

(TRANS ) 161227 — interview with ilgan sports (part one)

translated byfy!wdh+originally fromilgan sports by hwang jiyoung
please do not repost translations on tumblr and always credit page 712, or fywdh when posting elsewhere. please obtain permission before translating into other languages.
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Rookie Woo Dohwan is a ‘Cold City Man’ [man with a cool image].

He left a deep impression as he played the role of Kim Wansik, an employee of a loan shark company Dada Finance, in the recently finished KBS [drama] ‘The Man Living in Our House’. He showed [us] the model ‘cold city man’ through the chic and fierce look in his eyes. He’s greeting the public [audience] through 'Master’ on the big screen, [in which he is] committing crimes without batting an eye.

The Woo Dohwan we met in person was far from cold, but [he was] a man who was walking down the right path. Every word he spoke exuded [an aura of] cautiousness, but at the same time also contained humility and consideration. We could see [in him] passion of being determined to slowly get closer of his goal of becoming an actor, beginning with his first drama 'The Man Living in Our House’.

ilgan sports: You’re strapping in real life.
wdh:I’ve never once thought of myself as being good looking. Sunbaenims like Kim Youngkwang and Lee Soohyuk from 'The Man Living in Our House’, and Lee Byeonghun, Kang Dongwon and Kim Woobin from the film 'Master’ are good looking, and have amazing [body] proportions. I’m really nothing compared to them. [He only thinks of himself as good looking] On the days where I’ve been to the [beauty] salon, [he only think] I’m a little better [looking] than usual.

Your locker must have been bursting with presents during your school days.
The lockers were full from just textbooks [they were so small]. There’s no room for anything else. I was a average [normal] student who liked soccer. I just went back and forth between school and [after school studying] academy - I wasn’t popular. 

How did you become an actor if you aren’t confident in your looks [appearance].
My father who was a theater actor had a big influence [on his decision]. My parents were the ones to first to suggest that I [urged him to] become an actor. Because I was [still] young I watched all movies regardless of the nationality. It was then that I found out about this job [being an actor], and I chose to take this path when I became a senior in high school. I attended [an] acting school.

You parents must have liked it [Woo Dohwan becoming an acting].
When I told me father that I would try acting, he thanked me. Hearing him say that made me determined to work even harder. I invited them to the vip screening of the film 'Master’, and they were grinning from ear to ear. Seeing them made me [feel] all proud. It felt like I had carried out my duties [filial duty] as a son.

How do you feel following the completion of your debut small screen [drama]?
I was really nervous in the beginning. I even thought about whether I would be able to do well. On the inside [mentally], I also had worries about whether or not I was really ready. On set, Soo Ae and Park Sangmyun sunbaenim gave me a lot of encouragement. They helped me by suggesting we rehearse together right up until before we went [had to go] in to shoot. I filmed [the drama] while being shown a lot of consideration, and never once thought of it [filming] as difficult. Our drama had quite an warm aura, and the fact that this great production was my first drama was was even better. 

When was your first NG?
I remember it being the second day of filming episode 4. It was a scene where I was on the phone with Go Nangil (Kim Youngkwang), and I [was supposed to] answer the phone while resting my elbow on the desk, but I lent against the bookshelf [instead] and stumbled. It was memorable because everyone burst out laughing. I kept saying I was sorry while bowing my head. After that, I made a few mistakes with lines and what path I was supposed to take. The sunbaenims encouraged me by telling me not to lose heart [beat himself up] over causing an NG, and boosted my confidence.

You even received a coffee truck.
[how] embarrassing. It made me think [realize] that I have fans, and that I really have to work hard. [Up] Until then I had only been drinking from [the coffee trucks sent to his] the sunbaenims, but I gained strength when the coffee truck in my name arrived. My fans even came to the set to support [him]. They gave me a banner, and it’s [stored away] nice and safe at home. I’ll have a think about where to hang it up.

What’s your secret to capturing [the hearts of] fans?
I don’t think the skills that I have are outstanding. The director told me that I have a face that has both [elements of] good and evil, so wouldn’t that be my charm? I think I was given the roles based on the extension [of the theory that he has a face with both good and evil] this time in 'Master’, as well as [previously] in 'The Man Living in Our House’.

(TRANS ) 161223 — interview with tenasia (part two)

translated byfy!wdh+originally fromtenasia by lee eunjin
please do not repost translations on tumblr and always credit ‘fywdh.tumblr.com’ when posting elsewhere. please obtain permission before translating into other languages.
click here for an alternate version with accompanying images.

tenasia: Is there a particular reason behind why you started acting?
wdh: I started acted when I was 19, when I attended an acting school. My father was a big influence [behind the decision]. He was a theater actor when he was younger, and thanks to that, I was able to come in contact with a vast variety of different films from a young age. My father and mother both told me that they would like for me to go down the path of an acting career.

Then your parents must be very happy seeing you [and his career] right now.
They really like it. They always watch the live broadcasts of my dramas, and seeing how much they are enjoying it makes me even happier.

You also showed off your intense presence with your appearance in the film ‘Master’. How did you feel after watching the finished film?
wdh: I was so nervous during the vip screening that I watched the film while clutching my chest. I couldn’t watch it [the film] comfortably because I I knew how much the actors, directors, and all staff members suffered, and how hard they worked. It made me more nervous instead.

Once again, you worked with very senior sunbae’s like Lee Byeonghun and Jin Kyung.
They’re people I watched through various productions even before I started acting. That’s why I was nervous from the moment I heard that I had been cast [for ‘Master’] following my audition. I even worried about whether I ‘would be able to act amongst those sunbaenims’. Even at the script reading, the aura of the sunbaenims were all very strong. I still can’t believe that I worked together on a movie with those people.

Following on from ‘The Man Living in Our House’, you played another fierce role in ‘Master’.
Everyone tends to call Wansik from ‘The Man Living in Our House’ and Snapback from ‘Master’ villains, but I like to think of Wansik as just someone with a back story [instead of a villain]. But Snapback is really a villain. Both of them are fierce characters but they both have different charms, and I learned a lot while acting as both characters.

We heard that everyone had a hard time while filming on location in the Philippines for ‘Master’.
I don’t think I had a hard time at all. The staff members carried out filming under conditions where they couldn’t even wear hats in the scorching heat, and none of the sunbaenims complained despite the large number of scenes they had. Filming was always carried out with smiles on our faces. I was really happy to be on set, and I would head out to the set even on days where I wasn’t scheduled to film. I learned a lot from the conversations I overheard between the directors and sunbaenims. It was always enjoyable, and I was happy. I don’t have any memories of having a hard time.

Is there a genre you would like to try, or character you would like to play in the future?
wdh: I want to try a youthhood, or school based production while I’m in my twenties, before I turn 30. I want to play role where I have to wear a school uniform while I can still pull it off and before I get too old. Up until now, I’ve learned a lot while acting alongside some very senior sunbaenims, and going forward, I would like to try to work with friends who are around the same age as me. I want to know how those friends are dealing with acting.

Are you going to keep working on both films and dramas in the future?
wdh: Films and dramas are very different from each other. With films, the preparation stage is long, and [so] we have a lot of time to talk to each other. So in a sense, we’re able to be a lot more detailed and precise when going into shoot. With dramas on the other hand, we have to make it as perfect as possible in a short amount of time. I think that’s why we become more close knit with each other. Personally both of them are very charming to me, so I want to keep working on both in the future.

Moving forward, what kind of actor do you want to become?
I want to become an actor who is like a friend. An actor who makes the public and viewers feel comfortable with no sense of objection when they see me, and one who can make them cry and laugh with me. I dream of becoming an actor that has a scent of a human [relatable].

Among the senior actors, do you have a role model?
Before I started acting, I really liked Ryu Seungbeom sunbaenim as an actor. I’ve watched a lot of his [Ryu Seungbeom] productions since I was young. He’s very free when he acts, but in saying that he’s not [too] light. He’s very good at creating his own unique aura. I hope the day will come where I can become an actor who can give off a similar vibe to him [Ryu Seungbeom].

What kind of production do you think ‘The Man Living in Our House’ and ‘Master’ will remain as in your filmography?
 ‘The Man Living in Our House’ was my debut drama, and ‘Master’ is my debut film. I was lucky to have met these two productions, because they are debut productions that I will never have again during my career as an actor, I don’t think I will be able to forget them until the day I die.

(TRANS ) 161223 — interview with tenasia (part one)

translated byfy!wdh+originally fromtenasia by lee eunjin
please do not repost translations on tumblr and always credit page 712, or fywdh when posting elsewhere. please obtain permission before translating into other languages.
click here for an alternate version with accompanying images.

tenasia: KBS2 drama ‘The Man Living in Our House’ recently finished airing. How do you feel?
wdh:I’m thankful that everyone enjoyed the drama so much. I had hoped that it wouldn’t end, and it’s [the drama] still resonating in me. It didn’t really sink in until wrap up party. I learned so much every day I went on set, and was so happy that I think it [The Man Living in Our House] will be a production that I won’t be able to forget for the rest of my life.

You took on the role of Kim Wansik in ‘The Man Living in Our House’. How did you come to join the drama?
wdh: I joined after taking part in auditions. I came across the character of Wansik after receiving the script, and found the character to be very charming. That’s why I wanted to express the character humanly [realistically, in a relatable way]. He felt a lot of jealousy, had a lot of greed, and seemed like a character who was very ‘human’. That’s why I hoped viewers would be curious about Wansik.

In the drama, there were a lot of scenes where you acted with Kim Youngkwang. How was your synergy?
wdh:Youngkwang hyung always took care of me first. When I went on set, he be the first to ask me things like ‘have you eaten’, and ‘how are you doing’. He was also the one who suggested we run over lines together before filming started. That’s how we were able to continuously practice with each other before going into shoot. Youngkwang hyung took the lead.

Is there a genre you would like to try, or character you would like to play in the future?
wdh: I want to try a youthhood, or school based production while I’m in my twenties, before I turn 30. I want to play role where I have to wear a school uniform while I can still pull it off and before I get too old. Up until now, I’ve learned a lot while acting alongside some very senior sunbaenims, and going forward, I would like to try to work with friends who are around the same age as me. I want to know how those friends are dealing with acting.

Are you going to keep working on both films and dramas in the future?
wdh: Films and dramas are very different from each other. With films, the preparation stage is long, and [so] we have a lot of time to talk to each other. So in a sense, we’re able to be a lot more detailed and precise when going into shoot. With dramas on the other hand, we have to make it as perfect as possible in a short amount of time. I think that’s why we become more close knit with each other. Personally both of them are very charming to me, so I want to keep working on both in the future.

Then what kind of effort did you put in in order to play the character of Wansik?
wdh: I thought a lot about the way Wansik talks and the tone of his voice. I tried my best to differentiate expressions when Wansik deals with Nangil (Kim Youngkwang), to when he’s dealing with a subordinate, for example. Since he wasn’t a character that continuously appeared in the drama, but made appearances here and there, I paid particular attention to try to express every scene differently.

You even gained the title of ‘Scene Stealer’ while ‘The Man Living in Our House’ was airing. Have you looked up any of the reactions about you?
wdh: I did see the article. While I didn’t specifically go searching for comments one by one, I was very thankful for the comments left under the article. I’m thankful for the article being released, and also for the title of ‘Scene Stealer’ being used to describe me. It made me think that I should work even harder.

(TRANS ) 2020.08 issue  — interview with elle korea

translated byfy!wdh+originally from elle korea
please do not repost translations on tumblr and always credit page 712, or fywdh when posting elsewhere. please obtain permission before translating into other languages.
click here for an alternate version with accompanying images.

