

Did my 1st simmer pot yesterday, setting intentions for the new year.

Living With IntentionWhen I first heard of living with intention I thought it was just some girl bos

Living With Intention

When I first heard of living with intention I thought it was just some girl boss energy that I didn’t really want to participate in. I’m not a hustle wake up at 5 am person, so that never really works for me. I’m more of a lay in bed until 11 and I’m hungry enough to get coffee gtype person. So I initially just brushed it off as another lazy way businessmen are trying to hype up manifesting money. (That never really works mind you,) But then I learned that living with intention isn’t goal setting, it’s a lifestyle that adheres to what you want and how you can live your life to make it happen, in any way that you want. And no, you don’t have to get up at 5 am everyday to make it happen. 

Intentions not goals

I HATE goals. Like deep hate for them. All that slander in the early days of hustle culture really hit a nerve because not everyone is built for that same energy. And I saw a lot of people feel really guilty when they failed simply because that system was not designed for them.

When I say we are all different, I mean it. Each member of my family has a different energy type. So when you have one recipe for goal getting, it’s not going to work for everyone in the room. And yes, some people will fail and it has nothing to do with how hard they tried or how much effort they put into it, despite what all the hustle gurus tell you. 

Because it’s all about intentions NOT goals. You see, goals are little demons that crawl around making you feel guilty for stepping outside of your dream and doing something different just because you feel like it. Example 1: Oh you overslept, you didn’t get up at 4:30am and you missed your workout class now you are a failure forever. How is that mindset even healthy?!

Intentions are more simple and have a slower pace. Intentionally I want to someday live in an old Victorian house that we can fix up and make beautiful again. So I look up how to fix things and practice in my current home. I also read blogs on fixer-uppers and DIY everything I can in my house. This helps prepare me for the big dream. Intentions are not goals, but small steps you take to move forward with what you want. Can intentions change? Sure, I may never even move (LOL) or I may fall in love with a different style home. But does that mean I’m a failure? No, it means my intentions have changed and there’s room for that flexibility. 

Intentions can be other things, like career choices, what you want to study in school or how you visualize your life. Let’s say you want to someday be a salon owner. You can start living intentionally by researching salon ownerships, studying business or researching where you can get your cosmetology license. All of these things have the intention of someday being a salon owner. You can also do other things like enjoy your life, go out with your friends and work on your mental health. None of the other things take away from living with your intentions. It just means you are experiencing a full life. 

Intentions are moving forward daily and taking small steps towards how you want to build your life, without all the drama that comes with goal setting. With intentions there’s room for failure, flexibility, and changing your mind all while still manifesting the life you want.   

How I live intentionally


Journaling has always been a big way for me to sort out my feelings and I incorporate that into my intentional living. I know goal setting is all about writing your goals, and setting time frames but we are setting intentions here so let’s scrap that. If you want to set intentions and use your journals, write how you feel. How you would feel walking into your salon (if that’s your goal) or what you feel like researching or doing in the next month to live in your intention. If you manifested life includes owning a salon, maybe you want to look up cosmetology schools in your area, or maybe you want to do something fun like practice doing your own hair. Either Way make sure it’s bringing you energy and lots of happiness when you’re doing it. Intentions should never feel like work or a chore, they should feel fun and full of invigorating energy.

Making a mood board or collage

Start by clipping images, having a dedicated Pinterest board or just using Tumblr to get an aesthetic of how you see yourself in the future. If you’re owning a salon in your future you can imagine how it would look on the inside, maybe pick a logo or color palette or make business cards for fun on Canva. Remember it doesn’t have to be stressful or complete. Just fun ways you envision yourself living the life you want. 

I like to  categorize everything to make it easier for me, so I might have several folders on my laptop with pictures of things I’ve gathered over the years. My folders are categorized in things like, family, home, career, money etc. That way I can see each board individually and play around with the images I find online. Sometimes I print them out, sometimes I don’t. 

