#in-game lighting

 In-Game Sim-Lighting for TS4 You guys have been asking, so after all I’m sharing an in-game lightin In-Game Sim-Lighting for TS4 You guys have been asking, so after all I’m sharing an in-game lightin

In-Game Sim-Lighting for TS4

You guys have been asking, so after all I’m sharing an in-game lighting for sims (affects the way sims are lit in-game)

Made two versions:

  • BLOOM - brightens up your sims (especially when inside)
  • INNER GLOW - same, but light is smoother/less shadows

[Alternative link: SFS folder]

The latter one isn’t particularly well suited for game-play in my opinion, but might be useful for photoshoots :-)


  • You can only use one in-game sim-lighting at a time.
  • Keep in mind that the sims will still be affected by environmental lighting as well so the effect of the lighting will vary.

Have a look at this in-game sim-lighting by @luumiawhich is more subtle and might be better suited for everyday game-play.

Pose in preview pictures is by @katverse 


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