#intentions in withcraft


What is Intention?

Intention by definition is simply purpose. In witchcraft, intention is more than that. Its channeling magick in a certain direction. Its deciding what you want out of a spell or ritual, or even life in general. Its about asking the universe for something so you should be as clear and specific as possible. It is where most of the spell’s power comes from. A spell is a very powerful placebo that you create that is so powerful that if done correctly can manifest anything into your life. Its a skill that is developed over time. Although this is literally the bases of all witchcraft some could argue, it is often overlooked by witches. I think this is because it seems to basic, but you have to completely master the basics before you can more on to greater things. This is true for any area of life.

Why set an Intention?

Intention is important because without it spells would have no purpose and wouldn’t even work to begin with. It is important to communicate your desire to the universe in order for your spell to work. It is also important in the situation where you accidentally manifest something you do not want. This will save you time as to not waste a spell away just because you didn’t take the time to set your intentions. And of course, lets not forget the law of attraction and how relevant it is to your intent. Stay positive.

How do I Set a Clear and Powerful Intent?

To start the process, cleanse your mind. Do a brain dump of everything that is on your mind or meditate on your intention for a while. Even both if you are up to it. This is to prepare yourself for the spell itself.  Once you have that intention in your mind, you can harness that power by making sure all your thoughts and feelings support that intention. That’s what will make your intention as strong as possible and therefore your spell will be as strong as possible. One way to strengthen you intention is to simply verbalize or write it. Make sure to include a time frame in your statement, as this combined with your desires is what makes intent. Another way is to experiment with rituals and exercises that really bring out your intent after it is verbalized or written. This is the spell work aspect of intention. And the final way to set a clear and powerful intention is of course practice. Try journaling exercises, meditations, talk about your intent with someone, and visualize your intent in any way you chose. 

Is intention alone enough?

No. Intention alone is not enough to make your spells work, but it is a crucial first step that must be taken. You have to change you behavior too, before and after the spell is through. You must change your actions to comply with what your intentions are. For example, you do a financial prosperity spell, then you go out and work harder at your job. Those two actions combined is a powerful thing that will bring you prosperity. This also is a show of your values. Your thoughts combined with your actions is the magick in your spell.

A List of Intentions:  

There are types of intentions such as something immediate, relating to your relationships, work life, body, mindset, spiritual health, physical surroundings, emotional, creative, financial, the earth, and all humanity.

  • Banishment: keeping away negativity and negative energy
  • Beauty: for looking, expressing and feeling lovely and attractive
  • Binding: prevent harm, avoid danger, stop someone from performing a particular act; restriction
  • Business/Career: for success in one’s career, job hunting
  • Calming: relieve stress
  • Catalyst: stimulating a spell
  • Charge: store energy into something
  • Chasity: celibacy, innocence
  • Confidence: courage, self assurance and empowerment
  • Creativity: expression, imagination and improving artistic skills
  • Communication: improving communications and understandings with friends, family, spouses, etc; communicating with other forces
  • Cleanse: removing unclean energies and presences from self, objects or areas
  • Curse: bring negative energy into something or into someone’s life
  • Desire: gaining what one has strong feelings of want for or seeking to be wanted by others
  • Divination: clairvoyance, gaining insight
  • Discourage: prevent something from occurring
  • Dreams: bring dreams, relates to the dream realm
  • Emotional: spells focused on certain emotions
  • Encouragement: supporting and influencing something to happen
  • Exorcism: expelling evil spirits
  • Fertility: for conception
  • Fidelity: loyalty and faithfulness
  • Friendship: bonding and connections
  • Fortune: good luck
  • Forgotten: leave memories behind
  • Frugality: saving money
  • Glamour: illusions and perception
  • Generosity: kindness and good will
  • Happiness: joy and merriment
  • Healing: recovery and repair
  • Inspiration: gaining ideas and drive
  • Invisibility: going unnoticed, stealth
  • Judgment: improving decision making and choices
  • Longevity: increasing length/duration of things
  • Love: Romance
  • Lust: Libido and sex drive
  • Memory: remembrance
  • Motivation: determination
  • Patience: tolerance
  • Peace: tranquility
  • Prosperity: well-being
  • Protection: guarding, safety and warding
  • Psychic: improving any psychic ability or connection
  • Purification: purifying an object or space
  • Guidance: spiritual, mental, supernatural guidance, advice and bonds
  • Severing: cutting ties from others
  • Spirituality: for belief
  • Strength: brawn, endurance; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
  • Truth: honesty with self and others
  • Wealth: increasing money and physical possessions
  • Wisdom: decisions, intelligence, learning
  • Wish: gaining things and desires