The important part of making a board or collage is to help visualize how you see yourself in the future. If you want to go to a specific school or live in a certain state, start compiling images in that space and picture yourself there. Use full sensory visualization. How does it feel? What is your day like? Remember visualization makes reality because our thoughts are things. 

Using spells

Spellwork is a great way to move forward with your intentions and can be the magical boost you need. Want to get a certain job? Maybe as your first step towards a new career? Before you interview, do a spell to set up that energy up for success. You can continue to use spellwork throughout your life to manifest your needs step-by-step and create a mindset where you are attracting what you want. 

It helps to break down your intentions into digestible parts and start with the first step. Each time you move towards another step in your journey see if you can incorporate spellwork into your manifestation. Each little jump forward is you moving closer to the life you want and more importantly living your truth.

Art on this post was created by Obsidian Odyssey! Thank you for collabing with me and creating the art for this post. Check out her witchy blog! Also she’s an AMAZING artist and has a free coven you can join!

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The dark of our long New England winter is the perfect time to clear what no longer serves us well, and to listen to our heart as we set our goals and aspirations.

The last couple of years, I’ve found it really helpful to work with Danielle LaPorte’s Desire Map processInk + Volt’s planners, and returning frequently to the wisdom of Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estesto stay grounded in my…

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happy 4th of july!







The postcard design I sent to my patreon backers in March :) instagram / patreon / portfolio / etsy

The postcard design I sent to my patreon backers in March :)

instagram/patreon/portfolio/etsy/ my book/redbubble

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I set up a little shop on redbubble! Just been trying to be creative and put stuff out there that I know *I* want to see, maybe you’ll like it, too? Going to try my hand at visual creativity. Planning on adding witchy things very soon!

An example of the aforementioned witchy things to come!

I set up a little shop on redbubble! Just been trying to be creative and put stuff out there that I know *I* want to see, maybe you’ll like it, too? Going to try my hand at visual creativity. Planning on adding witchy things very soon!

Doing an ongoing spell for wealth and financial security.

My anxiety is really weird around manifesting financial stuff so I tend to be really careful with how I word things and where I focus my energy.

orriculum:sweet thoughts ritual jar gather rose petals, rose quartz, and crumple bay leaf into a j


sweet thoughts ritual jar

gather rose petals, rose quartz, and crumple bay leaf into a jar. cover partially and fill with incense smoke. release the smoke when it’s charged with the intent you want to put out into the world

i’ve seen a few posts involving incense smoke with spell jars and i just had to give it a try

This is brilliant.

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November Intentions: Grace and Gratitude

Hello November!



Setting monthly intentions has quickly become one of my favorite mindfulness practices. It’s a way to set goals for myself and a way to remind myself of the mindset I want to live in. I’ve started placing my intentions on my dresser so that I have to look at them every single day. This way, I’m not just writing the intentions to write them – I’m writing them so that I can…

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This month I want to focus on creating healthy routines & habits that benefit me both physically & mentally.

Here are my intentions for October:

1. Try an anti-inflammatory diet

I want to try a diet that is heavier in anti-inflammatory foods to see if it helps my headaches at all. I’ve also been experiencing inflammation in other parts of my body so I want to see if it will help alleviate…

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I’ve decided to really focus on living my life, day by day, with more intent. And when writing down what I wanted my intentions for this new month to be, I realized there was sort of a theme: A little less talk, a lot more action.

I always tell myself I will put more time and energy (what little of both I have left in my week) toward my writing, my blog and my efforts to create a community for…

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Happiness Spell

Marmalade and magick in a jar that will last throughout winter.

You’ll need:

1.25 kg (Seville) oranges

1.2 kg (normal) sugar

1 lemon

1 l water

jars (the number depends on the size of your jars and how much water evaporates but you probably won’t need more than 6 “normal”-sized jars)

(paper and pen)


Before you begin making the marmalade, take a moment to reflect on your intentions (write them down if that is helpful to you).

