#teen wolf imagines

mxltifandoms-imagines: A disgusted expression appeared in Stiles’s face as he watched how his youngemxltifandoms-imagines: A disgusted expression appeared in Stiles’s face as he watched how his younge


A disgusted expression appeared in Stiles’s face as he watched how his younger sister didn’t separate from that lacrosse boy’s lips. He could barely understand that you had a certain age and you were very pretty, so he obviously knew that you would have boyfriend sooner or later, but he didn’t think the same way after minutes and minutes of seeing lovey dovey everywhere.

“Stiles, can you stop keeping your gaze fixed to your sister, please? This is kind oppressive for her!” Lydia said in an attempt to help you; since the readhead and Stiles had got so close, you and her did aswell.

“I’ll when she separates from those clingy lips.”

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mxltifandoms-imagines:“I’m totally sure Stiles likes you too, but you are too shy around him. You mxltifandoms-imagines:“I’m totally sure Stiles likes you too, but you are too shy around him. You


“I’m totally sure Stiles likes you too, but you are too shy around him. You just need to be more confident and be a bit more flirty, but don’t worry, I’m going to help you with that.”

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So Much For “I love you”-Part One

Summary: (Y/N) (Y/L/N) a girl that soon realized her world was about to come crashing down all because of a blue-eyed wolf…

(Y/N)= Your Name
(Y/L/N)= Your Last Name

Isaac Lahey x Reader

Requested: Yes (A long time ago, I might add)


(Y/N) POV:


“Isaac I can’t just leave. What about the pack, what about my family” I exclaim. He walks towards me a soft look evident on his face, he takes a hold of my hand and interlocks them together. I sigh and move away from leaving him confused.

“I know this is a lot to handle, Isaac. We’re all still hurting but you can’t expect me to up and go. I love you, Isaac, I do. But I can’t leave not now not ever” I explain.

“ (Y/N) I know you don’t wanna leave Scott, the pack, and your family. But you, Scott…Derek you three are the only family that I have left and I can’t watch you die in my arms, (Y/N). So please” Isaac pleads.

“Isaac…"I whisper. I take his hand and place it on my cheek comforting the distressed wolf.

“I’m not Allison… I miss her so much, she was always there for me whenever I needed her… I miss her, Isaac just as much as you do but I’m not her. I’m me…(Y/N) (Y/L/N), your girlfriend. She’s a human girl with a human family. That gets average grades and is hopelessly in love with a guy named Isaac freaking Lahey” I begin to say ever so softly. A tear escapes slowly streaming down my face.

“And if he loves me as much as I love him… He won’t leave me here alone, he won’t make me go somewhere I don’t want to go because if he truly loves me he’ll stay and fight beside me till we fall to the ground cause we were protecting someone that mattered” I continue to say.

“I can’t leave them here, my family is human, Isaac. They can’t fight like me, they can’t heal like you or Scott. So they need me to protect from whatever danger is coming their way because they matter to me” I finished. Tears were uncontrollably streaming down my face.

“And you matter to me… (Y/N) please don’t make me go without you” Isaac cries.

“Then don’t go” I respond.

“It’s not that simple (Y/N)” Isaac says.

“But me leaving my family is. What made you think that I was just going to leave my family, my friends, my hometown…I can’t, I don’t think I have the strength to leave” I reply. He looks at me in defeat, the look of desperation washes over his facial features.

“You mean everything to me, Isaac. And I love you to the moon and back but all of this is too much to ask an emotionally wrecked girl. I lost my best friend, I almost lost Stiles tonight I don’t wanna lose him again, he’s like a brother to me Isaac” I cry. I cup his face, everything slowly becomes drawn out as I look into the icy blue eyes.

“I’m sorry (Y/N) but I’m not going to stay here and watch you die” Isaac says. My heart breaks in two, I step away and turn around not wanting to see him.

I hear him pick his bag up off the ground. I try to block it out every little sound that he made. Everything was becoming too unbearable for my heart to handle.

“I guess this is goodbye” He says. I take a deep breath and wipe away the tears. I turn to face the boy I love, my arms folded loosely across my chest.

“I guess so” I say bluntly. He drops his bag and runs towards me, his hands on my hips and our lips connected as he kissed me goodbye. I push back and fold my arms once again looking at the floor.

“Please come with me” Isaac pleads once again.

“You know I can’t do that, Isaac. Scott, my parents, Lydia…. I can’t leave, Isaac. They mean too much to me” I reply.

“(Y/N)…” Isaac says. I turn away not wanting him to see me cry.

“Please, Isaac just go, your leaving me whether I come or not. So please make this easier for my heart and leave” I yell.

“But (Y/N)…” He says. I turn around once again to face him, my emotions suddenly all over the place.

“Isaac… go” I plead. He walks towards his bag and picks it up once again. He slowly closes the door behind his eyes never leaving mine. He abruptly stops and says one more thing.

“I love you” He says and shuts the door. I collapse onto the floor in tears, my body slowly starts to become weak as I continue to repeat the love of my life leaving me. I look up at the door and replay those three words in my mind.

“I love you too” I say….


“Hey (Y/N)”


I shake my head as the sound of a very familiar voice wakes me up. I turn to look at Scott and Stiles, one gives me a concerned look and the other one looks at me annoyed.


“The plan remember” Stiles says. I roll my eyes and lay back onto the jeep.

“Look I’m glad I’m a part of your plan, Stiles. But I’m not even sure if I wanna go to college yet” I say. He gasps at my response cause both me and Scott to laugh. I sit upright and look at the boy beside me.

“Something is seriously wrong with her. Scott what does she smell like” Stiles says. I glare at him and stick my tongue out.

“She smells…-” Scott begins to say. He looks up at the sky thinking.

“Sad, Scott I’m sad. Thought you’d be used to it by now. It’s basically a common state for me” I answer.

“Whats wrong?” Scott’s ask concerned. I sigh and face the alpha next to me.

“I was thinking about the night Isaac left” I begin to say. Stiles looks at Scott with this I told you so look on his face causing me to glare at him.

“I keep asking myself what if, you know” I finish.

“Hey, you’ll be okay. My mum said to this to me when me and Allison broke up "They’re you’re first love everything will be amazing and exciting-” Scott begins to say but I cut him off.

“But you’ll end up finding someone else that’ll end up being just as amazing as the first” I finish.

“See you’re getting it” Scott says nudging me in the process. Stiles waves his arms in frustration causing both me and Scott to look at him.

“Dude the plan” Stiles says.

“Don’t worry Stiles you can have him back I’m gonna talk to little wolf anyway” I say. I jump off the jeep and walk towards a chained up Liam.

“(Y/N) you’re a part of the plan as well” Stiles yells behind me.

“Love you” I yell back casually . I stand beside Liam and look up at the sky.

“How you feeling?” I ask.

“I feel great by the way” Liam yells.

“He’s busy at the moment little wolf, Stiles is currently discussing the ‘plan’ aswe speak” I mock. Liam groans in annoyance and rests his head on the tree stump.

“Ughhhh it was only one time I seriously don’t know why I’m even here” he exclaims annoyed. I roll my eyes thinking about all the other times he’s done something stupid during the full moon.

“You sure about that” I reply with giggling. His face turns red in embarrassment as he start looking up at the the stars. I join him in this little activity thinking about the times where me and Isaac would do the same.

“The stars are quiet beautiful tonight, they just sit up there slowly burning throughout the night peacefully and without a care in the world. You know Me and Isaac use to do this all the time it was my favou-” I start to say without thinking. My eyes go wide as I fully process what I just said.

“Isaac?” Liam says while looking at me intrigued.

“Ahhhhh it’s nothing don’t worry about it little wolf, You know what I’ll meet you in the jeep” I say. I quickly walk towards the jeep and get inside. I lean back against the chair slowly sliding down my mind is filled with thoughts.

“What did he do?” Stiles asks as he walks up to the door.

“Nothing, Stiles. He done nothing” I reply.

“Then why do you look like you’re about to cry” he says.

“Seriously stiles don’t worry about it okay I’ll be fine” I say.

“Pfffft a nd I have a six pack with biceps the size of your head. Now come on, whats wrongs” Stiles says. I laugh at his reply and sit up in my chair.

“If you really wanna know I started thinking about my time with Isaac okay and how we’d use to look at the stars, see I told you it was nothing okay” I reply.

“Look you need to talk about him whether it’d be with me, Scott or Lydia but you need to talk about him (Y/N)” he says. I nod my head and usher him out the jeep. I lean back into the seat and close my eyes thinking about what Stiles had just said.

After a while, I get out of the jeep and sit next to Scott. They both look at me concerned looks plastered onto their face.

“I thought about what you said and you’re right. I need to talk about him so why not do it now” I say. They both send me small smiles.

“Where do I begin. Isaac was my first everything, my first love, my first kiss etcetera, etcetera. And I loved him so much… He was there for me when you were the nogitsune, Stiles” I begin to say. Scott puts his arm around my shoulders in order to comfort me.

“Things were great you know. I even saw a future with him, then everything turned sour when Ali died. She was the glue that held everything together. I didn’t know what to do after that and neither did Isaac or that’s what I thought. When he asked me to go with him I was surprised. Deep down I wanted to jump into his arms and scream yes at the top of my lungs but then I thought about you two, my family, Lydia… the pack. I begged him to stay, I begged and I begged but just like that he was gone and I was standing there cold and alone. I tried so hard to forget about him but all I do is end up missing him even more it’s like I’m going crazy and I haven’t figured out how to get over it” I finish. By this point, I was balling my eyes out. Scott was hugging me, rocking side to side as the night continues to tick away

“No matter what (Y/N) you’ve always got us okay” Scott says with a stupid grin on his face. I laugh lightly and hug them both.

“I don’t know what I’d do without you two, seriously” I say. I let go of the hug and chat to them for a little while as some time passes stiles begins to say something.

“Hey you think it’s been long enough” Stiles says referring to the chained up wolf.

“Yes” Liam yells. We all walk towards the little wolf, Scott puts his hand into his pocket and begins to take the keys out.

“Are you sure you’re okay” Scott asks.

“Yes, I’m fine” Liam replies.

“Well if we see your naked butt running around town again I’ll be dragging you here myself little wolf” I say with my brows raised slightly.

“I said I was hot” Liam replies.

“Yes well my grandparent didn’t appreciate seeing a particularly naked young boy running outside my house at two in the morning. Now let’s get going we got things to do”

*skip rest of car ride*

Me, Scott, Malia and Stiles finally make it to the school. We wait for Kira as she was the only one that wasn’t here.

“I’m going to get her” Scott says.

“How are you going to go through all the traffic” Stiles asks.

“I have a way. You guys go to the library, I’ll go back home and get my bike” Scott’s says. We nod our head and wave bye to Scott.

“You guys go ahead I need to do something that I haven’t been able to do in a long time” I say. I play with the necklace Isaac gave me for our anniversary.

“Oh hell no. Do you really think I’m gonna-” Stiles begins to say but Malia cuts him off.

“We’ll meet you at the front of the school” Malia says. Stiles begins to protest but Malia motions her hands to the necklace. Stiles looks at it and then finally understands what I meant. They both walk away, I smile a little as they both remind me of the relationship I had with Isaac.

I walk towards the lacrosse field, my hair and clothes drenched in water. I stand there, the necklace firmly in my hand as I begin to think about the memories we made together. After a while, I look at the necklace a tear slides down my face.

“I love you and I let you go, Isaac Lahey”I throw the necklace far away. My heart finally feeling at peace. I turn around and come face to face with a man.

“You look a lot like the girl in the photo” he says. I move away from him my heart racing. I look at his hands and see long claw protruding from his fingers.

“What are you?” I ask.

“Someone wanting to know where Scott McCall is” he says. I try to run past him but he grabs my arm and pulls me towards him, he then puts his claws up to my throat.

“Look I don’t know where he is okay” I say. 

“Now that’s a lie isn’t it” He says. He digs his claws into my throat causing me to flinch. 

“You won’t find him and even if you do you won’t even know what hit you” I say threatening. He chuckles and leans into my neck. 

“Oh, naive little girl… just you wait and see” He whispers into my ear. We walk to the tunnel that we were under before Scott went to pick Kira up. Coincidentally both Scott and Kira were there. He growls causing the both of them to look in our direction. He pushes me out of the rain, his claws digging into my lower back. 

“Hey, Kira. How was the trip?” I say trying to lighten the mood. The strange man pushes me to the side and runs at Scott and Kira. Everyone begins fighting, Kira takes out her sword while Scott takes out his claws. I crack the bone in my neck and get ready to fight.

“How cute. You all think you can actually beat me” He says. I raise my brow and pull my knives out. 

“Of course we can. Afterall your just another one of our useless obstacles” I say. 

I run up and attack, he dodges some of my advance causing me to attack him even more. He grabs my arms and kicks me in the stomach making me fall to the ground in pain. Scott and Kira then proceed to fight him, he pushes Scott to the side leaving Kira. She takes her sword out and slashes the air and then proceeds to attack, he easily blocks her moves and hit her back causing her to fall.

“A true alpha. Where’s your power, Scott” He says. 

“Who are you?” Scott asks.

“A devoted fan. Show me the man that took down Deucalion, the man who broke the Argents. I came for that alpha, COME ON” He replies. Scott roars and then attacks him. Kira gets up and then attacks him once again but he blocks every move. 

“I didn’t come just to claim your status” He starts to say. 

I stand up and ready my knives once again but I was pulled back by some guy. He attacks him landing a few blows here and there but not enough to take him down. Scott stands up and dodges every throw taken towards him but that guys grabs him by the throat and lifts him into the air. Then he impales Scott with his claws, Scott slowly kneels onto the ground his eyes flashing back to his normal eyes. 

