#irl fanfic


Another one for the Mason Mount/ Football fans ☺️

PSA - for some reason I love this video?

Feedback is always welcome: HATE IS NOT ✨

“Hide Away”

Mason Mount x Female Reader

Warnings - mentions of anxiety, Fluff?

1.6K Words


When people found out about my relationship with Mason, the sudden focus on me was a big shock to my system. I consider myself quite a private and shy person so when the news hit and there was a certain shift in my life, it took me awhile to work around the unwanted attention. I learnt how to navigate social media to avoid those who demand an insight into my life and did my best to not focus on any negative or hateful comments. Mason respected my decision to lay low, feeling slightly protective over me and cleverly deflects any questions about me that are aimed at him during sports press.

While these lengths help me continue with a semi normal life with the man I love, as with anything else there are drawbacks. The main one that haunts me is that I have found that I can rarely support him in person which means spending large amounts of time apart. While Mason found ways to manage this, by text messages to me or facetiming me after a match, the guilt of not being there like other girlfriends eats me up inside. What was it about me what meant I couldn’t behave like a normal girlfriend?

It was that thought that plagued my mind for weeks as the London Football Awards loomed. I wanted to be there for him on this big night, but could I handle the limelight? I weigh up the pro and con’s whenever I had any free time, but I fail to come up with a conclusion.

On the night of the event, I watch as Mase struggles with his tie in his bedroom mirror. I crawl off the bed and walk over to help him before he strangles himself.

He wraps his hands around waist and pulls me closer as I undo the mess that is his tie.

“I watched a bunch YouTube videos on this stuff! I don’t know where I am going wrong” he mumbles into my neck, peppering me in kisses.

I giggle as I pull from him, inspecting my work. I smooth everything out and smile.

Mason thanks me and we stand in silence for a moment. It was in that moment, seeing him suited and booted that I made the ultimate decision.

“I am gonna come with you!” I exclaim.

I watch as Mason’s face changes from shock to pure excitement like a boy on Christmas morning.

“What seriously? Babe you don’t have to, I mean I would love for you too, but I don’t want you to feel pressurized into going” he rambles on with himself.

Butterflies swarm my stomach as I blush at his concern. It happens each time, it is like the honeymoon phase never ended.

“No, this is your big night, I want to be there for you” I take a deep breath and push down any anxiety.

I can do this.

I have an hour before setting off and I have to admit it has to be the fastest time that I have ever gotten ready in.

I step into the living room where Mason is waiting. He looks up from his phone and his jaw drops.

The heat rushes to my cheeks again.

“You look beautiful” he says to me as I fasten my heels. I shake my head in disagreement, but he wasn’t having it; he walks over and plants a kiss on my temple.

I’ll be right there with you the whole time” he whispers.

Mason sticks to his word the whole night, only leaving me when he went to collect his award on stage. We met up with a few other players including Tammy Abraham, Declan Rice and Harry Kane. Mason kept an eye on me throughout the event, giving me small comforting touches when he senses my anxiety spiking.

After the ceremony, when people start to gather around the bar and chat to one another I couldn’t help but feel out of place. Mase stays near but I let him breath. I force a smile on my face, not wanting to ruin his night as he laughs with his friends celebrating his achievements.

He looks over at me and I give him a small wave. I walk back over to him and speak lowly, “I think I am going to leave babe, you stay and enjoy yourself.” I go to kiss his cheek when he pulls me straight into his side and leans down to meet my level, so he doesn’t tower over me. He raises is voice so I can hear his words over the music.

“Nah darlin’ I will head out with you. Not having you face outside on your own”

I try to protest but he his mind was made up. He says his goodbyes, wraps me in his blazer and takes my hand.

I couldn’t help but wince as we are suddenly surrounded by crowds of cameras, I do my best to cover my eyes as the flashes attack me.

“Mason, Mason how are you tonight?!”

“Mason what do you have to say about the latest Chelsea news?!”

“Mr Mount, is this your girlfriend? How come are you never out with her?”

“Mount, Mount, have you heard from your ex recently?!”

“How is the England team preparing for the Euros?!”

“How is your friendship with Rice, going; is he here tonight?”

“Have your family met Miss Y/N yet, do you think you two will last?”

Mason’s grip tightens on my hand as I keep my head down, fighting our way through the sea of people.  I feel my chest tighten and my breaths become shallow as my legs slowly turn to jelly. Am I having a panic attack?

We eventually make it to Mason’s Car; still able to hear the press around the corner, now harassing whoever was next to leave the venue.

“Are you okay to drive?” I croak out, struggling to find my voice.

Mase gives me a boy scout salute, “Sober as a stone”

I climb into the car at lighting speed, needing to find some familiar comfort.

Mase puts is hand on my knee, running patterns around it.

I focus on my breathing and attempt to calm myself, Mase doesn’t rush me to talk and eventually I even myself out.

“I am so sorry babe” I murmur, trying to keep my tears at bay.

