#intelligence reduction


“Hhhhh… hhhand,” Darla moaned, suddenly very aware of how difficult it had become to express anything more than the simplest and smallest of thoughts. Georgia’s fingers were wrapped around her soft pink breasts, constantly teasing the dark brown nipples until they stood up like bullets, and it was all making Darla so damn crazy with lust that her normally-sharp brain had slowed down to a crawl. She had one thing and one thing only on her sluggish mind, and that was the orgasm that drifted perpetually just ahead of her in a warm red fog of tantalizing lust. And she–she couldn’t hold onto a train of thought, either. She was just saying ‘hand’, but the reasoning behind it had already slipped out of her muzzy head, leaving behind only pleasure and arousal.

Was she thinking of Georgia’s hands? They felt  so good right now; Darla couldn’t remember a time when simply being touched and caressed like this had made her so fucking stupid with lust. “It’s okay, sweetie pie,” Georgia whispered, her breath rushing intimately into Darla’s open mouth as she broke the train of sluggish and bewildered thought with another potent kiss. “You don’t need to worry about it. You don’t need to think about anything at all.” Darla shivered with desire, and a part of her gratefully sank down deeper into the sea of pleasure that was already threatening to overwhelm her… but another part of her recognized those soft, dulcet tones that were so different from Georgia’s usual speaking voice. She–she was talking differently like that for a reason, wasn’t she?

With a titanic effort, Darla forced herself to concentrate on a single mental effort despite the constant arousal that fuzzed up her thoughts with static and made her want to stop thinking and hump the warm hand on her slick pussy. She thought back, back to the last moment when her mind seemed lucid and clear, and recognized that her sluggish brain wasn’t just sluggish because she was so fucking goddamn horny right now and the fingers were rubbing her clit rubbing rubbing her clit rubbing her clit– “Fuck!” she gasped explosively, almost losing track of herself in a moment of near-orgasmic pleasure. She held on, albeit only barely. She’d realized that she wasn’t just drunk with lust right now. She was hypnotized.

Georgia had hypnotized her. Georgia had hypnotized her slowly, subtly, inducing so much arousal and desire into Darla’s sleepy mind that by the time she realized what was happening, she was too turned on to do anything but surrender to the bliss of the other woman’s touch and lose herself in the sheer sexual heat of it all. Her thoughts had dissolved like cotton candy into a warm, sticky mess of lust, and she couldn’t focus and she couldn’t think and she couldn’t make sense of the strange little anomaly that kept nagging at her and preventing her from slipping away completely. Every time she tried, Georgia’s hands squeezed her breasts or rubbed her nipples or played with her soaking cunt or–

She almost got it then. Darla managed to get as far as counting the hands caressing her naked body and coming up with a number that didn’t sound right even to her confused and befuddled brain. But before she could wonder where Georgia’s husband was, and what he was doing while they were having sex in his bedroom, a finger skated over her clit and the thought crumbled into helpless bewilderment. “H-hand?” Darla managed to murmur out, but it was the last fragment of an already-lost notion and it soon melted into slick, wet pleasure and was gone.

(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)

There comes a point, in every really spectacular fuck, when the brain simply… shuts down. The frontal lobe gets overwhelmed by the sheer amount of sensory information coming in, and the oldest, most primal structures devoted to reproduction take over. The conscious mind collapses in on itself, and critical thought becomes genuinely impossible as the approach of orgasm becomes a singular, inescapable focus. In those moments of helpless ecstasy, someone can be made so desperate for more pleasure that they’ll do anything… absolutely anything… to get it. Arabella rarely reached that point with any of her lovers, and when she did they’d usually reached that same state of urgent abandon themselves. She was slowly, sluggishly realizing what a good thing that was.

