#the post which overcame time

ao3tagoftheday:zoe2213414:eabevella:naryrising:You can read the post here for more info, but





You can read the post here for more info, but I wanted to just add a bit about what this entails from my POV, on the Support team.  Somewhere between ¼ to 1/3 of all our tickets last month were in Chinese (somewhere upwards of 300 out of 1200 or so), almost all from users just setting up their accounts or trying to find out how to get an invitation.  A lot of the tickets are what I’d characterize as “intro” tickets - they say hi, list favourite fandoms or pairings, or provide samples of fic they’ve written. Although this isn’t necessary on AO3, this is not uncommon in Chinese fandom sites that you have to prove your credentials to get in (in fact it wasn’t uncommon in English-language fandom sites 15-20 years ago).  We respond to all of these tickets, even the ones that just say hi.  We check whether the user has managed to receive their invite or get their account sent up, and if they haven’t, we help them do so.  This means taking every single ticket through our Chinese translation team twice, once so we make sure we understand the initial ticket, and then again to translate our reply. 

This is a challenging process, although we’ve found ways to streamline it and can normally get a reply out pretty quickly (like within a few days).  We do it because this is part of why AO3 exists in the first place - to provide a safe haven where users can post their works without worrying about censorship or sudden crackdowns on certain kinds of content.  We do it because this is important, and helping these users get their accounts and be able to share their works safely is why we’re here.  We hope that we’ll be able to help as many of them as possible.  

There have been a few (thankfully few, that I’ve seen) complaints about these new AO3 users not always knowing how things work - what language to tag with, or what fandom tags to use, for instance.  To this I would say:

1. Have patience and be considerate.  They are coming to a new site that they aren’t familiar with, and using it in a language they may not be expert in, and it might take a while to learn the ropes.  You can filter out works tagged in Chinese if you don’t want to see them.  Or just scroll past.  

2. You can report works tagged with the wrong language or the wrong fandom to our Policy and Abuse team using the link at the bottom of any page.  This will not cause the authors to “get in trouble” (a concern I’ve heard before, as people are reluctant to report for these reasons).  It means the Policy and Abuse team will contact them to ask them to change the language/fandom tag, and if the creator doesn’t, they can edit it directly. 

If you remember Strikethrough or the FF.net porn ban or similar purges, please keep them in mind and consider that these users are going through something similar or potentially worse.  This is why AO3 exists.  We are doing our best to try and help make the transition smooth.  

I am a Taiwanese and I’d like to put some context behind the recent influx of China based AO3 users.

China is tightening their freedom of speech in recent years after Xi has became the chairman (he even canceled the 10 years long term of service of chairman, meaning he can stay as the leader of China as long as he lives–he has became a dictator).

They censor words that are deemed “sensitive”, you can’t type anything to criticize the chinise government. Big social media platform won’t even post the posts containing sensitive words. You don’t have the freedom of publish books without the books being approved by the government either.

To disguise this whole Ninety Eighty-Four nightmare, they started to pick on the easy target: the women and the minorities (China is getting more and more misogynistic as a result of the government trying to control their male population through encouraging them to control the female population through “chinese tradition family value” but that’s another story).

Last year, the chinese government arrested a woman who is a famous yaoi/BL novel writer named 天一 and sentenced her 10 years in jail for “selling obscene publications” and “illegal publication” (she’s not the only BL writer who got arrested. Meanwhile, multiple cases where men raped women only get about 2 years of jail time in China). It’s a warning to anyone who want to publish anything that’s “not approved” by the government that they can literally ruin you. 

Just recently the chinese government “contacted” website owners of one of their largest romance/yaoi/slash fiction sites 晉江 and announced that for now on, for the sake of a Clean Society, they can’t write anything that’s slightly “obscene”. No sex scene, no sexual interaction, they can’t even write any bodily interaction below neck (I’m not kidding here).

But that’s not their actual goal. They also listed other restriction such as: can’t write anything that’s about the government, the military, the police, “sensitive history”, “race problems”, which is… you basically can’t write anything that might be used as a tool to criticize the government (as many novels did).

This recent development really hurt the chinese fanfic writers. They can’t write anything without the fear of being put on the guillotine by the government to show their control. Most of them don’t even think that deep politically, they just want to write slash fictions. But there are no platform safe in China, that’s why the sudden influx of chinese users to AO3.