This was never a planned farewell. The news of his enlistment a week before the photoshoot. This is what the star wrote in his handwritten letter uploaded to his SNS account. “Thank you for watching over and loving my twenties”. <Elle>’s preparation became even more frantic in the lead up to meeting him. And finally, 3 days before his enlistment, Woo Dohwan’s final photoshoot in his twenties began, taking place among the staff that he has worked alongside with for a long time. Possessing a masculine look and fierce gaze, he is an actor that very much belongs on screen. As a matter of fact, we were just recently starting to become a bit more curious about him. That is because he looked like a totally different person while playing the role of a funny and sly character - a side of him he had never shown prior to playing two characters in <The King: Eternal Monarch>. There are still so many things we want to know about this man who, played each role earnestly as if to make up for his slightly late rise to fame, shed tears at the last shoot of each of his productions, discusses his serious inner thoughts with honest words, and who ended up holding back his tears towards the end of this interview. Before putting on his last outfit, he reappeared in front of the camera after leaving the studio for a short period of time with a freshly cut short hairstyle. This is the last scene.

We abruptly heard about the news of your enlistment. Our meeting today has become a little more special. Yes Yes. This is my last schedule. I actually wanted to go out, meet up with people and eat lots of good food, but I held back for today. Because I wanted to be in my best condition for the possibly everlasting photoshoot that encapsulates the last days of my twenties.

D-3, how do you feel right now? I’m really feeling a lot of emotions. I’m the type who is always writing in my diary as well as using my mind,  in hopes that I won’t forget each day. I think the army will be a place that makes me reflect on a lot of things. I’m thinking about a lot of things; like how I have lived, the people who are truly the most precious to me…

<The King: Eternal Monarch> turned out to be your last production before enlisting. Now that I think about it, I think it was a relief that I played 2 characters. Because by showing off two sides of myself through the one production, it would have felt like I was in two productions to my fans. Since it was a production where I was able to work together with such great actors and staff members, I feel like I’m enlisting having gained a sturdy support system.

Jo Young and Jo Eunseob, it seems like it would have been hard playing two characters who are so different from each other. It was difficult. There were days where I had to play them on the same day, and there were others where I played Young, then Eunseob, then had to get back into the character of Young again. It wasn’t just me, but my staff members suffered as well, having to wash and style me over and over again. In order to become Eunseob, I needed to raise my energy levels right from the start. And when transforming into Young, I tried my best to be as calm and cool headed as possible. It was personally quite interesting and fun for me - trying to make out the differences between the two of them. It wasn’t easy of course. Above everything else though, the scenes where both characters I played were on screen at the same time were the most difficult, but at the same time the most fun as well. Because we had to calculate everything carefully, from our reactions down to the height differences of our eyes.

In particular, the character of Jo Eunseob showed off a completely new side to actor Woo Dohwan. How was it, playing a cheerful and high spirited character who also spoke in dialect? Those who are close to me all know. That I’m Eunseob (laughs). Since I’ve played a lot of serious characters, in the eyes of the public it might seem like I’m closer to Young. So I’m glad that I was able to show off a different side of myself. It felt new to me as well as I was acting. It was a role that I’ve always wanted to try, and now have finally been able to show everyone. I think Kim Eunsook scriptwriter brought to life parts of myself that she discovered.

It’s inevitable for everyone to have a different side of themselves hidden inside them. What do you think are the most conflicting aspects that the real Woo Dohwan possesses? When I meet up with people off-work in my own private time, I’m often told that I’m different to how I look. For example, people always say that I look like I would like to drink (alcohol). But I really don’t! And some people might have noticed through this production, but I really like joking around.

And another thing, we heard that you actually cry easily. Actor Yang Sejong, who you met during <My Country> gave us the heads up. That you bawled your eyes out during the last shoot. I’m the type of person who experiences emotions pretty intensely. Even when I’m acting, since I’m still lacking in the skills department, I try my best to focus on the character and my emotions. Speaking of which, Sejong contacted me, giving me a heads up on a lot of things since he enlisted before I did. We’re thankful for each other. He was the best partner.

If a parallel universe really existed like in the drama, and you were able to see what happens if the you of the past made a different choice, what would you be the most curious about? I think about what would have happened if I didn’t become an actor. You know how the people on both sides of the timeline in <The King: Eternal Monarch> had big changes to their careers? I think I’m the most curious as to what I would be otherwise doing. Because depending on what I was doing, I could be married, and my life could look very different.

9 years has passed since you made the choice to become an actor. Has it been a time that is free of regrets? When I was in my early to mid twenties and didn’t have much work, time felt really slow. Everyday was a continuous cycle of waiting, where I spent each day worrying about how to spend the day. And I think the time that eventually was given to me passed by so quickly that I didn’t even have time to process it. I think happy times are meant to go by the fastest. Like how people say that the first vacation you get from the army is over in 3 seconds (laughs). Of course, compared to other actors, I can’t say the period I spent in anonymity as an actor was long by any means, but I, too, had a period of time where I was waiting in desperation, and that’s how I came to get this opportunity. It’s because things didn’t go smoothly for me right from the start that I’m a lot more thankful. That I’m enlisting with the support of so many people.

Action, thriller, historical, romance etc Is there a production out of your wide spectrum of works that you would like to reminisce about? They really were all very different characters, and each production was a challenge. I think I was lucky. That I was able to take on so many challenges in my twenties. In the case of the drama <The Great Temptation>, I felt a huge burden since it was my first production after having received the best new actor award. And the fact that it was my first time taking on a lead role was also a huge sense of pressure. Being on set was really hard for me since I was lacking in experience back then compared to now. I worked really hard to try to find a way to break through it. Based on everything I felt and learned then, I shot two films, then when I was filming the drama <My Country>, I could feel that something had changed within myself. That maybe the job of being an actor is something I could enjoy doing. The sides of myself that I can show onscreen are limited, but I feel like the me behind the camera has changed a lot.

During did you have any period of hardships or concerns that you kept to yourself, that we might not have known of? It’s one of the serious concerns of every young actor and male celebrity - myself included. The thought of my enlistment has always been on my mind. That was my biggest concern and one of the largest sources of stress for me. When things weren’t working out, I thought ‘Should I enlist next year?’ which then turned into ‘I have to go when I turn 25’, but then in January the year I turned 25, I was cast in <Master>. And that’s how I got here. While my friends enlisted and were discharged around the ages of 20-21, I’ve learnt about what kind of place the army is by listening to their stories for almost 10 years - like I’ve learned it in theory. Now it’s finally time for me to go and experience and learn for myself.

Twenty nine. How was Woo Dohwan’s twenties? Do you think you spent it well? (Pauses) I think I spent it well. I’m not sure why but this question feels quite heavy. I met a lot of people, among them, there were some who hurt me, as well those who may have been hurt by me. I loved and was loved… I don’t want to answer the question of whether I spent my twenties well by saying ‘no’. Even if I didn’t, I don’t want there to be an ounce of regret in my heart.

It was just a quick, light-hearted question, but you seem to be holding back your tears. To be honest, age is nothing but a number, I’m not sure if it’s because my enlistment is right before me, but everything feels more emotional. Ever since last year, I kept asking my manager “What does it feel like when you hit your thirties?”. I kept asking him, but he said that it wasn’t a really big deal and that there was nothing that special. I asked other hyung’s, who all gave similar answers, but to me, I think that I’ll be a bit disappointed if that’s true. I hope that I’ll be a little different when I come back.

What kind of experience do you hope to have during your time in the military? To be honest, I really don’t remember what it’s like to meet and be treated as just me and not ‘actor’ Woo Dohwan. But just like how I naturally become the person who I used to be before when I’m with my friends, it should just be like adding more friends to that circle. I’m looking forward to it more than I am worried. Ever since I was young, I’ve had dreams about being a soldier. I think it’s such an amazing thing to be protecting something. I want nothing more than to do my best during this time that only comes once. And I hope that when I come back, even if it’s just a little bit, I want to come back more mature and cooler. I’m curious to see how my face will look in the mirror when that time comes.

If actor Woo Dohwan’s twenties were to be compiled into a film, what should you like the ending cut to be? I’d like it to be a scene where I’m smiling happily. But there aren’t a lot of scenes where I’m smiling in the productions I’ve been in. There’s a scene in <The King: Eternal Monarch> where Eunseob flips a coin - that scene should be enough? But instead of a coin, I would be like ‘goodbye my twenties’ (laughs).

translated byfy!wdh + originally from elle korea
please do not repost translations on tumblr and always credit ‘fywdh.tumblr.com’ when posting elsewhere. please obtain permission before translating into other languages.

(TRANS ) 170105 — interview with ize magazine (part two)

translated byfy!wdh+originally fromize magazine by im sooyeon
please do not repost translations on tumblr and always credit page 712, or fywdh when posting elsewhere. please obtain permission before translating into other languages.
click here for an alternate version with accompanying images.

Woo Dohwan. Family name Woo(禹), Do(棹) for ‘oar’, Hwan(煥) as in ‘to shine’. Born on July 12, 1992. I was born in Anyang, Gyeonggi Province, and am still living there today with my dad, mom, and younger sister who is two years younger than me. I’m often asked why I don’t move out and live by myself, but the more I work, the more I want to show more of myself to my parents. I show them what I look like when I’m sleeping, and I get to see what my parents look like when they’re asleep. My father was an actor in theater. My parents were actually the first ones to recommend I take the path of an actor. So I began taking acting lessons when I was 19 years old and officially started preparing to become an actor. During my first year at Dankook University (Department of Film and Theater), I lived together with 2 of my classmates. Since it was the first time we were living away from home, after each of us went home for the weekend, we would always bring back a whole bag of side dishes. We even brought back frozen jjigae (stew). There was no need for us to cook - all we had to do was cook rice. I ate so much during my time away from home that I even gained weight. I’m currently taking a leave of absence from university, and have yet to serve in the army. I cut my hair short for the film [Operation Chromite], and auditioned for [Master] with the same hair. I actually went to the auditions and acted as a (police) detective, thinking it was for the role of one of the members of the detectives. Since I had to act as a detective, in order to overcome my young age, I read the lines that I was given as if I was interrogating someone, whilst mixing casual and formal speech. That day, I wrote in my diary “the worst audition of my life”. I really thought I was screwed then. Unlike who I usually am, I lost a lot of confidence in myself. Unexpectedly though, I passed the first and second round of auditions, and from the moment I was giving the role of ‘Snapback’ I couldn’t sleep because I was so excited. I had no idea I would be given such an important role. Each and every moment on set of [Master] was a continuous learning curve. My seniors were really professionals. Despite it almost being 40°C, the rain coming and going, and the weather changing at a moments notice, not once did their facial expressions change. Seeing that, I tried to learn from them. It was actually my first time overseas when filming on location in Manila, Philippines for [Master]. I thought duty-free was actually one large shop by the same name, but there were many large shops selling so many things. As I made my way to the boarding gate, I thought to myself “there’s so much stuff here, can they actually sell it all?” but everyone was buying heaps. (laughs) I went to a hotel for the first time too. While in Manila, I usually passed time by either swimming or working out in the hotel gym together with my manager hyung, (Kim) Woobin hyung, and (Park) Haesoo hyung who played the man in the kangol hat. Unlike the hyungs, I wasn’t allowed to tan. The director said that I still had to have aura [feeling] of a young boy. Otherwise I went to the cafe alone and wrote in my diary. Unless I have schedules until the early morning, going to the gym, writing in my diary, and drinking coffee at the coffee shop are things that I make sure to do every day. I started Instagram (@wdohwan) as I started filming KBS [The Man living in Our House]. Originally, I only followed my friends and even ended up deleting the app because I didn’t use it, but as people began to take an interest in me, I kept being asked why I’m not on social media. That’s when I thought that ‘if I can make even just one person happy by being on Instagram then I have to do it’. I’m actually still embarrassed about taking photos, but I’m posting selfies every now and then. Captions… I have absolutely no idea what I should write so I generally only just use emoticons. (laughs) After [Master] hit cinemas, I’m still in awe after seeing the reactions. I even saw a comment that was along the lines of “When that guy in [Master] shot his gun, I feel like he shot me in the heart too”…. I’m very embarrassed. (laughs) I definitely want to appear in a drama based on youth/adolescent or a school drama. I enjoyed watching KBS [School 2013] and KBS [Who Are You - School 2015] (from here on [Who Are You]). In particular, I really liked the rebellious characters Woobin hyung played in [School 2013] and Yook Sungjae in [Who Are You]. Gong Taekwang(Yook Sungjae) from [Who Are You] is crazy and rebellious, but is someone who is after genuine love and only has eyes for one girl, don’t you think that’s really charming? And the bromance that Woobin hyung showed off in [School 2013] as he had to overcome the pain of not being able to play soccer…. (laughs) Ah, if you just give me the chance, I definitely want to try it. Bromance!

