#information taken from the internet i am not a professional



  Praise coming from the enemy. That way, Churchill is now aware of her excellent espionage skills


  An unfinished dispute whose hidden objective is to remind the viewer of the role of agent of the crown that she played in S1


  Thomas, and with him the narrative, never finishes giving a definitive closure to her character


  The government and Churchill have the Shelbys under control. They are able to access and manipulate them at will for their own benefit


 Series of photographs of Grace wearing her uniform, seasons 4 and 5. Another reminder of her former occupation


  The three elements of the beginning come together: Churchill, Campbell and Grace. The protagonist is not suffering from any delusions in those moments, however, her presence is there to point out their shared past


THEORY #2 Why everyone thinks she is dead

  Catalepsy, or apparent death, is a symptom that can occur due to chemical poisoning among other reasons, whose characteristics are: rigid body, lack of response to visual and tactile stimulous, loss of muscle control and slow down of bodily functions; such as respiration, digestion, and heartbeat. Cataleptic attacks can last minutes or even days. The person appears to have passed away.        (It could be a possible and good justification…specially for a tv show).

 As we saw in season three, Thomas was transported in an ambulance controlled by Section D so as not to arouse suspicion, and then they injected him with some drugs to bring him round because they needed him active.


  What do I mean by this? It’s clear that Thomas and Grace are a reflection of each other, hense the same situation could have happened to her in that same season. The government, or Churchill, would have needed to use her espionage skills for a secret mission in which it was imperative that her true identity disappear. She had to be dead to everyone.
 Nontheless, all these hypothetical answers and explanations about what happened still leave me more questions that I hope will be answered satisfactorily in the future. For example:

  •     In S6 we’ll be placed in 1934 (confirmed), so she’s been missing for ten years, which leads me to wonder: Has she tried to make contact with her family in any way at some point? Or are there too many obstacules in the middle?  
  •     And there is Churchill, who has been subtly connected to Grace two of the three times he has appeared in this season. Does he know anything about all this? He should, I think.

    Brief explanatory note about the latter: 

  •     5x1 Thomas receives a letter from Winston Churchill for no apparent reason  -”He was in New York and had a dinner with Charlie Chaplin”. Grace lived in New York for a couple of years and Chaplin contributed to Thomas and Grace reconciliation. Their son was named after him, SK confirmed.
  •     5x6 Campbell, Churchill and Grace  -“Was it you who killed that Ulsterman intelligence officer?” (Grace’s breathing)

    Also it wouldn’t be the first time that this series has tricked us with graves and the content inside them…I do believe there’s some sense in this madness, feel free to share your opinion ^^  

[This is a mix of conversations and hypotheses that I had with @craziigamerchick​ who has a good analytical eye]