I push past Kira taking her sword and run towards Scott getting ready to attack once again. Scott then grabs him and stands up his eyes back to his alpha ones. I smirk to myself and aim her sword at him while he lays on the ground.

“I don’t know who you are or what you thought you were gonna do but I’ll give you a choice. You can stay and I’ll break something else or you can run” Scott threatens. He looks at us and then turns his to face Stiles. I kick his leg getting his attention, I then lean crouch down in front of him the sword now on the ground. 

“I’d run” I whisper. He stands up, holding his broken arms and runs. I stand up picking up the sword and throw it back to Kira. We all walk towards each other, I turn around to face the guy behind us curious as to who he is. 

“You don’t remember me do you” he says. We all stand there silent, I fold my arms across my chest.

“Nope not one bit” I say. He chuckles and starts walking towards us. 

“I always liked that about you, (Y/N)” He replies. I take my knives out and aim them at him. 

“How do you know my name” I threaten. 

“I guess I look a little different since the fourth grade” He says. 

“…Theo” Scott says. He nods his head a smile slowly emerges onto his face. I put my knives down and place them back into my boots. 

“You know him” Malia says. I smile to myself as the memories of us begin to flash through my mind. 

“Yeah, we use to know him. We were best friends for three years” I reply. I look around the group of people everyone reactions seem so different. 

“Trust me I thought I’d never get to see you guys again. A couple months ago I heard of an alpha in Beacon Hills… When I found out his name was Scott McCall… I just couldn’t believe it. Not just an alpha but a true alpha” He says. 

“What do you want?” Scott asks.

“I moved back to Beacon Hills…back home with my family. Cause I want to be a part of your pack” He answers. 

“That was a really nice speech, Raeken. But all I wanna do and I’m pretty sure most of you agree is to sign our stupid initials onto a library shelf in the school, okay. Now if you don’t mind we’ll be going” I say before anyone could say anything I left and started walking towards the library. We all walk to the library in complete silence, all that could be heard was the sound of rain hitting against the ground. 

“That was interesting” Malia says breakining the silence. 

“Yeah” I reply. 

“What were you doing anyway (Y/N)”Scott asks. 

“I was letting someone go” I reply. He looks at me confused, i just pat his shoulder and continue walking ahead. We make it inside the school all of us sigh in relief. 

“I’ll be back. I have to go to my locker” I say. They nod their heads and stand there talking. 

I jog towards my locker and grab whatever I needed and began jogging my way back to the group of teens. I frown as I approach them as they all sounded like they were arguing with someone. 

“Hey what the hell is going on” I yell. Everyone turns around and looks at me with a sad expression. I look at them weirdly, not sure whats going on. 

“Hey, (Y/N). What the hell happened to you” I hear a very familiar voice say. He booked to walk towards me cupping my face as he examines my injuries from the fight. I push him away my emotions suddenly all over the place as the love of my life stands in front of me after all these years.

“Don’t start caring now Isaac it’s too late for that” I reply coldly. My hearts racing over a thousand miles per hour while my mind is all over the place, Why now, why here, why me…

“I don’t know why you’re here or why you’re back Isaac but I’ve had a bad night so if you’d like you can go back to France and never return. Oh yeah and this is for leaving” I say, I punch him in the face as the sudden urge of anger starts to raise inside me. He stumbles back a shocked look plastered on his face, he wipes the blood of his nose and fixes his composure, He looks at me with his beautiful blue eyes still full of love and it made me even more angrier.

“I’m here because of you” He says. I roll my eyes and scoff as I continue to glare at the boy in front of me.

“Don’t give me that bullshit, Isaac. It’s been years since you up and left me, I needed you, I relied on you Isaac… so what makes you think that you could come back and think that everything would be okay. I’m still healing mentally and emotionally so I really don’t need this at the moment Isaac so leave… its what you’re good at” I yell tears streaming down my face with every word.

“(Y/N) please listen to me” he begins to plead with me. I scoff and roll my eyes once again, no matter how much I’ve yearned for him touch or to see him once again I’m not going to fall for his lies anymore, I’ve let him go so I need to stick by it.

“Isaac stop I’m done with this conversation and I’m done with you. Let’s go guys Lydias probably waiting for us” I say, I walk away the pack following behind as we make our way towards Lydia.

“Sooooo that was interesting” Stiles says while he catches up to me.

“Ugghhhh don’t even get me started, seriously this night couldn’t t have been any worse. I just wanna write my initial on that stupid library shelf and go home, my grandparents are probably worried” I reply annoyed. He laughs and puts his arm around my shoulder.

“Well it seems like your wish just came true cause I spot Lydia right now actually so library here we come” he says. I smile and hug him once more before letting to go met up with Lydia a bit quicker than the others. I give her a big hug and she hugs me back surprised.

“Took you guys long enough and what was that for even though I’m not complaining” she says with a confused yet concerned look on her face.

“I’ll catch you up tonight, sleepover?” I reply.

“Uhhhhh of course” she replied, I laugh at her response and hug her once more while we wait for the others to catch up.


Isaac Lahey was my first everything, he was my first my love and also my first heartbreak. I had given that boy everything I could and yet that still just wasn’t enough my heart wasn’t enough because when I needed him the most he left…

I hate him so fucking much, that it hurts to still be in love with him. He left me, abandoned me, threw me away like I was simply nothing but trash to him, so how dare I still love him… how dare he still be on my mind after all he’s done to me, how dare he not be hurting still after all these years apart, how dare he make me feel the way that I do, how dare he expect to me to fall into his arms like he never left or none of it never happened…

I hate him so much that my heart can’t seem to stop being in love with him and it hurts, it hurts so much and I’m not sure if I fully let him go…“I love you”… yeah so much for that.

 Request: can you do a Derek imagine where y/n gets hurt at school and gets taken to the nursing bay

Request: can you do a Derek imagine where y/n gets hurt at school and gets taken to the nursing bay and Derek hears and rushes into see if she’s alright and she’s with all her friends and they ask lots of awkward questions like if he’s her boyfriend (she secretly likes him). sorry it’s so detailed aha

Announcement: I am so, so, sorry that it took so long to get this out!  I had a little bit of writers block and school and work and life got in the way.  I hope that you like it!  I’m working on everyone else’s requests later today and hope to have something posted tomorrow.  Keep your requests coming you guys!


Today had started off as a crappy day, so when you got tripped in the hallway and basically bashed your face into the floor you weren’t that surprised. The textbooks you had been carrying in your hands scattered across the hallway, along with loose pages of notes you had stacked together.  Scott and Stiles, being nearby and seeing you fall, jumped up to help you.  While you held your hand up to your nose, trying to stunt the bleeding the two of them raced around to collect every scrap of paper you had dropped.

“Come on, we should get you to the nurse.” Scott said, moving to squat down next to you.  Keeping your hand pressed up against your nose you nodded in agreement, slowly raising to your feet.

“Ouch!” You muttered when putting weight down on your right ankle.  The few people who hadn’t been watching your struggle turned to look, creating a small circle of onlookers as you shifted your weight onto your left ankle.

“What?” Stiles asked, scrambling to his feet and managing to successfully balance the majority of your dropped books and papers in his arms.

“I guess I twisted my ankle when I fell.” You replied, groaning in frustration.

“You’re just a walking mess today.” Scott teased you, wrapping your arm over his shoulders and taking hold of your waist to help you walk.  With his help and Stiles trailing behind you, you hobbled your way down the hallway and into the nurse’s office.  Scott set you down on the bed in the corner of the room and Stiles dropped your books and papers onto a chair nearby, shuffling them around until they were in a neat pile.

“What happened here?”  The nurse asked you, wheeling over in her rolling chair.  She snatched a box of tissues up off of a nearby end table and handed it out to you.  You snatched up the tissues and pressed them to your nose, tilting your head forward slightly in an attempt to stop your bleeding nose.

“She fell in the hallway.”  Scott replied, fiddling with the strap on his backpack.

“I think I sprained my ankle or something, too.”  You piped up, lifting your leg up in the air.  The nurse wheeled her chair closer to you and gently took hold of the heel of your foot to inspect it.

“Well thank you boys for bringing her in.  You should both head off to class now.”  The nurse said almost like it was an afterthought.  You smiled gratefully at Scott and Stiles as they both waved and ducked out of the nurse’s room.


After the class period ended your group of girl friends came crowding into the nurses office.  They heard about you tripping in the hallway and wanted to make sure that you okay.  However, they weren’t the only ones who heard about your little trip.  The one and only Derek Hale was quick to show up and check on you as well.  A few minutes after your group of friends had successfully encircled you to ask if you were okay that there was a knock on the doorframe.

“Stiles told me you were at the nurses office.  I just came to make sure if you okay.”  Derek’s gruff voice broke through the high pitched chatter of your friends.  The room fell into an awkward silence as your friends took stalk of Derek.

“Thanks, Derek.”  You smiled at him, holding up your leg to show him how it was wrapped up in an ace bandage.  “It’s just a twisted ankle, I’m supposed to be heading back to class in a few minutes.”  You rolled your eyes, laughing lightly.  Derek apprised the bandage before nodding his head curtly.

“Good, I’m glad you’re okay.”  He replied, noticing how your friends were still gawking at him.  “I guess I’ll let you head to class.  If you need a ride home though I can come back and pick you up.”  He offered.  He gave you the closest thing to a smile before disappearing from the doorway once more.  He wasn’t gone for more than ten seconds when your friends all turned to you, instantly asking questions.

“Who was that?”

“Was that Derek Hale?”

“How do you know him?”

“It’s kind of weird that he came running down here to see you…”

“Are you two dating?”

With an eye roll you held your hand up to silence them all so you could get the chance to say something.  “He’s a friend of mine.  I met him through Scott and Stiles.  No, we aren’t dating.”  You answered.

“But you want to be.  I can tell.”  One of your friends piped up, wiggling her eyebrows at you.  You and the whole group of friends around you started laughing and giggling.

“You should wait a little while and then call him.  Tell him to come pick you up and drive you home.”  Another one of your friend replied.  The rest of your friends started to chime in, agreeing with that idea immediately.

“If I call him will you all leave me alone?”  You said, pretending to be irritated.  Your friends nodded excitedly, each one grinning widely as you pulled out your phone and pulled up Derek’s number.  You hit the ‘call’ button and held the phone up to your ear, shushing your friends as they started to giggle.

“Wasn’t expecting a call this soon.”  He answered.  You rolled your eyes and laughed lightly.

“I decided that participating in school today didn’t sound like such a good idea.  Do you mind coming back and picking me up?”  You asked, shifting uncomfortably in your seat as your friends congratulated each other with laughs.

“Lucky for you, I haven’t even left the parking lot yet.  I’ll pull up to the front door and wait for you.”  He replied.

“Thanks.”  You hung up, standing up from your seat and put a little bit of weight on your foot to test it.  “Are you guys happy now?  He’s waiting outside for me.”  You laughed lightly, collecting your backpack and books in your ar

“Don’t keep him waiting, go!”  Your friends ushered, waving you out the door of the nursing station with laughs.  You rolled your eyes and made your way down the hall and to the front door as quickly as you could.  When you finally stepped out into the daylight Derek’s Camaro was pulled up at the sidewalk, and he had the windows rolled down.

“Thanks for doing this.”  You said, stuffing your backpack through the open windows into the back seat.  You climbed into the passenger seat and sighed heavily, closing the door behind you.

“It’s not like I had anything else to do.  Now, what really changed you mind?”  He asked with a raised eyebrow.

“My friends.”  You answered truthfully as he pulled away from the curb and started driving you home.

“Gave into the peer pressure, huh?”  He chuckled.

“They just wanted me to hang out with you because they think that you’re hot.”  You replied with a shrug and a laugh.  This time he looked over at you, raising an eyebrow.

“And what do you think?”  He asked after a few moments of silence.  You chewed on the inside of your cheek, your heart suddenly beating faster.  Derek slowed the car to a stop at a red light, turning to face you while he waited for your answer.

“I think you’re hot too.”  You replied quietly, fiddling with your thumbs in your lap.  Finally you found the courage to look back up at Derek.  A wide grin had spread across his face.  “What?”  You asked, frowning slightly.  Without replying he leaned across the seats and pressed a kiss to your lips.  After getting over the initial shock, you eagerly kissed him back.  The two of you didn’t break apart until the traffic behind you started beeping because the light had turned green.

“Let’s get you home.”  He chuckled, pulling back and starting to drive once more.  You smiled, leaning against the center console of the car and taking hold of his hand.

Post link
 Request: Hi! i was wondering if i could have a Isaac imagine. where i set up this dinner for the tw

Request: Hi! i was wondering if i could have a Isaac imagine. where i set up this dinner for the two of us just so we can forget about the world and everything that happens around us for just a few hours. just something fluffy cute. please and thank you

With a little help from Mrs. McCall you had managed to pull of the perfect romantic dinner for Isaac and yourself.  She had helped you to boot Scott out of the house for the night, set up the dinner table, and even helped you start cooking before she disappeared for work that night herself.  Isaac had been kept out all day by the help of Stiles, until you texted him to tell him to bring Isaac home.

Just as you took the boiling pasta off of the stove and poured it into the drainer in the sink you heard Stile’s jeep pull into the driveway.  The passenger door opened and closed as you turned the stove top off and quickly made up two plates of pasta.

“(Y/N)?”  Isaac called out from the front door, kicking it closed behind himself.  You quickly dried your hands off on a dish rag before ducking out of the kitchen and leaping into Isaac’s arms.

“Surprise!”  You smiled widely, laughing when he easily caught you and held you close to him.

