#oc kyrie loren

Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, allChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, allChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, allChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, allChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, allChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, allChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, allChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, allChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-sevennext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcome, all

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KYRIE: Welcome, all of you, to the second task.Now that the day has come, I feel I should tell you a little more about how the games will work. Each trial will have two stages; a test of character, and a test of strength. It may not always be obvious to you which test is which, and strength may not always be physical in nature. As I’m sure many of you have realized, the first task was one of character, which leaves today’s task…

ÅSE: Strength!

KYRIE: Hm. For this challenge, you will be transported to a realm of illusions. This place is constructed by spells and only those who have cast them control who enters and leaves. Your only way out of this construct is with this.

KYRIE: There are five of these keys hidden throughout the construct. Which means, five of you will succeed, and five of you will fail. The keyholders will inevitably decide the fates of the others, so if you do not wish to be at the mercy of another player, I suggest you work quickly. For if you do not, your journey may be fast and fruitless, or agonizingly long and exhaustive. Be wary of what and who you meet along your journey. Anything can happen in a land of illusion, and all that you see may not be entirely as it seems. Do your best to keep your wits about you.

THERION: So, we just go in, find the key, and then…?

KYRIE: Once you’ve taken the key you will be returned here. I will be waiting for each of you as you arrive. Now, without further ado, please take your places.

THERION: Why do I have such a bad feeling about this?

EIRA: I’ve had a bad feeling since I got here.

THERION:laughs Well, that doesn’t fill me with confidence. See you on the other side.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-six| @izayoichan | @catssimblr | @rollingsim | @amuhChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-six| @izayoichan | @catssimblr | @rollingsim | @amuhChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-six| @izayoichan | @catssimblr | @rollingsim | @amuhChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-six| @izayoichan | @catssimblr | @rollingsim | @amuhChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-six| @izayoichan | @catssimblr | @rollingsim | @amuhChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-six| @izayoichan | @catssimblr | @rollingsim | @amuhChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-six| @izayoichan | @catssimblr | @rollingsim | @amuhChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-six| @izayoichan | @catssimblr | @rollingsim | @amuh

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|@izayoichan |@catssimblr|@rollingsim|@amuhav|@mangopysims|@sani-sims|@maladi777|@poisonedsimmer|@thesimperiuscurse|@keibea

The audience votes to combine [GOLDEN ELFOYL] with [HONEYPEPPER ROOT], resulting in a successful luck potion! INDRYR, ÅSE, TALILA, and THERION will be buffed for the upcoming trial.


INDRYR: I’ve made a luck potion for anyone wanting a boost for the task ahead.

EIRA: And what does this potion do, exactly?

INDRYR: I just said, it boosts luck.

SARAYN: And how can we trust that?

TALILA: Hey, why don’t we calm down? It’s a potion, not poison! I’m sure he doesn’t want to hurt any of us!

TAYUIN: Oh yeah, I’m sure it’s fine. Why don’t youtake it?

TALILA: Alright, I will!

INDRYR: Well, anyone else who doesn’t think I’m a dastardly schemer want a drought?

ÅSE: Give it to me. I’m not afraid of magic drink.


THERION: Might as well. How bad could it be?

TAYUIN:*double snort*

EVE: You’re sure it gives good luck?

TAIYO: I suggest the healer doesn’t take the potion. In the event that something happens during the trial…

EVE: …I guess you’re right.

ASTER: If nothing else, I know a wonderful selection of funeral hymns!


KYRIE: If you’re all ready, please follow me.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-fournext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Has there beeChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-fournext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Has there beeChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-fournext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Has there beeChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-fournext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Has there beeChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-fournext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Has there beeChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-fournext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Has there beeChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-fournext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Has there bee

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KYRIE: Has there been any word?

HIGH PRIEST: Unfortunately, not. There has been no news of Lady Alphanei.
KYRIE: For all my sight, I can’t see the one person I should be able to. Why will the gods not help me? I must do their bidding, but what do I get in return?

HIGH PRIEST: Kyrie! Don’t speak such foul things. Your sight is a gift.