(TRANS ) 170105 — interview with ize magazine (part one)

translated byfy!wdh+originally from ize magazine by im sooyeon
please do not repost translations on tumblr and always credit page 712, or fywdh when posting elsewhere. please obtain permission before translating into other languages.
click here for an alternate version with accompanying images.

There are faces that stimulate your sense of imagination. They have the power to go beyond the simple dichotomy of good looking and ugly. Like rookie actor Woo Dohwan who took on the role of ‘Snapback’ in the the film [Master]. The time that 'Snapback’ who stayed by Mother Kim’s (Jin Kyung) side had to show himself off to viewers was only 3 minutes at most. But just by the look in his eyes as he passed the gun over to Mother Kim, his slight smile, or the cold expression on his face as he pulled the trigger at the decisive moment, he had the power that gave viewers the general idea about the past history between the two characters as if they really existed. With a toned body that suits the wild image of wearing shabby clothes and eating with his hands; wide slit eyes that are capable of giving off a sexual nuance simply by staring intently at something - Woo Dohwan has been able to steal the attention of people just like that.

“I thought about the possibility of an alleged relationship between Snapback and Mother Kim, but purposefully left it as a relationship where they were brought together by money. Otherwise if I didn’t, even in the scenes where we were just sitting together I felt like I would have to express myself in overly direct ways.” If his distinct appearance [looks] that catches people’s attention from the first moment he appears on screen is an asset he was born with, then his knowing [and understanding of] the beauty of silence is a fruit of his endeavor [effort]. This actor who took into consideration and acted accordingly so that the eerie image that he had to show wouldn’t “stand out too much [in a negative sense] in the film” was able to flow seamlessly along with the movie, while at the same time succeeding in making a clear name for himself. He’s bright [intelligent], but that’s something that cannot be accomplished by that alone. “In the film I have to stand opposite Kim Woobin and Kang Dongwon sunbaenim, so I can’t have a weak [fragile looking] body.” That is the very reason he has been building up his body over the past 3 years by spending over 1 hour at the gym everyday - so he can make his body fit whatever role he is given within 2~3 weeks. Despite playing a similar character who threatens Go Nangil (Kim Youngkwang), and is in a similar category as Snapback in KBS [The Man Living in Our House] which he joined after the crank in for [Master], he turned down his sense of dominance with a less toned body, and put more emphasis on a cuter, more relatable [lit. human] feeling.

This rookie who is clearheaded and born with natural talent, most importantly knows how to enjoy what he is doing. Because of “the good sense of nervousness from being curious about which of the styles of acting I have prepared will be given the okay by the director” he was never able to sleep properly before each day [Master] filming took place. To him who used the comparison of it being like the day before going on a school outing when you were younger, the film set is still like a fun playground. I could hardly feel a sense of stiffness, often seen in beginners [rookie actors], from him whose face was clearly a lot brighter than Snapback’s. That’s why you can definitely look forward to the next move of this young man, who has appeared in front of viewers with a happy but careful attitude and is slowly attracting attention. Because next time, he’ll be holding onto people’s attention for a longer period of time.

2017 kbs drama awards — woo dohwan ‘best new actor’ acceptance speech

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(TRANS ) 170103 — interview with ajunews

translated byfy!wdh+originally from ajunews by choi songhee
please do not repost translations on tumblr and always credit page 712, or fywdh when posting elsewhere. please obtain permission before translating into other languages.
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It’s an expected stanning accident [unexpectedly became a fan]. If you have watched the film ‘Master’ (director by Jo Uiseok · produced by Zip Cinema · distributed by CJ Entertainment), then they should be words that you might have uttered. 

At some point the new slang 'stanning accident’, which combines the words 'stanning’ and 'car accident’, started following actor Woo Dohwan (25), and with his mere few minutes of screen time, he “hit” [“ran over”] viewers. Viewers suddenly became mesmerized with Snapback and Woo Dohwan, as if they had become a victim of a sudden stanning accident. 

Rookie actor Woo Dohwan, who has only just stepped into the entertainent industry, is nothing but fascinated with the reaction from viewers. “Working with director Jo Uiseok and actors Lee Byeonghun, Kang Dongwon, and Kim Woobin” already seemed like a dream, but the interest he was showered with from viewers after the film hit cinemas was something unbelievable [to Woo Dohwan]. 

“Honestly, I’m [Woo Dohwan] a bit embarrassed. I didn’t know that people would show me this much interest and like me so much. I really never would have imagined it. I’m thinking of nothing else but that I should work hard." 

Woo Dohwan played the role of Snapback, a devoted follower of president Jin (Lee Byeonghun) in the film 'Master’ which depicts the chase between the intellectual crime investigation team chasing the con artists involved in a billion dollar fraud case, the largest case of fraud since the founding of the country. 

The tension between you and Mother Kim (Jin Kyung) left a really great impression. I requested an interview with you without even knowing you, or your character’s name.
Hahaha. The name of the character was Snapback. I’m happy that a lot more people are looking for me than I expected. 

Our interview with director Jo Uiseok really helped.
Ah! I never would have imagined. The director is a really great guy. He’s gentle, generous and always laughed at everything I did. He’s the savior of my life. I would like to repay the favor someday. 

Did you get the role of Snapback through auditions?
I joined the movie through auditions. I only found out that I was given the role of Snapback after I passed the auditions. I wanted to show every side of myself at the auditions, so I showed them a bright, and cold side etc. The director said that he 'was looking for a kid who was child-like, but could kill without hesitating’. I think I was lucky. I think I appealed the fact that I really wanted to join the film. 

What was your first impression of Snapback?
I was really nervous. He’s someone who is quiet [of few words], driven by money, and can turn his back on people easily. Seeing that side of him made him [seem] more like a child to me. I wanted to keep portraying that child-like side of him, even if no one saw it. After being cast, I went to the gym everyday. I exercised in order to appear like a killer, and thought seriously about 'what can I do in order to pull off the character better’. 

Your external appearance was very strong. Did you input any ideas into Snapback’s external appearance?
I wanted him to have a fierce [looking] tattoo. I told the director, and it turns out he was already thinking the same thing. Our opinions on things like hairstyle and costume were similar as well. The director, costume director and makeup director did everything, I was just lucky. 

Snapback is a character who makes you curious about their past. We’re curious about his countless cases of internal struggle as well.
A lot of it came together [when he was] with (Park) Haesoo hyung who played the role of the man in the helmet in the movie. From the moment after I was cast, to during action school and until the moment the [filming for the] movie ended. We thought about the kind of environment the two of us [their characters in the film] met in, and the reason behind why the two of us move together. There wasn’t much of a character description [to work off]. I think I tried to give off a certain kind of chemistry with Haesoo hyung. 

You must have relied a lot on Park Haesoo.
Hyung [Park Haesoo] and I are from the same school (Dankook University), which I think made it more comfortable. We talked a lot, and I learned a lot. If hyung wasn’t there, I think the filming in Manila would have been been difficult as well. 

Your chemistry with Park Haesoo’s character was great but the thing that caught our eye first was your chemistry with Jin Kyung.
wdh:I had hoped that I would come off as more 'child-like’ in the scenes that I appear with Jin Kyung sunbaenim. Originally there was a scene where I smiled when President Jin asked me 'who are you going to save?’, but that was edited out. I think there would be a different interpretation [of his character] if that scene had been shown. There’s always something that could be improved - I feel like I wasn’t able to do as well as the director wanted from me.

We heard that there was a scene that you frequently caused an NG over because you were so nervous?
Because of a mobile phone. Hahaha. I was supposed to pull out my gun immediately after getting a call from President Jin, but my thoughts were different to what the director had in mind. I was going to look at the phone in my right hand, and shoot the gun with my left, but the director said to pull out my phone with my left hand. Maybe it was because I [his character] was supposed to be nervous for that scene, but I actually became nervous [in real life] and my hands got mixed up…. hahaha. Jin Kyung sunbae and the director comforted me so I was able to get through it [the scene].

You must have been very nervous acting between actors Lee Byeonghun and Jin Kyung.
I’m still nervous. Just thinking about it! Hahaha. I was already shaking from the script reading, and was nervous even during the costume fitting and on the filming site. It was even more so because they are such big name actors and model actors to me. To think that I was going to be acting with these actors? I couldn’t believe it. I really learned a lot. 

Is that what they call learning just by watching?
With Lee Byeonghun sunbaenim, you would be surprised just by hearing his voice. When I saw his acting during the script reading, I had nothing to say except for 'he’s amazing’. I really think he’s the greatest actor. I have no idea how he makes people focus on him like he does. I could never fall asleep the night before filming.

What aspects of acting did you get help on?
I learnt how to shoot a gun. No, actually, it would be a slight overstatement to say that I learnt. I still couldn’t do it even though they taught me. I technically did learn [how to shoot a gun] in my previous production 'Operation Chromite’, but I thought that there would be a difference between a soldier and killer so I asked Lee Byeonghun sunbaenim for advice. I asked him 'What do I have to do to appear like a killer?’, and he loaded the gun [to show him] without saying a word. The moment I saw him do that, I thought 'ah, I won’t be able to copy that’. I ended up just handling and playing around with the gun in my own way - in order to appear like I was familiar with it [the gun]. 

In the film, Snapback is involved in the tight war of nerves between President Jin and Mother Kim. Did you do anything in particular to ensure that you didn’t overpowered in that situation?
I thought really hard about how I should open my eyes [keep his eyes open]. I thought a lot about what the eyes of a kid whose job it was to be a killer would be like - I think I worked hard in that aspect as well. Firstly, I wanted to make the most of that job, so I tried to act rebelliously without it seeming too exaggerated. The acting of the sunbaenims [is something that] would make you lose your breath simply by watching them. Will I ever have the day when I become like that? 

You were the youngest on set. Actor Kim Woobin frequently mentioned that he was 'the second youngest’.
My eyes were opened to the things that the youngest has to do [on set] by watching Woobin hyung. He looked after me really well, and taught me a lot as well. Since he was an actor that I really liked before I became an actor, I didn’t know what to do with myself when he called me 'my [Kim Woobin’s] dongsaeng, my dongsaeng’. 