“What’s this?”  He asked, looping his arms around your legs to hold them against his hips as he walked the both of you into the kitchen.  You wrapped your arms loosely around his neck to prevent yourself from falling before pecking him on the lips.

“I wanted to do something special for you, so with a little help from Mrs. McCall and Stiles I set this up for us.”  You replied, hopping down to stand on your own two feet once more.  Isaac smiled widely, taking in the dinner you had prepared.  The plates of pasta sat on the kitchen table with a bowl of salad and candles sitting in between them.

“You’re the best!”  Isaac smiled widely, wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, placing a kiss there.  “I love it.”  You smiled widely to yourself, turning your head to kiss him before snaking out of his grasp and moving towards the table.  Isaac bound around you, pulling out your chair for you before taking his own seat across the table.

“I just thought it was a good time to do a date night sort of thing.”  You replied with a shrug, scooting your chair closer into the table and starting to eat into the pasta that you had cooked.  Isaac followed your lead, digging into his own plate of pasta and smiling widely at you.

“You’re a great cook!”  He gushed with a smile, starting to eat a little bit quicker than before.  You couldn’t help but laugh, shaking your head lightly.

“Thank you, but you might want to slow down a little bit.  I don’t want you chocking during date night.”  You teased, laughing when he gave you an apologetic look.

“Sorry.”  He replied sheepishly, starting to eat again but at a slower pace than before.  You giggled and finished off your own plate of pasta, spooning some salad onto your plate.  When you both finished off your own plates you looked back up at Isaac and couldn’t help but laugh.  “What?”  He asked with a frown.

“You have pasta sauce all over your face.”  You teased him, grabbing a napkin off of the table and walking over to him.  “Here.”  You laughed, whipping off the bit of red sauce that stood out on his nose before handing it to him to clean off his mouth with.

“Thanks.”  He chuckled, taking the napkin from you and successfully ridding his face of pasta sauce.  “Need help with the dishes?”  He asked, standing up and piling up your empty plates before carrying them over to the sink.

“You don’t have to.”  You tried to argue but he waved your objection off with a shake of his head.

“You wash and I’ll dry.”  He offered, dumping the dishes into the sink and picking up the dish rag off of the counter.  Working together you made quick work of the dishes in the sink, washing and drying them all before you turned the sink water off.  You yelped in surprise when you felt someone smack you’re butt, turning to look at a smirking Isaac with the dish towel in his hand.

“Sorry, it slipped.”  He lied, a big grin plastered on his face.

“Oh yeah, it slipped.”  You laughed with an eye roll.  He set the dish towel down on the counter and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, lifting you off of your feet and carrying you to the living room couch.

“You’re the best girlfriend ever, you know that?”  He asked, flopping backwards onto the couch and holding you to his chest, kissing the top of your head.  You sighed contently, twisting around to lay your head against his shoulder.

“I know, but I love it when you tell me it anyways.”  You laughed, moving your head up to kiss his neck once gently.  “I love you.”  Isaac smiled and patted your hair down absentmindedly, craning his neck down to kiss your lips once before resting his head back against the couch and closing his eyes.

“I love you too.”  He replied quietly.  You both stayed like that, wrapped up in each other’s arms, until you both feel asleep.

Post link

Request: Imagine where y/n disguises herself as a dude to play lacrosse but Aiden walks in on her showering. Then he sees her playing knowing that it’s a girl but not saying anything just protecting her. But then the dudes gets suspicious because she is awesome at lacrosse and they starts ripping her clothes of but she struggles saying she’s a dude and they see her boobs and now that she is not a he!! But the pack comes in and saves her and she starts crying. She should be a wolf lots of love and kisses

I hope that you like this.  I wasn’t entirely sure how you wanted it to end, so sorry that the ending is a little abrupt.

(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name

The water was scalding hot, sending puffs of steam throughout the locker room.  You had waited until well after lacrosse practice, making sure that everyone had left before stripping yourself of your dirty uniform and jumping into the shower.  You were lightly humming to yourself, running your hands through your hair to clean it of the conditioner you had used.  Being so focused on the task at hand, you didn’t hear the door of the locker room squeaking open.

“Shit!  I’m sorry!”  You heard someone shout from behind you.  Quickly you whipped around, snatching your towel off of the floor and tightly wrapping it around your body.

“Didn’t you ever hear of knocking?!”  You asked irritably, turning the stream of hot water off quickly.  Aiden was standing with his back turned to you, slowly peaking over his shoulder when he heard the water stream shut off.

“I didn’t think knocking would be an issue.”  He retorted, eyes raking up and down your body in admiration.  “You know that you’re in the men’s locker room, right?”  He asked with a raised eyebrow.  You rolled her eyes, storming past him and to the bench where you had set down your clothes.

“Thank you, captain obvious.”  You replied, sighing when you heard him following behind you.  “Do you mind?  I have to get dressed, you know.  Aiden stopped at your side, looking at the clothes you had strewn across the bench.  You had a neat pile of your post practice clothes, and your lacrosse clothes wrapped up together.   Noticing him staring at the clothes you grabbed your lacrosse outfit and shoved them into a locker, slamming it shut.

“No way, coach let a girl on the team?”  Aiden asked loudly, his eyes slightly wider than they had been previously.  You rolled your eyes and straightened up, glaring at him.

“Coach doesn’t know that there’s a girl on the team.  And you aren’t going to be the one to tell him, or anyone.”

“What’s in it for me?”

“Just, don’t tell anyone.  Please?  I wanted to prove that I could make the team, and so far I think I’ve been doing a good job.”  You asked with a sigh.  Aiden shifted his weight from foot to foot momentarily before sighing himself.

“Fine.  See you at the game tomorrow, dude.”  He finally replied, turning on his heal and leaving the locker room so you could change in peace.


“(Y/L/N), you’re in!”  Couch shouted, waving Stilinski back onto the bench as you ran out onto the field.  The game resumed playing, and you raced up and down the field after the lacrosse ball like every other player.  At one point, towards the final minutes of the game, you were so focused on keeping the ball in your possession that you didn’t even notice a guy from the other team charging at you.

Aiden raced in front of you, body slamming the oncoming man and sending him to the ground.  You hesitated a moment, watching Aiden jump back to his feet and the other kid stay down in pain.

“What are you doing?!  Keep running!”  Coach was screaming at you from the bench.  Shaking yourself back into the present you raced around the boy and scored a goal, winning the game for your team.


It had been a few weeks since then, and you continued to go to lacrosse practices and games posing as a boy.  Aiden would constantly watch your back during games, shoving and elbowing anyone who got too close to you.  Without your knowledge, some of the other team members began wondering about you.  They became suspicious that you would never shower with them and that even on days when it was extremely hot outside you chose to wear a sweatshirt to practice.

The group of guys decided that they had to figure out once and for all what your deal was.  One day they cornered you in the locker room when Scott, Stiles, Isaac, Ethan and Aiden were still coming in from the field. 

“Come on, why don’t you just tell us your problem.”  One of the guys said, reaching out and grabbing at the bottom of your shirt.  You quickly swatted his hand away, taking a step backwards until your back hit the row of lockers and there was nowhere else to go.

“I don’t have a problem.”  You snapped back, swatting away another pair of hands that made to grab your shirt.  The group of guys chuckled, each one moving to take a hold of your shirt this time around.  No matter how hard you struggled against them they overpowered you, ripping your shirt enough to reveal your bra.

“I knew it!  I knew that you weren’t a guy!”  One of them shouted triumphantly. 

“What’s going on here?”  Scott’s voice carried from the doorway.  Aiden shoved past him, grabbing one of the guys closest to you and shoved him up against the lockers roughly.  The rest of the guys dispersed around the locker room as you slid down the lockers to sit on the floor, tears of humiliation stinging your eyes.

“She’s not a dude!”  The guy Aiden had by the shirt collar replied.  Stiles stumbled forward and snatched up an extra shirt out of his duffle bag, handing it to you with a small smile.

“It doesn’t matter, she’s the best player we have on the team.”  Scott retorted as you gratefully pulled on the shirt Stile’s had offered you.

“Girls aren’t supposed to be on the guy’s lacrosse team.”  The boy tried to argue.  Aiden pulled him away from the lockers just to slam him back against them, rattling all of the lockers on the line.

“If you touch her again, or tell coach, we’re going to have a problem.”  He threatened, stepping away quickly and letting the boy go.  With a glare in your direction he and the rest of the guys from the lacrosse team filed out of the locker room.  “Are you okay, (Y/N)?”  Aiden asked when they had all left, holding a hand down to help you up.  You accepted the gesture and let him help you up, nodding your head lightly.

“Thanks, guys.”  You muttered, crossing your arms over your chest and shuffling your feet awkwardly.

“You’re welcome.”  Scott smiled, grabbing his gym bag along with Isaac, Ethan, and Stiles.

“If they give you a hard time again, just tell me.”   Aiden directed, slinging his arm over your shoulder and tossing his gym bag over his other shoulder.  With a small smile you leaned into Aiden’s side a little bit, walking out of the locker room with the group of them.


I know, I know it’s been a while, but I’m back. This is based off of Season 2 episode 1. To catch the rest of my Stiles Sis Fic Series click here: Stiles Sis Series Masterlist. As a super brief intro for those who are new, this is a series that follows the show with an added plot for the reader who is Stiles’ sister. Most stories can be read stand alone or in order. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

It had been two days since the formal. Two days since Peter and Kate were killed.Two days since Derek became the Alpha and bit Jackson. Two days since Allison’s dad held Scott at gunpoint until the two agreed to never see each other again. And in those two days neither you nor Stiles had left the hospital. Lydia was healing and seemed fine, she claimed that she didn’t remember anything, and you hoped for her sake that was true. While you and Stiles were there, Scott and Allison were sneaking around behind her parents’ backs and making the most of being young and in love.

However today would be different, it was the start of the next big Beacon Hills crisis, though no one knew it yet. It all started with a shower, taken by everyone’s favorite Strawberry Blonde. Though it was not as much the shower as it was what happened while she was in the shower. You and Stiles were able to hear her scream from the hallway and by the time you made it in her room, she was gone. Seemingly disappearing into thin air…or out of a window. Either way, no one knew if she left or was taken. No one really knew if she was really in her right mind. All that they knew was that she was out there somewhere naked and afraid.

Stiles called Scott and he came to the hospital. You had managed to grab her hospital gown. The goal was for Scott to track her down by scent. As the three of you were about to pull out, Allison came up behind the car. She informed you guys that she was going with because Lydia was her friend too. The four of you searched for her, but nothing turned up. After a long night, you all decided that you would have to turn in.

The next morning, you didn’t want to go to school. Your brother picked a fight with your dad on the subject but lost. Your dad was right, no one knew why she went missing and every police officer in Beacon Hills was out looking for her. Besides. he didn’t want the two of you out there when there was a killer on the loose. He promised to text both of you if they found anything and hugged you both before chasing down a new lead.

The school day was eventful. Jackson started rejecting the bite, which concerned Derek. Though none of you knew that at the time. Stiles was making plans to find Lydia, especially if she had turned. He started retracing everything that happened to Scott when he turned to see if he could predict her next move. Scott was trying to comfort Allison, who was upset about going to her aunt’s funeral. He promised her that he was going to go and be there for her despite her dad. 

You were, for the first time in your life, considering skipping school to go find Lydia. You knew that your dad had your best interest in mind, but he didn’t know the full extent of how dangerous it was for her to be out there. He didn’t know that Derek was probably searching for her, or that the Argent’s were hunting her down, he still didn’t know about any of it. You were on your way out to the parking lot during free period to ‘borrow’ Stiles’ jeep when you were abruptly pulled into an empty classroom. You turned around to meet the face of a scared and bruised Isaac Lahey.


“Y/n, I’m sorry I just wanted to talk and I saw you headed out and…”

“It’s okay Isaac, do you want to talk here or do you want to go find somewhere more private?”

“Actually, I was hoping you’d go for a ride with me,”

“Sure thing,”

Isaac and you had been super close since you were kids. You had always been there for him, and were one of the few people he had trusted about his dad. To be honest seeing him like this now was hard on you. You felt like a horrible friend since you hadn’t really made time to check in on him with all of the werewolf stuff that had been going on.

“How are you?” you asked.

“I’ve been better. I’ve been busy between school, lacrosse, and work. That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about…” he trailed off.

“Okay, shoot,” you said reassuringly.

“I was working last night when the graveyard was robbed. I was… well, it doesn’t matter. But afterward this man came up to me and said that he knew about my dad and had a solution.” 

“What kind of solution?” you asked sincerely.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you, but it would guarantee that my dad couldn’t hurt me anymore,” he explained.

“Is it safe?” you asked aware of the fact that he was hiding it for a reason.

“It’s worth it, I think,”

“Then what’s holding you back?”

“I don’t want everything to change,”

“Well, I can promise you that I will be here no matter what you decide to do. This,” you said gesturing between the two of you, “won’t change,”

“Thanks, Y/n,”

The two of you continued to talk for the rest of your free period at which time you went to steal Roscoe and search for Lydia, but it seemed that Stiles had beaten you to it.

Speaking of Stiles, he and Scott had just managed to sneak to the funeral, where they were caught by your dad and put in the back of a squad car. They sat back there for almost two hours until the funeral was completely over and every last Argent had left. Before they’d even got out of the parking lot to head to Scott’s house, your dad received a report over the radio saying that an ambulance had been hit and it looked like another animal attack. That was all that it took for Scott and Stiles to dart out the back and make their way to the jeep, hoping to find Lydia.

By the time that they arrived, it was starting to get dark. Scott was about to leave to go follow the scent when Stiles stopped him.