KYRIE: Or rather a curse.

HIGH PRIEST: They will find her. Do not worry. Concentrate on the task at hand. It will help get your mind off this terrible business.

KYRIE: Get my mind off it? My sister is missing! But of course, you don’t really care. We’re simply tools in your eyes. You’re only calm now because you were lucky enough to have a replacement.

HIGH PRIEST: How could you say such a thing? It was I that took care of you. Who raised you both as best I could.

KYRIE: You took us from our mother. We would have been happier left alone. We would have had normal lives!

HIGH PRIEST: Your life has been nothing if not splendid.

KYRIE: Ridiculous. If you tell me Alphanei’s disappearance isn’t somehow connected to the Selenehelion, I won’t believe you. I know you’re sending spies to watch me.

HIGH PRIEST: What do you mean “spies”?

KYRIE: I saw them. You sent them to follow us!

HIGH PRIEST: No Kyrie, I didn’t.

KYRIE: But then…?

HIGH PRIEST: Tell me what you have seen.

KYRIE: No I… I must have been mistaken—

HIGH PRIEST: Despite what you may think, I did raise you. I know when you’re lying, Kyrie. Tell me what you saw. If you’re in danger—

KYRIE: I’m not. Please, just leave me be. At least amongst the Ten. I’m safe with them.

HIGH PRIEST: …Very well. But the moment I sense anything’s amiss, I will reassign your guard. You must understand, with your sister gone, losing you would be dire.

KYRIE: Yes, I understand. After all, that is what it means to be precious.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-three| @sani-sims | @amuhav | @catssimblr | @rollingChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-three| @sani-sims | @amuhav | @catssimblr | @rollingChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-three| @sani-sims | @amuhav | @catssimblr | @rollingChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-three| @sani-sims | @amuhav | @catssimblr | @rollingChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-three| @sani-sims | @amuhav | @catssimblr | @rollingChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-three| @sani-sims | @amuhav | @catssimblr | @rollingChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-three| @sani-sims | @amuhav | @catssimblr | @rollingChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-three| @sani-sims | @amuhav | @catssimblr | @rolling

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|@sani-sims |@amuhav|@catssimblr|@rollingsim|@keibea


[rustling sounds]
EIRA: What is it?

SARAYN: We are being watched.

ÅSE: More bandits?
- - -
KYRIE: Something’s wrong.

EVE: Wrong?

KYRIE: Let’s meet up with the others.
- - -
SARAYN: I though you said no more tricks?

KYRIE: It isn’t. I didn’t tell anyone we were coming here.

TAYUIN: You expect us to believe that, after last time?

KYRIE: I’m telling the truth. We should get back to the sanctum.

ÅSE: Let them come!

KYRIE: No. We don’t know what we’re dealing with. It could be nothing at all. Let me handle this, please.

EIRA: No need. Whoever was out there, they’re gone now.

EVE: Maybe we’re overreacting. Tensions are high after the challenge, but Amaryllis is filled with all manner of folk for the festivities. It could have been anyone.

KYRIE: Eve’s right. Let’s all of us head back and get some sleep. It’s been a very long day.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-two| @sani-simsnext / previous / beginningKYRIE: So,Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-two| @sani-simsnext / previous / beginningKYRIE: So,Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-two| @sani-simsnext / previous / beginningKYRIE: So,Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-two| @sani-simsnext / previous / beginningKYRIE: So,

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KYRIE: So, what do you think?

EVE: What do I think?

KYRIE: How am I doing? On a scale of one to ten, how do you rate my apology?

EVE: It’s going to take more than a nice dinner in the garden.

KYRIE: Really? Then how about a nice dinner beside a river? Or perhaps a very lovely wheat field?

EVE: Are you asking for my advice, or are you asking me on a date, Your Grace?

KYRIE: The first one, of course. But let’s not rule anything out.

EVE: Well, I’m sure not everyone will be so quick to forgive you. Or forget.

KYRIE: Mm, you’re probably right. It’s a work in progress.

EVE: It’s a good start.

KYRIE: Yeah?

