#interview xportsnews


(TRANS ) 161228 — interview with xportsnews (part three)

translated byfy!wdh+originally fromxportsnews by kim seonwoo
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click here for an alternate version with accompanying images. 

Following KBS 2TV [drama] ‘The Man Living in Our House’, Woo Dohwan has once again stood in front of the public [audience] through the film 'Master.

Woo Dohwan played an active role as a scene stealer in the film 'Master’ as he worked together with big seniors [in the acting industry] like Lee Byeonghun, Kang Dongwon, Kim Woobin, and Jin Kyung.

“To be honest, I [Woo Dohwan] was nervous from the moment I saw the 'Master’ casting article. I was shaking from the moment I went to the auditions for a role in such a big production. Luckily I was able to pass the auditions and join the cast. I learnt a lot during the one month I spent filming on site in the Philippines, and it’s a precious memory.”

To Woo Dohwan, who was taking on the challenge of [shooting] films for the first time, 'Master’ was not a space of fear, but a space of learning.

In particular, the production staff and senior actors treated him with warmth and kindness even when he made NG’s or mistakes."On the first day I went onto shoot, all my worries disappeared. [Because] The directors and sunbaenims all treated me so well that I thought 'This place is [full of] people on my side’. After that I was able to erase any other useless thoughts and focused only on filming.”

Woo Dohwan possesses traces [of facial features] of Kim Woobin who he appeared [in 'Master’] with. After asking him personally, he laughed, saying “It’s an honor” and that “To be honest Woobin hyung actually told me himself that I 'looked like’ him.”

“To have an amazing sunbaenim tell me personally that I looked like him, I was really happy. Woobin hyung in particular, is a sunbae that really can’t help but be an example [for others]. His character [personality], and acting etc - there’s nothing you can fault. He also gave me a lot of good advice when we were filming." 

Woo Dohwan, who completed his first debut film just like that, met himself face-to-face on screen through the vip screening of 'Master’ before was released. 

"Because it’s the first film that I will be showcased to the public, there was a sense of fluttering [in his heart], nervousness, and fear. But even though I’m embarrassed after having watched the vip screening, it’s a relief that I came out well. My parents were also really happy [for him]. In particular, my dad who acted in the past, was truly happy saying that I had made his dream come true on behalf of him.” 

Having asked Woo Dohwan who his role model was, he picked actor Ryu Seungbeom and his father without a second of hesitation. He said "From an acting perspective, I’ve liked Ryu Seungbeom sunbaenim since I was young. He pulls off the 'free but not light’ feeling very well. He’s very charming and I [Woo Dohwan] want to become an actor that has [that kind of] a unique color.”

Continuing on he added “I can’t leave out my father. He’s the one who [helped him] formed my values and he loves his family more than anyone else, he also loves my mother a lot. He’s truly a very good husband and father. He’s still so cool [at his age]. I too, want to become an amazing person like my father.”

What kind of actor is Woo Dohwan, a young man who has such clear thoughts about acting and philosophy about life, dreaming of [becoming]? 

"I want to become an actor who is free [unrestrained] in front of the camera, and who can put myself aside when I’m acting to show myself to others. [He wants to become] A friendly [familiar] actor who makes the public and viewers feel comfortable with no sense of objection when they see me, to the point where they can laugh and cry along with me. I dream of becoming an actor that has a scent of a human [relatable].”

(TRANS ) 161228 — interview with xportsnews (part two)

translated byfy!wdh+originally fromxportsnews by kim seonwoo
please do not repost translations on tumblr and always credit page 712, or fywdh when posting elsewhere. please obtain permission before translating into other languages.
click here for an alternate version with accompanying images.

[Being] Born in 1992, Woo Dohwan is 24 years old. Currently enrolled at Dankook University, he possessed such freshness that you would have believed it if someone said he was a high school student.

Woo Dohwan said “To be honest, I don’t really have a specific production or role that I want to try” but“if I had to choose though, before I get older, I want to film a youth centric production where I can wear a [school] uniform”.

Woo Dohwan, who has worked with all [kinds of] sunbaenims through his debut film ‘Master’ and debut drama 'The Man Living in Our House’ in 2016, revealed his thoughts [wishes] of wanting to work with actors around his age on a youth centric production.

“I have learnt so much from my sunbaenims. If there’s a chance in the future, I want to work together on a youthhood production with actors my age. I think it would be a different [another] feeling.”

Woo Dohwan is so close to Jung Soohwan, who is currently appearing in tvN [drama] 'Rude Miss Young Ae’, that they were room mates during their university days.

