#female exhibitionism

“Solidarity ll (Rectangle)” & “Solidarity l (Square)”, 2016 By: RON ULICNY….* a couple mo

Solidarity ll (Rectangle)” & “Solidarity l (Square)”, 2016


* a couple more new pieces from my current exhibition “Xylotheque” at the Cindy Lisica Gallery in Houston, TX. The show runs until Sept. 2nd.

**also on the INSTAGRAM&FACEBOOKhere….

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By the time the man in white arrived, Jaz was sitting on the rocky point overlooking the river with her legs spread and a wide, blissful smile on her drowsy face. Her long brown fingers skated again and again over her massively swollen clit–it actually peeked out from beneath the hood of her labia it had gotten so big and stiff, and Jaz couldn’t stop herself from petting and rubbing it until her entire brain tingled with sleepy rapture–and her clothes were nowhere to be seen. Jaz had a confused memory of throwing them into the river, but everything before she started playing with her pussy was kind of a blank now. “Are you my Master?” she mumbled, her voice slurred and muzzy with befuddled ecstasy. She didn’t know why, but she knew she needed a Master now.

The man in white crouched down between Jaz’s legs, studying her stiff clitty with great interest. “Yes I am,” he said, his tone polite and patronizing and shivering with carefully controlled lust. “I’m your Master, Jasmine, and I’m here to take you back with me to my nice warm house where you can have that drippy little pussy fucked properly. Doesn’t that sound good?” Jaz nodded vacantly, her mind more on the bulge in her Master’s trousers than on his words. It was still early enough in the spring that she could feel her body getting chilly despite the heat of her desire, and the sound of curling up in a nice cozy bed and getting her cunt plowed by Master’s cock sounded better than anything right now. A trickle of anticipatory musk leaked down her inner thigh to drip onto the cool rocky surface beneath her.

“You gave me quite a few difficulties, didn’t you, young lady?” Master said, straightening up and offering his hand to Jaz to help her to her feet as well. Jaz felt her cheeks go hot with embarrassed contrition as she nodded in reply; her memories were still a tangled, muzzy fog of confusion, but she distantly recalled stumbling to her car and driving with no particular destination in mind beyond simply ‘away’. And when the arousal and the deep, groggy bewilderment made it too unsafe to drive, she pulled over into the nearest rest area and started walking. And when the river got in between her and her next step, she threw her phone in the water with her clothes to buoy it and hoped it would float downstream far enough to fool them as to her whereabouts.

It was so silly to think she could fool Master, though, Jaz realized as he hauled her upright and wiped her pussy juice off with a handkerchief. He was so clever, clever enough to make the machine that sapped her will and emptied her thoughts and filled her brain with all the programming that was still unpacking itself inside her brain with every throb of her swollen clit, and Jaz was so fucking stupid with lust now. Of course he would find her. Of course he would defeat her. Of course he would claim her for his own. It was all a foregone conclusion, and Jaz was just being naughty and silly by trying to fight it. She needed to listen to her pussy and do what she was told like a good girl, that was all. “Thank you for coming to get me, Master,” she burbled, one finger still between her legs as she followed him back to the car. The throb in her cunt erased any question that she was saying the right thing.

(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)

The second I see it, I want to fuck it. Intellectually, I know that’s absurd; I’m in my early forties now, and even when I was younger and wilder and more prone to listen to that wet throb in my pussy and do something stupid, it never extended to masturbating with a stranger’s dildo in the middle of a public park. But my cunt wants what it wants, and as soon as my eyes lock onto the long thick silicone shaft the woman is holding out to me, I know that what it wants is to shove that thing up inside me until there’s barely enough left sticking out for my fingers to hold on to. “Uh huh!” I burble cheerfully, taking the fake cock and wriggling out of my panties right there on the park bench. I’m not even sure whether she actually asked me a question, or whether I’m just agreeing with the entire notion of fucking myself out in the open like this.

I hike up my skirt until anyone walking by can see my bare pink pussy and part my labia with two fingers to help slide the dildo inside. It doesn’t take much effort–the moment it sinks more than a few fractions of an inch into my slick, leaky cunt, I realize that I’m incredibly wet. The toy glides frictionlessly inside me despite its girth, and I feel my expression melt into a blank and plastic smile. “Uh huh,” I murmur, settling into a thrusting rhythm that leaves a puddle on the bench within moments. I’ve never been this goddamn soaked before. I don’t know what’s happening to me; I’m not the kinky type, I’m not gay (even if I have had a few fantasies now and again about Brie Larson)… but something about this cock, this shape, this shade of purple makes me throw caution to the wind and fuck myself in front of a total stranger. “Uh huh,"I whimper again, the pulses of pleasure inside my head obliterating any memory of her words.

