#isaac lahey x you


If I Stay part III

After a long wait, it is finally here. This is the finale to the If I Stay Isaac x Reader series. Catch the first two parts and the rest of my writing here.

How do you deal with the overwhelming emotions that come from having your entire family die in a car accident and knowing that they wouldn’t have even been in the car if it wasn’t for you? You don’t. Things don’t get easier when a nurse mistakenly gives you a sedative that almost kills you and forces two of your best friends to save you by risking their own lives.

Understandable, you are taking some time off school. Instead of grieving, you were planning funerals and making legal arrangements because that is what was expected of you.

To be fair, your friends were there every step of the way. Lydia’s mom had been helping with the insurance and financials. But you were faced with so many decisions about things that you hadn’t even wanted to think about.

You, Stiles, Scott, and Isaac were setting everything up for the memorial service when it all began to become too much. Isaac, noticing this, decided to take you out to get some food. Stiles and Scott stayed behind, promising to finish everything up by the time you got back.

“So, where do you want to eat?” Isaac asked.

“I’m not really hungry,” you answered, staring down at your hands.


“I’m sorry,” you whispered, still avoiding his eyes.

“It’s okay, we can go to the cafe and get shakes or something,” he decided.

It was hard for Isaac to watch you struggle so much without being able to do anything to help. He tried to be there for you, but after everything that you had been through he knew that you just needed time. He wished that you would stop pushing all of the pain down and distracting yourself, knowing that there was no way that it was healthy. His heart hurt for you. He just had to keep reminding himself that he would be there for you whenever you were ready to need him.

As the two of you arrived at the cafe, which was practically empty, he helped you out of the car and you both made your way to your favorite booth. Isaac ordered milkshakes for both of you and your favorite crepes. It wasn’t like you didn’t know what he was doing, ordering your favorite food so that you would eat. He wasn’t sly, but that didn’t mean that it didn’t work (and you totally loved him for it). You were eating some of the crepes when suddenly Isaac all but leaped across the table pulling you down yelling, “GET DOWN!”

You were confused until milliseconds later you heard a gun rapidly firing at the cafe and shattering the glass windows. Isaac held you tightly under the table until the shots ended.

“Are you okay?” he asked as you slowly started moving from under the table.

“I’m fine,” you replied, and while that might have been true physically, there was no world in which you were fine mentally.

“Okay, we need to get out of here now,” Isaac decided, looking around to see if there was anyone who needed help.

“Isaac, you’re bleeding.”

He glanced over to where blood was slowly staining his shirt. “A bullet or glass must have grazed my shoulder. I’ll be fine, it’ll heal in a couple of minutes,” he said nonchalantly, causing you to roll your eyes.

The look on his face went past concern, it was on the verge of fear. But before you could ask him about it, he grabbed your hand and started pulling you towards the kitchen doors.

“Isaac what’s going on?!” you demanded.

“They’re coming, we have to get you out of here now!”

“Who’s coming?”

“I’ll explain later, now run!”

You decided to hold him to it and followed him through the back entrance. He pulled you out into the ally and down a couple of streets. As soon as he stopped, you were going to ask him what the hell was going on, but he tightly clamped his hand over your mouth. You could tell that he was listening intently.

“Okay, we’re safe,” he sighed, reaching to pull out his phone.

“Get everyone to Deacon’s clinic now, it’s an emergency,” he spoke to who you could only assume was Scott before abruptly hanging up.

He then turned to look at you fully for the first time since the cafe, “are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine Isaac, I just want to know what hell is going on!”

He looked at you like he was deciding on how to tell you the worst possible news. He was hesitating, so you took his hands in yours and softly spoke, “Whatever it is, I am sure we will get through it together, but I need to know.”

Isaac sighed before giving in, “Those people back there, the cafe, it wasn’t a random driveby shooting. They were there to kill you.”

“What? That doesn’t make any sense,” you disagreed, taking a step back away from him.

“Listen, we will figure this out, I promise, but right now we need to get to Deaton’s.”

The two of you walked to the Animal Clinic. By the time you got there, Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Deaton, and even Derek were there. As you walked in, all eyes shifted to you.

“There they are! What happened? You can’t just call us saying there’s been an emergency and then not answer your phones,” Stiles chastised. He was going to continue when Derek cut him off.

“Are you guys okay?”

“Y/n and I were at the Cafe, when it got shot up. I heard the shooters talking. They knew we were going to be there. They were there for Y/n,” Isaac explained.

The remaining color faded from your face.

“That makes no sense, why would anybody be targeting Y/n?” Scott asked.