"I lived together with Soohwan when we first entered university. He’s really like a [biological] younger brother to me. During our university days, we said that it would be great if we could meet in the same production once we’ve both debuted. [So] I’m happy now that I [achieved part of his goal of] debuted this year. If the opportunity arises, I want to work together with him.”

Meanwhile, Woo Dohwan said that the thing he was the most happy about after becoming an actor was “[seeing] the happy looks on my family’s faces”

“My goal this year was to debut. I wanted to my parents and my grandmother to be able to see me on TV. So I was really happy that I was able to do that. Especially my grandmother - apparently she’s so happy [for him] that she goes around bragging to the other grandmothers in the neighbourhood. I was also really happy that I [was able to] invited my parents to the 'Master’ vip screening not too long ago." 

I [the reporter] asked Woo Dohwan for his new goals for 2017. He replied "To be honest, the goal that I wrote down in my journal for this year was to debut, and [to be involved in] 5 productions or more. But I wasn’t able to meet the number of productions. I definitely want to fulfill that goal next year, [so] I haven’t made any other goals yet. If this year was the year that marked the beginning, then I want next year to be a year where I can make more progress [develop]”.

TRANS ) 161228 — interview with xportsnews (part one)

translated byfy!wdh+originally fromxportsnews by kim seonwoo
please do not repost translations on tumblr and always credit page 712, or fywdh when posting elsewhere. please obtain permission before translating into other languages.
click here for an alternate version with accompanying images.

Rookie Woo Dohwan completed his television debut through KBS 2TV [drama] ‘The Man Living in Our House’.

Woo Dohwan caught the eyes of viewers from his first appearance [in the drama] and made his presence known, and received love from viewers through his bickering bromance with Kim Youngkwang.

In his recent interview with xsportsnews, Woo Dohwan said that “I [he] really learnt a lot from ‘The Man Living in Our House’ and it was great on set” and that “because it’s my [his] first drama, I don’t think I will be able to forget about it even in the future” relaying his feelings on the conclusion of the drama.”

He continued, “After the drama finished, I basically only stayed at home. I like being alone, so I mostly just spent my time [after the drama finished] reading or watching movies at home, or I would go to a cafe and write in my journal.”

I [the reporter] suddenly became extremely curious about the unusual hobby of his, that was reminiscent of a young girl in her teens, [which is] in stark contrast to his ‘Cold City Man’ image. I personally asked Woo Dohwan and he answered “I’ve been keeping a journal since I entered my twenties - it’s already been 5 years”.

“I write in my journal every day. Even if it’s not something significant, I try to write at least one sentence. In particular, I make note of the good points while I’m filming and points that I felt were a shame - that way I also use it as an actor’s notebook. It’s a big help [to his acting].”

Woo Dohwan worked with the likes of Soo Ae, Kim Youngkwang and Kim Sangmyun through 'The Man Living in Our House’. Woo Dohwan explained that “Park Sangmyun sunbaenim was the mood maker on set” and that “Youngkwang hyung took really good care of me. He [Kim Youngkwang] told me that I looked like him and that I have a 'dinosaur face’. The sunbaenims all said that we look alike and complimented me, so I was very thankful.”

In particular, Woo Dohwan couldn’t stop complimenting Soo Ae. He said [about Soo Ae] “I really understand why people call Soo Ae sunbae 'God Soo Ae’. Even though she had the most scenes, not once did she ever complain, or even so much as frown. She was always smiling. I really learnt a lot from her [Soo Ae].”

On the other hand, Woo Dohwan was extremely realistic [did not hold back judgement] about his own acting. Woo Dohwan said “[He would score] My acting is 20 out of 100.” and that “I think filling up the remaining 80 is my goal going forward. I won’t forget my initial intention until the day that I can be satisfied with my acting.”

However, unlike his humble words, Woo Dohwan left a clear [definite] impression on viewers starting from his very first production. You can confirm the buzz surrounding him just by looking on social media and comments - Woo Dohwan’s fans even sent a coffee truck to the set of 'The Man Living in Our House’.

“It still feels really foreign when I see a comment [saying] 'I enjoyed watching [his drama]’ in the comments section. To have someone like them [his fans] is really something to be thankful for. I’m still in disbelief about the coffee truck. I was so surprised. I don’t think I have any other way of repaying [fans] but with [his] acting.”

Last of all, Woo Dohwan once again relayed his thanks to viewers for loving 'The Man Living in Our House’ and himself.

“I gain strength even if it is a only short few words like 'I enjoyed watching [the drama]’. I know I can’t say anything in return except 'I’ll work even harder’, but I will work hard in order to become a great actor so that you won’t regret taking an interest in me.”