We can’t not talk about Kang Dongwon, then.
Kang Dongwon sunbaenim is really good looking. Hahaha. I totally fell for him after watching 'A Wolf’s Temptation’. It even made me subconsciously think that 'high schoolers are that cool’. Kang Dongwon is truly a pro [professional]. There’s a scene where a fight breaks out between him and Park Haesoo’s character, and despite filming 3 days consecutively, he was always smiling. His passion for acting was extraordinary as well. There was seriously a lot to be learnt from each and every sunbae.

According to what you’ve said, your life as an actor seems like it would be a dream. Filming a movie with the actors and directors you like. What was the start of this 'dream’?
I started acting when I was 19. I think I was influenced by my father who was previously involved in theater. With an unclear wish of simply just wanting to act, I started attending acting school, entered university, and ended up at my company (Key East). I think I was just always lucky. My father says 'it feels like you’re making my dream come true on my behalf, so thanks’. I’m also just thankful and happy for everything. I’m trying not to forget my roots [where he came from/his original intentions].

From films to dramas, you’ve mostly been given strong [fierce] characters. For an actor, gaining a [certain] image could be either beneficial or detrimental.
I don’t have any burdens or regrets about being stuck with a certain image. It actually makes me more thankful. However, there is a bit of regret in that I feel like I should have expressed it [those feelings] better. I’ll be preparing so that I can do even better if I’m given a different image or character. 

If you were to make a personal promise until we meet you again in your next production?
I would definitely like to try a youth centric production next time. I want to wear a school uniform. Hahaha. I will work hard so that the next time we meet, I can greet you through a production and character that expresses the school days well.

(TRANS ) 161230 — interview with sports donga (part two)

translated byfy!wdh+originally fromsports donga by jeon hyojin
please do not repost translations on tumblr and always credit page 712, or fywdh when posting elsewhere. please obtain permission before translating into other languages.
click here for an alternate version with accompanying images.

A rookie actor whose growth we look forward to has stepped onto the scene. Woo Dohwan, who debuted through KBS2 drama ‘The Man Living in Our House’, left a short but strong impression as the mysterious man in a suit who comes looking for Kim Youngkwang (Go Nangil). He showly gained more and more screen time with each episode, and started to show his [strong sense of] presence through the role of Kim Wansik, an employee of Dada Finance. Around the same time of the conclusion of the drama, he also greeted the public audience through the film ‘Master’ along with Lee Byeonghun, Kang Dongwon and Kim Woobin.

We looked to satisfy the curiosity surrounding the little [insignificant] things about Woo Dohwan other than acting. Below is the contents of the conversation we had with Woo Dohwan in which we asked about everything without holding back.

sports donga: We really have no information about you. Please introduce yourself.
woo dohwan: Hello. My name is Woo Dohwan. My weight comes and goes with each production but on average, I weigh around 65kg. I’m currently enrolled in the Department of Theater and Film at Dankook University.

How about your family members?
wdh:I’m the eldest son. I have a younger sister who is two years younger than me.

Your hometown?
wdh:Gyeonggi-do. I still live in Gyeonggi-do now.

We saw that you recently started instagram.
wdh:Yes. I had an sns account before as well, but I rarely used it [posted]. I’m trying hard to post as many photos as I can [on his current account].

Do you take a lot of selcas?
wdh:No. I usually very rarely take photos. I have more photos that were planned. I don’t really take them [selcas] because I’m embarrassed.

Did you use cyworld minihompy in the past?
wdh:When I was in elementary school. Cyworld, Buddy Buddy hahaha.

Do you use emoticons when you chat [online]?
wdh:Yes. Since I’m the eldest son, I don’t have much aegyo. But because I’m the youngest wherever I go, I try hard to act cute towards the sunbaenims.

The idol group that you like?
wdh:There isn’t a group that I particularly like, but I’m the type to [basically] memorize songs by idols. I always play them when I get in the car. I gain strength as well, when I see them [idols] always working so hard. When I watch their performances, [he thinks that] they’re amazing.

The song that you listened to most recently in the car?
wdh:Black Pink 'Playing With Fire’, Big Bang 'FXXK IT’

You really do listen to idol songs.
wdh:I always look up and listen to the latest songs, of course~. Like how songs reflect the generation, I feel like they are personally full of memories as well. I still listen to the songs I listened to when I was young.

Seeing the songs you listened to most recently, it seems like you like the dance genre?
wdh:Uhm… I like ballads more. (laughs)

Is your go-to noraebang [karaoke] song a ballad as well?
wdh:I noticed that there are a lot of coin noraebang’s [a booth where you pay for each song instead of traditionally by the hour]. If I’m feeling bored on the way home, then I spend around 15 minutes before leaving. My go-to songs are songs by Im Changjung.

They [Im Changjung’s songs] would require quite a set of pipes [a great voice/singing ability]?
wdh:I can’t sing along because they’re so difficult, of course. They say that in singing, there’s falsetto and a chest voice and what-not, but if you ask me, you have to sing with your heart and soul. Haha

What are you like when with your friends?
wdh:I do hear that I’m a fun [interesting] person. It is a side of myself that I don’t really show [to other’s outside his circle of friends]. Since they’re friends of almost 15 years…

I guess you get shy.
wdh:I don’t get shy.

Do you have a lot of friends who are girls?
wdh:I don’t really. Despite going to a co-ed high school, I think I [only] have about 3~4?

If it was a co-ed school, you must have been popular?
wdh:Not at all. I really wasn’t all that popular during my school days. Really. I just fooled around and played soccer with my guy friends.

If you had a first love during your school days?
wdh:I think I was so young [when he had his first love] to the point where I can’t really remember. My first love was my mom!

Are you trying to protect your image?
wdh:I want to call it my first love when I experience a love that makes me feel like I can throw everything else behind.

Are you saying that it’s your first love every time you [fall in] love?
wdh:Haha. I feel like every time you love, it should be carried out as if it’s your first love. Just joking. Since I’ve only just starting working, I feel like if I were to pursue both at the same time [work and love], I wouldn’t be able to do well in either. I just want to think about acting.

The genre that you want to try?
wdh: A school based production. I definitely want to try it while I’m in my twenties. I’ve watched the whole KBS 'School’ series. The one that Kim Woobin and Nam Joohyuk sunbae appear in. I’m curious about the thoughts of the kids around my age, and their thought on acting.

You recently appeared in 'Master’ with Kim Woobin.
wdh:Yes. I was really happy when we first met. I was honestly able to learn so much. Things like how to deal with my seniors, and the attitude I should have on set. They didn’t teach me personally, but they were really great secondary [indirect] examples. I came to like them even more after filming together.

You have a lot of seniors at your agency Key East as well.
wdh:I haven’t been able to meet my sunbaes [seniors] yet.

Is there a senior from your agency that you would like to meet?
wdh:If I get the chance, Son Hyunjoo sunbaenim. I want to learn a lot [from him].

There’s an element of bromance in the 'School’ series, so who is the male actor you would like to work with?
wdh:Ah~~ there is bromance! Haha. I haven’t really thought of a particular male actor? I haven’t dared to think about it [since he is still a rookie].

(TRANS ) 161230 — interview with sports donga (part one)

translated byfy!wdh+originally fromsports donga by jeon hyojin
please do not repost translations on tumblr and always credit page 712, or fywdh when posting elsewhere. please obtain permission before translating into other languages.
click here for an alternate version with accompanying images. 

A rookie actor whose growth we look forward to has stepped onto the scene. Woo Dohwan, who debuted through KBS2 drama ‘The Man Living in Our House’, left a short but strong impression as the mysterious man in a suit who comes looking for Kim Youngkwang (Go Nangil). He slowly gained more and more screen time with each episode, and started to show his [strong sense of] presence through the role of Kim Wansik, an employee of Dada Finance. Around the same time of the conclusion of the drama, he also greeted the public through the film ‘Master’ along with Lee Byeonghun, Kang Dongwon and Kim Woobin.

“Most of the filming for 'Master’ took place in the Philippines. I learnt a lot while being with the sunbaenims for over a month. There were, of course, moments when I felt disheartened as well. I was nervous from the moment I was cast. The aura of the seniors were no joke. But once we started filming, the seniors helped me to relax and took the lead.”

Despite how first impressions matter on a blind date, 'rookie’ Woo Dohwan played a character that was in the world of darkness in both 'The Man Living in Our House’ and 'Master’. We asked him about his concerns of giving off a strong impression to the public, to which he replied that "I’m [he is] just thankful” and that “I really was just a normal student. I didn’t cause trouble” asking us not to misunderstand, and reiterated that a character [in the drama] is only a character. 

“I have been told that I have a heavier aura [atmosphere] compared to actors my age. That’s why I do get envious of actors who have a lighter feeling instead. I was more of a villain in 'Master’ than I was in 'The Man Living in Our House’. I technically did have lines in the film ['Master’]. (haha) But there may have been more scenes when I had to act without speaking and with my eyes [his gaze] alone. There are even times where people misunderstand, thinking that I caused trouble when I went to school because of my characters [he played]. But that’s really not true! I was a normal student who played soccer with my friends, went to cram school and couldn’t wait for it to be lunch time.”

Just like what he said, unlike his first impression(?), Woo Dohwan was an actor who has a humorous side as well as an emotional side of him where he writes in his journal.

“I started keeping a journal when I turned 20. [He wrote down] Things I felt during the day, and I don’t always write in it at night. There are times where I make memos somewhere else and transfer them [into his journal]. I started writing one because it was such a shame to forget each day as they were passing. I also began writing it when I first started my dream of becoming an actor. I wrote them [his feelings] down because I wanted to always treasure and remember my feelings, even if it is only through words. There are times when I just write down one word, or a drawing that’s like a scribble. I don’t start [his entries] like 'I did~’. (laughs)" 

Woo Dohwan officially started acting when he was 19. The support of his father, who was once in theater, played a huge part. Woo Dohwan said that "My [his] dream was to become a pilot. I got pretty good grades, but not to the point where I could have become a pilot. (laughs) But it just so happened that my parents also wanted me to become an actor”.

“My father was involved in theater when he was young. Not any more though. (I guess you must have inherited some of his talent?) I guess… my father did have some influence [on his decision of becoming an actor]. But my family don’t give any sort of straight-forward evaluation about my acting. Just to the point of 'I enjoyed watching it’. They believe [in him] that I’ll keep improving.” 

The thing that Woo Dohwan needs the most right now is a challenge. As a rookie actor, it is the period of time in which he has to go through trial and error in order to find clothes [roles] that suit him. As expected, he made his 2017 resolution to be one of growth, saying that "I [he] imagine myself acting in a variety of genres like romance, action, and youth centric productions etc. I still don’t know what is inside me, so I want to try everything”. 

(Now that you’ve debuted) I’ve found that I need to work even harder. I feel like if I’m going to do it half halfheartedly, then it would have been better not to start to begin with. I debuted this year, right? I want to take hold of that start and work hard so I can continue on.”

(TRANS ) 161230 — interview with heraldpop (part two)

translated byfy!wdh+originally fromheraldpop by park ahreum
please do not repost translations on tumblr and always credit page 712, or fywdh when posting elsewhere. please obtain permission before translating into other languages.
click here for an alternate version with accompanying images.

‘Promising up-and-comer’ Woo Dohwan signed an exclusive contract with Key East last year, a large entertainment company that is home to top stars including the likes of Bae Yongjun, Kim Soohyun, Park Seojun, Joo Jihun etc. With solid acting skills unlike that of a rookie, a boyish-like smile, and a look in his eyes that is overflowing with charisma, he is attracting attention while already being called 'The 2nd Kim Soohyun’ and 'The future of Key East’. 