The first climax hits, and my eyes unfocus into a blur of hazy rapture. When they refocus, she’s got out her phone and she’s filming every second of my degradation, but I can’t bring myself to care. I know I have to look incredibly sexy right now, smiling and fucking myself and staring at her with the intelligence of a golden retriever behind my empty blue eyes. I want to show the entire world how good it feels to clench my pussy around my special dildo and cum like a goddamn porn star–no. No, it’s even better than that. I’m not cumming like a porn star, I’m cumming until I become a porn star. "Uh huh!” I chirrup, my voice now a breathy squeak of pure ecstasy that makes Marilyn Monroe sound like Marilyn vos Savant.

I still don’t know what she’s saying to me, but I can feel the impressions of it in the way my thoughts change after every giggled, “Uh huh!” I suddenly love sex with women, I suddenly want to show off my naked body, I suddenly adore the notion of being controlled by a sex toy that makes me inexplicably weak-willed and susceptible to suggestions. It’s not hard to derive a proof by implication, but it’s incredibly difficult to care about what’s happening to me. Especially when I’m on my fourth climax and counting. My eyes have glazed over in a permanent thousand-yard stare, and all I can think of is getting the rest of the way naked for my new Mistress.

She doesn’t let me. Not yet. She helps me put my panties on over the toy, pushing both up until it’s filling me up in a perpetual orgasm that melts me into a docile and pliable state. Then she walks me out of the park, over to the parking lot, into her car and off to a new life. “Uh huh,” I sigh out as the seat belt clicks into position. Then my eyelids finally flutter shut and I sink completely into the pleasure of obedience.

(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)

He’d noticed. Oh, fuck, he’d noticed. Cyndi knew it was bound to happen, she’d seen the post circulating enough times before she finally took the plunge and got the tattoo to know that plenty of people would recognize the ‘free use’ symbol on her wrist, but it hadn’t even been a full hour since she removed the bandage and already a guy was giving her a look that told Cyndi he knew exactly what it meant. She looked up at him, concealing all her trepidation behind a bright smile, and thrust out her chest ever so slightly to emphasize her pendulous breasts.  And her cunt melted in a rush of warm, liquid arousal as he reached out and gave them a casual squeeze. “Looks like someone knows her place,” he purred, his voice a husky growl of lust as he pulled her closer and began to grope her heavy tits.

Cyndi nodded, a whimpering squeak escaping her lips as he roughly yanked her shirt over her head and started playing with her nipples through the thin fabric of her bra. “Y-yes sir,” she mewled, unable to escape the powerful waves of sexual heat that made her brain fuzz and fog over with undisguised lust. She’d been offering herself to strangers online for a couple years now, edging to hypnosis files until her mind was a muzzy haze of arousal and talking dirty to any man who would listen, but taking the next step and making her fantasies a reality was giving her a hit of excitement so intense that she was creaming her fucking panties. “I, I know that as a woman, I’m inferior to men and–”

The sharp smack of the stranger’s palm against her tit made her break off with a gasp of surprise. “Oh, don’t bring other women into this,” he snarled, unhooking the clasp on her bra and tugging it free so that anyone walking into the empty conference room would see her bare tits hanging out. “It’s always the same with you sluts, isn’t it? 'Women are inferior, women are born to serve men, women can’t think.’ Did other women go out and get a tattoo that gives men permission to use them any way they wanted? No. It was you. Don’t try to pretend that it’s your gender that made you a weak and needy little bitch when we both know you just can’t handle making decisions for yourself.”

Cyndi’s mouth opened, but for a moment no sound escaped. She’d known that this would be intense, erotic, the culmination of all her fantasies of being used and demeaned and treated like a piece of meat by some big strong man, but… but somehow the way the stranger stripped away her last illusions made her wetter than she ever thought possible. She couldn’t even hide anymore behind the excuse of the anti-feminist rhetoric that always felt so wrong and so hot at the same time–he was right, after all. Plenty of women had no trouble refusing men. It was her. It had always been her. “Y-yes sir,” she whimpered, her voice almost a full octave higher. “I, I’m inferior. To men and women.” It felt like such a relief to finally admit it.

