#iron man variant


The Illuminate MoM theory: Let me explain

(Feel free to drag me up in the comments if I get any of these details wrong)

Essentially this theory states that the Illuminati will play a huge part in Multiverse of Madness.

The idea is that they have started an organization (kinda like T.V.A) where they imprison “threats to the multiverse”. This organization is led by Professor X (Stewart version) who arrests Doctor Strange for being a threat to the multiverse.

Within this prison of sorts we see other characters from different universes behind shielded prison cells. These characters would most likely include: Magneto (Fassbender version), An Iron Man variant, Ghost Rider, Jean Grey (Turner Version/Phoenix), Red Skull, and Sylvie.

All of these characters would have tampered with the multiverse at some point. (Believable from each character chosen for this theory)

Anyway, I doubt this will happen but it is a fun theory to think about.
