#irene shut up


I’ve been thinking about ghibli AUs a lot lately, and I just have to share this one idea:

Goshiki’s delivery service

I love drawing Atsumu and Osamu’s eyebrows really fucking thick, like the thickest eyebrows you’ve ever seen in your life, it brings me ✨ joy ✨


I remember a post from a while ago that was like “here’s what your favorite characters say about your sexuality and gender identity”

And many of my faves there said “you’re probably asexual or in the ace spectrum”, which is interesting because at that time I didn’t know that about myself… but guess who is now slowly embracing her bi ace identity

Anyways, this could be 100% coincidental, but I do think that the characters we like the most have a lot to say about our personality and inner struggles. Maybe I’m saying the most obvious thing in the world, but I don’t know, I’ve recently started looking at the stuff I enjoy as a means to self-exploration and awareness, and it’s pretty interesting.

(Like the fact that Bokuto is one of my faves and my first self-ship ever, which looking back is obviously outing me as an Akaashi kinnie )

I remember a post from a while ago that was like “here’s what your favorite characters say about your sexuality and gender identity”

And many of my faves there said “you’re probably asexual or in the ace spectrum”, which is interesting because at that time I didn’t know that about myself… but guess who is now slowly embracing her bi ace identity

tbh I find it hilarious that incels use terms like “alpha” and “beta male”, because the only thing I can think about when I read that is “ah yes omegaverse, I’m familiar”

I don’t really write here anymore, but lately I’ve been wanting to get into writing threadfics on twitter it seems like a very friendly format for non-native english speakers, I don’t know how to explain why, but it feels like it

should I move blogs or something? I don’t really want to start over and cross-posting sounds like a nightmare, but this blog is kinda dead, I’m pretty sure at least half of my followers are not active anymore


It always surprises me when people talk about fanart in a degrading way, especially when they say stuff like “you’ll never be a real artist if you just draw fanart” or “ you need to create original stuff in order to improve or you’ll get stuck”. Not only because derivative works are a very old and very valid practice in the artistic field, but also because drawing fanart is actually really useful for your growth as an artist!

Fanart forces you to adapt your style and skills to match a character design that might be out of your comfort zone. When you create your own characters as an inexperienced artist, you are more likely to give them very similar features that feel comfortable to draw for you, which makes it easier to actually get stuck, because you’re not really challenging yourself that much. Fanart can be a very helpful tool to break this cycle.

As an example, look at these faces:

Osamu and Suna are showing the exact same expression, but they have notable differences in their facial structure that make them stand out individually: the eye shape, the chin width, the eyebrows, even the roundness of the face, if you pay close attention, etc.

As a fanartist, you will probably try to recreate those differences within your personal style, to make the characters easily recognizable for the fandom. That is a challenge. And everything that you learn from it will become useful knowledge you can later apply to original work as well!

There really are no downsides, as long as you’re having a good time and drawing what makes you feel good.

To clarify, by no means I wanted to imply that you will learn nothing from doing original work! I realize that it might have sounded like that, but of course, that’s ridiculous and just… false. As long as you’re actually drawing, you’ll always learn something. There are many ways in which you can challenge yourself as an artist without having to draw fanart, I just think it’s a specially easy (and fun!) way to do it.

I just can’t even tell you how much fanart has helped me (and still helps me) improve. It’s very motivating regardless of the difficulty level, because you’re drawing characters you’re invested in and want to see more of.


all of my art is now doing significantly better on twitter than it does on any other social media platform, I’m intrigued, it used to not be like that at all, I wonder what changed.

also the quality of the feedback there seems to be a lot higher, if that makes sense? people are a lot more likely to comment with their thoughts and engage with creators and other fans, even if they’re not following you.

this is interesting to me because, from what I could grasp from tumblr, I had this idea that twitter was terrible for creators, but so far I’m getting a more fullfilling experience there. let’s see if I change my mind with time

all of my art is now doing significantly better on twitter than it does on any other social media platform, I’m intrigued, it used to not be like that at all, I wonder what changed.

It always surprises me when people talk about fanart in a degrading way, especially when they say stuff like “you’ll never be a real artist if you just draw fanart” or “ you need to create original stuff in order to improve or you’ll get stuck”. Not only because derivative works are a very old and very valid practice in the artistic field, but also because drawing fanart is actually really useful for your growth as an artist!

Fanart forces you to adapt your style and skills to match a character design that might be out of your comfort zone. When you create your own characters as an inexperienced artist, you are more likely to give them very similar features that feel comfortable to draw for you, which makes it easier to actually get stuck, because you’re not really challenging yourself that much. Fanart can be a very helpful tool to break this cycle.

As an example, look at these faces:

Osamu and Suna are showing the exact same expression, but they have notable differences in their facial structure that make them stand out individually: the eye shape, the chin width, the eyebrows, even the roundness of the face, if you pay close attention, etc.

As a fanartist, you will probably try to recreate those differences within your personal style,in order to make the characters easily recognizable for the fandom. That is a challenge. And everything that you learn from it will become useful knowledge you can later apply to original work as well!

There really are no downsides, as long as you’re having a good time and drawing what makes you feel good.

kdfhjdfg I’m feeling very creative lately, I’m so happy! I’m not always the most satisfied with the results, and I might get frustrated in the process sometimes, but I’m glad that I’m so eager and excited to draw these days


hey guys I might just… leave tumblr for real. I won’t deactivate (for now), but maybe I’ll just log in to check the askbox and ocasionally drop my art and run.

At this point the only thing keeping me here are lovely character anons who bring me joy (thank you so much!!!), and the very few mutuals I don’t have on discord or twitter.

I’ve had lots of fun here in the past, but it doesn’t feel the same anymore. You can find me on twitter if you still want to hear from me more regularly, though I don’t know if the story will repeat itself there too lol, we’ll see

you can take this as an indefinite hiatus notice

I’ll check the askbox and dms regularly and respond as soon as I can, but I won’t be active with posting or even consuming content here

hey guys I might just… leave tumblr for real. I won’t deactivate (for now), but maybe I’ll just log in to check the askbox and ocasionally drop my art and run.

At this point the only thing keeping me here are lovely character anons who bring me joy (thank you so much!!!), and the very few mutuals I don’t have on discord or twitter.

I’ve had lots of fun here in the past, but it doesn’t feel the same anymore. You can find me on twitter if you still want to hear from me more regularly, though I don’t know if the story will repeat itself there too lol, we’ll see
