#inukag fluff

FOR RUDDCATHA ♥️Skin against skin, he wrapped his arms around her waist, his legs on either side of


Skin against skin, he wrapped his arms around her waist, his legs on either side of hers. She was so small, so fragile-no… not fragile. She was never fragile. How many times had she proven that to him? She was strong, resilient… perfect. His lips brushed against the smooth skin of her back, revelling in the warmth that spread from her. He heard her sigh and he squeezed her just a little tighter. Kagome was the light in his life. When she disappeared for three years, Inuyasha felt like his heart had left with her. Now that she was back, there was no way he was ever letting her out of his sight. He wanted to keep her as close to him as possible. To never lose her scent, how sweet and fresh it is. Even more now, with their newly combined scents; made his heart thud and his youkai preen. She giggled when he wrapped his entire body around her even tighter.

“You okay Inu?” her voice was soft.

“More than okay. You’re here in my arms. What else could I possibly want?”

Kagome wriggled a little closer into his embrace and sighed in contentment. This was where they were meant to be.  

Well hello! I am very pleased to present to you, this image and little blurb that was created as part of our weekend celebration of @ruddcatha! She is such a wonderful, talented, bright light in our fandom. I am so lucky to have met Rudd online and get to know her better! As you may know, Rudd is currently fundraising to attend a national pageant in July; if you have a moment, and would like to donate to Rudd’s ko-fito help her get there, we would so appreciate it. Thank you, and enjoy! We love you Rudd!! ♥️♥️

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thornedraven: Happiest of Birthdays to the wonderful and talented @fawn-eyed-girl ! I’m so grateful


Happiest of Birthdays to the wonderful and talented @fawn-eyed-girl ! I’m so grateful to have you as a friend! I hope you’ve had the most wonderful day! ❤️ Some soft, lovey-dovey InuKag just for you! 

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neutronstarchild: There’s Only Ever Been Youis online! Summary: Nothing could possibly be worse for


There’s Only Ever Been You
is online!

Summary: Nothing could possibly be worse for Inuyasha than standing there, on his wedding day, waiting for whoever it was that his parents had decided he would marry. Didn’t they know that he had been in love since he was small? Well… the dream of seeing her again has died, replaced with whoever this stranger is. That is, until his bride raises her veil…

So. Being a woman in the US right now is depressing in a way I can’t quite verbalize. It’s like this out of control sense of dread and frustration that there is so little we can do that it paralyzes us. And that’s what I’m feeling right now. Anyway. It meant that I did two things. First was I upped the donations I make to Planned Parenthood (I’ve been monthly donating since 2016) and… I wrote this. Because I imagined I may not be the only person out there at the moment who needs fluff, so here you all are. A little bit of InuKag fluff to see if it can lighten your dark day too.

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In desperate need of some inukag goodness. Please flood me with fanart and fanfics.


Can I write a drabble between 50 and 100 words?

No. No I cannot. *snort* 

I tried, I really did lmao but as all my readers know, I am incapable of writing a perfect drabble. XD Perhaps someday…but clearly today is not that day hahaha.

For@inuyashaeienni‘schallenge. 209 words because there was a 250 word limit and I took full advantage lmao.

Inspired by cute art I saw on here, but I don’t remember from who or what fandom it was haha. Oops.


“I still don’t see why I have to do this,” Inuyasha griped as he did another sit up.

Sitting at his feet and holding them down, Kagome replied patiently, “You wanna beat Kouga, don’t you?”

When Inuyasha came back up, he was scowling.

Kagome grinned. “Okay, stupid question.”


Up, down, up, down, Inuyasha executed perfect crunches, hands behind his head, exhaling with every upward heave. He kept his gaze fixated on Kagome’s face, her smile encouraging, her eyes bright. His gaze dropped lower and a mischievous idea started to develop.

“You know,” he huffed, “This would be—easier if I had—some kind of incentive.” Huff, huff.

Kagome eyed him. “Like what?”

With a wicked curl to his lips, Inuyasha heaved himself upward with a little more force than normal and quickly stole a kiss from the girl he’d been crushing on for years.

Her eyes went wide and her face flamed. “O-oh,” she squeaked.

On his next crunch, he paused just in front of her, breathing hard, hopeful eyes holding a silent question.

Flush darkening, Kagome bit her lip, graced him with a shy but happy smile, and leaned forward to press her lips to his.

Inuyasha grinned as he kissed her back.

I win, stupid wolf.

Fjdiehchey I can’t even at the adorableness this possesses!!!
