#inuyasha headcanon










I have this headcannon

that involves Inuyasha just casually tossing his robe into campfire and Kagome initially losing her shit before he reminds her it’s made of fire rat fur and is in fact fireproof and that’s just how one cleans such a thing and it even repairs any rips when you incinerate it. I just never liked the idea that his clothes magically repair and clean but Inuyasha purposefully throwing this priceless garment into a fire is such a comical image to me that I have no choice but to believe it’s real.

Fuck yes. This will be canon in my fanfic

I can’t believe you didn’t think of Inuyasha walking around in his loincloth while his robes are in the fire. Didn’t imagine Kagome getting a nice preview of those abs and that ass.

I mean technically, it’s only his haori that’s fire-rat so I assumed that only his shirt can be burned/repaired. So him walking around butt naked didnt feel on the menu

I always assumed the hakama were made out of the same material, but maybe not. But if they were, the white (hadagi? kosode?) shirt he wears underneath is surely just linen, so he could be wearing just that and showing off his hanyou leggys lol

I mean, if we assumed the pants were the same material as the top half, maybe Kagome would too? Into the fire they go! Bwahaha!

“Kagome WAIT those aren’t–!”

*inuyashas pants ignite*



“Oh you mean they weren’t made of the fire rat too? Well why didn’t you say something?”

“Ididsay something.”

*shamelessly staring at his legs and butt* “Sorry did you say something?”

This is too great a headcanon and too priceless of a mental image to not reblog. :D 

Though I will note, that’s not a “haori” that he wears - it’s actually a garment called a suikan. (Which is kind of like an old-timey Japanese sportcoat? The link there goes to our article on his costume design if you’d like more information, including our source for that)

@coquinespike  is absolutely correct that you can refer to the white undershirt he wears as a hadagi, though! That is one very appropriate word for it. It’s sometimes also called a hadajuban.  

For the record, “kosode”, IS a real word for a Japanese clothing piece; however, it is an outer garment, a common form of kimono with shorter sleeves (hence “ko” for “small” in front of “sode” which means “sleeve”) compared to what say, the furisode (which  is named after its “swinging” sleeves), has. Sango sometimes wears a type of kosode, for reference, as does Rin…and many other  random commoners in the series, actually, since a kosode’s shorter sleeves are far more practical compared to furisode for people doing say, farm work.

/Japanese clothing tangent.

Also while I headcanon the pants are made of the same material, I can’t stop snickering over the fact that this makes for a great opportunity to make a “pants on fire” joke…