“Please Scott, please just find her,”

“I’m going to. We aren’t going to let anything happen to her. Everything will be alright, I promise,”

Stiles just nodded, the toll of what could be happening to her was setting in and he could feel himself losing control over his anxiety. He decided to go confront his dad head on this time, hoping to buy Scott time and ground himself. He just wanted Lydia back. It was as he was talking to his dad that he saw her peek out from the trees. Naked and dirty, but alive and here. 

“Well? Isn’t anyone going to get me a coat?” she asked.

Stiles nearly fell over trying to get his dad’s coat to take to her. His dad just rolled his eyes before shrugging off his coat and bringing it to her. There would be so many unanswerable questions about where she had been for the last twenty-four hours. But they could wait until she was safe, warm, and fully clothed back in the hospital.

Meanwhile, Scott had tracked the scent. Only it hadn’t lead to Lydia but to an Omega who he could tell was responsible for the ambulance attack. He just wanted to talk, to help him. But before he knew the Omega was trapped in one of the Argent’s traps and Scott was being held back by Derek, forced to watch as they brutally murdered the werewolf that had claimed innocence. 

When Allison’s dad had called Gerard out of breaking their sacred code, Gerard answered, “There is no code. Not when they murdered my daughter. From now on these things are just bodies waiting to be cut in half. It doesn’t matter if they are wounded and weak, seemingly harmless. I don’t care if the beg for their lives promising that they never have and never will kill, or if they are lost souls desperate with no idea of what they got themselves into. We will find them and we will kill them. We will kill all of them!”

And with that Scott’s worse fear was confirmed, Gerard had come to wage a war. A war that he was not going to be able to stay out of. He knew already that this would bring more loss to Beacon Hills. All that he could try to do now is protect his people. Little did he know that later that night Derek would be adding to that list of people who we would need to protect. 

Distraction part 1

This is a mini series that is Scott x Reader. And before you ask, yes I am still writing the Stiles Sis Fic series the next part will be out relatively soon. I’ve been busy planning out the later seasons so I could make sure to time everything correctly. Anyways, for more of my writing here is my Masterlist.


It started as a normal day, you woke up and prepared for school. It was not long before your phone lit up with messages from your boyfriend. It was something along the line of ‘Good morning beautiful’ ‘I can’t wait to see you at school’ ‘I love you’. Every message caused the smile on your face to grow. You loved Scott. He was the guy who had seen you at your worst but would only talk about you at your best. He had a unique ability to make everything better. It was like as long as the two of you were together, nothing could ever stand in your way.

You were about to leave your house when your phone buzzed again. This time the text was from Lydia. ‘Ready for this weekend?’ she sent. ‘Totally, my bags are already in the car’ you replied. You, Allison, and Lydia were going to leave right after the Lacrosse game and go up to one of her family’s cabins. She had decided that you were in need of mandatory girl time. After all, you hadn’t spent much time together with all of the supernatural chaos.

It was a normal school day. You were greeted by Scott and Stiles. You sat through all of your classes, met up with Lydia at lunch, and talked to Scott during your shared free period. After school was over you hung out with Scott until he had to start getting ready for his game.

“I wish you didn’t have to go with Lydia” he pouted jokingly.

“It’s not that big of a deal Scott I’ll be back Sunday night,” you replied.

“I know but that is two whole days without you,” he answered.

“Exactly, it’s two days” you laughed, “You’ll be fine” you added.

“We can text, right?” Scott asked.

“Well as much as I would love to, Lydia would kill me, and there is no signal up there anyways,” you answered.

“This is about to be the longest 48 hours of my life,” Scott groaned.

You rolled your eyes, “It’s a good opportunity to have some bro time with Stiles, maybe you can finally watch Star Wars,” you remarked as you started to get up.

“Not so fast,” Scott said as he pulled you back down onto his bed and kissed you.

“Scott” *kiss* “I” *kiss* “Love” *kiss* “you, but” *kiss* “we have” *kiss* “to go” *kiss* you managed to say before he pulled away. You tried to look away from him knowing you were blushing hard. “Good luck tonight, not that you’ll need it. I love you and I’ll see you Sunday if not before then,” you said hugging him.

“I love you too Y/n, I’ll see you at the game,” he returned.

You went to Lydia’s house and went through the plan one last time. She went through a checklist to make sure that neither you nor Allison had forgotten anything. After that, it was time for the three of you to go to the game.

You watched the game and cheered for both Scott and Stiles. The team won 5-3. You were getting ready to go when Allison realized that she forgot to put her bag in Lydia’s car. Lydia was going to take her back and grab the bag. You decided to use the time to catch your boyfriend before leaving. You were weaving through the crowd when someone’s hand went over your mouth. “Nighty Night Y/n,” you heard an eerily familiar voice before feeling a pinch in your neck and seeing everything fade to black.

‘Hey Lyds, I’m really sorry but my mom called. She’s in the hospital. It’s not serious, but I’m staying here with her.’

Lydia text you back, ‘Do you want us to come with you, we can reschedule’

‘No don’t do that. Go have fun. We can hang out next weekend’

‘Are you sure? It’s not that big of a deal,’ she replied.

‘Don’t worry Lydia, it’s fine, just enjoy yourselves, I’ll see you Monday’

‘Okay, see you Monday’ She answered as she and Allison started to leave.

“What’s up?” Allison asked.

“Something came up and Y/n can’t come with us,” Lydia answered.

“Awe, that’s too bad, you still want to go?” Allison questioned.

“Of course, let’s do this, phones off” she replied, turning off her own phone.

Scott was dragged to a party with Stiles. It was for a friend of Stiles’, Heather. Scott didn’t really want to go, he couldn’t get drunk and he wouldn’t know anyone other than Stiles. But Stiles had insisted that it would make the time without you and Lydia more bearable. As Stiles entered he was greeted with a passionate kiss from none other than the birthday girl herself. He was quickly whisked away to the wine cellar. Scott reluctantly moved into the living room, grabbed a drink, and pulled out his phone. He smiled as he saw he had a text from you. ‘Hey babe, I’m leaving with the girls, turning my phone off now. Love you, see you Sunday!’

That was the last text sent before your phone was shut off and thrown in the dumpster behind the school. “That will buy me some time,” your kidnapper replied before driving away with you unconscious in the back seat.


The day started off pretty normally for Scott. He went to text you before he remembered that you wouldn’t have service. He was glad that you were able to get away and relax with the girls. He had decided to go to the field with Stiles to practice Lacrosse. But he couldn’t shake a gut feeling that something was wrong. Stiles explained to Scott that there was a body found and that he was waiting on his dad to see if it was anything supernatural. Scott couldn’t help but be slightly uninterested. He was tired of death and the supernatural world, he was just a kid, and for once he wanted to act like it. Scott stared out the window of Roscoe, and wondered what you were doing right now.


You woke up and were caught completely off guard. It was dark and you were sitting knee-deep in water. There was a light above you. You must have been in a well. But you couldn’t remember how you would have got here. You went to reach for your aching head and realized that your hands were bound. You tried standing up splashing the water around which sent a shiver through your body. You wondered how long you had been missing. You weren’t that worried though, you were supposed to be with Lydia and Allison. They wouldn’t have left without you. And once Scott found out, he’d come for you. But then again, you were trapped in water, which meant he’d have a hard time following your scent. And you didn’t know how long you’d already been down here. You started to worry, trying to break your hands free so you could attempt to climb the wall. But that would take hours.


Scott and Stiles were at Stiles’ house about to start their movie marathon when Stiles got a text. “Woah dude, you remember that body they found earlier?” Stiles asked, rereading the message in disbelief.

“Yeah, what about it?” Scott asked, wishing he could have one night off.

“It wasn’t just your average dead body. There was a significant blow to the head, his throat was slashed, and he was strangled by a garrote,” Stiles explained.

“Okay Stiles, but that doesn’t exactly sound supernatural, can’t we let the police handle this one?” Scott tried.

“Yeah I guess, but talk about overkill,” he answered, though he was planning on looking into it more after his best friend went home. Nothing was ever as it seemed in Beacon Hills, and he’d be damned if he wasn’t prepared for the worst-case scenario.

The two of them ate pizza and started to watch the first movie, however it wasn’t long after Scott finished eating that he fell asleep. Stiles took this time to do research on the latest murder.

Later that night:

You had finally managed to unbind your hands after what felt like hours of scraping them against the brick. You wanted to climb up the wall but it was now so dark that you could barely see your hand in front of your face. You decided that it would have to wait until morning. You sat back in the cold water, trying to find a safe position to sit in. The water was so cold. Your throat was sore from the screaming you had done earlier. You started crying as you realized the severity of your situation. You could die down here. You were going to die down here if someone didn’t find you soon. You thought about Scott. The only comfort that you felt was in knowing that he was out there looking for you. After a while, you drifted out of consciousness.

If I Stay part III

After a long wait, it is finally here. This is the finale to the If I Stay Isaac x Reader series. Catch the first two parts and the rest of my writing here.

How do you deal with the overwhelming emotions that come from having your entire family die in a car accident and knowing that they wouldn’t have even been in the car if it wasn’t for you? You don’t. Things don’t get easier when a nurse mistakenly gives you a sedative that almost kills you and forces two of your best friends to save you by risking their own lives.

Understandable, you are taking some time off school. Instead of grieving, you were planning funerals and making legal arrangements because that is what was expected of you.

To be fair, your friends were there every step of the way. Lydia’s mom had been helping with the insurance and financials. But you were faced with so many decisions about things that you hadn’t even wanted to think about.

You, Stiles, Scott, and Isaac were setting everything up for the memorial service when it all began to become too much. Isaac, noticing this, decided to take you out to get some food. Stiles and Scott stayed behind, promising to finish everything up by the time you got back.

“So, where do you want to eat?” Isaac asked.

“I’m not really hungry,” you answered, staring down at your hands.


“I’m sorry,” you whispered, still avoiding his eyes.

“It’s okay, we can go to the cafe and get shakes or something,” he decided.

It was hard for Isaac to watch you struggle so much without being able to do anything to help. He tried to be there for you, but after everything that you had been through he knew that you just needed time. He wished that you would stop pushing all of the pain down and distracting yourself, knowing that there was no way that it was healthy. His heart hurt for you. He just had to keep reminding himself that he would be there for you whenever you were ready to need him.

As the two of you arrived at the cafe, which was practically empty, he helped you out of the car and you both made your way to your favorite booth. Isaac ordered milkshakes for both of you and your favorite crepes. It wasn’t like you didn’t know what he was doing, ordering your favorite food so that you would eat. He wasn’t sly, but that didn’t mean that it didn’t work (and you totally loved him for it). You were eating some of the crepes when suddenly Isaac all but leaped across the table pulling you down yelling, “GET DOWN!”

You were confused until milliseconds later you heard a gun rapidly firing at the cafe and shattering the glass windows. Isaac held you tightly under the table until the shots ended.

“Are you okay?” he asked as you slowly started moving from under the table.

“I’m fine,” you replied, and while that might have been true physically, there was no world in which you were fine mentally.

“Okay, we need to get out of here now,” Isaac decided, looking around to see if there was anyone who needed help.

“Isaac, you’re bleeding.”

He glanced over to where blood was slowly staining his shirt. “A bullet or glass must have grazed my shoulder. I’ll be fine, it’ll heal in a couple of minutes,” he said nonchalantly, causing you to roll your eyes.

The look on his face went past concern, it was on the verge of fear. But before you could ask him about it, he grabbed your hand and started pulling you towards the kitchen doors.

“Isaac what’s going on?!” you demanded.

“They’re coming, we have to get you out of here now!”

“Who’s coming?”

“I’ll explain later, now run!”

You decided to hold him to it and followed him through the back entrance. He pulled you out into the ally and down a couple of streets. As soon as he stopped, you were going to ask him what the hell was going on, but he tightly clamped his hand over your mouth. You could tell that he was listening intently.

“Okay, we’re safe,” he sighed, reaching to pull out his phone.

“Get everyone to Deacon’s clinic now, it’s an emergency,” he spoke to who you could only assume was Scott before abruptly hanging up.

He then turned to look at you fully for the first time since the cafe, “are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine Isaac, I just want to know what hell is going on!”

He looked at you like he was deciding on how to tell you the worst possible news. He was hesitating, so you took his hands in yours and softly spoke, “Whatever it is, I am sure we will get through it together, but I need to know.”

Isaac sighed before giving in, “Those people back there, the cafe, it wasn’t a random driveby shooting. They were there to kill you.”

“What? That doesn’t make any sense,” you disagreed, taking a step back away from him.

“Listen, we will figure this out, I promise, but right now we need to get to Deaton’s.”

The two of you walked to the Animal Clinic. By the time you got there, Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Deaton, and even Derek were there. As you walked in, all eyes shifted to you.

“There they are! What happened? You can’t just call us saying there’s been an emergency and then not answer your phones,” Stiles chastised. He was going to continue when Derek cut him off.

“Are you guys okay?”

“Y/n and I were at the Cafe, when it got shot up. I heard the shooters talking. They knew we were going to be there. They were there for Y/n,” Isaac explained.

The remaining color faded from your face.

“That makes no sense, why would anybody be targeting Y/n?” Scott asked.

“I don’t know, but the guy clearly said that he had eyes on the last of the Y/l/n’s. And then I heard the gun being loaded.”

“So its not just about her. Whoever these people are, they were targeting her entire family?” Lydia asked.

“Which means the accident probably wasn’t an accident and that explains why the police didn’t find the other driver. And the nurse in the hospital…” Stiles realized, “Deaton it would be common knowledge not to give a sedative to someone who recently experienced head trauma, right?” he asked.

“Yes, anyone with professional training would know that.”

“So that might’ve been another assassination attempt. Someone might’ve dressed up as a nurse to get access,” Lydia added.

