#includes image description


Can… uh… can we-? SHOULD we… talk about this product that I got an ad for on Facebook???


[Image ID (vague; more detailed below): ad for a dietery supplement company named Soylent. /ID]

I… I feel like perhaps the creators missed the plot (twist) of the movie/book (despite it being one of the most famous sci-fi quotes)….



Unless, they DIDN’T…

[Detailed image IDs:

The Soylent ad has a blue check mark by the company name, and the word Sponsored below it. Below the company name and logo (a simple letter s inside a circle) is a portion of a quoted review:

“I am not sluggish at work from overeating on lunch, and I have started to lose weight due to not eating way too many calories!”…See more

Below the quote is an image of the product: a bottle of brown liquid. The label reads: 

Ready-to-drink meal
Creamy Chocolate
Naturally flavored
soylent [description note: this is the company name. It is all lower caps and a gray rectangle outline surrounds the name]
20g [note: written in white font on a black background. The rest of the label is black font on a white background] plant protein
39 essential nutrients
14 FL OZ (414mL)

Below the claim of 39 essential nutrients and above the ounces there is an image of three chocolate bar pieces.

Beside the image of the bottle is black text on a white background. It starts with the company name (soylent in all caps and inside a gray rectangle outline). Below that says:

20g Plant Protein
39 Essential Nutrients
Low Glycemic Index
Gluten Free

In the bottom right corner below the image of the bottle is the white speaker icon.

Under the ad is the call-to-action:

Never Skip a Meal Again

Finally, there is a SHOP NOW button.


[Image ID for emojis: the concluding emojis on the post are the startled face (wide eyes, raised eyebrows, straight mouth, and blush), the scream face (wide teardrop shaped mouth, large fully white eyes, raised eyebrows, blue shade on the upper half of the face, and hands pressed against either side of the jaw), and the wide eyes (two tall and skinny eyes with black irises looking to the reader’s left). /END ID]
