#inseong au


☆ko-fi au: rich kid!au inseong
other rich kid aus:hongseok|hyungwon|haechan

  • you should have known something was wrong when your date didn’t send you the address for the restaurant you two were going to meet at for the first time
  • instead opting for an expensive and suspicious-looking black car that makes itself a nuisance in front of your apartment building
  • you stare at it from the door and beside you is your neighbor, a busybody office worker named dawon, who holds his mail in one hand and twists his mouth up into a frown
  • “i wouldn’t get in that car if i were you.”
  • “it looks like it’s a bmw”
  • “this date of yours is starting to look like a psychopath.”
  • you roll your eyes, but the sentiment isn’t lost on you
  • who has the money to rent this kind of car? all for a dinner date?
  • you look at your phone where there’s a text from your date, kim inseong, who you met through one of those online dating apps you had sworn you’d never use
  • but with the years passing by and your friends all gushing about the fountain of love and relationship
  • you had caved
  • actually, you had caved after a particularly teary-eyed solo re-watch of breakfast at tiffany’s
  • not that you really cared about the plot or anything - just that the fantasy of being loved and taken care of for the rest of your life - well
  • whatever, the point was you had made a profile and you had matched with inseong
  • you were initially worried about him being a catfish - the one unnormal thing on his profile was the fact that he was gorgeous
  • but a video chat had melted those doubts away
  • still, this car and this secret reservation was starting to raise red flags
  • “im taking down the license plate number”
  • dawon says and you re-read the text from inseong again
  • ‘are you sure you can’t just tell me the address of this place? i can take the train’
  • 'don’t worry, the car will get you there faster and the hostess knows the driver so you won’t have any issues with the reservation’
  • you slip your phone into your pocket, suddenly aware that all you’re bringing is it and your keys
  • dawon is furiously taking photos of the car now and you tell him it’ll be ok
  • he asks before you go out to the car, “what’s this guys name?”
  • “kim - kim inseong.”
  • dawon’s eyes go wide and he gapes, you tell him to stop fooling around as you wave goodbye
  • just as the door shuts, you don’t hear dawon go
  • that kim inseong?”
  • the driver is quiet but polite and you try to overcompensate with your manners and not pester him about where you’re going
  • the inside of the car smells of new leather and there isn’t a speck of dirt or evidence of anyone else being in here but you
  • the city’s winding streets and lights both distract and worry you and you nervously tap on the dating app to see inseong’s profile again
  • a mirror selfie is the first picture, he’s smiling and looks like he might be in a fancy hotel bathroom somewhere
  • the next picture is him and a couple of what you assume are work buddies
  • the next is him at a bookshop, wearing pretty framed glasses that compliment the shape of his face
  • his interests are artsy and he says he works in photography
  • he’s a cancer and he likes ballads and doing puzzles
  • his profile is pretty generic, you don’t want to be vain but you’d matched with him because he was totally hot, but also after talking you’d come to realize there was more
  • he was definitely witty, charming, and didn’t ever send you the kind of messages you had heard horror stories about
  • (three am hookups or requests for pictures of your feet)
  • you close the app, just as the driver parks the car and you expect to get out at some small, but cute italian place
  • or at most somewhere more new and stylish that might have been mentioned in a magazine
  • you do not think you’re going to stop in front of one of seoul’s most high-end restaurants
  • the kind of place that looks like it should be a palace - high rise ceilings and huge fountains and a line of hopeful socialities waiting around the corner praying someone miss their reservation
  • the driver comes around to your side, opening the door and suddenly you look down and think
  • im not dressed for this place, hell im not a person made for this place
  • you step out and he motions for you to pass the line, up the stairs and into the huge doors
  • as soon as the hostess sees him she shoves forward a lanky looking valet boy and sends you a big, red-lipsticked smile
  • “ah, you’re mr. kim’s date. come with me - he’s in our private dining room.”
  • you feel like a newborn animal walking on shakey legs as you follow her, you walk past the first level of dinners who are seated at elegant looking tables in low light
  • there’s a hum of talking and the sound of someone pouring wine
  • you look for inseong, but don’t see him anywhere
  • the hostess leads you to an elevator at the back - and when it arrives she motions for you to go inside and tells the person inside that you’ll be going to floor nine
  • turns out the entirety of floor nine is one big dining room, adorned in gold and red and at the table right before one of the huge windows is inseong
  • you can’t think of a word to say - not even when his eyes light up to match the chandeliers and he stands up from his seat to greet you
  • “inseong”
  • you squeak and he says your name prettily like it’s the name of a flower
  • “inseong - ” you repeat and look at him with eyes like saucers “is this some kind of practical joke?”
  • the look of happiness on his face dims
  • “w-what?”
  • “where are we, this place of town is for millionaires - stars, i can’t afford to eat here! i probably can’t even afford to breathe the air here! if this is your idea of a fun prank date then im going to-”
  • you throw your hands up, fussing so much so that the waiter who had wanted to come over stops in their tracks
  • inseong looks at you and for a moment there’s hurt in his expression but then something else dawns on him
  • “you didn’t know?”
  • you shake your head - “how would i have known that this is some elaborate joke! i knew those dating apps would end up embarrassing me-”
  • “no, i mean you don’t know who i am?”
  • your hands swing down to your sides and you look at him almost stupidly
  • “well, you’re kim inseong.”
  • “yes.”
  • he motions to the photographs that line the red-painted wall, all framed and featuring famous models and public figures