“But why would anybody target her family?” Scott asked.

“Her mom used to be a hunter,” Derek spoke.

“What?” you asked in disbelief.

“Before your mom met your dad, she was part of a group of hunters. A powerful one with a lot of enemies. And right before she left, she did something they considered unforgivable. If they found her, they would kill her. That’s why she moved here and changed her name. And then she met your dad, and you know the rest.”

“How do you know all of this?”

“The unforgivable thing she did was to help me and my sister escape before the hunters could kill us. We were young. She helped smuggle us back here to my mom. My mom was the one who helped her to change her identity and get settled here.”

“So what, you think that the hunters tracked her down 20 years later and decided to get revenge?” Scott asked.

“That is exactly what I think. And if I’m right Y/n and anyone close to her are fair game to them. They won’t stop until she is dead.”

“So we take them out, then life goes back to normal,” Isaac suggested.

“It’s not going to be that easy. There is a very large likelihood that they are connected with other hunters. You take them out and more will come. You could be starting an all-out war,” Deaton warned.

“Well we can’t just sit back and do nothing,” Stiles argued.

“Maybe you can go into hiding, just until this is all over,” Lydia suggested.

“And always be looking over her shoulder, wondering if she is ever really safe?” Isaac asked.

“It’d be temporary. Just until we could figure something else out. Hiding is better than the alternative,” Scott decided.

“The solution is simple isn’t it?” you asked, voice eerily calm.

Everyone turned to face you.

“I have to die,” you decided.

“Now hold on a second-”

“No. The only way for this to end is for me to be dead long enough for the hunters to confirm it and then I’ll leave. That way they stop looking for me. They’ll leave before they catch a scent of all of the supernatural stuff going on here and you’ll be safe. And then I’ll go to Europe with Isaac,” you explained, “Scott did it. Deaton can give me something that’ll make me appear dead. Melissa and Sheriff Stiliski can be in on it. Then I’ll hide out until after the funeral.”

“It could work,” Derek spoke after some consideration. You were glad that he wasn’t going to try to talk you out of it. At least someone understood the weight of what was happening.

“Y/n, this plan of yours. It’s dangerous. There are a lot of variables that have to go exactly to plan for it to work,” Deaton warned.

“It’s no more dangerous than staying and trying to fight. At least this way I am able to keep all of you out of it. And maybe, someday, Isaac and I could come back. But I think that for now at least this is the only way. Or at least it is the way with the least collateral damage.”

“It could work, but you shouldn’t have to give everything up for us. Beacon Hills is your home,” Lydia said.

“You guys are more important. If leaving ensures your safety then consider my bags packed. Besides, after everything that happened, I don’t know if I could ever truly feel at home here again,” you turned to face the three who have yet to speak on the subject, “Scott? Stiles? Isaac?”

“I don’t like it, but it doesn’t sound like we have much of a choice,” Scott said, shaking his head.

“I hate how fast this is moving. Everything that has happened in the last two weeks, I can’t stand the thought of losing you. And either option feels like a loss,” Stiles spoke.

“But it isn’t like I’ll never be able to contact you. Once they move on and I’m settled in, we can facetime and when you need me I’ll be on the first plane here. It isn’t forever, just until we can figure out something better,” you promised.

“You said it was dangerous, how dangerous?” Isaac directed to Deaton.

“Timing is everything. We can’t keep her heart rate that low for more than two hours. We would have to ensure that the hunters knew about her death and sent someone within that time range or the whole plan fails. We then have to sneak her to a hideout until the funerals are over-”

“And the Hunters will be watching all of you. One wrong move, any indication that things are not as they should be, and your all dead,” Derek added.

“We will just have to make sure none of that happens, Stiles, we need a plan,” you turned to your friend hoping he would get on board.

“Okay, if we are doing this, if you are sure you want to go through with this,” he paused looking for confirmation from you, “then let’s make sure it works.”

The plan was simple compared to most of Stiles’ plans. You would go to the memorial service where one or more of the hunters would most likely be staked out. Then you would collapse, leading Scott, Stiles, and Isaac to frantically carry you out to Roscoe and to the hospital. When you arrived at the hospital, Melissa would take lead in your care, making it look real. Scott and Isaac would listen for any indication that the hunters were there. They would text Melissa and she would inject you with the serum which only took a couple of minutes to take complete effect. When you coded, she would lead the revival team and eventually give the news to your friends in the waiting room that they had done everything that they could, but couldn’t save you. Scott, Stiles, and Isaac would make a scene and Melissa would take you down to the morgue where Derek would be hiding. If the medical records, scene in the lobby, etc. weren’t enough for the hunters and they decided to check then you would be there. Either way, he was there to administer the antidote. During the next shift change, Derek would sneak you out and to his loft where you would stay until everything smoothed over. You were not to be contacted by any of the pack members during that time incase the hunters had anything taped. Stiles’ dad would help you get the fake documents you needed. He would also make the case of the shooting very public to try to push the hunters out of Beacon Hills faster.

There were only a few problems. 1. You guys didn’t know how many hunters there were or who they were. 2. There was no way to know how they found out about your family in the first place, meaning they could have a spy/informant. 3. There was no explanation of where your body would be in between “death” and cremation. 4. What if they tried to kill you before you got that far.

Even with all the risks, you didn’t care, if there was any chance that it would work and keep your friends safe then you were doing it. And so Scott and Stiles dropped you and Isaac off at your house so you could get ready for the service.

“Are you sure about this? It isn’t too late to call it off, we can figure something else out,” Isaac spoke softly into your hair as he hugged you from behind, a clear look of worry on his face.

“This is the only way,” you said, more to reassure yourself than him.

“I love you,” he said spinning you around to face him,

“I love you too,” you smiled before kissing him.

“Are you ready for this?” he asked, still holding you tightly against his chest.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” you decide to pull away.

From there, the plan went into motion. And to Stiles’ credit, it actually worked. Your friends must have been better actors than you thought. Luckily one of the hunters went down to confirm that you were dead. Apparently, she was running her mouth and it took everything that Derek had in him to not come out and end her. He gave you the antidote and took you to his loft. Where you stayed for the next two weeks.

And that was when the grieving that you were avoiding finally started to happen. Luckily for you, Derek broke Stiles’ rule of no contact with the pack and called Isaac who was there for you in a heartbeat, pulling you in close and trying to piece your world back together.

The hunters left pretty much after your funeral, thanks to the pressure from Sheriff Stilinski. And thus, phase two of the plan was set in motion. You died your hair, snuck back into your house to pack everything up that you were going to take with you, and got your fake documents. Before you knew it, it came time to meet up with the pack before driving to the airport.

“I wish you didn’t have to leave,” Scott said, hugging you, “If you ever need anything call us, we will be there for you, I promise.”

“Thanks Scott,” you started, but before you could continue Lydia interrupted.

“Okay, me next!” Lydia spoke up, “First of all, I’m looking forward to packages containing European designer shoes. Second, if you ever need anything I expect a call no matter what time it is here,” she then turned to Isaac, “And don’t even get any ideas of proposing without my input, I am still the best friend.”

This caused you to giggle, “This is going to be a good thing, I promise,” she smiled pulling you into a hug. Somehow she always knew exactly what to say.

You turned to Stiles who was probably the worst at hiding how this was actually making him feel.

“The hunters are gone, maybe you can stay now,” Stiles offered.

“It’s a little late for that, don’t you think.” you tried to joke.

“What? Just because you “died”, people fake their death all the time,” he returned.

“I’m going to miss you Stiles,” you said, pulling him in for a hug. He held you just a little tighter than he had ever done before. “This isn’t goodbye,” you promised.

“Hey Y/n, we should get going,” Isaac spoke.

There was another wave of well wishes, reminders, and hugs. And then it was just you and Isaac in a car to the airport, leaving your hometown and your friends behind you.

“You doing okay?” he asked.

“Weirdly enough, this is the most okay that I’ve felt in the last month.”

“Well, then I have a favor to ask you.”

“And what is that?”

“When we get to Europe, you have to promise me that you won’t fall for any of those hot European boys with the accents,” he said with a straight face.

This caught you off guard and you burst into laughter, “I’ll try, but all bets are off if I meet Tom Holland,” you answered this time causing Isaac to laugh.

There was a pause before you added, “I love you, you know that?”

“I love you too,” he smiled.

You didn’t know what was waiting for you in Europe, but you did know that as long as Isaac was by your side, you’d be able to face anything.


Hi guys! This is the next part of the Stiles Sis Fic series based loosely (and even that is generous) off of season two episode two. For the rest of this series and more of my writing, click here.  Enjoy!

You were starting to contemplate how you were going to explain what was about to happen to your father, when by some miracle he got called back into the station. Your relief was short-lived though as with every minute that passed, Isaac was struggling more and more. His senses were on overdrive, he felt every muscle in his body, and both his senses and emotions were heightened. He felt the fear of the hunters, the sadness of losing his dad, the anger at his dad for being in this position in the first place. But he also felt safe being with you and an overwhelming need to protect you, he was trying to channel into that and ignore everything else. What had you called it earlier? Finding an anchor. Maybe for now you could be his anchor. 

“Isaac, you still with me?” you asked after he had zoned out for a minute. 

“Yeah, sorry.” 

“You have nothing to be sorry for, you’re doing great. I just wanted to check in, is there anything you need?”

“Just keep talking, it helps. Keeps me focused.” 

So, you decided to catch him up on everything that had happened in your life since that fated night before school when Scott got bit. Before you could finish though, you were cut off by Isaac’s sudden shift in demeaner. His teeth were clenched, breaths forceful. He tensed up and was on the verge of losing control all together. 

“Isaac,” you said cautiously. 

“You have to go, I don’t want to hurt you!” 

“Listen Isaac, this is the worst of it. Right here, right now, you just have to fight it out a little longer and it will all be over.”

“I can’t! Please go,” he struggled, all but growling. 

“Isaac I’m not leaving, and you aren’t going to hurt me. You are the strongest person I know, you just need to focus on what it is that makes you human. Find an anchor. I believe in you, you can do this,” you reassured him, taking a step towards him. 

Isaac recoiled away from you, afraid of what he might do. Deep down he could feel it, the bloodlust, he could hear your pulse, he could…  what were you doing?

He looked at your hand which had reached for his now clawed one. You gently took it in yours and carefully placed it over your heart. You were grounding him the way you used to do when he had panic attacks. He could feel your heart beat and the calming rise and fall of your chest.

“Hey, look at that,” you spoke. 

Isaac looked up and realized for the first time that his claws and fangs had retracted. His senses were still heightened, but it was more manageable. He glanced at the clock, he had made it. Relieved, he pulled you into a tight hug and you let out a breath that you hadn’t even known you were holding.

“Congratulations on making it through your first full moon.”

The two of you didn’t say much else, electing instead to crawl in your bed and allow the exhaustion to take over.


When Scott and Stiles arrived at Scott’s house, the plan was for a quiet night in. That was at least before Allison called. Apparently, she overheard a conversation between her grandfather and her dad in which it was revealed that Isaac’s dad was killed by something supernatural, but not a werewolf. If that wasn’t bad enough, they were sending hunters to Isaac’s house, with the intention to put him out of his misery if he so much as looked at the full moon. On top of that, they were apparently suspicious of Lydia as well.

“We have to do something, if Isaac’s at his house Y/n’s there too,” Stiles realized.

“You’re right, but with the hunters there we can’t just show up or they’ll expect something,” Scott added.

“I’ll go,” Allison decided, “his father was just killed, so I can say I was just checking in on him as a friend. Besides, nobody knows that I know about him or their plans.”

“You are not going alone, it’s too dangerous,” Scott argued.

“I’m an Argent, they won’t do anything to me, besides, I can handle myself,” she reminded.

“They might not, but if this is Isaac’s first full moon, I’m not taking that risk. I’ll meet you there,” Scott decided, hanging up before she could object.

“I gotta go. See if you can sneak into the morgue or the station or something and get photos of what happened to Isaac’s father. After that maybe swing by and check on Lydia,” Scott instructed as he searched for a hoodie. 

Before Stiles could say anything else, Scott was sprinting out the door and towards Isaac’s house. Careful not to be seen, he made it inside and was soon met by Allison. It was soon revealed that neither you or Isaac were there.

“Where should we check next?” Allison asked, “Scott?”

“I thought I could control this,” Scott struggled.

“It’s okay Scott, what do you need me to do?”

“You have to leave. I can’t - It’s not safe,” Scott said as his breathing began to speed up. 

“I’m not leaving you Scott, there has to be something we can do,” Allison decided bravely.

After some thought, it was decided that Allison would lock him in the freezer. They same way Isaac’s dad had done to him on far too many occasions. She reluctantly tightened the chains around it before locking them. She had originally planned on staying by Scott’s side, but she heard noises coming from upstairs. She thought that maybe it could have been you and Isaac, so she cautiously made her way up.

But instead it was one of her father’s men who had come to take out Isaac. She knew that she had to keep him from going downstairs and discovering Scott at all costs, especially if he wasn’t fully in control.

Upon seeing her, the many questioned why she was here and where Isaac was. Before she could lie though, a lizard-like creature burst through the window. She screamed and raced forward to get a knife before backing herself into the corner. The creature didn’t even glance in her direction, its sole focus on the hunter before it. Before she or the other hunter could react, it swiped the back of the hunter’s neck and then brutally shoved its claws in his stomach and dragged them up through his chest. Allison screamed again at the gruesome sight, not prepared for the horrifying gurgling noises that followed.

In the basement, Scott was doing everything in his power to escape the freezer. He had never heard Allison scream like that and he knew that she was in danger. He could protect her if he could just get out! He furiously pounded at the lid until it finally popped open. Within seconds, he was upstairs standing between Allison and the…what is that thing?

