#is a line from a poem by francois villon

Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty| @maladi777next / previous / beginningKYRIE: Mind coChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty| @maladi777next / previous / beginningKYRIE: Mind coChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty| @maladi777next / previous / beginningKYRIE: Mind coChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty| @maladi777next / previous / beginningKYRIE: Mind coChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty| @maladi777next / previous / beginningKYRIE: Mind coChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty| @maladi777next / previous / beginningKYRIE: Mind coChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty| @maladi777next / previous / beginningKYRIE: Mind co

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // twenty



KYRIE: Mind coming with me?

ASTER: Don’t tell me I’m being arrested again. After that speech you gave? My, my, that’s a lie even I couldn’t think up!

KYRE:laughs You’re not being arrested. There’s something I want to give you.

ASTER: Mercy on the sun, moon and stars! My lute! All in one piece? I was beginning to think I’d never see it again!

KYRIE: There was a guard at the prison who seemed particularly reluctant to give it back. Admittedly, it did take some persuading, but I figured nothing short of the original would do.

ASTER: If you’re trying to buy my love, I must say, it’ll only half work!

KYRIE: Only a little. But then, you are one of the chosen, reckless vagrant or not. It simply wouldn’t be appropriate to let your worldly possessions be confiscated.

ASTER: Well, it is certainly nice to be reunited. After all, I’ll need something to fill my time again once this whole thing blows over.

KYRIE: Aster.

ASTER: Your Grace?

KYRIE: I am glad you’re here.

ASTER: Why do you say that?

KYRIE: I think you bring something; a light we all desperately need. Even those who won’t admit it.

ASTER:laughs Ah, yes. So easy it is to make eager company. And when your light has dimmed and the thrill and excitement has grown tiresome, they’ll move on from you. The story forever ends the same. Warmly welcomed, always turned away.

KYRIE: That isn’t—

ASTER: But I’ll play music. Mayhaps it will entertain them all! Win favor, I must, says he!

KYRIE: Aster, wait.


KYRIE: …Do you know the Ballad of Cairn Mir?

ASTER: Mm, that’s a nice one. Good choice.

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