  • they look vaguely familiar, as if you seen them multiple times on the covers of magazines or newspapers
  • “im kim inseong, the photographer of seoul”
  • a blankness coats the room and then, like a rubber band, it snaps into place
  • the magazine covers, the job title 'photographer’ on his profile, and now the inseong standing in front of you in head to toe gucci
  • you step back like you’ve just been approached by a dangerous-looking beast
  • hands flying up to your mouth
  • “oh my god - you’re famous and-”
  • he grins, “and rich.”
  • somehow you sit down, probably because the news hits you like a truck and you can’t stand any longer
  • it’s enough time for inseong to wave the waiter over safely and order wine for the two of you as well as an appetizer in french that glosses over your head
  • he looks at you and folds his hands under his chin
  • “i thought you knew.”
  • “why is a millionaire like you on a dating app for plebeians”
  • he shakes his head, “you’re not a plebeian”
  • “im pretty sure my yearly salary is the same amount as one of your cameras.”
  • he looks down at his wine and swallows, suddenly the air of glowing confidence and ease shrinks
  • “you’re right. it’s silly of me to say i wasn’t trying to act a little bit below my status by joining the app.”
  • you straighten in your seat
  • “i - i didn’t mean it like that, i mean rich people still want love im sure - i mean you’re a normal person.”
  • “normal?” he flicks his gaze to you “no one has ever called me that.”
  • great, here i am putting my foot in my mouth in front of one of seoul’s most eligible bachelors
  • “i mean - i just. ok i mean you’re not 'normal’ in your field of work but you want to feel a connection right. that’s why you joined the app - just like me. you just want someone in your life.”
  • you don’t notice the little smile that tugs at the corner of inseong’s long lips
  • your appetizer arrives and you are offput by the amount of truffle on it
  • inseong tells you to look at the menu and order anything you like and as much of it as you want to
  • one look at the price and you tell him you’ll pass, you’ll get mcdonalds on your way home
  • “please don’t worry, it’ll go on my bill”
  • he insists and you cross your arms
  • “this is our first date, we go dutch. i can’t have you treating me if im not even your partner yet”
  • inseong bites his tongue not to laugh at the simple way you look at everything
  • “fine, well then.” he closes the menu and snaps his fingers, within a moment a man arrives at his side - you assume it’s his assistant “let’s got to mcdonalds together.”
  • you think he’s being funny, but he’s not
  • you find yourself in the second expensive car of the day. this time it’s a slicked silver lamborghini that inseong drives with an almost alarming carelessness.
  • he seems to have forgotten how to order at a drive-through and so you have to lean over his lap to speak for the both of you
  • as you put in the order, inseong flushes and tries not to look at the areas of your shirt that have slide up as you hang out of the window
  • when you sit back you grin at him
  • “i hope you like chicken nuggets”
  • inseong does, so much so that he eats his and puppy dog begs you for one of yours
  • you both sit in his car and you try not to spill anything, but inseong says not to worry about being careful. he has another car (or five) that he can use if you stain the seat with your sprite
  • but aside from that you ask inseong more about his life
  • you had briefly chatted before you met, but now there was a treasure trove of new information about him to unlock
  • the weird thing is that you just genuinely want to know
  • inseong picks up on it, you have no ulterior motive. you haven’t had one since you found out who he really was.
  • you nibble on a fry as you ask, “so are you traveling these days for work?”
  • “usually. when we video chatted i was in denmark.”
  • you stick your tongue out
  • “denmark! what a show off, my last vacation was a two hour train ride outside of seoul.”
  • “well - where do you want to go?”
  • you gather your garbage and his neatly, inseong finds the normal gesture pangs something in his heart
  • “hmmm i think i would want to go someone really warm. like brazil or chile.”
  • “are you free this weekend?”
  • you blink and turn to look at him
  • “are you asking me on a second date?”
  • he puts a hand on the wheel and nods
  • “yes.”
  • “well - i am free actually…….but if we go on a date let’s not do anymore uptight restaurants.”
  • he promises he won’t and instead he says he’ll pick somewhere comfortable and fun
  • you try not to get bashful when he says your photos do you no justice - you should let him take your portrait next time too
  • and although he drives you home in his car, you are aware of the black car you arrived in following close behind
  • when he stops in front of your apartment you turn and mumble that you had a good time, after the heart attack-inducing revelation of his identity
  • inseong laughs and you straighten your shoulders slightly
  • he notices the way you position yourself slightly and he turns to you too. suddenly the look in his bright eyes dulls just a bit as he lingers from looking into your eyes to your lips
  • you decide to be brave - closing your eyes as an invitation
  • inseong’s smile is soft against your lips when he leans in
  • nothing more than that happens and you blurt out that you’ll look forward to the next date, inseong watches you scurry inside your apartment before letting out the breath of nervousness he’s been holding
  • never thinking you would give him butterflies he hasn’t felt since he was in high school
  • when you get home - dawon is knocking on your apartment in five minutes
  • and you two spend an hour going through inseong’s photos again as dawon points out that “how could you not know he’s rich, he’s wearing a 100k watch in this bathroom selfie!”
  • you tell him you’re just dumb, or maybe just charmed by who inseong is rather than his money
  • dawon doesn’t believe it but he asks when your second date is and you say this weekend
  • “where is he taking you?”
  • you giggle, “he said somewhere comfortable and nice! maybe we’ll go to a market or something.”
  • the weekend comes and. inseong has bought you two private jet tickets to brazil.
  • such is the world of dating a rich kid.