But as soon as he arrived, the creature darted off into the night.

He didn’t even consider following and instead turned to Allison holding her arms as he looked for any sign of injury, “Are you alright? Did it hurt you?”

“No I’m fine. It didn’t touch me,” she said softly trying to ignore the shock of the whole situation. Scott pulled her into a tight hug for a moment before his eyes met the body and pool of blood that were mere feet away.

The scent of the blood was nauseating, and the smell of Allison’s fear was not much better. “We have to get out of here, before more hunters show up” Scott said leading his girlfriend away from it all.


Stiles had completely struck out at the police station. The case photos that he snuck in to get weren’t even in his dad’s office. And as he was trying to sneak out of the office, he was caught by one of the deputies. Lying on his feet was not a strong suit of Stiles’ and he was forced to sit there and wait until his dad came to collect him.

He was agitated as this was supposed to be a quick in and out so that he would still have time to check on Lydia. He pulled out his phone and debated whether or not to call you, he knew you were probably still mad at him, but he was both worried about you being alone with Isaac (especially with the hunters involved) and he knew that you would be far more likely to get a response from Lydia than he would. 

He swallowed his pride and dialed your number only for it to go straight to voicemail. So either your phone was dead, you are ignoring him because your mad, or your in trouble. Great. He decided to call Scott next but once again, there was no answer. Feeling a growing sense of dread, he decided to call Allison, and then he realized that he still didn’t have her number.

Before he could call anyone else, his dad arrived with a disapproving look.

“You know that it is a crime to break in to the police station, in to the sheriff’s office, so do you wanna tell me what the hell you were thinking?”

Luckily for him, Stiles had been provided with enough time to think of a valid excuse, “Honestly, I was trying to figure out what you knew about Isaac’s dad’s case. Y/n and him are close and I wanted to see if there was anything that I could do to help.”

“You can help by being there for him, not by committing a felony and trying to get me fired,” your dad rolled his eyes.

“Do you know where Y/n is?” Stiles tried changing the subject.

“She is at the house with Isaac, where I am supposed to be to keep an eye on him as he is still technically a suspect in a murder investigation,” his dad sighed, Stiles had good intentions, though he always seemed to have a knack for putting his nose where it didn’t belong. “Come on, let’s go home, we’ll talk about this later.”

Stiles felt somewhat relieved, though he still didn’t like the idea of you being alone with Isaac. Then he realized that he needed to distract your guys’ dad so that he wouldn’t accidently find out about Isaac’s secret. However, that wasn’t a problem as he was soon called to a crime scene. Another murder. He told Stiles to go straight home, and then quickly left the station.

It was as Stiles got in Roscoe that Scott called him back. He briefly explained what had happened and what he saw of the creature. After Allison had calmed down, she went to Lydia’s so she would have an excuse for being away from home. At this point it was after midnight, and the power of the moon was starting to dwindle. Scott asked is Stiles had heard from you at all, and Stiles told him that he knew you and Isaac were at your house, to which he was headed now, but that your phone was off. Stiles also told Scott that he should go home and lay low, but he doubted his friend would actually listen. 

When he pulled into the driveway he mentally braced himself for what he was going to find. His thoughts went back to Scott’s first full moon and his bloodthirst and complete lack of control. And that was Scott, he couldn’t even imagine what it would be like for someone like Isaac who had been through everything that he had been through. He made his way upstairs and hesitated momentarily outside your door. He took a deep breath and opened it, allowing the light from the hallway to flood in. He was slightly shocked to see that you Isaac were laying on your bed. There were no signs that anything out of the ordinary had happened.

The light woke you up and you squinted to see who opened your door. It was Stiles, you rolled your eyes debating whether you wanted to deal with him right now. As he started to close your door, you forced yourself out of bed careful not to disturb Isaac.

“Lydia was completely fine tonight,” you say from Stiles’ doorway startling him, “I figured you would want to know,” you turned away.

“Y/n,” he called after you, “I am sorry about earlier.”

“I know you are,” you said sincerely, “and it’s fine. We can talk tomorrow about what happened today and Isaac, and everything else.”  

You decided to grab a glass of water before heading back to bed when you noticed that there was someone pacing outside your front door. You recognized Scott and stood there and watched him for a moment. It was weird, in all the time that the two of you had been friends, you couldn’t remember ever getting into an argument with him. You would be lying if you said his words hadn’t hurt you, but you reminded yourself that they weren’t truly his words. So you turned the lock on the door, “You know, you could have knocked, rung the doorbell, called, text, or even yelled instead of standing out here like a dork. Maybe my brother is starting to wear off on you,” you joke half-heartedly.

“Y/n I-” Scott started.

“You were dealing with the full moon, and said some things that you didn’t mean. But you are a high school student with the weight of the world on his shoulders and you didn’t ask for this. Every time you turn around it seems like there is one more obstacle between you and any chance that you have of living a normal life. It’s okay Scott, even you are allowed to have a bad day every once in a while.”

“That’s not an excuse, and I really am sorry.”

“Well, I accept your apology and later I promise to catch you up to speed on everything that happened. But its late and I’m exhausted.”

“Are you sure we’re okay?” Scott asked, confused at how you could possibly not be mad at him. 

“We’re good, I promise. Now come inside and get some rest, you can have your choice of Stiles’ room or the couch,” you said, grabbing him some blankets.

As Scott laid down on your couch, he started to think. Maybe Isaac being a werewolf would be manageable, after all the two of you were close and Scott knew that would work in your favor later on. Derek had to stop though, with the hunters on high-alert this was the worst possible time to be converting innocent teens into werewolves. His thoughts then drifted to that creature he saw and how scarred Allison was. One thing was for sure, tomorrow was going to be a long day.

Hi guys! This is the next part of the Stiles Sis Fic series based loosely (and even that is generous) off of season two episode two. It can be read as a stand-alone. For the rest of this series and more of my writing, click here. I will be updating at least once a week until the series is finished. Enjoy!

Now that Lydia was home and safe, you allowed your thoughts to drift back to Isaac. You laid on your back and stared aimlessly at the ceiling, wondering what it was that he was about to do, or what he already did. You knew that for him not to be straight forward with you that it must’ve been something that he didn’t think you would approve of. And for him to even be considering it, things must’ve been getting worse for him at home again. 

Your heart pained to think how his father could… anyways. You wished that you could talk him into reporting it, but every time you brought it up he got so defensive. At some point, you decided that if he was going to go through it you would make sure that he didn’t have to go through it alone. Thinking over the past two months, you felt bad for not trying harder to be there for Isaac. No matter how hectic things had been with Scott and Stiles, it wasn’t an excuse. 

You pulled out your phone to text Isaac but were interrupted by a frantic knock at your window. 

Speak of the devil

You opened the window and ushered him inside, “Isaac what happened? Are you okay?”

“I-I think that my father’s dead,” he admitted as his breathing sped up. 

No amount of anything could have prepared you for those words out of his mouth under these circumstances.

“It’s okay Isaac, just breath, tell me what happened,” you said calmly as you led him over to your bed. It took a few minutes to calm down enough to collect his thoughts, but even then you could see the fear in his eyes.

“You won’t believe me,” he decides, pulling away from you and taking a step towards the window.

“Isaac, you know that there is nothing you could say that I wouldn’t believe. Now please, start from the beginning,” you invite him to sit beside you.

He reluctantly begins, “That night in the graveyard, after I was attacked, there was this man. He saved my life and then started talking about these crazy things. He knew about my dad, and told me that there was a way I could protect myself, a way to make sure that I could never be hurt again. And he explained that it wasn’t going to be easy, but that it would be worth it. I didn’t believe him, not at first, but then he showed me. He gave me a choice, and I accepted his offer,” Isaac explained.

“I’m confused, what was it that he gave you?” you asked.

“He - I -,” he paused for a moment trying to decide the best way to explain this to you, “okay, what I am about to tell you, it’s dangerous and you have to swear not to tell anyone,” Isaac looked up for confirmation but decided it wasn’t enough, “Y/n, I want to hear you say it, I want you to swear to me.”

“I swear, whatever you tell me will stay between us. But god Isaac, you’re starting to scare me.”

Instead of telling you with words, Isaac allowed his eyes to show yellow. He was surprised to see that you didn’t shrink back in fear or hate. Before he could explain further, you caught him off-guard, “You’re a werewolf.”

“How do you know about this?” he asked taken aback.

But you ignored him, “You are a werewolf, which makes the man you met Derek Hale, and if your dad is dead, the hunters are going to think you did it. And even if they don’t tomorrow is a full moon,” you realized.

Isaac stared at you in shock, out of all of the reactions he had played through in his mind, this most definitely was not one of them. 

“Isaac,” you said pulling him out of his thoughts, “what happened tonight?” 

“It started out how it always starts, my dad and I were eating dinner and then things escalated until he was throwing things at me. He threw this glass right above my head and it shattered leaving a shard in my cheek, just below my eye. I was just going to leave, but my dad saw me heal, so I ran. He followed me and I managed to ditch him, but then I heard his screams. I circled back, and I could smell his blood, too much blood. So I freaked and came here, I didn’t know what else to do,” he explained as his breathing became more frantic again.

“It’s okay Isaac. Everything is going to be okay, I promise. We just need to go see Derek, he’ll know how to handle this. Come on,” you said as you pulled him up and towards the door. You had him wait in the hall as you snuck into your brother’s room and stole the keys to Roscoe. 

As the two of you backed out of the driveway, Isaac asked, “How do you know about all of this? Werewolves, Derek, hunters? Did he offer you the bite too? Are you one of us?” 

“Not me, Scott. And it is a long and complicated story, but I promise that I will be here to help you through all of this. It might seem overwhelming now, but it’ll all work out, I promise.”

So, the two of you went to Derek’s loft and explained the situation. Derek ordered that Isaac act like normal and lay low until he could figure it out. But outside of that, his curiosity as to what had actually happened was trumping his need to protect Isaac. 

A little annoyed at the alpha, you took Isaac back out to the jeep and decided that you were both going to stay the night at your house. After sticking Stiles’ keys back in his room, you went back to Isaac.

“Okay, so let’s get this straight. Because the police are going to question you once they find your father, so it’s better to prepare now. Your dad and you got into a small argument and you left and rode your bike here. You’ve been here all night and tomorrow morning you will come down and eat breakfast with us so that my father can see that with his own eyes. If they ask about anything else, you don’t speak until you have a lawyer present. They can’t hold you unless there is a witness or you admit to doing something. So after they question you, you come back here and we will figure out how to get you through your first full moon.”

“Okay, I can do that,” he agreed, “How are you so good at this? You’re so calm, while I’m over here completely freaking out.” 

“This isn’t my first rodeo,” you joked. 

“I’m glad that you are here, I don’t even want to think about what I would do without you.”

“Well fortunately, you don’t have to worry about it. Now get some rest,” you said motioning for him to climb in your bed next to you.

The next morning went to plan. You paraded Isaac in front of your dad. Once you got to school, you stayed in Isaac’s general vicinity offering reassuring smiles every so often. When you weren’t with Isaac, you were with Lydia who was trying to adjust to her first day back after being naked in the woods for three days. She didn’t remember anything, which was probably a good thing, but that didn’t help the fact that everyone was staring at her like she was crazy. 

To say that you were relieved when the school day was over was an understatement. If you could get Isaac to stay with Derek past the full moon before the police brought him in for questioning it would definitely be ideal. Now, you just had to make it through practice.

Even as you had that thought though, everything started to go wrong.  First, Scott had been able to sense a werewolf and went through the team one by one until he discovered that it was Isaac. Though before any sort of confrontation could occur, the police showed up and took Isaac away for questioning.

You made your way out to Roscoe where Scott and Stiles were and Scott turned to you, “they took Isaac in for questioning, his dad was found brutally murdered earlier this morning.” After seeing your lack of reaction he added, “but it seems like you already knew that.”

“Did you also know that he was a werewolf?” Stiles spoke before you had a chance to say anything. 

“He is innocent. And possibly in danger, because in case you haven’t noticed tonight is a full moon. So maybe you should be thinking about what we are going to do if they decide to try to hold him overnight.” 

“He’s Derek’s problem,” Scott replied trying to hide the betrayal he was feeling.

“You don’t mean that,” you reply, trying to remember that the full moon was affecting your friend.

“Why not? Maybe this is what it takes for Derek to understand that he can’t just turn innocent teenagers to fuel his power trip” Scott tried to justify, raising his voice.

“Whatever Scott,” you dismissed before turning to Stiles, “take me to the station, I’ll figure this out myself.”

However your brother hesitated not wanting to pick between you and Scott. Having enough of both of them you rolled your eyes, “Fine, I’ll find my own ride,” you said before storming back towards the school. 

“Y/n-” Stiles called after you. 

“Let her go, we don’t need her,” Scott growled. 

“Hey, what is your problem?” Stiles asked defensively.

“If Y/n wants to choose Derek and Isaac over us then we don’t need her, do we?” 

“Careful Scott, you are starting to sound jealous,” Stiles said as he threw his bag in the back seat. 

“I just think it’s stupid that she is defending them and that she lied to us for god knows how long.”

Stiles decided to just keep his mouth shut as he drove the pair to Scott’s house. Meanwhile, you got a ride to the police station from Danny and were sitting in a chair outside his office. You noticed that there was an officer milling around that you had never noticed before which was saying something considering the fact that your dad was the Sheriff. 

You noticed that he ducked into one of the empty offices as your dad came out of the interrogation room, clearly surprised to see you. 

“What do you think you are doing here?” he asked as he let you into his office.

“I’m here for Isaac, how are things going?”