I bet it won’t be long before AO3 got banned in China, but until then, be a little bit patient to them. As much as I hate the chinese government, I pity their people.

I’m crying so loud…As a Chinese, you don’t know how your kindness meant to us. When I’m young, I read 1984, and I thought this story is so unrealistic, but now, it’s getting tougher and tougher for fanfic and the writer in China. Thank you ao3. Thank you for the people who care about Chinese people. (hope I didn’t spell anything wrong)

Hi everyone! As much as I poke fun at ao3 culture on this blog, I love the platform and the community and I’m glad that it can function as a refuge for Chinese fans, both writers and readers.

So followers! I encourage you all to be welcoming and helpful to Chinese fans joining us on ao3 and to be patient as the platform figures out how to integrate them. If any of you are Chinese speakers and are inclined to volunteer with ao3, I’m sure that would be appreciated. As for the rest of us, let’s remember that ao3 exists as a sanctuary for our community, especially exactly those parts of it that are most at risk under Chinese censorship (lgbt+ content, explicit fics, etc.) and let’s take this opportunity to be grateful that our community has worked together so well for so long in order to create this sanctuary. I’m delighted that that effort can now be helpful to Chinese fans facing censorship, and I’m excited to see how Chinese fans and fan culture will interact and co-create with English speaking fandom.

And with that, I’m off to slip ao3 an extra 10 dollars.

Post link









I have this headcannon

that involves Inuyasha just casually tossing his robe into campfire and Kagome initially losing her shit before he reminds her it’s made of fire rat fur and is in fact fireproof and that’s just how one cleans such a thing and it even repairs any rips when you incinerate it. I just never liked the idea that his clothes magically repair and clean but Inuyasha purposefully throwing this priceless garment into a fire is such a comical image to me that I have no choice but to believe it’s real.

Fuck yes. This will be canon in my fanfic

I can’t believe you didn’t think of Inuyasha walking around in his loincloth while his robes are in the fire. Didn’t imagine Kagome getting a nice preview of those abs and that ass.

I mean technically, it’s only his haori that’s fire-rat so I assumed that only his shirt can be burned/repaired. So him walking around butt naked didnt feel on the menu

I always assumed the hakama were made out of the same material, but maybe not. But if they were, the white (hadagi? kosode?) shirt he wears underneath is surely just linen, so he could be wearing just that and showing off his hanyou leggys lol

I mean, if we assumed the pants were the same material as the top half, maybe Kagome would too? Into the fire they go! Bwahaha!

“Kagome WAIT those aren’t–!”

*inuyashas pants ignite*



“Oh you mean they weren’t made of the fire rat too? Well why didn’t you say something?”

“Ididsay something.”

*shamelessly staring at his legs and butt* “Sorry did you say something?”

This is too great a headcanon and too priceless of a mental image to not reblog. :D 

Though I will note, that’s not a “haori” that he wears - it’s actually a garment called a suikan. (Which is kind of like an old-timey Japanese sportcoat? The link there goes to our article on his costume design if you’d like more information, including our source for that)

@coquinespike  is absolutely correct that you can refer to the white undershirt he wears as a hadagi, though! That is one very appropriate word for it. It’s sometimes also called a hadajuban.  

For the record, “kosode”, IS a real word for a Japanese clothing piece; however, it is an outer garment, a common form of kimono with shorter sleeves (hence “ko” for “small” in front of “sode” which means “sleeve”) compared to what say, the furisode (which  is named after its “swinging” sleeves), has. Sango sometimes wears a type of kosode, for reference, as does Rin…and many other  random commoners in the series, actually, since a kosode’s shorter sleeves are far more practical compared to furisode for people doing say, farm work.

/Japanese clothing tangent.

Also while I headcanon the pants are made of the same material, I can’t stop snickering over the fact that this makes for a great opportunity to make a “pants on fire” joke…

mswhy92 replied to your post “What We Know about the Inu no Taishō”

Did you not see the third Inuyasha movie OP? His human form is there

You bring up a good point in that their father did appear (for a few minutes) in a humanoid form in that particular movie, looking (if anybody is wondering) like this:


(Pictured above: the design they used for the Inu no Taishou in movie three. Handsome! Nailed it, IMO, I can totally believe he charmed two different women looking like this)

but - and this is key- this was not used in the original manga by Rumiko Takahashi, which is our primary source for these kinds of articles.

