#interview ajunews


(TRANS ) 170103 — interview with ajunews

translated byfy!wdh+originally from ajunews by choi songhee
please do not repost translations on tumblr and always credit page 712, or fywdh when posting elsewhere. please obtain permission before translating into other languages.
click here for an alternate version with accompanying images. 

It’s an expected stanning accident [unexpectedly became a fan]. If you have watched the film ‘Master’ (director by Jo Uiseok · produced by Zip Cinema · distributed by CJ Entertainment), then they should be words that you might have uttered. 

At some point the new slang 'stanning accident’, which combines the words 'stanning’ and 'car accident’, started following actor Woo Dohwan (25), and with his mere few minutes of screen time, he “hit” [“ran over”] viewers. Viewers suddenly became mesmerized with Snapback and Woo Dohwan, as if they had become a victim of a sudden stanning accident. 

Rookie actor Woo Dohwan, who has only just stepped into the entertainent industry, is nothing but fascinated with the reaction from viewers. “Working with director Jo Uiseok and actors Lee Byeonghun, Kang Dongwon, and Kim Woobin” already seemed like a dream, but the interest he was showered with from viewers after the film hit cinemas was something unbelievable [to Woo Dohwan]. 

“Honestly, I’m [Woo Dohwan] a bit embarrassed. I didn’t know that people would show me this much interest and like me so much. I really never would have imagined it. I’m thinking of nothing else but that I should work hard." 

Woo Dohwan played the role of Snapback, a devoted follower of president Jin (Lee Byeonghun) in the film 'Master’ which depicts the chase between the intellectual crime investigation team chasing the con artists involved in a billion dollar fraud case, the largest case of fraud since the founding of the country. 

The tension between you and Mother Kim (Jin Kyung) left a really great impression. I requested an interview with you without even knowing you, or your character’s name.
Hahaha. The name of the character was Snapback. I’m happy that a lot more people are looking for me than I expected. 

Our interview with director Jo Uiseok really helped.
Ah! I never would have imagined. The director is a really great guy. He’s gentle, generous and always laughed at everything I did. He’s the savior of my life. I would like to repay the favor someday. 

Did you get the role of Snapback through auditions?
I joined the movie through auditions. I only found out that I was given the role of Snapback after I passed the auditions. I wanted to show every side of myself at the auditions, so I showed them a bright, and cold side etc. The director said that he 'was looking for a kid who was child-like, but could kill without hesitating’. I think I was lucky. I think I appealed the fact that I really wanted to join the film. 

What was your first impression of Snapback?
I was really nervous. He’s someone who is quiet [of few words], driven by money, and can turn his back on people easily. Seeing that side of him made him [seem] more like a child to me. I wanted to keep portraying that child-like side of him, even if no one saw it. After being cast, I went to the gym everyday. I exercised in order to appear like a killer, and thought seriously about 'what can I do in order to pull off the character better’. 

Your external appearance was very strong. Did you input any ideas into Snapback’s external appearance?
I wanted him to have a fierce [looking] tattoo. I told the director, and it turns out he was already thinking the same thing. Our opinions on things like hairstyle and costume were similar as well. The director, costume director and makeup director did everything, I was just lucky. 

Snapback is a character who makes you curious about their past. We’re curious about his countless cases of internal struggle as well.
A lot of it came together [when he was] with (Park) Haesoo hyung who played the role of the man in the helmet in the movie. From the moment after I was cast, to during action school and until the moment the [filming for the] movie ended. We thought about the kind of environment the two of us [their characters in the film] met in, and the reason behind why the two of us move together. There wasn’t much of a character description [to work off]. I think I tried to give off a certain kind of chemistry with Haesoo hyung. 

You must have relied a lot on Park Haesoo.
Hyung [Park Haesoo] and I are from the same school (Dankook University), which I think made it more comfortable. We talked a lot, and I learned a lot. If hyung wasn’t there, I think the filming in Manila would have been been difficult as well. 

Your chemistry with Park Haesoo’s character was great but the thing that caught our eye first was your chemistry with Jin Kyung.
wdh:I had hoped that I would come off as more 'child-like’ in the scenes that I appear with Jin Kyung sunbaenim. Originally there was a scene where I smiled when President Jin asked me 'who are you going to save?’, but that was edited out. I think there would be a different interpretation [of his character] if that scene had been shown. There’s always something that could be improved - I feel like I wasn’t able to do as well as the director wanted from me.