“To be honest with you kiddo, not good.”

“Why what happened?”

“We have a witness that the two of them were fighting last night and then his bike was found at the scene of the crime.”

“And if you looked at it, you would’ve noticed that it had a flat tire, which is why Isaac had to walk to our house,” you explained thankful that you had thought to have Derek take care of the tire earlier. 

“I know he’s your friend, did you have any idea that his father was abusing him?”

Your face fell, if your dad knew that, it meant that he either had a witness or was able to search Isaac’s house. 

“You should have told me,” your father sighed looking disappointed.

“He didn’t want me too,” you tried but you already knew it was hardly an excuse, “but if you know about that, then you should also know that one of the ways his dad punished him was by locking him in a freezer which causes him to become claustrophobic. And locking him in a holding cell would be traumatizing,” you tried to reason. 

“So then what would you propose?”

“Find a way to delay the process until tomorrow. Isaac can stay the night at our house so you can keep an on him, take him into your custody or something I don’t know. He just lost his dad, and while their relationship was … complicated, he was still his dad. This is the last thing he needs right now.”


“Please Dad, he’s my friend and he’s innocent.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” he concedes. 

“Can I see him?” you ask as your dad is exiting his office.

“He’s in the first interrogation room.”

“Thank you.”

You let out a breath that you didn’t know you had been holding, and turned the doorknob to enter the room where Isaac had been left alone. 

“How are you holding up?” you asked taking a seat across from him and tossing him a reese’s from the vending machine.

“Better now that you are here. I heard you talking to your dad, do you really think that I’ll be able to walk out of here tonight?”

“I hope so, but don’t worry if not I have a back-up plan. Just try to stay calm, I know you are going through a lot today.”

“I can’t believe everything could go wrong so fast, I never wanted this. I just didn’t want to be afraid anymore.”

“You don’t deserve this, and I’m sorry that you are here right now. But I promise you that we will figure this out.” 

“I hope so.”

“Let’s try to get your mind on something else,” you said before engaging him in conversation until there was a soft knock on the door and your dad came in. 

“Well, Isaac, if you agree to staying in my custody, we are going to let you go for the night. We might need you to come back in tomorrow and answer a few more questions,” your dad explained. 

“Thank you so much Sheriff Stilinski,” Isaac said graciously.

“Don’t thank me, thank Y/n she’s practically your lawyer,” you dad joked, before adding “I have to finish up some paperwork, but then we can all go back to the house.”

“Sounds good, in the meantime can we wait in your office?” you asked wanting to get Isaac into a different environment.

“That’s fine.”

As soon as you and Isaac were alone in his office, you pulled out your phone and text Derek to update him on the entire situation. You then turned to Isaac, “How are you feeling?” you said referring to the full moon. 

“I got it under control for the time being, I think that it’ll be better once we get out of here though.”

“I don’t know if Derek told you, but your first one is always the hardest. You have to find something or someone that keeps you human. An anchor. Otherwise you’ll lose control. Stiles has chains and stuff that he used for Scott, and I’ll be there every step of the way. If it starts to get bad, I’ll call Derek.”

“I’m glad one of us has a plan,” Isaac said before resting his head in his hands feeling exhausted with everything that had happened.

You took a seat next to him and pulled him in your arms, not saying a word. It was about fifteen minutes later when your dad came in and escorted the two of you out to his car. When you arrived home he mentioned something about ordering pizza, you agreed and then rushed Isaac, who you could tell was beginning to struggle, upstairs. You got the stuff you needed out of Stiles’ room and noticed headlights across the street. Hunters. 

Realizing how much harder this would make things, you called Derek and told him to stay away. This could actually be a good thing, as long as you could keep Isaac under control, then maybe they wouldn’t suspect him of being a werewolf. That was definitely going to be easier said than done. Especially when you were alone and having to hide everything from your dad. 

You re-entered your room and set up the chains, hoping that by some miracle you wouldn’t need them. Your dad brought up the pizza and you accepted it gratefully before quickly closing the door behind you. This was going to be a long night.

♪♫Overload  -  Bastille♫♪

☾ The tension is incredible, I’m in charge. You know how I feel for you…
Will you stop, or will you just keep going ?

I do not own the gifs, credits to the glorious maker/owner 



Note: Underaged characters on the show are aged up to 18 in my stories.


It was three days after the full moon, explaining why it still was shining so brightly in the night sky, even giving shadows to the trees. You had been standing on top of a small hill for a while now, shivering from the fresh wind blowing through the leaves every once in a while. 

Suddenly, a noise. Something moved, running right in front of you, you didn’t follow it, too concentrated on what was chasing it. And finally, you had it; the perfect sight to shoot. Not waiting one more second, you pulled the trigger provoking an explosion of lightings with a deafening boom.  The creature fell on the ground, temporarily blinded. You shoot again, with a silver bullet this time. 

You touched its shoulder. Unhappy that you hadn’t killed it on the first try, you made your way down the hill, confident that you didn’t risk anything since the creature was blinded and wounded now. Once you were closer, you shoot again but missed, not expecting it to stand back up as quickly and attacking you. You fell down in surprise when it rushed your way, lifting your gun, ready to shoot between its two glowing eyes but before you could even pull the trigger, a werewolf jumped from behind you, attacking a monster twice as big as he was. 

He fought against it, bravely. The creature seemed to realize that it was too weak to keep up and instead of continuing to fight, it ran away. Like a coward. You didn’t get up but backed away a little. The werewolf turned around to look at you, still partially transformed, his yellow eyes glowing. He was a beta. 

He walked towards you, offering you a hand but you pointed your gun at him, warning him to keep his distances. He lifted his hands up, trying to convince you that he wasn’t going to attack you but his fangs and his claws tended to send the opposite message. You heard him whispering things to himself. Great, a crazywerewolf. 

You tried to take the opportunity to run away while he had his eyes fixed on the ground, repeating the same sentences over and over again. 

“Wait !” He exclaimed, noticing that you were leaving. 

You tried to walk faster but felt him close so you turned around, your gun immediately pressed on his forehead. 

“Do you want me to kill you ?” You asked him, as threateningly as you could. 

“N-no…” He stuttered, trying to look at the gun between his two eyes, lifting his hands up again. 

That’s when you noticed he had taken his human form again. He seemed familiar. Veryfamiliar. 

“Then stay away from me.” You demanded, still trying to sound menacing. 

He immediately took two steps back, looking more terrified by you than he was by the monster who had just chased him through the forest. 

“I-I wanted to thank you for helping me.” 

“Well, you weren’t the thing I was hunting for so…” You said, with a shrug, finally putting your gun back down but keeping it in your hand. 

“You’re a hunter.” He remarked, as if it wasn’t obvious. 

“And you are the baby beta.” You retorted, turning your back on him and walking away. 

“The baby beta ?” He asked, a bit upset by the words. 

“Yeah, the newbie in Scott’s friendly vegan pack.” 

He seemed even more confused by that sentence. 

“I-I saved your life too !” He exclaimed, following you, trying to prove he wasn’t such a baby werewolf. 

“No, you didn’t.” You replied, as if that was the dumbest thing you had ever heard. “You made me miss my target and now I’m going home empty handed.” 

He didn’t know what else to say so he stopped walking, staring at you until you disappeared behind the hill, reaching your car and going home, a bit upset that you still hadn’t killed that thing

The next day you were at school like the normal person you were pretending to be. It was Beacon Hills. The town was full of people who were pretending to be something that they weren’t: normal

The minute you left the parking lot, you felt someone staring at you from miles away. You looked around, seeing the new beta standing in a circle with his pack between two buses. You kept walking in direction of the doors. 

Not even a minute later, you heard someone running behind you and you sighed, unable to pull out your gun this time, you were in public. 

“If you blow my cover, I’ll blow yours.” You threatened, turning around to face Liam. 

“That’s not in my plans…” He replied, surprised. 

“Good.” You said, more softly. “I’m sure you barely have one anyway, you look like the kind of werewolf that smells from miles and miles away.” 

You turned around and kept walking to class, trying to suppress a laughter when you glanced behind and saw the beta sniffing his own self. 

You entered the hall, walked a bit before hearing the rushed footsteps again. You weren’t expecting him to grab your arm and it took you a lot of self control to not krav maga him to the floor. He pulled you inside the nearest room. The one in which the Lacrosse players and some other hunky guys trained. 

“Look, if I was a baby beta, would I be able to do this ?” He asked, before proudly lifting a heavy dumbbell over his head. 

So that’s what it was all about…

“Actually yes, it’s when you are freshly turned that you are the strongest, everyone knows that.” You replied, crossing your arms on your chest. 

“Oh yeah ? What about that ?” He said, not letting himself get discouraged. 

He put the dumbbell down and walked to the suspended bars, lifting his body up by the strength of his arms. He glanced at you, sure that you were going to be impressed. 

You laughed and imitated him, lifting yourself up with yours arms, on the bar right beside him. He was the one impressed but he quickly tried to hide it, falling back on his legs and starting to do push ups on the floor. 

Once again, you followed him, even though you weren’t really prepared for a workout, especially not that early in the morning but seeing him get offended every time you were able to do what he did was hilarious. 

“Liam, what are you trying to prove ?” You finally asked him, seeing him overload the barbell before lying down on the bench underneath it. 

You were pretty sure that he was going to get hurt so it was time to stop playing that game. 

“That you have no reason to call me ababywerwolf.”

“Whatever you do, that’s how I am going to call you now that I know you don’t like it.” You answered, with a shrug. 

He gave you his darkest look before trying to move the barbell. He got it on his chest, lifted it up a bit but not enough to be able to put it back at its place. You watched him try for a few seconds before finally helping him and putting it back, with his help because it was indeed too heavy.  

He sat down, out of breath. 

“How are you so strong ?!” He asked but you didn’t reply, not impressed by his strength but by his tenacity. “I guess you just earned the right to call me however you want.” 

“Good cause I was thinking about cute puppy as well.” You smirked, proud of your victory. 

“Great, even better… Wait. You think I’m cute ?” He acknowledged, suddenly making you realize what you just said. 

“No…” You replied, with yet another casual shrug. 

“Yes you did! You called me cute puppy !” He exclaimed, a bit too happily, getting up. 

“No. Shut up Dunbar !” 

He was ruining your victory with his and you were trying not to blush, staring at the floor rather than looking at him. 

“(Y/N) thinks I’m cute !” He shouted, so proudly. 

“Now you are acting childish.” You remarked, trying to stay stoical but you couldn’t help but laugh when he did a little victory dance. 

“What does it change ? You keep calling me baby anyway” 

“Baby beta.” You corrected him. 

“Whatever. You think I’m cute.”  

“Stop it.” 

“Never, now that I know you don’t like it.” He answered, cunningly. 

He won, you couldn’t deny it. 

“Don’t make me pull my dagger out.” You playfully threatened. 

“I don’t think that you are that dangerous when you come to school…” He replied, not believing you about the daggers. 

“Oh really ?” 

You pulled your lose shirt up, revealing the two daggers hanging to your belt. 

“And I keep emergency bullets here.” You added, throwing your shirt on the bench to show him the three silver bullets that you kept in your bra. 

He was speechless. But not just because of the weapons you were carrying with you… 

He had lost his proud grin. Instead, he was looking at you with an expression between astonishment and desire. He stepped closer, slowly, as if he was allowing you to pull your daggers out if you wanted him to stay away from you like you had told him to… But you were more than pleased to see him approach this time. 

You took the last step separating your bodies and kissed him hard, your hands on his arms as if you were trying to get him even closer. He kissed you back, his hands on your naked lower back. That wasn’t how you had expected the situation to turn but you definitely liked the way it took when he pushed you back with his body until you felt the wall touching your skin. 

He kept kissing you, pressing his body against yours. Your hands slipped under his shirt, touching his muscles before deciding to make him take it off so that you could have a better view. 

You moved your hands to his pants, slowly unbuttoning them while your mouths kept lusting for each other. You pulled his trunks down, enough to free his erection. You took it in your hands, moving them around it. He was already hard for you. 

You stepped away to get your bag from where you had left it, finding a condom in the pocket. You put it back on the floor and felt hands grabbing you by the waist, pulling your pants down, taking your belt of daggers off and taking the condom from your hand while wet kisses were applied on your neck and shoulders at a furious pace. 

You felt Liam’s body moving, putting the condom on but you stayed with your back turned to him, enjoying it that way. He moved your hair to the side, getting back to his wet kisses, making sure your body was pressed against him and that you could feel his hard erection against your lower back. 

You moved and reached the barbell, holding it with both hands and slightly bent over it as he made you part your legs a little more before using one hand to guide his length inside you. 

He seemed to hit the perfect spot right away, slowly moving back and forth, leisurely building a sensation of intense pleasure deeply inside you. You breathed heavily, not wanting him to ever stop but wanting to reach your climax quickly at the same time. 

He didn’t need to go at a fast pace to send waves of pleasure through your body. He kept his hands on your hips, firmly holding you. You moved your body at his pace, increasing the thrill. It was so slow, so untroubled and yet so pleasurable, you wanted it to last forever. You sighed in satisfaction, abandoning yourself to him. He kept that pace for a moment longer. 

When he finally thrusted faster in you, you were ready for it, already feeling your body tensing up while he started panting behind you. You tried to suppress the moans that wanted to escape your lips so badly, remembering that you weren’t alone in the building. 

Your muscles stiffened, you felt your inside getting tighter around him and took a big breath, trying to stay on your feet while pleasure was taking over you. He came with a muffled moan, burying his face in your hair while he slowed down again, finally allowing you to remember your name. 

He pulled himself out of you, planting one final kiss on your neck. 