The reason being, the adaptations of her story have a history of making pretty big changes and even inserting entirely new material - precisely what happened here! this is actually a great example of it! - and so they’re not interchangeablewith the original or even each other a lot of the time.  

For this reason, when we’re asking “what does canon say on this?”, we prefer to stick with The Original Work By The Original Author, which…means we turn exclusively to the manga unlessit’s aboutsomething adaptation-specific. We enjoy the anime adaptations too! But they are a separate canon.

Interestingly, the Inu no Taishou was also not shown that way in the anime TV series either, nor in any of the other theatrical films, making Swords of An Honorable Ruler an outlier across pretty much all canons. 

At least it’s a pretty outlier :P


“I adore the way fan fiction writers engage with and critique source texts, by manipulating them and breaking their rules. Some of it is straight-up homage, but a lot of [fan fiction] is really aggressive towards the source text. One tends to think of it as written by total fanboys and fangirls as a kind of worshipful act, but a lot of times you’ll read these stories and it’ll be like ‘What if Star Trek had an openly gay character on the bridge?’ And of course the point is that they don’t, and they wouldn’t, because they don’t have the balls, or they are beholden to their advertisers, or whatever. There’s a powerful critique, almost punk-like anger, being expressed there—which I find fascinating and interesting and cool.”

Lev Grossman (via theadventuresofcargline)

This is very true - I’ve seen innumerable fanfics of people saying, “I could do this better than they did.”

And quite frequently, they do.






For those of you going through this for the first time: everything will be okay. Fandom always survives stuff like this. We’re good at it.

I know there’s lots of advice posts out there. This isn’t an advice post. I’m just going to tell you why it’ll be okay.

So far, on every commercial platform fandom has called home, there has come a tipping point when we leave. There have been a few scares on Tumblr before, but I didn’t think that we’d reached the tipping point back then. I do think so now. Given the way I’ve seen fandom leave platforms before, yes, this is the real thing. It won’t happen all at once, but in waves. You can afford to wait, but start thinking about it so you’re not taken by surprise when you reach your limit.

Take note of those advice posts that are going around, and especially of the things the BNFs in your fandom are planning – people will tend to follow them in clusters, so that’s a good place to start. But even if you leave it all to the last minute in the hope it won’t happen, and then realise you need to leave after all, it will still be okay.

We are fans, and the internet has always been our playpen. We all have multiple social media accounts, many with the same handle. We can find each other again. It won’t be the same. Of course it won’t. Tumblr fandom is different from Livejournal, is different from GeoCities. But it will still be fandom, it will still be good, and you will still find people you like, including some of those currently in your fannish circle.

We have the advantage of the OTW now too – this kind of thing is exactly why we built it. It’s our safe harbour, no matter what, because we own it.

Once you decide to leave Tumblr, it won’t be as scary as you think. You’ll recognise people’s handles. You’ve probably already done this without realising it – remember the people you used to share a fandom with, but no longer do? Their handles are still seared into your brain, and you’ll always feel that pang of nostalgia when you see them again.

It’s just the same when fandom migrates.

Some people will disappear, and you never will find them again. But mostly, you will still see the same handles, having the same conversations, sharing love for the same favourites, just in new places. You will find them on Dreamwidth, Pillowfort, Instagram, Twitter, Google docs, discord, fanfic.net, Wattpad, Deviant Art, YouTube, Vimeo, and so on. Most importantly, you’ll find them on Fanlore and AO3, because they are run by the OTW and we own it.

Fans and fandom will still be here long after Tumblr is full of rolling tumblrweeds.

We’re good at this. No matter where we end up, you will find your people again. Fandom will go on. It will be okay.

This is who we are.

Out of all the posts I have seen about Tumblr reaching peak idiocy, this is the one I like the most. This has happened before. We’ll be okay. See you wherever our next home will be.

The important thing I got from this, apart from the wonderful sage advice, is to keep same handle everywhere! Good to know. And AO3 is wonderful. We can put in our AO3 profiles wherever we eventually migrate to, though for now, we all seem to be staying here.