“I [Woo Dohwan] don’t think I can express it in any other way than to say that I got lucky. I’m really embarrassed. (laughs) I think I should take this as a sign to work harder. [Because] They’re [the people he is being compared to] really amazing people." 

Woo Dohwan, who is receiving attention as soon as he debuted, started acting at the recommendation of his father, who used to be involved in theater when he was younger. 

"My father was a big influence. I only vaguely thought about acting, but started [seriously] acting when I went to acting school in the winter when I turned 19. My father told me that he was thankful that I am doing the thing that he wanted to do. I think I’m working hard because I’ve kept those words in my mind. Even though my father doesn’t make any particular comments when he watches the dramas that I’m appearing in, he really liked it [watching his drama]. I think that’s even better. I think my mother likes it even more than my father. (laughs)" 

After preparing for college entrance exams for a year, Woo Dohwan entered the Department of Theatre and Film at Dankook University as the top of his class. He, who is currently on leave from university, dreams of the day where he act in a production with actors Shin Jaeha and Jeong Soohwan - classmates of his department and his best friends in the entertainment industry. Like how best friends Kim Youngkwang and Lee Soohyuk worked together in 'The Man Living in Our House’. 

"We’ve been saying that for 5 years now. Soohwan, Jaeha and I went to university with the thought that 'since we’re going to keep on acting, let’s work hard and even if it’s not anytime soon, let’s work on a production together at least once or twice’. Jaeha debuted first, and Soohwan and I debuted around the same time, but there was absolutely no sense of urgency [to debut]. We always congratulated Jaeha because we knew how hard he prepared and how much he studied. We monitored [his projects] and would tell him that we enjoyed watching [his productions], in return, I fed off his energy and thought that I should work even harder. I will work hard for the day to come [when they can work on a production together]. (laughs)" 

Woo Dohwan revealed that his dream is to become an actor who is like a friend. He wants to became an actor who people can watch comfortably like they do a friend, without any sense of objection. An 'human-like’ [relatable] actor who they can cry and laugh with. 

Actor Woo Dohwan who has a lot of greed in that he wants to try a variety of acting [styles] without distinguishing between genre or medium. His role model is Ryu Seungbeom.

"Before I started acting, and even whilst I am [pursuing] acting, when I watch his [Ryu Seungbeom] acting, I feel like he’s really 'free’. But it’s [Ryu Seungbeom’s acting] not light. I think he pulls of his own unique feeling. It [seeing Ryu Seungbeom] made me think 'that I should become an actor who can exude my own unique feel’." 

Regarding questions about the actors he resembles - Seo Kangjoon, Lee Minki, Kim Youngkwang etc, he [Woo Dohwan] answered humbly saying, "It’s a bit [wrong] to be saying this with my own mouth, but a lot of people tell me that I look like them [aforementioned actors]. I’m thankful that they’re watching me with interest and saying that I exude a similar vibe. Because I [once] had the thought that 'I want to act like them too’. I will work hard to come an actor who can find his own unique color." 

On the other hand, Woo Dohwan who enjoys watching variety shows like JTBC 'Please Take Care of My Refrigerator’, dreams of later on appearing on a variety show like SBS 'Healing Camp’. He relayed his wishes, saying "It’s a variety program I want to appear on later down the track. I’ve thought about wanting to appear on a show like 'Healing Camp’ when I get a bit older and gain more experience. I think it would be an opportunity to look back on myself. I would like to go on that kind of show at least once. I’d like to go on [the show] a long way down the track." 

Finally, as expected of the 'home body’ that he is, Woo Dohwan, whose plans for the end of the year are to relax at home, wrapped up the interview by saying "Everything is awkward because it’s still my first time. Everything is a challenge to me. Even being interviewed is a first to me, and a challenge. I think these firsts have happened more in particular this year. I think this was a year where I started and took on the challenge.”

(TRANS ) 161230 — interview with heraldpop (part one)

translated byfy!wdh+originally fromheraldpop by park ahreum
please do not repost translations on tumblr and always credit page 712, or fywdh when posting elsewhere. please obtain permission before translating into other languages.
click here for an alternate version with accompanying images.

“I [Woo Dohwan] still can’t believe that I worked with Lee Byeonghun and Kang Dongwon sunbaenim.”

There’s an eye-catching new rookie actor. He showed off an unusual presence as Kim Wansik, an employee of Dada Finance, in the recently finished KBS 2TV Mon-Tues drama ‘The Man Living in Our House’, and left a strong impression on viewers through the role of Snapback, who stands on President Jin’s (Lee Byeonghun) side in the highly praised film 'Master’ which is currently showing in theaters. 'He’ is rookie actor, Woo Dohwan.

His name is unfamiliar [to the reporter]. It should be the same for you too, seeing as he only debuted this year, and 'The Man Living in Our House’ and 'Master’ are all that’s on the filmography of his acting career. Woo Dohwan says that the number of people who recognize him increasing one by one is something that gives him, who is only just taking his first steps as an actor, more strength.

“If I’m [Woo Dohwan] at the cafe in front of my house, people ask me 'aren’t you the person from the drama[s]?’. It’s so embarrassing. Since this [acting] wasn’t something that I started with becoming popular in mind, I’m very thankful to have someone recognize me and tell me that they’re watching [his dramas] eagerly. I think about how 'I have to work even harder’ because of the people who recognize me, press 'like’ on my sns [instagram posts] or search my name [on portal sites].”

Coincidentally, Woo Dohwan took on villainous roles in both his first drama production and first challenge on the big screen leaving a strong impact [on viewers], and successfully wrapping up his induction [into the industry]. His actual personality is very different to Kim Wansik from 'The Man Living in Our House’ who was brusque and cold [personality]. He [Woo Dohwan in real life] almost never fights with his friends because of his bright personality. On top of that, once you get to know him, he’s actually a normal guy who likes coffee more than alcohol, keeps a journal, reads books and exercises. That’s why he wanted to play the role of Kim Wansik even more.

“I [Woo Dohwan] filmed 'Master’ before 'The Man Living in Our House’, and the director told me that the reason why he cast me was because he was "looking for [someone]  young but with a sharp image”. He said that he cast me while he was looking for someone who had a sharp contrast between when they smiled [laughed] and when they were straight faced. That’s why I really wanted to play the role of Wansik in 'The Man Living in Our House’ as well. Wansik has a side of him that seems light, but is heavy, and is light while seemingly appearing to be heavy. That probably made you think 'what is this kid?’ when you watch him [and see how different he is when] dealing with Go Nangil (Kim Youngkwang), or Bae Byungwoo (Park Sangmyun), or Hong Nari (Soo Ae). I thought he [Wansik] was a charming character because of the feeling that I got. I thought of him not a villainous role, but as a character that was 'human’ [relatable]. I think that’s why I showed a lot of passion to show that I really wanted to play the part when I went to audition.“

He was not 100% satisfied [with his acting], of course. It was also super awkward, since it was his first time seeing himself acting on TV.

"I felt that I was really lacking. I always caught the live broadcasts. If I couldn’t watch it because of filming, I would either watch it through the app during the waiting time, or watch it at home - but I always disappointed. I felt like I was really lacking because it was my first time watching myself [on tv]. But still, I gained strength when I told myself [things like] 'let’s do better on the next scene’, or 'let’s do better tomorrow’ while I monitored [himself].

“Personally, I have more grievances about my acting than I do with my looks. I didn’t think to myself that my acting was satisfactory. Even when I thought think that I did my best, there would be a great sense of regret after I monitored [his own acting]. Because of the great amount of disappointment [in his previous scenes], I think I came to obsess over the next scene even more, and thought more about how I have to express [his feelings] more clearly in the next scene and that I have to be more immersed in acting.”

Because it was his first time acting, there were several times when he made NG’s. Woo Dohwan said "Mistakes? Of course I made them. I had NG’s as well. But making NG’s became a piece of cake [easy to get over]. Since I’m still a rookie, and because it’s my first drama and film, it [causing an NG] felt like I was doing something really bad. But when I made an NG, the sunbaenims and directors would encourage me, telling me that it was okay, and gave me advice - which made me feel like we were a family. They all [treated him in a way that] allowed me to do better, and didn’t give me any sort of pressure. Despite the fact that I’m a rookie, the director would always ask me 'how do you want to do it?’, and was very considerate of me” recalling the memories of when they were filming.

Even though he had a bromance with Kim Youngkwang in 'The Man Living in Our House’, he didn’t have any love lines with female actresses. About this, he [Woo Dohwan] said “I would like to try it [having a love line] if I get the chance. But I’m not picky with things like genres. Right now, I just want to experience more [things]. Whether that be love lines, but [acting in a] bromance was really fun as well. Regardless of genre, I just want to experience a variety of things. If I get the chance I would like to challenge romance comedies as well” revealing his desire for a love line. We asked about [what if he] working with his university senior, actor Park Boyoung, Woo Dohwan smiled brightly saying that “It would be a huge honor, of course”.

Romance is romance, but bromance was one of many subjects that aspiring actor Woo Dohwan wanted to conquer. We asked him who he wanted to work with.

“I haven’t decided who in particular I want to film a bromance with. Like how it was with (Kim) Youngkwang hyung, I want to work with a lot of seniors while [he is persuing] acting. It was honestly really great when I worked with Youngkwang hyung. He took care of me, and we talked a lot. I don’t think I’ve set anyone in particular in mind because I’m curious as to how other senior actors approach acting.“

Action is also another thing that Woo Dohwan wants to challenge. Having enjoyed sports since he was young, he, who has experience in soccer, boxing, and swimming etc said that "I attended action school for a bit when I was 21 years old. If I get the chance, I definitely want to try action. [Only] When I will be able to do well. I really like the gratifying and thrilling feeling from action films and dramas.”

Woo Dohwan is a rookie actor with quite a lot of 'luck for actors’. That’s because he worked with top stars like Soo Ae, Lee Byeonghun, Kang Dongwon, Kim Woobin etc right from his first production.

About this, he [Woo Dohwan] started by saying that "It was really nice. They’re all senior actors that I really like. They are people that I always looked up to even before I started acting” and mentioned Soo Ae first, saying “Soo Ae sunbaenim is really amazing. She’s really beautiful, and her acting is [so amazing] to the point where nothing needs to be said. She’s someone that I’ve always thought of as the ideal [example] for any actor. Whether it’s her pronunciation, diction or delivery, Soo Ae sunbaenim is really the best. I think she really makes you understand why pronunciation is so important for actors.”

Regarding his appearance in 'Master’, he [Woo Dohwan] relayed, “We went to Manila, Philippines to film 'Master’. Since it was my first time overseas, I even made a passport. That’s why every day we filmed for 'Master’ was always something special to me. Being in the same space as those sunbaenims in itself was like a miracle, and unbelievable. I was still in disbelief during the last VIP screening. To think that I appeared in a movie with the best senior actors, the sunbaenims who I had only been looking up to. I was also always learning on set. Everything from how they [his seniors] dealt with being on set, how they approached acting, to how they looked after staff members was something to learn from.”

(TRANS ) 161227 — interview with newsen (part two)

translated byfy!wdh+originally fromnewsen by kim myungmi
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From ‘The Man Living in Our House’ to 'Master’. Even though his appearances in the two productions he participated in this year weren’t that significant [screen time wise], he left a strong impact on viewers that did not pale in comparison to the lead actors. A large number of film fanatics even showed the reaction of 'I went to go watch 'Master’ because of Lee Byeonghun, Kang Dongwon and Kim Woobin, but ended up falling for Snapback’. They’re talking about rookie actor Woo Dohwan who has just made his television [drama] debut. 