Because Carlo, well… Carlo knew just how to fuck her like that. He had a nice long cock, sure, but it was more than that–he had technique behind his thrusts. Every time his light brown penis disappeared into the puffy pink folds of her soaking cunt, he seemed to hit some new and wonderful spot that drove Arabella to new heights of pleasure, and it was never long before her body lit up all over with thrumming ecstasy that made her acutely aware of her quaking tits and tingling clit and the heavy fog of lust that was making her brain slow and stupid. Even when she came, and oh god did she cum hard when Carlo fucked her, it never satisfied that need. Her lizard brain always craved more.

And Carlo knew what was happening to her. And he… oh, fuck, he had so much stamina. So much self-control. Long after Arabella reached the point where her thoughts slowed down and her eyes rolled back into her head and her cunt clenched relentlessly around Carlo’s cock in a desperate attempt to milk his heavy balls, he was still smiling down at her with that playfully sadistic expression on his handsome face and talking to her in complete sentences that she could only reply to in grunts and moans. Arabella always came out of that slutty, submissive headspace a little bit embarrassed by how easily she succumbed to the thick fog of arousal in her brain, and resolving to hold together a little more willpower the next time they hooked up. Or if she couldn’t, to maybe find someone a little less dominant for her next fuckbuddy.

It never worked. Every time Carlo texted her, even with the most inane and obvious ‘u up?’ message that was obviously an invitation to sex, Arabella’s thoughts turned back to that warm, honeyed voice promising her more and more pleasure if only she would let her mind slide away into that sensual fog and open herself up to him. And even though she knew going back to him would only make the situation worse, her cunt throbbed in naked anticipation every single time until she couldn’t hold back any longer and she had to reply. She was just grateful that all he seemed to use his control for was getting Arabella to spread her legs for his hard cock.

Until the day she came over and found a few of his friends hanging out with him. And Arabella realized she wasn’t going to be able to get her slow, sluggish brain off the subject of sex until it finally shut down completely.

(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)

The second I see it, I want to fuck it. Intellectually, I know that’s absurd; I’m in my early forties now, and even when I was younger and wilder and more prone to listen to that wet throb in my pussy and do something stupid, it never extended to masturbating with a stranger’s dildo in the middle of a public park. But my cunt wants what it wants, and as soon as my eyes lock onto the long thick silicone shaft the woman is holding out to me, I know that what it wants is to shove that thing up inside me until there’s barely enough left sticking out for my fingers to hold on to. “Uh huh!” I burble cheerfully, taking the fake cock and wriggling out of my panties right there on the park bench. I’m not even sure whether she actually asked me a question, or whether I’m just agreeing with the entire notion of fucking myself out in the open like this.

I hike up my skirt until anyone walking by can see my bare pink pussy and part my labia with two fingers to help slide the dildo inside. It doesn’t take much effort–the moment it sinks more than a few fractions of an inch into my slick, leaky cunt, I realize that I’m incredibly wet. The toy glides frictionlessly inside me despite its girth, and I feel my expression melt into a blank and plastic smile. “Uh huh,” I murmur, settling into a thrusting rhythm that leaves a puddle on the bench within moments. I’ve never been this goddamn soaked before. I don’t know what’s happening to me; I’m not the kinky type, I’m not gay (even if I have had a few fantasies now and again about Brie Larson)… but something about this cock, this shape, this shade of purple makes me throw caution to the wind and fuck myself in front of a total stranger. “Uh huh,"I whimper again, the pulses of pleasure inside my head obliterating any memory of her words.

The first climax hits, and my eyes unfocus into a blur of hazy rapture. When they refocus, she’s got out her phone and she’s filming every second of my degradation, but I can’t bring myself to care. I know I have to look incredibly sexy right now, smiling and fucking myself and staring at her with the intelligence of a golden retriever behind my empty blue eyes. I want to show the entire world how good it feels to clench my pussy around my special dildo and cum like a goddamn porn star–no. No, it’s even better than that. I’m not cumming like a porn star, I’m cumming until I become a porn star. "Uh huh!” I chirrup, my voice now a breathy squeak of pure ecstasy that makes Marilyn Monroe sound like Marilyn vos Savant.

