludge with a few loud snaps and crunches as the powerful stomach walls cave in, kneading my acid soaked body like a lump of softened dough, grinding my meat and skin into fleshy soup.

I can just imagine being left a broken, limbless torso, quivering and shaking helplessly within the stomach as it starts to drain of its contents, feeling my own liquified body swirling and bubbling around me as it squelches and slops noisily through the sphincter into the preds intestines. I can practically already hear the gurgling and glorping of my own remains pumping through the preds creaking, groaning bowels deep below, knowing that soon they’ll plant their plump ass down on the toilet and squeeze out a hot, heavy loaf of digested preymeat while I still squirm and whimper within their churning depths, waiting for the rest of me to inevitably follow suit…

Preds, is the best way to flirt with you something along the lines of asking if you’ve had the chance to gulp down and gurgle up any particularly succulent slabs of tender, juicy person meat recently?

Do y'all like it when a preyish partner appeals to your vorish sensibilities and gives your tubby, rumbling, ruthless prey-tank a nice rub while they ask you how much is left of your last meal sloshing and gurgling around in there?

Yeah, being a feeder is nice and all, but being the meal itself is even better.

The gurgles, grumbles, and groans of your partner’s packed guts. The stuffed little moans and half-belches of satisfaction from your predatory feedee. The inevitable transformation of their firm, taut, bloated belly into a plump, plushy, sagging dome of sloshy, squishy goodness after a few tummy rubs and a long nap. The thick, warm layers of jiggling lard packed upon their frame once your sludgy body has been thoroughly churned and processed.

Everything there is to love about stuffing and feeding is practically doubled when vore gets involved, and I will die on this hill.

Warning, yet another instance of graphic vore, digestion, and their nasty implications ahead:

My favorite kind of dates are the ones when you’ve already scheduled a visit from plumber for the very next day before you’ve even met me face to face. What can I say, I like a partner who’s confident, and who knows what they want!

In fact, the only disappointing aspect of hooking up with someone so single-mindedly predatory and ruthless is the fact that a body as smooth and limber and perfect as mine winds up resigned to such a lowly and humiliating fate… I wonder if you’ll feel guilty at all, reducing these elegant features and succulent curves down into a broken, sizzling pile of hot, mushy meat simmering away in your ravenous stomach? I doubt it. Hunger comes before the appreciation of beauty after all!

Regardless, I don’t think you’ll even remember or care about the disgusting end of my graceful beauty when you’re stuck on the toilet for a few hours straight the next day. I’m willing to bet the only thing on your mind will be how to hide the bones from the plumber~

Hey preds I’m genuinely curious, what exactly does it feel like to have the squirming mass of a whole entire person slip down your throat and fill out your belly? What sort of sensations flood your mind and body when the firm, weighty, wriggling swell of an entire person slithers down your esophagus, stretching out your greedy gullet before settling down into the heavy, distended bulge of your strained, taut belly? How do you feel and what do you think as their twitches and spasms gradually fade away into gurgling stillness while the heavy mass of meat in your gut slowly softens and shrinks, deflating down into a sagging, mushy bulge?

Any and all answers are genuinely appreciated!

Warning, graphic vore and digestion ahead

I can’t stop thinking about you… Or more accurately, I can’t stop myself from thinking about your belly. Day in and day out, night after night, your gut has been on my mind. I constantly imagine myself plunging through your warm, cavernous, drooling maw, and down the tight, slick tunnel of your hungry, pulsating throat. I can’t stop picturing my helpless body succumbing to the cramped, caustic confines of your hot, groaning stomach, breaking down into sludge that’s just waiting to be drained into your glorpy, churning bowels. The thought of your bloated, flabby abdomen jiggling and sloshing like a waterbed as my soupy remains pump through the dank, musky depths of your smelly, winding intestines is an inescapable thought. I can’t even begin to describe how often I mull over the prospect of your sagging, sloshing post-vore belly, plumping and fattening up after my churning demise, growing softer from all of my valuable nutrients while the hot, hefty mass of all of my worthless leftovers packs away into your straining, swollen colon, creaking and groaning as they await the gassy, smelly heralding of their final release.