Actor Woo Dohwan took on the role of Kim Wansik, an employee of Dada Finance, in the recently finished KBS 2TV [drama] 'The Man Living in Our House’. He also left a deep impression on viewers with his uncommon [special] presence in the film 'Master’ which hit cinemas on the 21st, where he played Snapback who stood on President Jin’s (Lee Byeonghun) side.

In his recent interview with newsen, Woo Dohwan reminisced about the time during the casting for [the film] 'Master’ and confessed that “it felt like a lie”. He said “because I was [going to be] working with such senior actors, I was nervous from the moment I was cast [for the role]. I think I was more nervous than when I went for the audition. I went to the script reading with the nervousness and excitement that came with the thought that 'I really have to work on a production with those people [senior actors]’” and that “Everyone was reading the script while sitting down, but it felt like I was watching the whole film unfold. [It made him think] ‘Will I be able to act amongst these people?’. I worried that I would be throwing a spanner in the works [ruining something that was almost perfect]“.

Lee Byeonghun, Kang Dongwon and Kim Woobin. To rookie actor Woo Dohwan, they are senior actors who he learns from just simply by looking at them. He revealed that "I [he] learned [about acting] just by looking at them. Whether we were drinking coffee together, eating together, or just sitting together while on standby, it felt like I was learning just by listening to the sound of their breath [them breathing]. I gained a lot of strength from them, and thought to myself that I have to work even harder. I also thought to myself that I have to work hard so I can become cool actors like them”. He added “On set, I spent a lot of time with Jin Kyung sunbaenim and she took really great care of me. Despite filming in another country, she even gave me side dishes [to eat] and bought me coffee”.

While reminiscing about the set of 'Master’, Woo Dohwan said that “when I was curious about something and asked the sunbaenims 'would it be okay if I ask you something?’, none of them showed any kind of disgust [that they didn’t want to] and taught me kindly” and said that “they taught me a lot more than what I asked, which made me think that I would be able to get a lot of advice from them if I didn’t cross the line”. Woo Dohwan continued saying that “during filming for 'The Man Living in Our House’ (Kim) Youngkwang hyung helped me to relax” and that “I [he] filmed an action scene with Youngkwang hyung where I wrapped my hand around Youngkwang hyung’s, but like an idiot, I applied too much pressure and Youngkwang hyung ended being bruised. Youngkwang hyung joked saying that 'My [his] arm hurts so much that I can’t even lift it up’, so I felt really sorry”.

Even though he appeared as a strong [fierce] character in both 'The Man Living in Our House’ and 'Master’, in reality he is actually a 'home body’ who likes staying at home. Woo Dowan revealed that “On days where I don’t have filming, I like staying at home. I watch TV, movies, read books, and write in my journal at home, and [or] go to a cafe and play on my phone”. You’re [he’s] at the age where you should be out hanging out and having drinks with friends. Woo Dohwan replied saying “I don’t really like alcohol [drinking]. Even when I meet up with friends, I just drink water. I’ve never measured my alcohol tolerance [limit] either” and joked that “But if the sunbaenims are offering me a drink then I drink well”.

Woo Dohwan, who wanted to become a pilot when he was younger, started to dream of becoming an actor while he attended an acting academy when he was 19 [years old]. His father, who used to be a theater actor, had a big influence [on his decision]. Woo Dohwan said “I was just [only] studying during the time when I was about to attend university, but started to think about whether there was something [a job] out there that would make my heart race more. It was then that I told my father that I wanted to become an actor” and that “my father thanked me for making his dream come true on his behalf”. At the statement that he must have been popular during his school days, Woo Dohwan humbly replied “I played soccer, and went to [after school studying] academies. I was really normal [average]”.

The role model of Woo Dohwan, who has just taken his first steps as an actor, is Ryu Seungbeom. He [Woo Dohwan] said “Since I was 19, I’ve wanted to become an actor like Ryu Seungbeom sunbaenim. I don’t dare to critique his acting, but I think sunbaenim is really great at pulling off an aura that is free, but not light. It is my dream to one day become an actor who can exude that kind of aura”. He continued, saying “I want to become an actor who is like a friend to the public [audience]. An actor who everyone can easily approach without any feelings of objection. I want to become an actor who can make people laugh when I laugh, and cry when I cry”.

Lastly, to the question of whether he has goals for 2017, Woo Dohwan replied “I want to [film] a lot of productions regardless of the genre, [take on] a variety of characters, meet a lot of sunbaenims, and grow [develop] more. Because I [just] started this year, I think I need to keep it going [in a good direction]. I hope that it becomes that kind of year.” revealing his strong ambitions.

(TRANS ) 161222 — interview with newsen (part one)

translated byfy!wdh+originally from newsen by kim myungmi
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click here for an alternate version with accompanying images. 

A fancafe and interviews - everything is a first for him. Woo Dohwan, who safely completed his drama debut through ‘The Man Living in Our House’, is a fresh rookie who says he is nothing but thankful even over the smallest [insignificant] happenings [other] celebrities would otherwise take as a given. 

Actor Woo Dohwan played the role of Wansik, an employee of Dada Finance, in KBS 2TV [drama] 'The Man Living in Our House’ where he left a strong impression on viewers with his remarkable presence. In the interview he recently had with Newsen, Woo Dohwan said “I feel like I still have to be in front of the TV on Monday and Tuesday. It still feels like I have to watch the live broadcast at 10pm, and I still can’t believe it [that it’s over]. The set [of the drama] is a place that is only filled with great memories, so I hoped that it wouldn’t come to an end. I was really happy even up until the last day of filming” revealing his thoughts on the conclusion of 'The Man Living in Our House’. 

'The Man Living in Our House’ is Woo Dohwan’s first production where he has been able to make his face [himself] known [to the public]. At the question of whether a lot of people recognize him, Woo Dohwan replied saying “Not a lot of people do, but sometimes when I’m sitting in a cafe there are some people who ask me 'are you by any chance the one [person] in the drama?’. When that happens I say ‘yes, thank you’.I’m still in disbelief and a bit embarrassed. I think I’m acting for those people. They’re people I’m really thankful for”. The thing he found most fascinating was that he even has a fancafe now. Woo Dohwan continued by saying “The fact that [someone] created a fancafe is such a thankful thing to me. I can’t describe it in any other words. I’m also thankful to every single person who presses 'like’ on even one of my posts on Instagram. I think I’m acting for those people” expressing his thanks to his fans. 

His debut drama production on national TV. On top of that, he acted with [some] big name senior actors. Did you [he] feel burdened? Woo Dohwan revealed that “I [he] had a lot of thoughts. Like 'What do I have to do for me to do well’ 'Is there a way for my acting not to stick out [like a sore thumb] amongst the sunbaenims’ 'Won’t I be interrupting the smooth flow [of the drama]’” and that “Once I [he] got on set, Soo Ae sunbaenim and (Kim) Youngkwang hyung - everyone took really good care of me, which was different to what I had in mind. They taught me a lot personally, and also showed me by being good examples”

In particular, Woo Dohwan learnt a lot from Kim Youngkwang. He [Woo Dohwan] revealed that “Youngkwang hyung was really considerate towards me. I should have taken care of hyung more, but he would always come up to me first and ask 'have you eaten?’ and ask me how I was doing. He would have been really tired, but he even made an effort to look after me, so I was thankful”. He continued by saying "I think he was the hyung that taught me the most while filming the drama. I learnt [about] the attitude of the lead [main actor] and the strength [needed] to take control of the atmosphere on set while watching Youngkwang hyung. It [watching Kim Youngkwang] made me think 'It’s only possible if you have a kind personality and good character like that’ and 'I understand why people say that Kim Youngkwang is the best’”

Regarding Soo Ae, Woo Dohwan said “With Soo Ae sunbaenim, I don’t even need to look at the expression on her face to understand the situation - I would understand just by hearing her voice delivering her lines. She’s someone who is really perfect when it comes to things like diction and tone [of voice]”. He continued saying “It [Soo Ae’s diction] is to the point where you could say it’s the ideal of [every] actor. She made me realize again the importance of diction” revealing his respect for his senior actor. 

In the drama Wansik (played by Woo Dohwan) is a loyal employee of Dada Finance CEO Bae Byungwoo (Park Sangmyun), and shares the past of growing up together with Go Nangil (Kim Youngkwang) back when he used to be in the cooperation. Woo Dohwan created an air of curiosity around the ambiguous relationship with Kim Youngkwang that saw them act like friends at times, and cat-and-dog at others. And with his uncommon [special] gaze [look in his eye] and charisma, he created a heavy sense of tension - allowing him to pull off his role as a scene stealer. However Woo Dohwan said that he wasn’t satisfied with his acting and gave [scored] himself a 20 out of 100. He said “I think there’s still a long, long way to go. I’ll have to work hard in order for the day to come when I can make up for the [remaining] 80 points” revealing his strong aspirations. 

In contrast to the cold image of Kim Wansik, the Woo Dohwan we met in person had the aura of a fresh young man. When asked “What is your real personality like?” he replied with “It’s [his personality] a little different to Wansik. Unlike Wansik, I’m usually sort of more the "happy happy” type that is always smiling. That’s why I wanted to play Wansik even more". At the question of what he thinks his charm points to be, he replied saying “I think it’s my eyes. I think the eyes are really important, especially to an actor, when expressing feelings. I think I will be able to show a lot [of emotion] with my eyes”. 

Woo Dohwan who just took his first steps as an actor revealed that he wants to film a school themed production before he turns 30. He said “I want to try a school themed production while I can still pull off a school uniform. I really enjoyed watching the 'School’ series that have been released up until now. I want to try the kind of role Kim Woobin hyung played”.

(TRANS ) 161229 — interview with mbn startoday

translated byfy!wdh+originally frommbn startoday by jin hyuncheol
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His eyes were fierce at the first glace, as he walked over from a distance. Figures, since he played the role of Snapback - a killer and one of the devoted followers of President Jin. But when he smiles brightly, he is cute like a child. With a slightly deep voice, this actor is even full of sensitivity and emotions [usually attributed to girls]. He exudes [an aura of] a diverse range of faces. ‘He’ is rookie actor Woo Dohwan (24) who attracted attention in ‘Master’.

Woo Dohwan said happily that “the director liked me because I have both good and evil in my eyes”and“he said that he cast me because I’m bright when I laugh, but I have the eyes of a killer when I’m expressionless [straight-faced]”.

‘Master’ captures the cat-and-mouse chase between President Jin (Lee Byeonghun) a fraudulent financial scammer, Kim Jaemyeong the investigation team leader who gets involved in order to catch him, and computer expert Park Janggoon who is tight-roping between them while trying to find a way to stay alive. Woo Dohwan auditioned twice for the film. ‘Master’ was the first time he played a role that had a name. He, who finally snatched the role of Snapback after almost 60 [other] auditions, recalled “I actually thought I had gotten the role of someone on the crime investigation team, but [I] was given the role of someone on President Jin’s side” and that “there was a long period of about two months after auditions finished, so I worked hard in order to become a killer by attending action school, and strengthening my muscles etc.”

[Being a] Killer meant he basically had no lines. For the first screen debut of a raw newcomer, you [Woo Dohwan] were probably happy with just appearing on screen, but it would have been perfectly understandable for you to be a little greedy for [some] lines. Woo Dohwan shook his head. He recalled that “I wasn’t the least bit concerned about whether I had a lot or a few lines” and that “I only thought about ‘what can I do to be of help to this movie?’ I didn’t want to throw ashes into rice that was almost done [ruining a project on the verge of completion]. I learnt a lot by watching the seniors who showed off amazing acting [skills] on set. I was so nervous the night before filming that I couldn’t sleep, like the night before going on a picnic.”