We heard that there was a scene that you frequently caused an NG over because you were so nervous?
Because of a mobile phone. Hahaha. I was supposed to pull out my gun immediately after getting a call from President Jin, but my thoughts were different to what the director had in mind. I was going to look at the phone in my right hand, and shoot the gun with my left, but the director said to pull out my phone with my left hand. Maybe it was because I [his character] was supposed to be nervous for that scene, but I actually became nervous [in real life] and my hands got mixed up…. hahaha. Jin Kyung sunbae and the director comforted me so I was able to get through it [the scene].

You must have been very nervous acting between actors Lee Byeonghun and Jin Kyung.
I’m still nervous. Just thinking about it! Hahaha. I was already shaking from the script reading, and was nervous even during the costume fitting and on the filming site. It was even more so because they are such big name actors and model actors to me. To think that I was going to be acting with these actors? I couldn’t believe it. I really learned a lot. 

Is that what they call learning just by watching?
With Lee Byeonghun sunbaenim, you would be surprised just by hearing his voice. When I saw his acting during the script reading, I had nothing to say except for 'he’s amazing’. I really think he’s the greatest actor. I have no idea how he makes people focus on him like he does. I could never fall asleep the night before filming.

What aspects of acting did you get help on?
I learnt how to shoot a gun. No, actually, it would be a slight overstatement to say that I learnt. I still couldn’t do it even though they taught me. I technically did learn [how to shoot a gun] in my previous production 'Operation Chromite’, but I thought that there would be a difference between a soldier and killer so I asked Lee Byeonghun sunbaenim for advice. I asked him 'What do I have to do to appear like a killer?’, and he loaded the gun [to show him] without saying a word. The moment I saw him do that, I thought 'ah, I won’t be able to copy that’. I ended up just handling and playing around with the gun in my own way - in order to appear like I was familiar with it [the gun]. 

In the film, Snapback is involved in the tight war of nerves between President Jin and Mother Kim. Did you do anything in particular to ensure that you didn’t overpowered in that situation?
I thought really hard about how I should open my eyes [keep his eyes open]. I thought a lot about what the eyes of a kid whose job it was to be a killer would be like - I think I worked hard in that aspect as well. Firstly, I wanted to make the most of that job, so I tried to act rebelliously without it seeming too exaggerated. The acting of the sunbaenims [is something that] would make you lose your breath simply by watching them. Will I ever have the day when I become like that? 

You were the youngest on set. Actor Kim Woobin frequently mentioned that he was 'the second youngest’.
My eyes were opened to the things that the youngest has to do [on set] by watching Woobin hyung. He looked after me really well, and taught me a lot as well. Since he was an actor that I really liked before I became an actor, I didn’t know what to do with myself when he called me 'my [Kim Woobin’s] dongsaeng, my dongsaeng’. 

We can’t not talk about Kang Dongwon, then.
Kang Dongwon sunbaenim is really good looking. Hahaha. I totally fell for him after watching 'A Wolf’s Temptation’. It even made me subconsciously think that 'high schoolers are that cool’. Kang Dongwon is truly a pro [professional]. There’s a scene where a fight breaks out between him and Park Haesoo’s character, and despite filming 3 days consecutively, he was always smiling. His passion for acting was extraordinary as well. There was seriously a lot to be learnt from each and every sunbae.

According to what you’ve said, your life as an actor seems like it would be a dream. Filming a movie with the actors and directors you like. What was the start of this 'dream’?
I started acting when I was 19. I think I was influenced by my father who was previously involved in theater. With an unclear wish of simply just wanting to act, I started attending acting school, entered university, and ended up at my company (Key East). I think I was just always lucky. My father says 'it feels like you’re making my dream come true on my behalf, so thanks’. I’m also just thankful and happy for everything. I’m trying not to forget my roots [where he came from/his original intentions].

From films to dramas, you’ve mostly been given strong [fierce] characters. For an actor, gaining a [certain] image could be either beneficial or detrimental.
I don’t have any burdens or regrets about being stuck with a certain image. It actually makes me more thankful. However, there is a bit of regret in that I feel like I should have expressed it [those feelings] better. I’ll be preparing so that I can do even better if I’m given a different image or character. 

If you were to make a personal promise until we meet you again in your next production?
I would definitely like to try a youth centric production next time. I want to wear a school uniform. Hahaha. I will work hard so that the next time we meet, I can greet you through a production and character that expresses the school days well.
