#intellectual property law




I know the answer is “copaganda” but seriously, if you’re going to have a villainous sleezeball lawyer character, why is it always a criminal defense attorney when there’s such a wide array of legal specialties to stereotype as assholes, such as:

  • biglaw corporate lawyers
  • district attorneys
  • anyone involved in sports law
  • asbestos defenders (yes, that is a real thing, and yes, they’re on the opposite side of the mesothelioma people)
  • biglaw corporate lawyers but very specifically the ones that work for oil/gas and coal companies
  • federalist society members
  • that guy who’s the only lawyer in his tiny-ass town so he can charge stupid high prices despite being shit at his job
  • administrative judges
  • tax attorneys actually you need to get a whole second degree specifically in tax law to be a tax lawyer and the tax code changes all the time and is the longest single statute so actually don’t be mean to tax attorneys, they’re honestly scary smart

after some commentary in the notes, I have been reminded that there are even more legal specialities to stereotype as assholes, including:

  • ICE attorneys
  • actually while we’re here let’s just say prosecutors in general
  • biglaw corporate lawyers but very specifically the ones that work for debt collectors
  • insurance defense (the ones who represent people individually on behalf of their insurance can stay but they’re on thin fucking ice)
  • ICE attorneys but in green this time
  • those copyright/intellectual property attorneys who go after individuals on behalf of giant corporations because of stuff like “illegal streaming”, pirating films or creating fan content