Love Struck!AU x SF9

lately i just need to write about every member of every kpop group being in capital L love.
find other love struck!aus here:monsta x|day6|ateez|the boyz


  • overcompensates with selfless acts that go above and beyond what any person deserves
  • offers to carry your bags, learns about plumbing when you mention you have a leaky faucet, asks if you want him to drive you to your appointments which you are perfectly fine getting to on your own
  • if there was a puddle of mud on the ground, youngbin would throw his brand new jacket over it just so you could walk over it
  • even though you could literally just. walk around it
  • doesn’t even realize he’s overdoing it
  • he just loves you and therefore knows he has to show it at any given part of the day
  • but not like in an aggressive manner
  • just a small smile and a “i can pick you up and drop you off if you want!”
  • dawon: actually, youngbin, we have practice at that tim-
  • youngbin, shoving a sandwich down dawon’s throat: so you said noon right?
  • when you respectfully decline any of his help, mostly because you are worried you’re using your friend for his kindness, everyone assures you that’s not it
  • actually everyone is super confused how you haven’t seen why it is weird that youngbin would commit hours of research for you when you ask offhandedly if you should visit europe for the summer and then show up at your door with ten pamphlets on different european destinations ‘by chance’
  • because - that’s weird - and weird means, in the great way of sf9, that he has a crush on you
  • “youngbin, you’re being so nice to me these days how could i ever repay you?
  • youngbin about to say that there’s nothing you need to do, he just likes being able to help
  • dawon, shoving a sandwich down youngbin’s throat for revenge and also to answer on his leader’s behalf: "actually, if you could finally go on a date with him - i think that would repay it.”
  • you get all shy and murmur that you don’t know if youngbin wants that, and youngbin can only vigorously nod that he does
  • (due to the sandwich)