And I think you know what I’m talking about, because you’re thinking the very same thoughts, going through the very same things….

Except… I can’t stop thinking about it, because I’m terrified of it, but I think that you can’t stop thinking about it because you want it. You want to reduce my tender meat into nutritious, fattening sludge and rank, bubbling gas within your bowels. You want to feel my kicking, screaming form grow soft and sludgy within your churning depths. You want to sink your fingers into your bloated, swollen gut and feel my mushy, soupy remains churn and squelch beneath your tender touch. You would enjoy letting my last breath trumpet from your rear in a warm, ripe stream of smelly wind, filling the room with a nasty stench as my pathetic leftovers slowly sluice through your lard packed frame.

Not much is better than an overstuffed predator, moaning and gasping in delight as they stroke and caress their squirming meal.

One of the few things which isbetter than the previously mentioned prey-packed-pred is an extraoverstuffed predator, still moaning and gasping in delight as they stroke and caress the squirming, distended bulges of their many meals

Everyone is always talking about how great post vore burps are, and they just end up forgetting to give the OTHER form of post vore gas some much needed love.

Like yeah, sure, I won’t deny that a deep, bassy belch rippling the preds lips as their overstuffed gut relieves some pressure with a burst of hot wind isn’t totally amazing, but the same exact experience from the other side is also a joy to behold. Deep, crass, cheek wobbling butt-belches need some more appreciation dammit!!

Warning, this is an experimental vore post, going far beyond the forays of my typical, gushy, digestive delights. I’m trying out a darker, more filth inclined style. (Not a permanent change of content or style for this blog, just an experiment) Features all of the usual warnings and more. Please proceed at your own risk!

You probably don’t think of it as much, but the last swallow is the most momentous moment of a poor, helpless prey’s life. One final, decisive swallow condemns a meal like me to a lifetime of suffering. At least said lifetime never lasts much longer.

Once I’m in your stomach, I’m stuck there, trapped and helpless, held at your mercy. I get to endure the torments of my gastric prison, being soaked by churning acids as my flesh softens and melts, until your gut crushes me out of existence, down into a thick, pulpy sludge of ragged, torn flesh, bubbling, oozing blood, and shattered, crumpled bone. My story will come to a sudden, early conclusion with a sickening squelch. I’ll be reduced to nothing, whether I want it or not. Everything I’ve ever done before in life, every accomplishment and every relationship, in the end, they all will amount to little more than a thick, doughy layer of blubber sagging from your fat, overfed gut, and a few extra inches of nice, juicy jiggle on your hips, butt, and thighs.

And that’s not even the worst of it, for your meals like me at least. It’s not enough to torment a treat merely by making them line your waistband. Oh no, preds like you get the joy of making snacks like me float through your sewers too. Once I’ve been pulverized into slop, destroyed beyond all recognition and pumped through your greedy bowels to be drained of all nutritional value and to fatten you up, once I’ve become fuel for a few more rolls of lard on your bulging belly, nothing will remain of me, save for a hefty, smelly loaf of putrid shit nestled deep in your guts, preceded by a bubbly string of the foulest of farts. I’m sure you’ll reek of death and decay as I’m sluiced through you, crammed and piled up in your straining colon. I wouldn’t be suprised if passerby gag from the toxic fumes leaking from your puckered hole.

