#is probably my favorite version of x-men



sometimes I forget that comics and comic book adaptions can be good and fun
Anyway y’all are sleeping on X-Men: Evolution one of the best marvel cartoons out there

I have been rewatching that show for the past consecutive three days and let me tell you all this show *mwah* exquisite 
I’ve read/watched some reviews and critiques on this show and yeah, a lot of it is valid, but most people write it off solely for the fact that the X-Men are teenagers. 
And I don’t know man, but a superhero cartoon from the early 2000s? Of course they’re gonna be teenagers! That was (and still is) theshit!
Accompanied with the fact that their target audience was…well…kids, it absolutely makes sense.

What just absolutely makes the show for me, was that they did their own thing, while not completely turning a blind eye to the comics. (I know… bare minimum…but just look at the X-Men movies,,,)
A lot of shows/movies take the most basic comics as a guideline and just run with it. Try and make it as edgy and “logical” as they can. Just look what they keep doing to Batman when will they stop massacring my boy??? We’re talking about superheroes here! It doesn’t have to be 100% logical!
So I’m glad X-Men: Evolution doesn’t do that.
It’s a very goofy and corny show with very low-stakes. But you know what? After all these big blockbuster superhero movies and tv shows we’ve had…this is honestly very refreshing.

The balance between action and slice-of-life is the perfect amount in my opinion. And it very accurately represents the hassle of being a mutant teenager in a society that doesn’t think mutants are that cool tbh 
Like,,, that’s what X-Men is all about! The everyday life that depicts the injustice mutants face…alongside some good-old comic book action B) 