“I don’t know, but the guy clearly said that he had eyes on the last of the Y/l/n’s. And then I heard the gun being loaded.”

“So its not just about her. Whoever these people are, they were targeting her entire family?” Lydia asked.

“Which means the accident probably wasn’t an accident and that explains why the police didn’t find the other driver. And the nurse in the hospital…” Stiles realized, “Deaton it would be common knowledge not to give a sedative to someone who recently experienced head trauma, right?” he asked.

“Yes, anyone with professional training would know that.”

“So that might’ve been another assassination attempt. Someone might’ve dressed up as a nurse to get access,” Lydia added.

“But why would anybody target her family?” Scott asked.

“Her mom used to be a hunter,” Derek spoke.

“What?” you asked in disbelief.

“Before your mom met your dad, she was part of a group of hunters. A powerful one with a lot of enemies. And right before she left, she did something they considered unforgivable. If they found her, they would kill her. That’s why she moved here and changed her name. And then she met your dad, and you know the rest.”

“How do you know all of this?”

“The unforgivable thing she did was to help me and my sister escape before the hunters could kill us. We were young. She helped smuggle us back here to my mom. My mom was the one who helped her to change her identity and get settled here.”

“So what, you think that the hunters tracked her down 20 years later and decided to get revenge?” Scott asked.

“That is exactly what I think. And if I’m right Y/n and anyone close to her are fair game to them. They won’t stop until she is dead.”

“So we take them out, then life goes back to normal,” Isaac suggested.

“It’s not going to be that easy. There is a very large likelihood that they are connected with other hunters. You take them out and more will come. You could be starting an all-out war,” Deaton warned.

“Well we can’t just sit back and do nothing,” Stiles argued.

“Maybe you can go into hiding, just until this is all over,” Lydia suggested.

“And always be looking over her shoulder, wondering if she is ever really safe?” Isaac asked.

“It’d be temporary. Just until we could figure something else out. Hiding is better than the alternative,” Scott decided.

“The solution is simple isn’t it?” you asked, voice eerily calm.

Everyone turned to face you.

“I have to die,” you decided.

“Now hold on a second-”

“No. The only way for this to end is for me to be dead long enough for the hunters to confirm it and then I’ll leave. That way they stop looking for me. They’ll leave before they catch a scent of all of the supernatural stuff going on here and you’ll be safe. And then I’ll go to Europe with Isaac,” you explained, “Scott did it. Deaton can give me something that’ll make me appear dead. Melissa and Sheriff Stiliski can be in on it. Then I’ll hide out until after the funeral.”

“It could work,” Derek spoke after some consideration. You were glad that he wasn’t going to try to talk you out of it. At least someone understood the weight of what was happening.

“Y/n, this plan of yours. It’s dangerous. There are a lot of variables that have to go exactly to plan for it to work,” Deaton warned.

“It’s no more dangerous than staying and trying to fight. At least this way I am able to keep all of you out of it. And maybe, someday, Isaac and I could come back. But I think that for now at least this is the only way. Or at least it is the way with the least collateral damage.”

“It could work, but you shouldn’t have to give everything up for us. Beacon Hills is your home,” Lydia said.

“You guys are more important. If leaving ensures your safety then consider my bags packed. Besides, after everything that happened, I don’t know if I could ever truly feel at home here again,” you turned to face the three who have yet to speak on the subject, “Scott? Stiles? Isaac?”

“I don’t like it, but it doesn’t sound like we have much of a choice,” Scott said, shaking his head.

“I hate how fast this is moving. Everything that has happened in the last two weeks, I can’t stand the thought of losing you. And either option feels like a loss,” Stiles spoke.

“But it isn’t like I’ll never be able to contact you. Once they move on and I’m settled in, we can facetime and when you need me I’ll be on the first plane here. It isn’t forever, just until we can figure out something better,” you promised.

“You said it was dangerous, how dangerous?” Isaac directed to Deaton.

“Timing is everything. We can’t keep her heart rate that low for more than two hours. We would have to ensure that the hunters knew about her death and sent someone within that time range or the whole plan fails. We then have to sneak her to a hideout until the funerals are over-”

“And the Hunters will be watching all of you. One wrong move, any indication that things are not as they should be, and your all dead,” Derek added.

“We will just have to make sure none of that happens, Stiles, we need a plan,” you turned to your friend hoping he would get on board.

“Okay, if we are doing this, if you are sure you want to go through with this,” he paused looking for confirmation from you, “then let’s make sure it works.”