But that gets you excited, doesn’t it? The thought of turning me, a living, breathing person into nothing but a rancid pile of shit that will disappear down your toilet like every other meal you’ve ever eaten… Oh goodness gracious, I bet that really turns you on… The idea of feeling your gut tear a person apart, feeling it shred them into a bloody mass and braid their essence into your own fat is probably the most sexy things you could ever imagine, isn’t it? The feeling of your stomach clenching and tossing around the thick, chunky stew of my remains as they slosh about inside you…. The awful sloppy sound of me being pumped into your intestines and the accompanying feeling as your muscles, stretch and squeeze and contract, and force more mush through their tight, slimy confines. You probably savor the thought of feeling me die inside your gut, you probably fantasize over feeling my body being boiled and crushed, and hearing my screams and struggles silenced with a wet, gurgling crunch, reduced into a thick brownish-red mush, riddled with bone and lumps of solid meat, and pushed through your smelly bowels until what’s left of me has been processed away into fat, and farts, and shit. I bet you can’t wait to feel me pumping through you, my remains stretching out your intestines as they slither into your bowels, the hard bits tickling the walls of your sensitive colon, eager to swirl down your toilet.

What a way to assert dominance… the only reminders that the brown logs were ever once a human being would be the scaggly, acid-bleached strands of hair and the flaky, yellowed bone chips and shattered teeth, the whole smelly mess destined to be flushed away and forgotten forever.

Warning, very, very explicit vore, digestion, and disposal ahead!!

I’ll never know why I have some kind of strong, inescapable, perverse desire to end up as a squishy mass of ground-up, acid-softened, viscous soup squeezing through your intestines. It makes no sense! I’m a person, a living breathing human! There’s no way I should actually want to end up as gut-slop, as your literal fat and shit after experiencing the same, humiliating fate that every slice of pizza and every hamburger, every glass of soda or coffee, every plate of cookies and every single other piece of greasy, fatty junk food that’s ever ended up inside of youhas been forced to suffer

That would be weird, and just so horrible and gross… But while I don’t understand it, I remain drawn to such a fate anyways. I don’t really blame myself either. I mean, how could I ever hope to not fantasize over being forcibly swallowed whole as I scream and struggle, before my terrified, fighting body is slowly churned down into a goopy pulp of melted flesh and shattered bone? How could I ever resist the allure of being treated as nothing more than a juicy piece of meat, of being seen no differently than any other gutful of greasy, fattening junk food despite my screams, struggles, and pleas? Why wouldn’t I shudder in delight at the thought of my mushy, chymal remains draining and pumping down through the dank, smelly confines of your tight, winding bowels, feeding you, fattening you, letting your greedy, plump body leech away all of my nutrients, transforming my essence into roll after roll of soft, plush fat for your jiggling, pudgy form, before the useless leftovers are finally squeezed out of you as a massive pile of former gutslut a mere week or so after gulping me down?

Warning, very, very explicit vore, digestion, and disposal ahead!!

I’ll never know why I have some kind of strong, inescapable, perverse desire to end up as a squishy mass of ground-up, acid-softened, viscous soup squeezing through your intestines. It makes no sense! I’m a person, a living breathing human! There’s no way I should actually want to end up as gut-slop, as your literal fat and shit after experiencing the same, humiliating fate that every slice of pizza and every hamburger, every glass of soda or coffee, every plate of cookies and every single other piece of greasy, fatty junk food that’s ever ended up inside of youhas been forced to suffer

That would be weird, and just so horrible and gross… But while I don’t understand it, I remain drawn to such a fate anyways. I don’t really blame myself either. I mean, how could I ever hope to not fantasize over being forcibly swallowed whole as I scream and struggle, before my terrified, fighting body is slowly churned down into a goopy pulp of melted flesh and shattered bone? How could I ever resist the allure of being treated as nothing more than a juicy piece of meat, of being seen no differently than any other gutful of greasy, fattening junk food despite my screams, struggles, and pleas? Why wouldn’t I shudder in delight at the thought of my mushy, chymal remains draining and pumping down through the dank, smelly confines of your tight, winding bowels, feeding you, fattening you, letting your greedy, plump body leech away all of my nutrients, transforming my essence into roll after roll of soft, plush fat for your jiggling, pudgy form, before the useless leftovers are finally squeezed out of you as a massive pile of former gutslut a mere week or so after gulping me down?