EVE: Yeah.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty| @maladi777next / previous / beginningKYRIE: Mind coChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty| @maladi777next / previous / beginningKYRIE: Mind coChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty| @maladi777next / previous / beginningKYRIE: Mind coChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty| @maladi777next / previous / beginningKYRIE: Mind coChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty| @maladi777next / previous / beginningKYRIE: Mind coChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty| @maladi777next / previous / beginningKYRIE: Mind coChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty| @maladi777next / previous / beginningKYRIE: Mind co

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KYRIE: Mind coming with me?

ASTER: Don’t tell me I’m being arrested again. After that speech you gave? My, my, that’s a lie even I couldn’t think up!

KYRE:laughs You’re not being arrested. There’s something I want to give you.

ASTER: Mercy on the sun, moon and stars! My lute! All in one piece? I was beginning to think I’d never see it again!

KYRIE: There was a guard at the prison who seemed particularly reluctant to give it back. Admittedly, it did take some persuading, but I figured nothing short of the original would do.

ASTER: If you’re trying to buy my love, I must say, it’ll only half work!

KYRIE: Only a little. But then, you are one of the chosen, reckless vagrant or not. It simply wouldn’t be appropriate to let your worldly possessions be confiscated.

ASTER: Well, it is certainly nice to be reunited. After all, I’ll need something to fill my time again once this whole thing blows over.

KYRIE: Aster.

ASTER: Your Grace?

KYRIE: I am glad you’re here.

ASTER: Why do you say that?

KYRIE: I think you bring something; a light we all desperately need. Even those who won’t admit it.

ASTER:laughs Ah, yes. So easy it is to make eager company. And when your light has dimmed and the thrill and excitement has grown tiresome, they’ll move on from you. The story forever ends the same. Warmly welcomed, always turned away.

KYRIE: That isn’t—

ASTER: But I’ll play music. Mayhaps it will entertain them all! Win favor, I must, says he!

KYRIE: Aster, wait.


KYRIE: …Do you know the Ballad of Cairn Mir?

ASTER: Mm, that’s a nice one. Good choice.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext /

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VOICE: The trial has now concluded.  

EVE: It’s finished?

EIRA: Thanks.

EVE: Of course!

EVE: Lord Tev’us! Thank starlight, you’re alright! I thought something horrible had happened! I waited as long as I could bear it. I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner.
SARAYN: My apologies. An opportunity arose, so I took it.

EVE: An opportunity…?

EVE: You… found a key, then. You won.

SARAYN: That was the nature of the game, after all.

EVE: You’re right, of course. It’s just a game.

SARAYN: I expect you must be angry.

EVE: No, not at all. I’m happy for you. Surely, anyone would have done the same, and you deserve it. I’m just glad that you’re not hurt. I was… well, it doesn’t matter. Anyways, congratulations.

TAIYO: She was worried about you. You told her you’d come back, and you never did. All that time, she was looking for you, just to make sure you were okay. And that’s all you have to say for it?

SARAYN: It was her choice to trust me.

TAIYO: It was her choice to care. But I see now, these games were made for people like you.

KYRIE: Welcome back, everyone. I’m glad to see you’ve all returned safely. I want to congratulate the five winners, Eira, Tayuin, Sarayn, Talila and Aster. Your victory today will help you moving forward into the next round of trials. But until then, I encourage everyone to rest up. You have a few days break. Please try to enjoy yourselves. Until we meet again.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-nine| @mangopysims | @maladi777POLL RESULTS | With 76Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-nine| @mangopysims | @maladi777POLL RESULTS | With 76Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-nine| @mangopysims | @maladi777POLL RESULTS | With 76Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-nine| @mangopysims | @maladi777POLL RESULTS | With 76Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-nine| @mangopysims | @maladi777POLL RESULTS | With 76Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-nine| @mangopysims | @maladi777POLL RESULTS | With 76Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-nine| @mangopysims | @maladi777POLL RESULTS | With 76Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-nine| @mangopysims | @maladi777POLL RESULTS | With 76

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With 76% in favor, the audience decides to buff a fellow competitor. Aster wins the second poll and is gifted a [KEY] by Talila’s decision. Talila and Aster become the final winners of the trial.


