
Inktober 5/31 I drew a chicken for the first time in my life #traditionaldrawing #inkdraw #ink #inkt

Inktober 5/31 I drew a chicken for the first time in my life
#traditionaldrawing #inkdraw #ink #inktober #inktober2018 #inktoberday5 #inktoberday5chicken #chicken #artinstagram #artistoninstagram #instaart #illo #illustrationart #illustration #sketch #moleskinesketchbook

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Inktober for me is late night post and bad photoDay 2 #tranquil#inktober #inktober2018 #inktober

Inktober for me is late night post and bad photo
Day 2 #tranquil
#inktober #inktober2018 #inktoberday2 #traditionaldrawing #inkdraw #sketch #witch #cat #moleskine #moleskinesketchbook #illo #illustration #illustrationart #ILUSTRAGRAM

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Venuta per caso. Ink on paper #inchiostrosucarta #ink #disegnoachina #contemporaryart #artcurator #a

Venuta per caso. Ink on paper #inchiostrosucarta #ink #disegnoachina #contemporaryart #artcurator #artbasel #inkdraw #incisione #blackandwhite #artefiera #illustratori #artecontemporanea (presso Atelier Carlo Ravaioli Cervia)

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The chimeric tree - china su cartoncino -La Neurobiologia Vegetale e la botanica hanno dimostrato

The chimeric tree - china su cartoncino -
La Neurobiologia Vegetale e la botanica hanno dimostrato che le piante sono incredibilmente brave percepire quello che si trova intorno a loro, e a percepire i cambiamenti con una sensibilità di molto superiore a quella degli animali (S. Mancuso)
#ink # disegnoachina #contemporaryart #artcurator #artbasel #inkdraw #incisione #blackandwhite #artefiera #illustratori #artecontemporanea #sensi #alberisensibili #isensidellepiante #tree (presso Atelier Carlo Ravaioli Cervia)

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The Diver (china su cartoncino) - Quel palombaro in fondo all’abisso, ancora connesso alla Grande Me

The Diver (china su cartoncino) - Quel palombaro in fondo all’abisso, ancora connesso alla Grande Memoria con un cordone d’ombelico mai tagliato, immobile e congelato da stupore e meraviglia #ink # disegnoachina #contemporaryart #artcurator #artbasel #inkdraw #incisione #blackandwhite #artefiera #illustratori #artecontemporanea #palombari #abissi (presso Atelier Carlo Ravaioli Cervia)

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✨Littlegrey meets a new friend✨I really enjoyed drawing with black ink as it feels very relaxing. On

✨Littlegrey meets a new friend✨I really enjoyed drawing with black ink as it feels very relaxing. One color, simple lines…I may use this media more often, even though colored pencils are still my favorite technique The frame is not made with ink, it’s just paper And maybe one day I will be able to participate in inktober again. Also thank you so much for all your kind messages on my last posts. I will try to answer them as soon as possible. Wish you a good weekend!
#inktober2020 #inktober #inkdrawingart #inkdrawings #drawingink #inkillustration #inkdrawing #inkdraw #inkwork #catillustration #halloween #halloween2020 #wizardcat #whimsicalart #childrenillustration #dessins #encredechine #encre

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