The plan was simple compared to most of Stiles’ plans. You would go to the memorial service where one or more of the hunters would most likely be staked out. Then you would collapse, leading Scott, Stiles, and Isaac to frantically carry you out to Roscoe and to the hospital. When you arrived at the hospital, Melissa would take lead in your care, making it look real. Scott and Isaac would listen for any indication that the hunters were there. They would text Melissa and she would inject you with the serum which only took a couple of minutes to take complete effect. When you coded, she would lead the revival team and eventually give the news to your friends in the waiting room that they had done everything that they could, but couldn’t save you. Scott, Stiles, and Isaac would make a scene and Melissa would take you down to the morgue where Derek would be hiding. If the medical records, scene in the lobby, etc. weren’t enough for the hunters and they decided to check then you would be there. Either way, he was there to administer the antidote. During the next shift change, Derek would sneak you out and to his loft where you would stay until everything smoothed over. You were not to be contacted by any of the pack members during that time incase the hunters had anything taped. Stiles’ dad would help you get the fake documents you needed. He would also make the case of the shooting very public to try to push the hunters out of Beacon Hills faster.

There were only a few problems. 1. You guys didn’t know how many hunters there were or who they were. 2. There was no way to know how they found out about your family in the first place, meaning they could have a spy/informant. 3. There was no explanation of where your body would be in between “death” and cremation. 4. What if they tried to kill you before you got that far.

Even with all the risks, you didn’t care, if there was any chance that it would work and keep your friends safe then you were doing it. And so Scott and Stiles dropped you and Isaac off at your house so you could get ready for the service.

“Are you sure about this? It isn’t too late to call it off, we can figure something else out,” Isaac spoke softly into your hair as he hugged you from behind, a clear look of worry on his face.

“This is the only way,” you said, more to reassure yourself than him.

“I love you,” he said spinning you around to face him,

“I love you too,” you smiled before kissing him.

“Are you ready for this?” he asked, still holding you tightly against his chest.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” you decide to pull away.

From there, the plan went into motion. And to Stiles’ credit, it actually worked. Your friends must have been better actors than you thought. Luckily one of the hunters went down to confirm that you were dead. Apparently, she was running her mouth and it took everything that Derek had in him to not come out and end her. He gave you the antidote and took you to his loft. Where you stayed for the next two weeks.

And that was when the grieving that you were avoiding finally started to happen. Luckily for you, Derek broke Stiles’ rule of no contact with the pack and called Isaac who was there for you in a heartbeat, pulling you in close and trying to piece your world back together.

The hunters left pretty much after your funeral, thanks to the pressure from Sheriff Stilinski. And thus, phase two of the plan was set in motion. You died your hair, snuck back into your house to pack everything up that you were going to take with you, and got your fake documents. Before you knew it, it came time to meet up with the pack before driving to the airport.

“I wish you didn’t have to leave,” Scott said, hugging you, “If you ever need anything call us, we will be there for you, I promise.”

“Thanks Scott,” you started, but before you could continue Lydia interrupted.

“Okay, me next!” Lydia spoke up, “First of all, I’m looking forward to packages containing European designer shoes. Second, if you ever need anything I expect a call no matter what time it is here,” she then turned to Isaac, “And don’t even get any ideas of proposing without my input, I am still the best friend.”

This caused you to giggle, “This is going to be a good thing, I promise,” she smiled pulling you into a hug. Somehow she always knew exactly what to say.

You turned to Stiles who was probably the worst at hiding how this was actually making him feel.

“The hunters are gone, maybe you can stay now,” Stiles offered.

“It’s a little late for that, don’t you think.” you tried to joke.

“What? Just because you “died”, people fake their death all the time,” he returned.

“I’m going to miss you Stiles,” you said, pulling him in for a hug. He held you just a little tighter than he had ever done before. “This isn’t goodbye,” you promised.

“Hey Y/n, we should get going,” Isaac spoke.

There was another wave of well wishes, reminders, and hugs. And then it was just you and Isaac in a car to the airport, leaving your hometown and your friends behind you.

“You doing okay?” he asked.

“Weirdly enough, this is the most okay that I’ve felt in the last month.”

“Well, then I have a favor to ask you.”

“And what is that?”

“When we get to Europe, you have to promise me that you won’t fall for any of those hot European boys with the accents,” he said with a straight face.

This caught you off guard and you burst into laughter, “I’ll try, but all bets are off if I meet Tom Holland,” you answered this time causing Isaac to laugh.

There was a pause before you added, “I love you, you know that?”

“I love you too,” he smiled.

You didn’t know what was waiting for you in Europe, but you did know that as long as Isaac was by your side, you’d be able to face anything.