In particular, he liked and received a lot of help in the scene with Jin Kyung who played the role of Mother Kim on President Jin’s side. “To be honest, I worried a lot about how I was supposed to express this character [Snapback] without talking, and how, and to what extent, I would be able to express them [his feelings] with what I have. It was definitely difficult since I had to make people understand with my actions alone. Because I had to show that something in the relationship between [Snapback and] Jin Kyung sunbae. To be honest, Jin Kyung sunbae was the one that set the mood of the atmosphere and tone of voice. It was to the point where I didn’t even need lines.”

If you think of it the other way, couldn’t it have been that you [Woo Dohwan] didn’t get any lines because of Jin Kyung? Woo Dohwan asked [in return] “On the contrary I was nothing but thankful. If she [Jin Kyung] didn’t do what she did, wouldn’t I have come off [in the scene] like I was bad at acting?”. You’re [Woo Dohwan] optimistic. “That’s right. I’m a positive person (laughs). Everyone really did look after me a lot on set. I’m telling you, I almost cried because I was so touched that they even looked after me, who was the youngest by a mile. I write in my journal everyday and everything [little thing] like that is written down.” Hearing that I [the reporter] said that he [Woo Dohwan] had a sensitive side [usually attributed to girls], he laughed widely saying “I feel kind of good hearing that?”, once again becoming a young man who was full of infinite optimism.

The boy who was normal during his school days began acting after the suggestion of his father, who was a former theater actor. He [Woo Dohwan] agreed to his father’s words during the time when he was worrying about his plans for university. His father said “thank you” to his son who was dreaming the dream that he himself [his father] could not achieve. “My father and mother got married after dating for 7 years. My father said that he was fine with himself starving, but that ‘I [his father] gave up acting because I couldn’t stand by and watch the person I love go hungry’. My mother kept watching as my father acted, so I think [that’s why] she understood the regret that he [his father] felt. That’s why they like that I’m acting and cheer me on. [In turn] Because I understand my parents feelings, I’m going to try not to forget where I came from [his original intention]. The faces of my parents always come to mind whenever I’m acting.”

Woo Dohwan who appeared not only in 'Master’, but also in the recently finished drama 'The Man Living in Our House’ said "unexpectedly [out of his expectation] a lot of people recognize me” and that “people like me but I’m actually [still] embarrassed. I’m already happy [just] with the fact that I was able to carry out my first acting role, and am thankful for everything. I even have a fan cafe now, and I’m touched [emotionally] by every [single] thing.”

“I’ve only just come to show off one part of who I am. There’s still a lot left for me to show. But I don’t want to come off saying that 'I have this certain side of me’. I just want show that I’m actor who was better than who I was yesterday, and acting skills that are [always] improving. I hope that I can become an actor who is [constantly] moving forward. The attention that I’ve been shown recently made me think that ‘this job is really something that can’t I can’t do by myself. I have to communicate [with fans]. I have to approach acting with a positive attitude and show that to them’. Please keep an eye on me. Hahaha.“

(TRANS ) 161228 — interview with sedaily (part two)

translated byfy!wdh+originally fromsedaily by lee hana
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To Woo Dohwan, 2016 was, as they call it a ‘run of good luck [lucky streak]’. If we were to borrow his [Woo Dohwan’s] words, 2016 was also a run of ‘miracles’. The film 'Master’ hit cinemas around the time of the ending of KBS drama 'The Man Living in Our House’, allowing him to continue the interest he gained from the public. Those who saw Woo Dohwan for the first time through the film 'Master’ showed their curiosity by looking up his [Woo Dohwan’s] name on portal sites as soon as they left the cinemas. In actuality, the related search terms for 'Master’ include 'the person Mother Kim (Jin Kyung) killed’, 'Mother Kim’s man’ etc showing the immense amount of interest towards the actor Woo Dohwan.

“At first I couldn’t believe that I had been cast for this movie. Even when I was standing alongside Lee Byeonghun, Kang Dongwon, and Kim Woobin sunbaenim during the vip screening, I still wondered if I was really standing there. I really don’t think there’s any other way of expressing it but saying that I was lucky. To me, it’s a production I’m really thankful for.“

Woo Dohwan played the role of 'Snapback’ who carried out Lee Byeonghun’s missions in the movie 'Master’ which followed the story of the largest case of fraud since the founding of the country. It painted the cat-and-mouse chase of a rare con artist, the brain behind the operation, and the intellectual special forces team that is chasing them. Like in 'The Man Living in Our House’, he stole the attention of the people and appeared as a 'crazy presence’.

In particular, the fact that he played the 'villain’ in consecutive productions caught our attention. Wouldn’t he be worried that he might be stuck with a villainous image [stuck playing villain roles]. Before I even finished the question, Woo Dohwan asserted that "I’ve never thought about that”. He explained that because even villains have their own circumstances [story], [he considers] the roles of 'Kim Wansik’ and 'Snapback’ are totally different [from one other].

“In comparison to Wansik, Snapback has no sense of fear. He’s more thorough and level-headed. Wansik, on the other hand is a 'humane’ villain.”

On this day during the interview, there was talk about the journal that he has been writing in since he turned 20. Even though he has noted the precious memories that he doesn’t want to forget, as well as his appreciation for everyday happenings, the part that takes up the largest portion [of his journal] is, of course, the part about 'acting’. His journal is completely full of his countless worries about what he has to do in order to become a better actor. From disappointment towards his own acting, to words [messages] of support [sent] to him, he has tried hard not to lose [forget] the feelings of each moment.

Whenever he comes back from an audition, he even makes note of the comments made by the directors. It is noted in his journal that the film 'Master’ was ’[his performance was] the worst audition of my life’. It was an audition that left such regret to the point where even his managers, who know about his usual personality that is overflowing with self-confidence, asked "What on earth happened for you to be saying something with such little confidence?”. However contrary to his concerns, he ended up joining 'Master’. Depending on how you look at it, you could say that it was a given for him to describe it as a 'miracle’.

Woo Dohwan said “because it was my first time [working on] a film of such big scale and importance, to me everything was a continuous learning process”. He was able to learn many things as an actor, including the way of coping on set, the way to deal with [treat] senior actors, and even the attitude to approach acting.

“There were days that I would be finished with filming in 30 minutes. But I would still remain on set and keep an eye on the filming. There was a lot to learn by just watching the sunbaenims. I wondered about how 'this film is going to end someday… when else will I be able to learn from a set like this’. I stayed on set with the thought that 'now is my chance’. I think that’s why it was more fun.”

Seeing Woo Dohwan say that he didn’t want to rest for even a day because going on set was so much fun, hinted as to just how much greed he has as an actor towards acting. Even though it might be a given for a rookie actor, who has more things to come, to have a greed for acting, you could feel that he has a strong [firm] character [nature] as an actor inside of him that went beyond that [just greed].

Before Woo Dohwan made his official decision to become an actor when he was in his senior year of high school, he [Woo Dohwan] said that the influence of his father, who was involved in theatre when he was younger, played a big role. The words of his father who said “it feels like you [Woo Dohwan] are making my [his father’s] dream come true on my behalf” became a big source of strength, as well as a driving force for him to act.

While relaying his aspirations that he will do the best of his power no matter what role he is given, he, who said that he wants to try all different genres, voiced his wish to try a school themed or youth centric production before it’s too late.

“In 'Who Are You - School 2015” Yook Sungjae was really charming when he played the extremely picky rebellious child but was fully devoted when it came to that one girl. I want to try that kind of 'human-like’ [relatable] and dimensional character as well.”

If this year was the year that marked his beginning as an actor, Woo Dohwan wants next year to become a year where he does not lose the start [he made this year]. Woo Dohwan said that he has asked himself the question 'What kind of actor do I want to become?’ countless times. And the answer that he has come to after all that deliberation is that he wants to become 'an actor who is like a friend’.

Woo Dohwan relayed that “I want people to be able to watch me [his acting] comfortably, without any sense of objection” and added that “While showing off acting [skills] that can make people laugh when I laugh, and cry when I cry, I want to become an actor who people can approach easily.”

Is there a greater compliment than the word 'presence’ ['impression’] to an actor who has just started acting? Through the two productions 'The Man Living in Our House’ and 'Master’, Woo Dohwan has made a lot of people curious as to what kind of acting he will be showing off in the future. 2016 marks the beginning of the history of a great actor.

(TRANS ) 161228 — interview with sedaily (part one)

translated byfy!wdh+originally fromsedaily by lee hana
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It seems like the line “it looks pretty when you look closer, and looks lovely when you look longer” from that one poem does not apply to rookie actor Woo Dohwan. He stood out [even] without having to look closely, and made a mark [impression] without having to appear [on screen] for a long time.

Actor Woo Dohwan completed his first television drama through the recently finished KBS drama ‘The Man Living in Our House’. 'The Man Living in Our House’ told the romantic story between stewardess Hong Nari (Soo Ae) who lived two lives, and her newfound stepfather Go Nangil (Kim Youngkwang) who is younger than her. In the drama, Woo Dohwan played the role of Kim Wansik, who constantly stood [on the] opposing [side to] Go Nangil, creating tension [in the drama].

However, unlike the unusual [special] charisma and look in his eye that he showed in the drama, the Woo Dohwan we met in person was exactly that of a fresh and bright “25 year old, young man”. Woo Dohwan mentioned the difference in his personality from his character by saying “Wansik is extremely cold and feisty, but me, on the other hand, am bright [happy] in everything I do” and“that’s why I was more attracted [pulled towards] to him [the character of Wansik]. I wanted to express things [feelings/expressions] that I didn’t have”.

“The character of Wansik had two sides which coexisted in him - he seems light [in presence] but is heavy, and is heavy but light at the same time. Looking at this character who changes with each situation, made me think ‘what is this kid?’. That’s what made him more appealing. I played the character [of Wansik] with the thought that it would be nice if viewers could feel the same way.”

Just like how Woo Dohwan mentioned, the character of Kim Wansik was both sharp [in personality] but miserable at the same time. He was a person who had complicated feelings making him put Go Nangil into crisis [dangerous] situations while offering his help [as well]. That’s why Woo Dohwan had to go through a process of a lot of thinking [worrying] before he could make [complete] the character. “Wansik felt an extreme amount of jealousy towards Nangil” Woo Dohwan started “But the only family Wansik had was Nangil. In order to express the love-hate relationship where Wansik worries about Nangil despite hating him, I thought about it a lot.” 

Continuing on, he explained "In reality, Wansik is someone who is weak against the strong, and strong against the weak. Despite raising his fists at Nangil, he never laid a single punch on him. In the drama, I never had a scene where I hit anyone. Depending on how you look at it, I think that was the kind of character Wansik was. I was thankful that some people took pity on Wansik because of that. That was part of what I wanted to show [to the audience]”. 

It wasn’t just the character on the script, but Woo Dohwan even worried about the projection of his voice. His voice which we heard in person was much lower and heavier than his voice in the drama. 

“My voice is originally on the lower side, so I thought that there would be a limit to the character of Wansik if I expressed him through this tone. That’s why I had a lot of concerns regarding that aspect. Of course acting begins within me, but it made me think that the tone of my voice right now [back then] was Woo Dohwan and not Wansik." 

Despite him not having participated in a lot of productions up until now, and because he had only experienced the genre of films, 'The Man Living in Our House’ was particularly meaningful to him. Woo Dohwan, who would watch the live broadcast of 'The Man Living in Our House’ if his schedules allowed it [didn’t overlapping with other filming schedules], said that filming for the drama was so fun and fascinating that time flew right by him. He said that through this opportunity in particular, he was able to experience with his whole body the difference between films and dramas. 

