#into the pit spring bonnie



This funky guy!! He’s a character that’ll appear on seasons two through four! I think its time I had labeled the seasons of Hurricane Chronicals, in which there are in fact four! Season one is Chrysalis’s appearance, the introduction to the universe plus Milo and his friends. Season Two is the Vunny Cult’s appearance, and the introduction to Bebe’s story. Season Three is when Milo fights with his demons, literally, meaning the introduction to Leon (the red Milo we’ve seen before). And season Four, the Finale of the show, is something I won’t spoil :3c

Season one : Cheers to the Agonized

Season two : Pizzeria Complexity

Season Three : Reality Reminiscent

Season Four : Change of the course

Dewberry was another bio creation by the Vunny labs, he was deemed unusable for Agony collecting due to him well not being scary now all that powerful unlike his brother, PitTrap. So just like Lea, he and him were put to work. Mainly I’m camera moderation and tech support. After the defeat of the cult and when the creatures are freed from the Labs, Dewberry and PitTrap were reunited, PB and Maybe both took them in for the time being. Dewberry is a PB alternate that can speak, fyi!

I’m gonna do it- I’m gonna finnaly make a nsfw acc- my family would be so disappointed in me chgygygyb

It’s not gonna be too bad though, probs just mostly simp writing, and sexual innuendo drawings chhvhg still nsfw tho obvs- and I don’t want to flood that here on my main w/ lil kids running around and be like a fucking puppyyouknowwho- so I do apologize I’ve been like that for a bit :(

PitTrap snuggles

cause I’m bored lol


!!Slightly suggestive !!

Imagine PitTrap just manhandling you cause your short af, he’s basically holding you like a doll and grabbing in all sorts of places, some where he probs shouldn’t, but he likey didn’t mean it like that. Or did he (゜o゜;

Im just saying if that were me id just be there for the ride. I’d bet he’d probably be all up in your face and stuff cause he just really wants you to pet him cause he fuchkin touch starved. If you react at all and start to also touch or caress him, he becomes a big blushy mess and will keep edging you for more. To the point where you’re just sitting in his lap and giving him neck scratches while he also returns the favor in “touching around” with your body as a thank you cause hell, your also touch starved. Maybe he’ll also give you lil neck kisses and your just completely smothered cause of how big he is, but honestly, his fur coat is so soft you can’t really find a reason why you wouldn’t wanna be smothered atm.