I still don’t know what she’s saying to me, but I can feel the impressions of it in the way my thoughts change after every giggled, “Uh huh!” I suddenly love sex with women, I suddenly want to show off my naked body, I suddenly adore the notion of being controlled by a sex toy that makes me inexplicably weak-willed and susceptible to suggestions. It’s not hard to derive a proof by implication, but it’s incredibly difficult to care about what’s happening to me. Especially when I’m on my fourth climax and counting. My eyes have glazed over in a permanent thousand-yard stare, and all I can think of is getting the rest of the way naked for my new Mistress.

She doesn’t let me. Not yet. She helps me put my panties on over the toy, pushing both up until it’s filling me up in a perpetual orgasm that melts me into a docile and pliable state. Then she walks me out of the park, over to the parking lot, into her car and off to a new life. “Uh huh,” I sigh out as the seat belt clicks into position. Then my eyelids finally flutter shut and I sink completely into the pleasure of obedience.

(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)

“**giggle** Nothing, it’s just… it’s kind of, like, funny, y'know? ‘Cuz, like, you dosed me with the… the, uhm, what’s that stuff? The stuff that was supposed to make me, like, super dumb and horny and stuff. You know, the little pink pills that, uhm… like, you know, you explainded it to me earlier when you gave me the, the s-sec, um, the t-third, uhm–the other one? Anyhoo. You gave me the yummy pink pills that made my brain all fuzzy, and I guess that was supposed to make me, like, totez weak and horny and s-s-suh, suh, supsepibum to your will?

"Uh huh! **giggle** But, like, when you told me to unbutton my sweater and you saw that I wasn’t wearing a bra, your eyes got real big. Like, OMG super big, y'know? And, like, I don’t even think you’ve blinked once since I took out my big titties. **giggle** Every time I bounce them, your eyes, like, totez follow them where ever they go! And I was thinking… uhm… hang on, I had it, I… oh! Right! LOLZ. I was thinking that even though I’m a totez ditz now because you snuck the yummy pink pill into my drink and then gave me an, um, other, and then told me I was too dumb to say no and gave me an other after that, um, uh, uhh….

"Oh! Yeah! I was thinking my great big sweater puppies still make you totez dumber than me. 'Cuz, um, I guess they still hyp–hypno–hypnomatize you? Like, I know you said you were super sick of me man, man, manumpalating you with my sexy body, and you were going to put me in my place and stuff, but I think that making me all dumb and slutty made you, like, even horniererer? And so, um, when you thought you were going to stop getting tricked into doing what ever I say so you might get to see me naked someday, instead you got tricked into seeing me naked and now you can’t stop looking at my titties! **giggle** OMG, you should see your eyes right now!

"And so I was, like, thinking it was probz kind of funny, because I might be a dumb slutty airhead but you’re the one who’s, y'know, not really thinking right now. You’re just, um, staring at my big bouncy titties and rubbing your cock through your pants and daydreaming of, uhm, fucking me, and I guess that kind of means you’re, y'know, hypno’d by my tits? And, like, I was thinking that it would be super extra funny if, like, your eyes started getting all, um… heavy, I guess? Because they keep following my jiggly boobies and that’s probz really, uh, exhaustamating. It is, right? Yay! Thought so.

"And like, now you’re just, y'know, nodding at every thing I say and, and, uhm, getting all throbby, and I was thinking maybe you should like, close your eyes and lie back so I can do all the work? Because, like, I’m totez gonna fuck you anyway, so why should you have to do that hard work of thinking when you can just daydream about my big titties wrapping around your cock and jerking it until you gush all that hot sticky jizz and go totez brain dead for me. Doesn’t that sound so good? That’s it. Just keep nodding. Just keep going deeper. Good boy. I think we’re gonna love being dummies togetherer.”

(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)