“Good girl,” he growled, taking a double fistful of titflesh and squeezing. “Now, be back in this room promptly at 5:05 PM. I’ve actually got work to do around here, and you need to get your clothes back on before someone sees you like this and fucks you stupid before I get the chance.” Cyndi nodded again, unable to trust her own voice. She knew she would obey–and she knew that this was far from the last time someone would put her in her place.

“S-so anyway, I was saying, um… I, I was saying….” Molly blushed, the bright red flush creeping up her forehead and contrasting vividly with her sky-blue hair. She normally didn’t have this much trouble holding onto a train of thought; usually, she was able to hold court extemporaneously on a topic for hours without even a single moment of hesitation. But for some reason, tonight her cunt was just, well… it was fucking throbbing, there was no other way to put it. She was so fucking wet and horny and aching with arousal that she couldn’t seem to concentrate properly on what she was saying. But with a titanic effort, she focused on Cal’s sparkling green eyes and said, “I was saying, I don’t think hypnosis is real.”

The small but appreciative crowd in her tiny apartment gave her a look that suggested they weren’t entirely convinced. Stung, Molly pushed on. “No, seriously. I mean, yes, I know that there are some MRI results that suggest something is going on in the brain, but really, it’s kind of a far cry from a few inconclusive and easily misinterpreted brain scans to, to all the far-fetched claims hypnotists make about being able to make people… do things.” Her voice trailed into silence again for a long moment as she struggled to contain the hot, needy tingle in her clit at the thought of being made to perform for a hypnotist, and she shifted position awkwardly on the floor.

“Like, um, like, like, umm….” Molly’s brain fogged over, the examples she thought she could come up with on the fly suddenly flying clean out of her head, and she experienced another surge of hot embarrassment that somehow went straight down to her pussy and made it ache with desire. Everyone was looking at her so intently, Cal most of all, and here she was a stammering, babbling wreck under the pressure of talking to just five or six friends. It was enough to make her squirm, but somehow squirming right now only made her arousal so much worse. “Like, take hypnotic amnesia,” she managed to squeak out, finally breaking the deadlock in her mind even as she felt her cunt leaking with arousal.

“You know, h-hypnotists, they say they can… can make, um, make a woman f-forget she was hyp, um, hypnotized.” Nope, this was a mistake. This particular thread of conversation was making Molly’s pussy so utterly dripping wet that she could feel it clenching, and she was squirming and wriggling with helpless lust at the thought of being compelled like that. How had she even gotten onto this topic? It had been a secret fantasy of hers for years, and she felt so impossibly seen talking about it in front of her friends like this. But if she stopped now, they’d have to know how horny it was making her. Best to keep going. “But could, um, could you really ever f-f-forget something like that?”

Her vision swam, Cal’s bright smiling eyes coaxing more and more babble out of Molly’s practically empty head. “Could you, uh, c-could you just for… forget that you were naked from the waist down, squatting on a big, uh, b-big thick dildo with your legs spread so everyone could see it going innnhhhh! And, and out?” Her jaw hung slack, turning the words into a slurred mumble. “Could you pull down your collar and show everyone your, your titties and just, like… not even notice?” Molly’s nipples ached at the thought, but she couldn’t play with them right now. Not with her hands behind her back, helping push her… helping make her… the thought popped in Molly’s head, unable to sustain itself in the face of her arousal. She smiled vacantly. And with an encouraging nod from Cal, she went back to discussing her new favorite topic.

(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)

“**giggle** Nothing, it’s just… it’s kind of, like, funny, y'know? ‘Cuz, like, you dosed me with the… the, uhm, what’s that stuff? The stuff that was supposed to make me, like, super dumb and horny and stuff. You know, the little pink pills that, uhm… like, you know, you explainded it to me earlier when you gave me the, the s-sec, um, the t-third, uhm–the other one? Anyhoo. You gave me the yummy pink pills that made my brain all fuzzy, and I guess that was supposed to make me, like, totez weak and horny and s-s-suh, suh, supsepibum to your will?

"Uh huh! **giggle** But, like, when you told me to unbutton my sweater and you saw that I wasn’t wearing a bra, your eyes got real big. Like, OMG super big, y'know? And, like, I don’t even think you’ve blinked once since I took out my big titties. **giggle** Every time I bounce them, your eyes, like, totez follow them where ever they go! And I was thinking… uhm… hang on, I had it, I… oh! Right! LOLZ. I was thinking that even though I’m a totez ditz now because you snuck the yummy pink pill into my drink and then gave me an, um, other, and then told me I was too dumb to say no and gave me an other after that, um, uh, uhh….