VOICE: Congratulations, Talila. You have chosen to help one of your fellow competitors. Come forward and accept your reward.

TALILA: A key? Really? For me? Well, then I’m most glad I chose him.

KYRIE: Talila, welcome back.

TALILA: That was amazing! I can’t believe I really won!

KYRIE: Congratulations.

TALILA: Oh! But—

KYRIE: Don’t worry. He’s receiving your gift now. If you’d like, you can wait for him here.

TALILA: Thank you.


KYRIE: Welcome back, Aster, and congratulations.

ASTER: Congratu—Tal, you’re okay!

TALILA: Oh, yeah! It was so strange. I was falling, and then suddenly I was at this altar, and there were these two flames—

ASTER: I was afraid that…

TALILA: I told you. It was all an illusion. And thank goodness, huh?

ASTER: I’ll say.

TALILA: I know you did your best. Thank you.

ASTER: Heh, yeah… No problem…

TALILA: But at least you got a key right? I’m glad it could help you.

ASTER: Wait… you did that?

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-two| @rollingsimPOLL RESULTS | The audience votes forChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-two| @rollingsimPOLL RESULTS | The audience votes forChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-two| @rollingsimPOLL RESULTS | The audience votes forChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-two| @rollingsimPOLL RESULTS | The audience votes for

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The audience votes for Sarayn to take the key for himself, with 52% in favor. Sarayn becomes the third contestant to win a key.


KYRIE: Welcome back, Lord Tev’us.

SARAYN: So, that’s the end of it?

KYRIE: A simple task.

SARAYN: If there is nothing more, I’ll take my leave.

KYRIE: Certainly. Though, it might interest you to know, had you decided differently, you would both be standing here now.

SARAYN: How is that any concern of mine? One way or another, the result, for me, is the same.

KYRIE: Well-observed, my Lord. I bid you a very fine evening.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-one| @amuhavnext / previous / beginning KYRIE: WelcomChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-one| @amuhavnext / previous / beginning KYRIE: WelcomChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-one| @amuhavnext / previous / beginning KYRIE: WelcomChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-one| @amuhavnext / previous / beginning KYRIE: WelcomChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-one| @amuhavnext / previous / beginning KYRIE: WelcomChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-one| @amuhavnext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcom

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KYRIE: Welcome back, Your Highness.

TAYUIN: Don’t call me that.

KYRIE: Why? There’s no one else around.

TAYUIN: That’s not the point…

KYRIE: Did you find your time in the realm of illusion to be productive?

TAYUIN: I got the key didn’t I? That’s all that matters.

KYRIE: Of course. That’s all that matters.

TAYUIN: Stop it, already!

KYRIE: But what have I done wrong?

TAYUIN! You know what! You’re so annoying! You always speak in that way, like you know everything about me. Well, I did your stupid task. And I don’t regret the how!

KYRIE: Is that the truth?


KYRIE: You don’t regret it?


KYRIE: I see. Well, you’re free to go. You need not stay here, if I upset you so much.

TAYUIN: Fine. I’m going now.

KYRIE: Tayuin.

TAYUIN: What do you want?

KYRIE: He wasn’t right, you know. You’re better than that.

TAYUIN: No, I’m not. It was my choice, after all. I put myself first. Because no one else will.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-five| @catssimblr next / previous / beginning KYRIE:Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-five| @catssimblr next / previous / beginning KYRIE:Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-five| @catssimblr next / previous / beginning KYRIE:Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-five| @catssimblr next / previous / beginning KYRIE:

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KYRIE: Welcome back.

EIRA: Where are the others?

KYRIE: You’re the first to return.

EIRA: Lucky me.

KYRIE: Are you alright?

EIRA: I’ve had much worse.

KYRIE: Oh, I’m sure. It was a good fight, anyways.

EIRA: I guess you’re just sitting back and watching it all play out.

KYRIE: It is fairly entertaining.

EIRA:laughsRight. Am I free to go wash up?

KYRIE: Of course.

EIRA: Later, Pointy Ears.

KYRIE: Farewell, Witcher.

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