A lovely post <3

Also Mod Vorpalgirl would like to add:

- she is “vorpalgirl” or “VorpalGirl” on all her current platforms (which include AO3,Pillowfort.io, and Dreamwidth.org so far in addition to tumblr)

- as far as this blog goes, you will find some of Inu-Fiction’sexisting AND FUTURE contentonAO3 in a special Collection of our archived and drafted meta and fiction from tumblr (it’s slow going converting it, but it’s happening!), as well as a brand new Inu-Fiction Community over on Dreamwidth (and possibly Pillowfort too!), where similar meta will be cross-posted. :) 



i think it says a lot when the only time sesshomaru has ever been explicitly manipulative instead of going straight on for the kill was when he faked a demon to take the form of inuyasha’s mother just so he could get the black pearl from him. if you’re going to be manipulative, you need to understand emotions, something sesshomaru obviously has a difficult time doing, considering his whole character arc has to do with learning empathy. so the fact that he did that to inuyasha means he knew how inuyasha felt at the time

sesshomaru felt that inuyasha was responsible for his father’s death, and he’s obviously bitter about it, because he then kills the unmother. it’s as if “you killed my father so i’ll kill your mother for what you’ve done”. he was upset about inu no taisho’s death, blamed it on inuyasha, and then pulled the same on him as retribution.  & then claimed that inuyasha only felt upset about the unmother’s death even tho she wasn’t actually his moth because he was too empathetic and had a human heart, which is wild because obviously sesshomaru knew how he would feel hence why he did it, though it was jaken’s idea.

he’s actually so childish; if this is how he deals with his father’s death.

And this is why i headcanon that sesshomaru was also a kid when their father died - and he died shortly after “leaving” sesshomaru and his mother and having inuyasha. Idk, it makes a lot more sense to me that he’d have all this resentment bottled up if that had happened when he was just a boy, so he never had the emotional tools to deal with this properly.

Also this mentality that the manga characters have about the differences between a “human heart” and a “yokai heart”, meaning that yokais have no feelings is so funny to me, because boy, they feel a lot lol. I wish this was more discussed in the manga.

I think Sesshomaru’s mother’s behavior says a lot too. I posted onc about how I headcanon Sesshomaru’s mother is incredibly puckish  because she is clearly teasing him, in the one appearance she makes. You can’t tease him the way she does and not understand the emotions you’re poking at to some extent, I feel. But she’s also kind of an (utterly hilarious) ass about it…which…is also similar to her son.

I think we also have to examine Sesshomaru’s motives for wanting Tessaiga: he wanted it not just because it was powerful, but because it was his father’s, and the fact that the younger son, Inuyasha, inherited it – in a culture where priority in inheritance is normally given to elder sons – must have been an extra-bitter pill to swallow. He feltliterally entitled to it, and like Inuyasha did not deserve it.

I do wish I could recall what terms they use for “human heart” and “youkai heart” though because I already know that they do use at least two different terms that got translated in English to “heart” (one of which referred to the literal heart, i.e. the muscle/organ that pumps blood in the body, vs another term referring to an “emotional” heart, i.e. what we use “heart” as a metaphor for).

I get the feeling there is a more subtle distinction or nuance in the original Japanese that we’re missing due to translations. @fast-moon you still around to chime in?


ravenel: I saw this post by @astropixie about how it’d be nice to review fics on AO3 as you read. A ravenel: I saw this post by @astropixie about how it’d be nice to review fics on AO3 as you read. A ravenel: I saw this post by @astropixie about how it’d be nice to review fics on AO3 as you read. A ravenel: I saw this post by @astropixie about how it’d be nice to review fics on AO3 as you read. A


I saw this postby@astropixie about how it’d be nice to review fics on AO3 as you read. A little while back, because I was so in awe of the Clexa fic writers, I made this userscript (can install on Firefox by using Greasemonkey and on Chrome, ETA: Opera, and Safari by using Tampermonkey) so that I could do just that. It doesn’t have the wattpad or soundcloud functionality, it’s just a little thing added on to a page, not something supported by the site itself, but it’s better than nothing. 

The userscript is available here: http://pastebin.com/vYBCYWu4

ETA: FFN version: http://pastebin.com/addj3Xtm

Tampermonkey tutorial

Floating review box! Never choose between “that one great line to quote” and “that other great line to quote” again! Take notes as you go! Perfect accessory for AO3 readers and now there’s an FFN version too! :D

I haven’t tried the FFN version or either version on Firefox, but after trying the AO3 version in Chrome and seeing it work beautifully, I wanted to share the heck out of it to our followers.

Post link