First, think about some negative aspect that you’d like to avoid. Is it a particular event your not looking forward to? A recent feeling or development? Or something more vague and general, like i.e., the gloominess that often comes with grey winter weather? Why do you perceive it as negative? What is it exactly that is negative/ unpleasant about it?

Then, focus on something positive? Is there any part of the negativity that can be turned into something good? What would that look like? What form would it take? Otherwise, what would be a positive alternative? What is missing to make things go well? What is important for your happiness? What do you wish to bring into your life/ a particular situation?

Now that your intentions are clear, you can get going…

1. Peel the oranges and lemon and remove the white pith from it. Cut the peels into thin strips - set them aside. Remove the pith from the fruit as well. Over a bowl -to catch the juice - remove the membrane and seeds and set them aside (you’ll need them for their pectin). Now you should have three bowls: One with the zest, one with the juice and fruit flesh, and one with the seeds and membrane.

2. Add the zest and enough water to a pot and boil it two or three times (for a few minutes), changing the water every time. As the boiling water is taking away the bitterness of the zest, bring back to your mind whatever bad thing you thought about earlier. Visualise it being in the pot with the zest, being soaked up by the water. And as you pour out the water, all the negativity leaves with it.

3. Add zest, fruit flesh, juice and sugar to a pot and cover them with water. As you wait for the mixture to start boiling, focus on the positivity you set as your intention. Stir sunwise and visualise the good things and happiness you seek to manifest. You may speak them out loud; naming on aspect and thereby “adding” it to the marmalade, then picturing it in your mind while stirring, and moving on to the next aspect.

4. Put the membrane and seeds in a cheese cloth (or something similar) and tie the ends together to make a bag. Once the ingredients in your pot begin to boil, add your pectin bag to the mix.

5. After fifteen minutes you can start testing whether your marmalade is setting (although it will probably take quite some more time). To do so, take a plate (best put it in the fridge before starting to make the marmalade) and drop some marmalade on it. If, after a moment, you can draw a line through the marmalade without it closing again, it is setting.

6. Let the marmalade cool down for five to ten minutes. Then, pour or spoon it into clean (and sterilised) jars. Put on the lids and let it cool down completely.

(If you store the marmalade in your fridge, it is enough if the jars are properly cleaned. If you plan on storing it outside the fridge, I recommend sterilising the jars by leaving them in boiling waters for a few minutes and then letting them air dry on a dish towel.)

Every time you use your marmalade, take a moment to be mindful and to remind yourself of the intentions you put into those jars of happiness.

Personally if I had enough energy (I hesitate to say “spoons” on someone’s post about a literal recipe) to get through Step One, I could certainly get to Step Six and go, “Oh shit, the jars were meant to be STERILIZED?!” but I think perhaps Step Zero here is teaching Partner Dude to make marmalade while I furiously Think Good Thoughts at it from bed. #fibrolife

Venus Retrograde in Capricorn

✨ 19th December 2021 - 29th January 2022

Venus going retrograde gives us the opportunity to reflect on our relationships, financial assets and self-worth. People might have trouble seeing the correct value of not only material things, but also themselves or their connections!

Do you know your worth? Or do you let others walk over you and use you? Now is a great time to take a step back and set new boundaries. Focus on self-love, rather than chasing old flings and seeking validation from elsewhere.

Venus Retrograde is known for bringing back exes and old lovers from the past. And many people easily fall into this ‘trap’. Remember that you have most likely left these people in the past for a reason.Do they really deserve your time now?

Any current relationships could be challenged by this retrograde. Communication is key here, so if you want your relationship to continue, make sure both parties involved have the same intentionsand are going to put in equal amount of work and energy!

Since Venus is in Capricorn, we might also be challenged when it comes to our finances. What I recommend here is to make sure you are as organized as possible, keeping track of all your incomes and spendings. This is definitely not the time for reckless spending!!