“You have nothing to be sorry for! It Is me that is sorry, they are never normally like that. They just want a story for the paper”

The fact that my boyfriend felt like he needed to apologise for this ending of his night was the last straw. The thin barrier that was holding back my waterworks broke.

I cover myself ashamed of my actions but Mason tugs at me and pulls me into a bear hug, rocking gently side to side.

“I am so proud of you baby, you did so good” he mumbles into my hair as he continues to cradle me.

Eventually we pull away and I wipe away my tears. Some people may think that my actions were extreme, but I thank my lucky stars that I have such a sweet and understanding boyfriend.

Mason keeps one hand on the wheel and one hand on my lap, as we pass the paparazzi once more, they do there best to get a picture from inside the vehicle. I close my eyes as Mase speeds away.

The drive back to Mason’s apartment was quiet and I let out a sigh of relief. I remove my heels and flop down on the sofa.

I let out a small yawn, the events of the evening finally catching up with my body.

“Can I stay for the night?”

“Of course, you can sweetheart, you don’t even need to ask”

Mason leads me to the bedroom and helps me out of my outfit, giving a small massage to rid my body of the pent up tension.

I take off my make up off and slide back into one of Mason’s old football tops, letting the material drown me, as I inhale his scent. I climb into bed beside Mase as he wraps his arms around me. I rest my head on his chest and slowly start to relax to the sound of his heartbeat.

“I love you, Y/N. I Promise everything will be okay”

That was the last thing I heard before sleep overtakes me.

The next morning, I am woken by my phone violently going off and Mason’s side of the bed cold. He is most likely doing his morning exercise routine. I grab my phone and scroll through a batch of messages from friends and family telling me to check my Instagram immediately. When I opened the app, I see straight away what everyone was on about.

Mason Mount has posted a photo.

The photo Is one of me and him exiting the venue from last night I scroll down to read the caption and I feel the butterflies return to me.

“I didn’t want to make a statement about this as I believe it is a private matter, but after last night I feel like I should make people aware. I am in a happy and healthy relationship; I do not appreciate the waves of abuse my partner and I are getting simply for wanting privacy. I simply ask for a little more of respect if you see us out together. This isn’t a place for hate” – MM19.

I drop my phone like it’s a hot potato and scramble from the bedroom. I race down to the living room area and launch into a hug with him.

He catches me with ease, a small giggle parting from him.

“What was that for?”

“I saw your Instagram post” I reply, still clinging to him.

“Aww baby, its okay. I hope things ease up so that you don’t feel like to need to hide away anymore”

PSA - I am still technically on a break, this is something I have written to try and get back in the groove! ☺️

My requests are still open and when I’m back full time I will continue with them! If you want to request anything, you are welcome to, just check out my rules first

This one is for for the Mason Mount / England NT Fans, feedback is always welcome: HATE IS NOT ✨

“Little Human”

Mason Mount x Female Reader

Warnings - Pregnancy? Fluff

Word Count - 1.6K


I remember when I first found out about the pregnancy, it felt like I stopped breathing for a moment as I stared down at the row of tests. Positive, positive and… positive.

I always imagined starting a family with Mason , after all we have been together since we were 18.

I just did not think that it would be while we were this young. What if he won’t want to be with me? Will I be holding him back from his dreams? Could I manage on my own? A million and one questions swarmed in my head, forcing me to grab the sink in order to steady myself.

I was a mess all day, waiting till he got home from training. He could sense something was up the minute he walked through the door.

He finds his way to me immediately.

“Y/N? what’s wrong love?”

He finds his place on the sofa with me and it is like the words spill out before I can stop them.

“Mase… hypothetically If we were to have a baby, erm, how would you react?”

I watch as confusion clouds his face and I silently tell myself not to throw up.

“Well, you already know that I want kids one day and I would love for you to be that person. I mean just Imagine a mini Mount running around”

A smile grows on this face at that, and I am hit with a small wave of relief; until he looks back at me and says, “but why ask?”

I pray that I don’t look how I feel as I reveal the truth.

“I’m pregnant Mase”

As expected, his face goes from confusion to shock and there is nothing I can do but wait to see how he will take the news.

“I’m, I’m going to be a dad?”

All I can do is nod, not trusting my own voice. The tears that I had been holding in finally spill down my face as he swipes me from my position and swings me around the room in a tight hug, squealing.

“Babe, this Is amazing! He exclaims, whispering how he is getting the chance to be a father.

I can’t help but giggle as I sit back down.

“So, you aren’t mad? I mean we are still only in our early 20’s and you have your career to think ab-“

Mason cuts me words off by suddenly kneeling in front of me and taking my face into his hands.

“Babe I could never be mad at you. So, what if we are still young, we will figure It out; I want this with you”


During the pregnancy Mason was an angel, helping me anyway he could and going above and beyond to try and make the process easier on me.

His parents were the first people we told but after that we waited awhile before breaking the news to anyone else, just enjoying being in our magical bubble.

When my bump began to grow, we had realised that we couldn’t hide it any longer.

I remember the morning that final decision was made. I was attempting to put an outfit together but with no success.

