#international motorcycle show


Q&A With the International Motorcycle Show 2021

Q and A With the International Motorcycle Show 2021

If you have be reading my sporadic posts (I really wish I cold do this instead of making money to feed and clothe myself and motorcycles) you know I recently attended the Pennsylvania stop of the International Motorcycle show.  It was an outdoor event that my wife and I enjoyed!

While I was there, I met Meredith Loza, Marking Director of the Powersports Group with Informa Markets. She is the one…

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The International Motorcycle Show 2021

The International Motorcycle Show 2021

I am just now getting around to writing about our trip to the 2021 International Motorcycle Show. Life and work have been pushing against riding and writing for a couple months now thus the reason for fewer posts.  I hope that is changing for the better, fingers crossed.

For us this year’s show was held at the Carlisle, Pennsylvania Fairgrounds, which is about a two-hour trip for us.  That was…

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The International Motorcycle Shows (IMS) are returning with Progressive IMS Outdoor.

The International Motorcycle Shows (IMS) are returning with Progressive IMS Outdoor.

Typically, I attend the “Big” International Motorcycle Show series that feature all the major manufactures which, normally, occurs in winter in my region of the world.  This year I will attend not only that show, but also the IMS Outdoor event as well. One reason is how starved I am for in person motorcycle events but also because a friend of this blog is going to be a presenter.

Progressive IMS…

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