#incorrect cyberpunk quotes


[Jackies Recording]

V: Hi, my name’s V, and this is Jack Ass! *runs out into the middle of traffic to get across the street*

Dex: “V is dead. No more problems.”

V: “Good morning, everyone! This chip has let me live another day, and I’m going to make it EVERYONE’S fucking problem.”

Brigitte: “Be quiet.”

V: “I didn’t even say anything.”

Brigitte: “No, but you were thinking and I want it to stop.”

V: “Hey Placide , Guess what I’m about to get —”

Placide: “On my nerves?”

V: “It’s always ‘how fat is your ass’ but NEVER 'how is your fatass?’ IM TIRED AND I HATE IT HERE—”

Jackie: “This should be easy! Like riding a bike!”

V: “I broke my arm riding a bike, Jackie.”

Johnny: “You’re bleeding out.. Aren’t you?”

V: “Probably…My socks are wet-”

Johnny, trying to watch the sunset: “You’re blocking the fucking view.”

V: “I AM the view.”

Meredith: “V, show me how to block people on Instagram.”

[V tells Meredith how]

Meredith: “Ok, done. thank you.”

V: “Wait. why can’t I see your posts on my timeline anymore?”

Johnny: “You just helped her block your account, you fucking idiot.”

staff: “Okay. who’s straight in this room?”


V: [slowly raises their hand]

Johnny: [Slowly lowers V’s hand]

V: “Can you both at least TRY to see this from my perspective..?”

Placide: *crouches down*

Jackie: *gets down on his knees*

V: “I hope you both die.”

Johnny: “That’s impossible. V doesn’t have a crush on me.”

Jackie: “Pretty sure They do.”

V’s ex: “You’re literally a hologram.”

Placide: “….”

V: “Yes, yes I do-”
