#irl hutarin


Due to some unfortunately shitty health developments along with company visiting at the end of the month I will be closed for commissions until around the middle or end of July.

I will be working on some personal projects and may stream when my health permits it.

Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. It means so much.

If you’d like to know more about what the hell is going on, please feel free to read on.

As some of you may know I started to experience almost debilitating pain/ache around my ears and jaw during Nov 2018. I had some pretty worn out headphones that were causing pressure. At one point my one ear had become partially deaf where things were muffled, yet rather loud. On the day my ear went partially deaf I went to urgent care where I was given a nose spray that helped the pain and almost completely removed all aches.

Sadly, the ache has come back to where I am clenching my teeth causing strong aches, on and off pain, and stiffness which has been affecting my sleep horribly. I’ve been told it seems I have TMJ and am currently trying different treatments to hopefully cure it.

I’ve dealt with body pain on and off for most of my adult life, mainly during the winter seasons. However, to have something such as my jaw being hindered in such an uncomfortable manner has taken a huge toll on my already stressed out mental health. So, I need to take a step back from things causing me stress, one being commissions.

I tend to put a heap ton of pressure on myself to make sure your commissions are perfect. Its a fault of my I need to work on; to remind myself that it’s okay that its not perfect. Obviously I want to make sure I give y’all a product that shows my best skill level, just… gotta throw that perfect mindset out.

Point is, I really do enjoy drawing for y’all, and I’d like to again in the near future. I have to take care of myself first before I can do so in a healthy manner, while still being able to work on my own projects.

Anyways, thank you for everyone who has ever commissioned me, who have bought things from Redbubble, who enjoy looking at my art, who enjoy my characters(who I wish to show more of in the future as well). It all means so much to me.

Here’s to a hopefully healthier me and a calmer summer.

I need a vacation. orz