“Since we work together for a long time with films, the period of time I have to prepare myself is longer as well. In contrast, the time we work together on dramas is short. There are times when we’re basically filming in real time. That was a help to me. I like to think being able to monitor [receive feedback] on my acting right away was, in a way, an opportunity for me to grow [develop] a little more." 

Woo Dohwan said that the nervousness that came with his first drama only lasted a moment, and that the atmosphere on set played a large role in the reason behind how he was able to break down [and understand] a character at such speed as he does now. He grew closer to the actors around his age including mood maker Kim Youngkwang, along with Soo Ae, Ji Yoonho, Lee Kangmin, and Jeong Jihwan etc creating a family-like atmosphere [amongst them]. Because of that fact, rather than thinking that filming was tough [or that he was tired], they encouraged each other even more with the thought that they were coming together and creating a production as a family. 

"In order to help new actors like me relax before filming, the director would always come up and talk to me first. He would for my opinion on acting, which made it possible for my to [carry out his acting] act extremely comfortably. The staff members, Kim Youngkwang, and Soo Ae sunbaenim all gave me a lot of help. They never said anything negative, and helped me work even harder by telling me that I was doing a good job." 

In particular, the 'bromance chemistry’ that he showed with Kim Youngkwang was enough to grab the interest [attention] of many viewers. In reply to a question regarding their chemistry, Woo Dohwan instead replied with his thanks towards sunbae actor Kim Youngkwang. Woo Dohwan mentioned that "Youngkwang hyung was very considerate towards me and complimented me a lot” and that “I was really thankful that he would call me over before we went into filming saying 'Wansik-ah, let’s go over our lines together’. He’s really a great sunbaenim and hyung”.

A lot of people would agree that this is one of Woo Dohwan’s strengths. The fact that he has a face that has both elements of 'Good’ and 'Evil’. Woo Dohwan positively reviewed his performance saying that his face [which has elements of both] helped him to express the character of Kim Wansik. People on set told him that he suited the genre of noir, and even called Woo Dohwan 'genre-style face’. [Woo Dohwan said that] Staff members actually even greeted Woo Dohwan by saying "noir Wansik is here?”. 

Woo Dohwan’s impact was great [strong] despite his roles being relatively small [screen time wise], evident through the creation of a fancafe before his drama even finished. In addition, his fans actively gave him strength by sending him a coffee truck to the filming set. Just like Woo Dohwan’s words of “at first I was extremely puzzled [confused]”, even though this [acting] wasn’t something he started in order to gain popularity, the interest and love of other’s became the another motivator for him to [continue] act. 

He mentioned them [his fans] saying “I think they are people who make me think that I should work even harder at acting going forward” and once again emphasized his gratefulness by saying “Thank you and thank you once again. I don’t think there’s another word that can contain as much as that word.”

(TRANS ) 161228 — interview with xportsnews (part three)

translated byfy!wdh+originally fromxportsnews by kim seonwoo
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click here for an alternate version with accompanying images. 

Following KBS 2TV [drama] ‘The Man Living in Our House’, Woo Dohwan has once again stood in front of the public [audience] through the film 'Master.

Woo Dohwan played an active role as a scene stealer in the film 'Master’ as he worked together with big seniors [in the acting industry] like Lee Byeonghun, Kang Dongwon, Kim Woobin, and Jin Kyung.

“To be honest, I [Woo Dohwan] was nervous from the moment I saw the 'Master’ casting article. I was shaking from the moment I went to the auditions for a role in such a big production. Luckily I was able to pass the auditions and join the cast. I learnt a lot during the one month I spent filming on site in the Philippines, and it’s a precious memory.”

To Woo Dohwan, who was taking on the challenge of [shooting] films for the first time, 'Master’ was not a space of fear, but a space of learning.

In particular, the production staff and senior actors treated him with warmth and kindness even when he made NG’s or mistakes."On the first day I went onto shoot, all my worries disappeared. [Because] The directors and sunbaenims all treated me so well that I thought 'This place is [full of] people on my side’. After that I was able to erase any other useless thoughts and focused only on filming.”

Woo Dohwan possesses traces [of facial features] of Kim Woobin who he appeared [in 'Master’] with. After asking him personally, he laughed, saying “It’s an honor” and that “To be honest Woobin hyung actually told me himself that I 'looked like’ him.”

“To have an amazing sunbaenim tell me personally that I looked like him, I was really happy. Woobin hyung in particular, is a sunbae that really can’t help but be an example [for others]. His character [personality], and acting etc - there’s nothing you can fault. He also gave me a lot of good advice when we were filming." 

Woo Dohwan, who completed his first debut film just like that, met himself face-to-face on screen through the vip screening of 'Master’ before was released. 

"Because it’s the first film that I will be showcased to the public, there was a sense of fluttering [in his heart], nervousness, and fear. But even though I’m embarrassed after having watched the vip screening, it’s a relief that I came out well. My parents were also really happy [for him]. In particular, my dad who acted in the past, was truly happy saying that I had made his dream come true on behalf of him.” 

Having asked Woo Dohwan who his role model was, he picked actor Ryu Seungbeom and his father without a second of hesitation. He said "From an acting perspective, I’ve liked Ryu Seungbeom sunbaenim since I was young. He pulls off the 'free but not light’ feeling very well. He’s very charming and I [Woo Dohwan] want to become an actor that has [that kind of] a unique color.”

Continuing on he added “I can’t leave out my father. He’s the one who [helped him] formed my values and he loves his family more than anyone else, he also loves my mother a lot. He’s truly a very good husband and father. He’s still so cool [at his age]. I too, want to become an amazing person like my father.”

What kind of actor is Woo Dohwan, a young man who has such clear thoughts about acting and philosophy about life, dreaming of [becoming]? 

"I want to become an actor who is free [unrestrained] in front of the camera, and who can put myself aside when I’m acting to show myself to others. [He wants to become] A friendly [familiar] actor who makes the public and viewers feel comfortable with no sense of objection when they see me, to the point where they can laugh and cry along with me. I dream of becoming an actor that has a scent of a human [relatable].”

(TRANS ) 161228 — interview with xportsnews (part two)

translated byfy!wdh+originally fromxportsnews by kim seonwoo
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click here for an alternate version with accompanying images.

[Being] Born in 1992, Woo Dohwan is 24 years old. Currently enrolled at Dankook University, he possessed such freshness that you would have believed it if someone said he was a high school student.

Woo Dohwan said “To be honest, I don’t really have a specific production or role that I want to try” but“if I had to choose though, before I get older, I want to film a youth centric production where I can wear a [school] uniform”.

Woo Dohwan, who has worked with all [kinds of] sunbaenims through his debut film ‘Master’ and debut drama 'The Man Living in Our House’ in 2016, revealed his thoughts [wishes] of wanting to work with actors around his age on a youth centric production.

“I have learnt so much from my sunbaenims. If there’s a chance in the future, I want to work together on a youthhood production with actors my age. I think it would be a different [another] feeling.”

Woo Dohwan is so close to Jung Soohwan, who is currently appearing in tvN [drama] 'Rude Miss Young Ae’, that they were room mates during their university days.

"I lived together with Soohwan when we first entered university. He’s really like a [biological] younger brother to me. During our university days, we said that it would be great if we could meet in the same production once we’ve both debuted. [So] I’m happy now that I [achieved part of his goal of] debuted this year. If the opportunity arises, I want to work together with him.”

Meanwhile, Woo Dohwan said that the thing he was the most happy about after becoming an actor was “[seeing] the happy looks on my family’s faces”

“My goal this year was to debut. I wanted to my parents and my grandmother to be able to see me on TV. So I was really happy that I was able to do that. Especially my grandmother - apparently she’s so happy [for him] that she goes around bragging to the other grandmothers in the neighbourhood. I was also really happy that I [was able to] invited my parents to the 'Master’ vip screening not too long ago." 

I [the reporter] asked Woo Dohwan for his new goals for 2017. He replied "To be honest, the goal that I wrote down in my journal for this year was to debut, and [to be involved in] 5 productions or more. But I wasn’t able to meet the number of productions. I definitely want to fulfill that goal next year, [so] I haven’t made any other goals yet. If this year was the year that marked the beginning, then I want next year to be a year where I can make more progress [develop]”.

TRANS ) 161228 — interview with xportsnews (part one)

translated byfy!wdh+originally fromxportsnews by kim seonwoo
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Rookie Woo Dohwan completed his television debut through KBS 2TV [drama] ‘The Man Living in Our House’.

Woo Dohwan caught the eyes of viewers from his first appearance [in the drama] and made his presence known, and received love from viewers through his bickering bromance with Kim Youngkwang.

In his recent interview with xsportsnews, Woo Dohwan said that “I [he] really learnt a lot from ‘The Man Living in Our House’ and it was great on set” and that “because it’s my [his] first drama, I don’t think I will be able to forget about it even in the future” relaying his feelings on the conclusion of the drama.”

He continued, “After the drama finished, I basically only stayed at home. I like being alone, so I mostly just spent my time [after the drama finished] reading or watching movies at home, or I would go to a cafe and write in my journal.”

I [the reporter] suddenly became extremely curious about the unusual hobby of his, that was reminiscent of a young girl in her teens, [which is] in stark contrast to his ‘Cold City Man’ image. I personally asked Woo Dohwan and he answered “I’ve been keeping a journal since I entered my twenties - it’s already been 5 years”.

“I write in my journal every day. Even if it’s not something significant, I try to write at least one sentence. In particular, I make note of the good points while I’m filming and points that I felt were a shame - that way I also use it as an actor’s notebook. It’s a big help [to his acting].”

Woo Dohwan worked with the likes of Soo Ae, Kim Youngkwang and Kim Sangmyun through 'The Man Living in Our House’. Woo Dohwan explained that “Park Sangmyun sunbaenim was the mood maker on set” and that “Youngkwang hyung took really good care of me. He [Kim Youngkwang] told me that I looked like him and that I have a 'dinosaur face’. The sunbaenims all said that we look alike and complimented me, so I was very thankful.”

In particular, Woo Dohwan couldn’t stop complimenting Soo Ae. He said [about Soo Ae] “I really understand why people call Soo Ae sunbae 'God Soo Ae’. Even though she had the most scenes, not once did she ever complain, or even so much as frown. She was always smiling. I really learnt a lot from her [Soo Ae].”

On the other hand, Woo Dohwan was extremely realistic [did not hold back judgement] about his own acting. Woo Dohwan said “[He would score] My acting is 20 out of 100.” and that “I think filling up the remaining 80 is my goal going forward. I won’t forget my initial intention until the day that I can be satisfied with my acting.”

However, unlike his humble words, Woo Dohwan left a clear [definite] impression on viewers starting from his very first production. You can confirm the buzz surrounding him just by looking on social media and comments - Woo Dohwan’s fans even sent a coffee truck to the set of 'The Man Living in Our House’.

“It still feels really foreign when I see a comment [saying] 'I enjoyed watching [his drama]’ in the comments section. To have someone like them [his fans] is really something to be thankful for. I’m still in disbelief about the coffee truck. I was so surprised. I don’t think I have any other way of repaying [fans] but with [his] acting.”

Last of all, Woo Dohwan once again relayed his thanks to viewers for loving 'The Man Living in Our House’ and himself.

“I gain strength even if it is a only short few words like 'I enjoyed watching [the drama]’. I know I can’t say anything in return except 'I’ll work even harder’, but I will work hard in order to become a great actor so that you won’t regret taking an interest in me.”