  • no clue if puppy syndrome is a thing, but he’s got it
  • the human embodiment of big puppy eyes whenever you’re around, big puppy pout, big puppy wagging his tail at just the mention of your name
  • even without all that - the energy that exists around inseong when you are near him and giving him attention - it’s enough to quite literally blow everyone and everything else away
  • and there are lasting effects
  • as in you walk away from the conversation and fifteen minutes later inseong still can’t make out a single word, just chin on his palm - daydreamy look in his eyes
  • jaeyoon tries snapping his fingers in his face, tickling him, even flicking his best friend straight on the forehead but.
  • nothing.
  • the only way he breaks out of the spell you cast on him is either a long time passes or you show up again and inseong is back at your full attention
  • it’s getting bad, like to a point where he walks into walls or drops his phone in the sink when he starts thinking about you
  • incidents where he nearly topples over onto poor chain who is like get off of me you are built like a skyscraper
  • or just flat out doesn’t move a muscle in the right direction during practice and it’s literally driving youngbin mad
  • so jaeyoon (like the best friend he is) arranges for you to come hang out with him but tada it’s actually a candlelight dinner in the sf9 kitchen he and the rest of the boys set up for you and inseong
  • and you’re like w….whats all this and inseong is like i don’t know either
  • and jaeyoon (who like the best friend he is picked the nicest smelling candle from the tj maxx sale aisle) appears and lights it and is like this is for you two to confess and for inseong to be cured of puppyism
  • you: puppyism?
  • inseong, red as a tomato: i think he means like the way i act around you like a - um -
  • jaeyoon: like a lovesick puppy, so like….collar him or whatever
  • you and inseong both looking at him like do what? and jaeyoon is like sorry that didn’t come out right
  • either way you get the point please date the oversized man whose brain wont work unless you give him a kiss


  • opposite of his best friend, jaeyoon doesn’t need to fall over his feet when he’s lovestruck
  • he will literally just let you know how he feels
  • “i like you”
  • you smile at him and laugh, “i like you too!”
  • and jaeyoon is like amazing so we are both “liking” each other how lovely how nice
  • and that is………………..where it ends
  • he literally is so preoccupied with the concept of confessing that he forgets the part where he has to like.
  • confirm the relationship
  • so for like a month after you are both just saying 'i like you’ to each other and he thinks it’s romantic and you still think it’s platonic
  • it’s a mess
  • he keeps asking himself when the right time to ask you to go to the movies with him is, if he should pull out the home cooking - why haven’t you pulled out the home cooking? do you not “like” him enough for that?
  • he paces around before you come over because is he dressed too casual - i mean he’s your boyfriend, he should put effort into it right?
  • and then you show up and nothing is different and everything is the same and when inseong is like
  • jaeyoon you’re dating them right, why don’t you guys like kiss? and jaeyoon is like holy shit i haven’t even thought about that yet
  • and dawon is like how have you not thought about that kissing is all i think about ever
  • and so jaeyoon’s head gets even more scrambled because now you come over and he’s like ….. kiss……lips……mouth…hand? kiss on mouth…hand…lips…..hug?
  • and you’re like what? and he’s like hug lips mouth? and you’re like jaeyoon are you ok?
  • oh my god at some point you’re both alone and jaeyoon is walking you home or something and he reaches out to grab your hand because like that’s normal right? people dating do that right?
  • and you’re like oh! and he’s like is this ok? and you’re like a-does it mean something?
  • and jaeyoon is like it means the same thing as i like you….you know….like how i said it a month ago and i just thought we could take the next step-
  • he’s rubbing his neck and blushing and he has always been sauve and straightforward and it dawns on you that the entirety of this month he has been saying he likes you like in that way
  • and you’re like wait you like-love me? and he’s like yes wait what did you think- and you’re like i thought it was like-like ….like friend like?
  • you and jaeyoon just staring at each other and then he’s like should i let go of your hand then
  • and you’re like no. actually just kiss me we’ve wasted a LITERAL month