Babeeee” I groaned in front of the bedroom mirror.

“ We have to start telling people”

We started with Declan first as he was Mason’s best friend and then moved on to everyone else, including my family. Foden gave us as many tips as he could, being a young parent himself which I was super grateful for.

With Mason’s strict schedule whenever he had free time you could find him by my side. He would constantly hold me close when we were out and cradle the bump when he could. I will never forget the first time he felt our bundle of joy kick. He wasn’t expecting it so when it happened his hand shot as far away from me as possible.

I couldn’t help but laugh at this reaction.

“What was that?!” he panics, as I try to get my words out.

“Babe, its fine. Here, come on give me your hand”

He seemed hesitant but brings his right hand back to my stomach. I watch as his smile grows like the first time, I broke the news to him. Our baby continues to kick, and I watch as Mason marvels at the motions.

He looks up at me, his eyes shining; “there is a real living being in there. A real living thing!”

My heart felt as if it could burst with the scene in front of me.

One night when we found ourselves in front of the tv I found myself struggling. Mason as per cradled my bump as I did my best to get myself into a comfortable position on the sofa, unfortunately our stubborn little human wasn’t having it.

“Ooh the little one is active today” Mason laughs, flashing me his famous cheeky smile.

I groan feeling slightly overwhelmed as I lean into this chest. “Whenever you stop talking, they start kicking”

I feel the vibrations from the small laugh he lets loose, before he lowers his voice to whisper, “Come on little one, lets try and help mummy, shall we?”


When it came to the birth, I cannot say I was expecting the events to unfold the way that they did. The Euros were among us, and I was determined to see Mason on the field with our England team. I travelled with him and stayed with him for as long as I could, I was surprisingly calm considering I found myself in the unfamiliar situation. His teammates were as welcoming as ever, and I soon settled in.

“Y/N! How are you managing?” Jack asks, coming up to guide me out of any crowds.

“I’m 38 weeks and 3 days Grealish, how do you think I am doing?” I answer with a small laugh.

He flashes me a smile as others players come to say hello. “Well, I am glad you could join us”

Mason reappears by my side, pressing a kiss onto my forehead gently.

“Sorry Love, got caught up in pregame chatter; come on let me to you to your seat”

As we walk down to my seating area, Dec comes up from behind.

“Sitting in the managers chair aye?”

I laugh at comment and give a witty one in response.

“Call it Pregnancy Privilege shall we Dec” I throw in a wink, hiding a wince as I feel a sharp tug in my stomach. I hold my bump, brushing it off as I take my seat. That was my first mistake.

By half time I knew that it wasn’t Brackston Hicks anymore. My water had broken in the middle of a Euro match. I have to applaud the medical team on standby for their quick thinking. Mason was by side in an instant.

“But your… match” I croak out, doing my best to work through the pain. He takes my hand and presses a kiss onto my forehead as I am put onto a stretcher.

“You fool, Henderson is taking over for me. Come on, lets go meet our little human.”

I was half sure that the whole hospital could here the screams falling from my mouth. No amount of pain relief could help me now, no matter what the midwife said.

I lean against my baby daddy as he supports me through the process, halfway through he had climbed behind me onto the bed to hold me up.

“I can’t do this Mase, I really can’t” I cry out, gasping as another wave of pain rushes over me.

He gives me a little squeeze, muttering words of encouragement in my ear.

I look up at him, my eyes pleading. “Don’t let go of my hand, okay?”

A few hours after my protests I give birth to a beautiful baby boy. It was only a couple of days later that we finally agreed on names.

“Welcome, Little Oscar Mount”

A couple of the team visit us in the hospital after the match and we find out that they won and commence to the next stage but the rest we see a couple weeks later after my release.

My body was still recovering so Mason did a lot of the heavy lifting in the beginning and my heart swelled at the site of the pair each time.

On the day of the visit to the team I could here Mason cooing in the nursery.

“One tiny boot, two tiny boots. There we go little lad, all ready” he whispers ticking our son, making him form some sort of a smile.

Mason spots me in the doorway and blushes slightly. “Don’t be embarrassed darlin’. I live for moments like this”

I tell him as I pick up our son and walk towards the exist. Mason grabs the nappy bag and follows suit, wrapping his arm around me, keeping his little family close.

I watch as my baby goes around each lad from Dec to their beloved manager. Mason watches with eagle eyes, already missing the feeling of his son in his arms. He grips onto me until we get him back.

“You are such a baby hog” I whisper in his ear, but loud enough for everyone to hear. The room erupts with laughter, but Mason couldn’t care less, he only had his eyes on the new-born.

After an hour or so we head back home, after promising to see everyone again soon. Seems it wasn’t just mason who had fallen so hard for our boy. At least I know he will be well protected.

That night was a peaceful one. We had finally set into a rhythm. Mase enters the nursery just as I had finished feeding Oscar who is now slowly falling asleep on my lap. He crouches down to be on my level, and I rest my head on his shoulder, breathing him in. My perfect little family.

“Thank you, for giving me everything I ever dreamed of Y/N”