And lastly, Venus is strongly connected to our appearance.Avoid dramatic last-minute changes (yes, this means fighting the urge to suddenly change your hair color or get a tattoo). Because what you think you like now might completely change once Venus is direct.

What to avoid:

  • Dramaticallychanging your appearance
  • Reconnecting with exes and friends who were left in the past for a reason
  • Reckless shopping, spending money you shouldn’t be spending
  • Don’t sell yourself short. Know your worth!

I wish you the best✨

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

19th November 2021

We are entering into another Eclipse Season with a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. The main download I have received for the collective is to balance the spiritual and material sides of yourselves.

Look back to late May and early June, when we were in the first eclipse season of the year. What was stirred up in your life? You might finally find closure in that area now. Or perhaps new changes will emerge.

The Full Moon is going to be aspected by Jupiter,MercuryandPluto. With all these planets working together, there is an amazing opportunity to bring your desires into life, if you do it right.

Some of us may feel feel a new sense of ambition and alignment but there’s also a strong possibility of becoming overly emotional and sensitive.

Working with eclipse energy can be quite challenging and you should be extra careful with your intentions, as it may backfire on you. Be careful what you wish for!

What to focus on:

  • Looking back at the last eclipses this May/June and tying the loose ends
  • Calling back your energy
  • Tuning into your spirituality
  • Getting yourfinancesand material possessions under control
  • Finding abalancebetween the spiritual and material

Watch out for:

  • Beingoverconfident and toodomineering
  • Extreme emotional reactions
  • Blind faith
  • Reckless manifestations and spells

I wish you a lovely Lunar Eclipse✨

What is Intention?

Intention by definition is simply purpose. In witchcraft, intention is more than that. Its channeling magick in a certain direction. Its deciding what you want out of a spell or ritual, or even life in general. Its about asking the universe for something so you should be as clear and specific as possible. It is where most of the spell’s power comes from. A spell is a very powerful placebo that you create that is so powerful that if done correctly can manifest anything into your life. Its a skill that is developed over time. Although this is literally the bases of all witchcraft some could argue, it is often overlooked by witches. I think this is because it seems to basic, but you have to completely master the basics before you can more on to greater things. This is true for any area of life.

Why set an Intention?

Intention is important because without it spells would have no purpose and wouldn’t even work to begin with. It is important to communicate your desire to the universe in order for your spell to work. It is also important in the situation where you accidentally manifest something you do not want. This will save you time as to not waste a spell away just because you didn’t take the time to set your intentions. And of course, lets not forget the law of attraction and how relevant it is to your intent. Stay positive.

How do I Set a Clear and Powerful Intent?

To start the process, cleanse your mind. Do a brain dump of everything that is on your mind or meditate on your intention for a while. Even both if you are up to it. This is to prepare yourself for the spell itself.  Once you have that intention in your mind, you can harness that power by making sure all your thoughts and feelings support that intention. That’s what will make your intention as strong as possible and therefore your spell will be as strong as possible. One way to strengthen you intention is to simply verbalize or write it. Make sure to include a time frame in your statement, as this combined with your desires is what makes intent. Another way is to experiment with rituals and exercises that really bring out your intent after it is verbalized or written. This is the spell work aspect of intention. And the final way to set a clear and powerful intention is of course practice. Try journaling exercises, meditations, talk about your intent with someone, and visualize your intent in any way you chose. 

Is intention alone enough?

No. Intention alone is not enough to make your spells work, but it is a crucial first step that must be taken. You have to change you behavior too, before and after the spell is through. You must change your actions to comply with what your intentions are. For example, you do a financial prosperity spell, then you go out and work harder at your job. Those two actions combined is a powerful thing that will bring you prosperity. This also is a show of your values. Your thoughts combined with your actions is the magick in your spell.