  • always the class clown, being lovestruck somehow only tends to make it worse
  • but not worse like oh he gets louder and cracks more jokes.
  • my man has upgraded to mildly dangerous body humor.
  • you are all together and dawon is suddenly like you guys think i can climb that uneven, rickety tree? and youngbin is like no and you’re like no but dawon is like it’ll be fun just watch
  • dawon: should i drink spoiled milk
  • you: why-
  • dawon: im hardcore it’ll be fine - look im just a goofy guy who - oh my god. call an ambulance.
  • the idea is that every time you are in the vicinity and glowing like an angel without a halo dawon is like
  • gotta do something so outrageously stupid that it grabs their attention and/or lands me in a situation where i can excuse myself to run away from my feelings. perfect.
  • it’s literally the dumbest logic on the planet
  • everyone tells him it’s the dumbest logic on the planet
  • but dawon is convinced it’s the best reaction to….to the butterflies in his stomach
  • of course, you don’t find any of it amusing, you are just in a constant state of worry
  • one time dawon takes it too far and probably tries to do something that could actually seriously hurt him
  • and you stop him by grabbing him and being like stop - i don’t know why you don’t care about yourself but i care about you so stop being stupid
  • and dawon is staring down at you like
  • “pause, you care about me? like on a scale of 1-10 how muc-”
  • you kiss him and mutter a “11” and dawon thinks he sees stars
  • youngbin thanking you profusely like we were worried for his actual literal life


  • rather scream into the void than confront how he feels about you
  • the private twitter account is blowing up with tweets about how he wants to hold your hand and how that makes him pathetic
  • dawon replying under each of them: tru
  • rowoon replying under each of them: not true!!!!! love is awesome!!!! pog as chani would say!!!!!!
  • you talk to him about something and his ears are full of white noise and he cant help but think about how your face is somehow the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen and how he could write a whole album about the curve of your nose and the color of your eyes and -
  • you ask him what he thinks and he can only reply with a sound that is both pained and high pitched and when you raise your eyebrow he’s like gtg uh feed my cats
  • when you’re around he disappears to “feed his cats” like . ten times
  • surprisingly being a lovestruck fool does fuel his ability to make music
  • but it is also sad and about being heartbroken and the members are like hey do you wanna talk about it and zuho is like no
  • there are spotify playlists with your name, there are journal entries about you, there are iPhone notes app scribbles about you
  • he’s down bad
  • everyone knows he’s down bad
  • you also figure out he’s down bad and so you finally confront him
  • except you’re like……… zuho who are you in love with? ill help you if i can
  • and he looks at you like a deer in headlights because that’s the most bizarre shit you could ask him
  • and because of the shock he blurts out the truth
  • “you. i love you.”
  • screams after and you jump up and he’s like i need to leave and you’re like AT LEAST LET ME SAY IT BACK?????


  • it’s the cluelessism of it all
  • he looks at you one day and instead of just being a person you are beaming at him like a direct sunray and he’s like woah! weird!
  • he just kind of becomes more clumsy around you since you’ve got this new effect on him
  • trips over his big feet, giggles randomly while you’re talking, forgets he’s in the middle of the street when you’re walking by his side and someone has to honk three times for him to start walking again
  • honestly no one can tell what’s wrong with him
  • because is he like … is it early onset amnesia? is he just spacing out?
  • even chani notices the shift because rowoon has gone from annoying him to laying half off the couch with his hand in an empty pringles can
  • “what are you thinking about?”
  • rowoon just mutters your name and chani is like …. i don’t know about all this but maybe you like them?
  • reality hits rowoon like a freight truck …. liking you? that’s new
  • he googles 'what to do when you like someone?’ literally googles it
  • tries to show you by playing it cool, tries to show you by showering you in random compliments but he’s tongue tied when you smile so he’s like i love your hair it looks like. cheese
  • embarrasses himself over and over and over until he just hunches himself over one day and is like
  • why is liking someone so hard? isn’t it supposed to be easy?
  • and you’re like haha i know the feeling, ive liked someone for so long but he never takes a hint and rowoon is like omg who
  • and you look at him and you’re like well he’s a tall clueless handsome guy
  • and rowoon stares at you like he sounds nice
  • and you’re like you
  • and he’s like oh that’s nice - WAIT


