#international day of women and girls in stem



Sloane and Nadia geeking out over Leonardo Da Vinci


Nadia Park - Cassie Ventura

Sloane Washington - Nelly Muse (museuniform))


• Sloane and Nadia find out they both are Leonardo Da Vinci fans, shortly after the dust all settles (post Eros takedown)

• But for very different reasons! Nadia geeks out over his artistic technique, Sloane over his many inventions and esp his anatomical drawings!

• Hayden let slip once that Sloane had copies of the 70s documentary “The Life of Leonardo Da Vinci” in Nadia’s presence…and the rest was history.

• What followed was one of the rare nights Nadia joined Hayden and the MC for documentary night.

• The other two would later say that listening to Sloane and Nadia discuss made it sound like they’d watched two films on the same subject!

• Nadia convinced Sloane to watch Ever After: A Cinderella Story with her a few weeks after that. Historical inaccuracies aside, it was fun to watch and a lot more fun to pick out references.

Nadia when she sees the last scene, where Leonardo Da Vinci shows the heroine a portrait of her (it’s actually La Scapigliata/Head of a Woman): He never actually finished that.

Sloane on seeing the scene where Leonardo Da Vinci tries to walk on water: You won’t believe how much he loved water! (this leads to a full-15-minute absolutely-unprepared speech on water flow and pressure, hydraulics, and the geometry of flowing water*. “Whoever said you can’t be eloquent should listen to you describe water!” Nadia said).

• Both women attended an exhibition on his work in NY and got lost in different parts of the museum for half an hour. Neither of them realized they were lost until Steve and the MC found them, gazing at a design of a flying machine, and The Virgin of the Rocks, respectively**.

• Nadia when you ask her to explain the sfumato technique:

• Sloane when you ask her to talk about the Codex Leicester:

BOTH when you ask them how Leonardo Da Vinci made connections across disciplines:


• “Opinion: What Leonardo Da Vinci can teach us about water

• Inspired by a scenario @cassiopeiacorvus mentioned to me