"Oh! Yeah! I was thinking my great big sweater puppies still make you totez dumber than me. 'Cuz, um, I guess they still hyp–hypno–hypnomatize you? Like, I know you said you were super sick of me man, man, manumpalating you with my sexy body, and you were going to put me in my place and stuff, but I think that making me all dumb and slutty made you, like, even horniererer? And so, um, when you thought you were going to stop getting tricked into doing what ever I say so you might get to see me naked someday, instead you got tricked into seeing me naked and now you can’t stop looking at my titties! **giggle** OMG, you should see your eyes right now!

"And so I was, like, thinking it was probz kind of funny, because I might be a dumb slutty airhead but you’re the one who’s, y'know, not really thinking right now. You’re just, um, staring at my big bouncy titties and rubbing your cock through your pants and daydreaming of, uhm, fucking me, and I guess that kind of means you’re, y'know, hypno’d by my tits? And, like, I was thinking that it would be super extra funny if, like, your eyes started getting all, um… heavy, I guess? Because they keep following my jiggly boobies and that’s probz really, uh, exhaustamating. It is, right? Yay! Thought so.

"And like, now you’re just, y'know, nodding at every thing I say and, and, uhm, getting all throbby, and I was thinking maybe you should like, close your eyes and lie back so I can do all the work? Because, like, I’m totez gonna fuck you anyway, so why should you have to do that hard work of thinking when you can just daydream about my big titties wrapping around your cock and jerking it until you gush all that hot sticky jizz and go totez brain dead for me. Doesn’t that sound so good? That’s it. Just keep nodding. Just keep going deeper. Good boy. I think we’re gonna love being dummies togetherer.”

(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)

Gina’s eyes flutter open for just a moment, somewhere around the time the third man pulls out of her sloppy cunt and the fourth man pushes his dick inside her. She sees the cell phone propped up against the window, tucked neatly in between the safety railing and the glass, a winking red light in the corner of the screen politely informing her that every detail of this gangbang is being livestreamed to the Internet. It takes her a couple of moments to understand what that implies–her muzzy, groggy brain is still stuck on the long, thick cock thrusting deeper and deeper into her pussy, displacing semen as it sinks in until it drips down her thighs in thick globs. But eventually she gets it.

She… anyone can see her. Gina doesn’t know what platform she’s broadcasting this to, she has only the vaguest and foggiest memories of tapping on her screen at the direction of the man in the powder-blue suit with the soothing baritone voice, but she’s sure that hundreds of people are watching her get railed from behind right now. She can see in the image in front of her that there are at least three men standing in line behind her, stroking their dicks to get them hard so they can pound her pussy and fill her up with yet more hot sticky cum. By the time this ends, maybe those hundreds will become thousands. Maybe strangers from all over the world will be watching her face contort again and again in deep, helpless orgasm and know that she can’t stop herself from loving every second of this.

And the Internet is forever. The video is going to stay up for months, maybe even years. People will copy it, they’ll make gifs of her dangling titties swaying back and forth with every thrust of cock after cock after cock into her messy cunt. The bus slows to a stop again, picking up another two men who’ve been watching the livestream and recognized their opportunity to participate, and Gina wonders just how many times she’ll be fucked by strangers by the time this is all over. However many it is, the world is going to know. People will pass Gina on the street for the rest of her life and recognize her as the chick in that gangbang sex tape.

They won’t know anything about the hypnosis–that all happened before the stream started, back before the disgusted passengers got off a few stops early to avoid the live mobile sex show unfolding around them and left behind only the men who wanted to get their dicks wet inside Gina’s needy cunt. They’ll look at her and see only a cock-hungry slut who wanted to be fucked so bad she didn’t even look behind her to see who was plowing her pussy, and maybe they’ll make her a lewd and inappropriate offer to add their shaft to the total. Gina can already tell she’ll do it. She’ll give herself to anyone who wants to fuck her now, because the man in the powder-blue suit told her to and he’s so wonderfully persuasive.

That’s what goes through Gina’s dazed and befuddled mind in those few moments that approach lucidity, in the instant before the fourth man’s balls smack against her labia and she loses herself in warm, wet pleasure again. She’s completely, totally aware that she’s being conditioned into a public use slut… and the realization makes her pussy clench so hard around a stranger’s cock that she sees stars when she cums. And then, with a moan of helpless gratitude, she grinds against the man fucking her and milks every last drop of jizz out of him.

(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)

Excelente aporte ♥!!! Gracias…

Excelente aporte ♥!!! Gracias…

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