A List of Intentions:  

There are types of intentions such as something immediate, relating to your relationships, work life, body, mindset, spiritual health, physical surroundings, emotional, creative, financial, the earth, and all humanity.

  • Banishment: keeping away negativity and negative energy
  • Beauty: for looking, expressing and feeling lovely and attractive
  • Binding: prevent harm, avoid danger, stop someone from performing a particular act; restriction
  • Business/Career: for success in one’s career, job hunting
  • Calming: relieve stress
  • Catalyst: stimulating a spell
  • Charge: store energy into something
  • Chasity: celibacy, innocence
  • Confidence: courage, self assurance and empowerment
  • Creativity: expression, imagination and improving artistic skills
  • Communication: improving communications and understandings with friends, family, spouses, etc; communicating with other forces
  • Cleanse: removing unclean energies and presences from self, objects or areas
  • Curse: bring negative energy into something or into someone’s life
  • Desire: gaining what one has strong feelings of want for or seeking to be wanted by others
  • Divination: clairvoyance, gaining insight
  • Discourage: prevent something from occurring
  • Dreams: bring dreams, relates to the dream realm
  • Emotional: spells focused on certain emotions
  • Encouragement: supporting and influencing something to happen
  • Exorcism: expelling evil spirits
  • Fertility: for conception
  • Fidelity: loyalty and faithfulness
  • Friendship: bonding and connections
  • Fortune: good luck
  • Forgotten: leave memories behind
  • Frugality: saving money
  • Glamour: illusions and perception
  • Generosity: kindness and good will
  • Happiness: joy and merriment
  • Healing: recovery and repair
  • Inspiration: gaining ideas and drive
  • Invisibility: going unnoticed, stealth
  • Judgment: improving decision making and choices
  • Longevity: increasing length/duration of things
  • Love: Romance
  • Lust: Libido and sex drive
  • Memory: remembrance
  • Motivation: determination
  • Patience: tolerance
  • Peace: tranquility
  • Prosperity: well-being
  • Protection: guarding, safety and warding
  • Psychic: improving any psychic ability or connection
  • Purification: purifying an object or space
  • Guidance: spiritual, mental, supernatural guidance, advice and bonds
  • Severing: cutting ties from others
  • Spirituality: for belief
  • Strength: brawn, endurance; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
  • Truth: honesty with self and others
  • Wealth: increasing money and physical possessions
  • Wisdom: decisions, intelligence, learning
  • Wish: gaining things and desires
Positive Thoughts. Positive Thinking ・・・ #time #yourtime #dailyaffirmations #bless#blessed #blesse

Positive Thoughts. Positive Thinking ・・・
#time #yourtime #dailyaffirmations #bless
#blessed #blessed #blessedandgrateful #blessings #genuine #birkin #fypシ #whatever #fyp #you #bentley #staysafe #Jesus #wakingupinthemorning #LoveLife #lifestyle #positivevibes #DoYou #loveyourself #intentions #moving #positivevibes #living #life (at Positive Mindset)

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You can sit around doing all the “abundance” affirmations you want, you can say them until you’re blue in the face, but are you REALLY telling the Universe you’re open to its generosity if you’re still saying “Thanks but no thanks” to the unique treasures it has already been offering you???

It’s a new year, so I’ll say Happy New Year! I’m really excited for what’s transforming, not because

It’s a new year, so I’ll say Happy New Year! I’m really excited for what’s transforming, not because it’s a new year (I don’t believe in resolutions or goals based on some future event), but because my consciousness has been shifting and the intention behind living has been altered. What does this mean? Everyday actions are done with a set intention, with the purpose of living the best life possible for all. There is no set goal for the future, as most times these fail (for various reasons) This WILL lead to more “goals” being accomplished and a more fulfilling life for you! Please see my new YouTube video where I talk a bit about goals vs. intentions and what intention I have set

#newyear #intentionalliving #intentions #positiveliving #enlightenedliving #selflove #happiness #truelove #truehappiness

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