  • flirts with you but it flops because he’s been flirting with you since you first met
  • so you cannot tell the difference and taeyang is like what am i doing wrong
  • inseong: karma for always winking and calling them cute when now you want them to do it back to you
  • taeyang: shuttup sad old man
  • inseong: you’ve been hanging out too much with chani. sniffle
  • he decides ok so regular flirting doesn’t work, so what about lowkey flexing?
  • he wears the expensive watch and puts his hand in front of you like, hey and you’re like hi? and he’s like notice anything? and you’re like …. um….. oh, your tag is sticking out of your shirt! and taeyang is like ………F
  • ok so not flexing, what about compliments?
  • he piles like ten of them on you and you’re like oh - thanks, but i don’t really like this outfit anyway and he’s like….F
  • ok so not flexing, compliments, let’s try playing hard to get
  • he gives you the cold shoulder when you come over and you immediately are like taeyang are you mad at me if you are im sorry so stop being a weirdo and he’s like……..F
  • finally he just reverts to himself and just keeps up the regular flirting and the soft touches and smiles
  • and he realizes the difference now is when he flirts - he just has to follow up on it
  • so when he asks “ i cant taste my lips, can you do it for me?”
  • and you reply with “sure” and roll your eyes
  • he just . does kiss you and you’re like oh.
  • and he’s like well what do you say and you’re like your lips taste sweet and he’s like NO I MEAN-
  • you just kiss him again because now you get what he actually means LOL


  • sulks when you’re not around, and then doesn’t go near you when you are around
  • it’s like please make up your mind
  • is the definition of if i stare at you long enough you will fall in love with me right?
  • but he stares from ten feet away
  • it takes everyone all their strength to drag him out of his room when you’re over and even then he puts his hoodie up and plays with his shoelaces and acts like he’s a five year old
  • when he gets put next to you in the car ride somewhere he almost passes out from holding his breath from nervousness and you turn to him and you’re like hwi you’re turning purple?!?!?
  • you tap his shoulder when he isn’t looking and call him hwi~ and he thinks his knees like. give out he crumbles to the floor and you’re like oh my god are you sick??!?!!?
  • to put it simply, being in love forces him to lose his human ability to live
  • gets a pep talk from literally every member about how he cannot act like this. it’s giving you the wrong impression and yet he just
  • he can’t do anything about it you enter his personal space and the little nerves in his brain go haywire
  • “i don’t want them to think im being rude, but it’s kind of like im allergic to them.”
  • “oh - you’re allergic to me?”
  • hwiyoung turns and you’re giving him a look and he’s like oh god i mean - i don’t - i mean like -
  • and he doesn’t know what to say but you just giggle and you’re like “fine, if you’re allergic we’ll have to make immune”
  • and he’s like blinking like wha-
  • you wrap your hands around him and he’s like !!!! and you’re like here just take me in large doses until you build up immunity ok?
  • hwiyoung nodding because he has forgotten the entirety of the korean language


  • realizes he’s being freaking weird when he bails on his plans to eat and game to hang out with you
  • prioritizing social interaction over being alone in his room……now that’s not normal
  • yes, ok, so he likes you - but now he’s like
  • no one can ever know that. i will not be left alone if anyone finds out.
  • unfortunately, he asks jaeyoon of all people if he knows what food you like and jaeyoon is like
  • chani standing in the doorway like. what. no….
  • the minute chani starts picking the spot next to you when you’re all together is his downfall
  • the entire world knows how he feels and he’s like oh fuck seriously
  • he helps you go shopping and he comes home and every member is just like :) tell us about the date :)
  • and he’s like SHUTTUP
  • calls you by a nickname and rowoon almost chokes on his food in surprise, because chani?????? gave someone???? a nickname????? and it isn’t a combination of the word ass and hole?????
  • he cannot escape the fact that little things for others, are big things for him
  • being attentive and caring and even just smiling in your presence is enough to give away how he’s feeling
  • let alone he dropped a rank in league so everyone is like ah - he’s distracted with someone~!
  • it gets unbearable to a point where chani is like i cant live with these people always bothering me so im just going to confess
  • he pulls you aside and is like “i want to date you - is that ok?” and you’re like of course, was wondering when you’d ask dummy and he’s like,,,,,,listen,,,,
  • assumes the teasing will die down when you both come into the room holding hands
  • inseong: i got dibs on being the wedding planner, eat dirt youngbin