“I probably should tell you something.” You started, turning around to face him, pulling your pants back up before he handed you your shirt and started getting dressed too. 

He looked at you with a serious expression and you knew that you had his full attention. 

“I might be a babyhunter…” 

The words made him smile but that was because he didn’t understand what you meant. 

“Not like I’m a new hunter, although I am… I hunt for new creatures. I kill them before they go kill innocent people.” 

His smile faded and he looked at you differently, still unsure of what you were saying. Were you a danger to him ? 

(Masterlist) - ( Disclaimer

♪♫  War of Hearts - Ruelle ♫♪

I can’t help but love you, even though I try not to.
I can’t help but want you, I know that I’d die without you.

*I do not own the gifs, credits to the glorious maker/owner(◡‿◡✿)*


(Part 1 ) - ( Part 2 ) - ( Part 4 ) 

You opened your eyes with difficulty, not seeing clearly for a minute. Your head was spinning and your entire body seemed paralyzed. You were lying down on a cold surface, your hands were tied together. You couldn’t tell where you were, even when your sight got back to normal. It looked like an industrial basement, with a metallic fence and pipes all over the ceiling. You were freezing cold, but your body wasn’t even capable of shaking, if you weren’t able to see it, you would be wondering if it was still there.

There was a loud buzzing all around you, like intense electricity was running somewhere. You focused with all your might on moving your hands, on trying to get up or at least sit to see better but nothing was moving. What was going on ? And how did you even get here in the first place ?

Your memories weren’t clear, it almost gave you a headache when you forced yourself to remember. Theo…

Theo was the last person you had seen. He was with you when the dread doctors arrived… Did he not try to protect you from them ? Was he the one who brought you here and tied you up ? As much as you wanted to believe in his innocence and that he was a good guy after all, it still wouldn’t surprise you if he was responsible for this.

You heard some noises, as if someone was walking on the floor above your head. You wanted to scream for help, but the word only came out in a hoarse whisper. You felt a pain in your chest… You were terrified. What was going to happen to you now ? What if nobody found you here ?

You heard a louder noise, closer to you this time, like a metallic door being opened. You saw a shadow, approaching from behind the fence.

You saw the silhouette, putting both hands on the fence, wanting to open it. Not even a second later, their body was shaken by a violent load of electricity, throwing them back on the ground with an explosion of sparks. Whoever it was, they didn’t seem to know the place, otherwise they would have known that the fence was electrified…

They got back up, unsteady on their feet at first but you heard a growl and saw some glowing yellow eyes in the dark. It was a werewolf, and he was determined to come for you.

The fence lit up with electricty sparks, so bright that you had to close your eyes to not be blinded. You heard another growl that made the ground shake and suddenly a metallic breaking noise resounded.

You opened your eyes again and saw Theo, trying to keep his balance while walking towards you.

“Theo.” You whispered, not sure if his presence was a good thing or not.

“Are you hurt ?” He asked you, truly worried, while quickly untying your hands.  

“I-I can’t feel anything.” You answered, able to speak a little louder.

“I’m going to get you out of here.” He promised you, moving your legs to the side of the table you were lying on.

Suddenly, the faint neon lights hanging to the ceiling started trembling, the buzzing sound intensifying.

“It’s them!” You trembled, the heavy atmosphere triggering your memories.

The dread doctors. You had already seen them, they were frightening, but when the three of them were around you earlier, you were pretty sure you had fainted from sheer terror.

“It’s them, leave! Go!” You told Theo, finally able to speak in your normal voice.

“Not without you.” He stated, ready to carry you.

That’s when they entered the room, all three of them, with their horrifying masks on. Moving slowly but surely in your direction.

“Theo… Go.” You whispered, one last time, tears rolling down your cheeks.

He simply shook his head, his eyes fixed on the doctors. You could tell he was trying hard to not show how scared he really was.

“The procedure wasn’t completed.” The cold, robotic like, voice of the doctor standing in the center said.

“Good!” Theo yelled at them, faking confidence as hard as he could. “I told you to not touch her! Ever! I commanded you to leave her alone!”

He spoke with rage in his voice, eyes glistening with fear while his claws and fangs grew out… As if he had any chances against them.

The doctors didn’t answer anything. He stared at them with anger. Was it true ? Was he really the one commanding them ? But if he was… What were you doing here ? And why was he trying to save you ?

With a hand gesture, the doctor dismissed him. All three of them turning around to go back to where they came from. Was it really going to be that easy ?

“Let’s go.” Theo said, seemingly asking himself the exact same question.

He took you in his arms and carried you out through the fence he had ripped off. He climbed some stairs and walked in a large, empty, industrial building. His car was waiting outside. He quickly set you on the backseat before driving away at full speed.

You still couldn’t move anything else than your head. Why couldn’t you move ? Was this a permanent condition ?

“Focus on your muscles, imagine yourself moving.” Theo told you, as if he could read your mind.

“Easier said than done.” You bitterly replied, panicking in the inside.

You were lying down on the seats, unable to see where he was driving you but you were pretty sure nothing could be worst than being paralyzed with the dread doctors all around, wondering what they were going to do to you.

“It’s Kanima venom, they used that on me too.”

“H-How long have I been there ?” You asked him, realizing you still were in your pajamas.

“All day long.”

You tried to look through the window, seeing nothing but the night sky and the street lights flashing in the car as he drove passed them, fast.

“How did you find me that quickly ?”

He didn’t answer anything, probably thinking that staying silent was better than lying to you.

“Did you know where they were this whole time ?” You kept questioning him.

He didn’t answer to that either. Stiles kept warning you about him, and you felt something was wrong about him too. He even admitted that he was up to no good and yet, you still wouldn’t listen… What is it with girls, thinking that they are going to be able to turn a bad guy into a good one ?

“Are you the one responsible for all these innocent people dying ?” You asked, your voice breaking when a tear rolled down your cheek.

“I’m not. It wasn’t me, it was them…” He finally defended himself.

“Are you not the one commanding them ?”

You took his silence for another positive reply. You didn’t want to stay with him, especially when you couldn’t move, it made you feel too vulnerable. You put all your might into moving and eventually, you saw your hands slowly unclench, starting to feel the numbness of your body.

He slowed down and the motor stopped. He got out and opened the door in front of you, pulling your arms to help you sit down.

“Where are we ?” You asked, unable to recognize the street in the dark.

“At my house. Let’s go in, I’ll take care of the cuts on your arms.” He answered, wanting to force you out but you resisted with all your strength.

“I want to go home.” You told him, your legs starting to shake.

“Yes, I’ll drive you back but I need to take care of the cuts first.”

You didn’t answer anything, unsure whether you could trust him or not.

“Please, don’t be scared…” He said, probably sensing your emotions. “My parents are home, if that can reassure you.”

You looked more carefully at the house, seeing a light through the window and a gray family car in the driveway, proving that he was saying the truth.

You finally agreed to move, following him to the doorstep. You stepped inside, directly near the living room, where a man and a woman were sitting, looking at you with concern. You probably looked like a mess. What were they going to think of you, seeing you arrive in their house in your damaged pajamas ?

“Hi.” You greeted them, unsure of what to say now that Theo had disappeared somewhere, without a word for his parents. “I-I got lost. In the woods.”

“In your pajamas ?” Mr. Raeken asked, raising an eyebrow and earning a reproving look from his wife.

“I’m… I’m a sleepwalker.” You replied.

It didn’t seem to convince neither of them but before anyone could add anything, Theo got back to you with a small, red first aid kit.

“The bandages are in the basement.” He told you, asking you to follow him with a head gesture, still totally ignoring his parents.

“Well… It was nice meeting you.” You told them, deciding to show more manners than their son, before following him to a door.

He opened it for you and you took a step down the stairs before stopping, hearing the faint voice of his mother, whispering;

What is he going to do to her ?

Theo closed the door before you could hear anything else and turned on the light. Instead of seeing a room full of weapon or dead bodies like you were almost expecting to, you were surprised to find yourself in an absolutely normal basement, with a washing machine, shelves filled with food cans and paint material and boxes on the floor, remaining unopened since they had moved back in town.

He went to a shelf and found the bandages he was talking about. You felt reassured. He walked back to you and, without a word, lifted you up to help you sit down on the washing machine.

He cleaned the cuts with alcohol. You winced from the burning sensation but kept your eyes fixed on him, watching him as if he could suddenly decide that he might as well rip your arm off with his teeth. But he took good care of you, you noticed that he even was careful to not be too rough with you.

“You can spend the night here if you are too scared.” He suggested, moving to care for your other arm. “Unless it’s of me that you are scared of.”

“I’m not scared of you.” You replied, almost mechanically.

He smiled, focusing on his task while you kept attentively watching him. He noticed and his clear eyes met yours for a few seconds. 

Your mind and your heart were at war, but both seemed to be losing against something you couldn’t quite understand yet.

 Why were you so obsessed by putting a good or a bad label on him anyway ? Maybe it couldn’t be all black or all white. Maybe you should just satisfy yourself with grey for a while. 

Once he was done, he stepped back again, standing in front of you with an expression you would have defined as tenderness if you weren’t suspicious that he was just faking it. You felt his hand softly pressing on your cheek and, once again, you looked into his eyes. 

“Can you feel this ?” He asked you, while gently caressing your skin, down to your neck. 

“Yes… Why ?” 

“Sometimes Kanima venom doesn’t only paralyze you but can also desensitize you.” He explained, and it seemed serious. 

He left his hand on your neck for a while, his thumb brushing against your skin a few times before he slowly moved again, reaching your chin before going down. You felt his fingers slipping under the collar of your shirt, caressing your skin while bringing the fabric down as low as he could without tearing it apart. 

That was it. Those simple touches were enough to awaken your feelings for him again. It wasn’t even a desire anymore, at this point, it was a need, something you couldn’t explain. 

Maybe it was the same kind of strange love that attracts the moth to the flame that is going to kill it. You knew it wasn’t a good idea but you couldn’t help it, it was stronger than you. 

You leaned towards him, reaching for his lips and kissed him. The tenderness you put into it surprised you as much as it surprised him. 

“I wanted to make sure that I could feel that too.” You said, when you moved back. 

He smiled but didn’t answer anything, stepping so close that you were forced to open up your legs for him. He pressed a kiss against your ear before speaking in a whisper:

“Did you feel this ?” 

You laughed and before you could even answer anything, he planted a light kiss on your neck. 

“And that ?” He asked, the warmth of his breath hitting your skin. 

He moved a little and left another one on your skin while you felt his hands on both of your knees, slowly making their way up to your thighs. He went to the other side of your neck and left a longer kiss there. You slightly tilted your head, inviting him to start again and he did, covering your skin in kisses while his hands got to your hips. He left one there while the other traveled to your stomach and finally slipped under the elastic of your pants, repeating the same action once it had reached your panties. 

You sighed with expectation, his kisses getting wetter and hurried. 

“Can you feel this ?” He asked, directly pushing a finger inside you. 

“Yes…” You replied, glad to find his lips briefly pressing on yours again. 

“This ?” He continued, entering you with a second one. 


“And what about that ?” He inquired, when he bent them inside you before pulling them back and then pushing them back in. 

The only answer that left your lips was a deep breath. 

You opened up your legs wider, inviting him even deeper in. You felt his thumb applying pressure on your clit while he kept moving his fingers, kissing you again but it didn’t take long until you had to move away and gasp for air. You gripped his arm with both hands, making sure that he wouldn’t just stop here and resumed the kiss. 

His back and forth motions quickly got faster and you left out a moan. You probably should have been more careful, knowing that his parents were just upstairs but you couldn’t help it and an even louder one escaped your mouth. 

The pace of his fingers increased even more, making you throw your head back with another moan of pleasure. 

“Leave some for me.” He asked you, immediately leaving you, just when you were so close. 

You looked at him while he pulled his shirt off, eagerly bringing his pants down and freeing his hard member. You jumped down the washing machine, making it easier for him to pull your pajama pants and panties to the ground. 

His hands under your thighs, he lifted you up again and you were expecting to be seated again but instead, he slowly walked you to the opposite side of the room. 

You decided to take your shirt off and you threw it on the floor, being as naked as he was for the first time. 

“I thought that it wasn’t going to happen any time soon.” He recalled, with a smirk. 

“And I thought I could control myself…” You replied, roughly pressing your lips on his as if you could never get enough of it. 

He pressed your naked back against the cold concrete wall and, holding yourself to his shoulders, he let go of one hand to guide himself inside of you. 

He entered you and you gasped again, he felt so much bigger in comparison of his fingers. His hand found its place back behind your thigh and he started thrusting in you, at a steady pace at first. 

You didn’t want to get there too quickly but you couldn’t help it, as soon as he started going faster, you felt close again. Instead of a moan, you said his name and it seemed to motivate him to give even harder thrusts into you. 

Satisfied with the result, you decided to say it again and the reaction was immediate. He pushed himself inside you faster, almost angrily, and you held yourself to the side of the shelf beside you with one hand, trying to keep up with his pace that kept increasing. 

You moaned loudly, almost hoping that his parents would hear you this time. He growled and you weren’t sure if it meant that he wanted you to keep quiet or if he was getting as close as you were. 

Some things fell off the shelf but neither of you cared, your muscles starting to contract at this very moment. This time you were sure of it, the venom didn’t have any effect on you anymore, you could feel everything and it was so good that it quickly sent you off with the loudest moan while he kept going as if nothing was happening. 

Your climax seemed to last forever and he seemed unstoppable until finally, he released himself inside of you and started slowing down. 

He gave you the final thrust and pulled out of you, letting you touch the ground and going back to his clothes without even looking at you. You had a bad feeling about this. He seemed totally distant suddenly… Was he regretting what he had just did with you ? Did he not enjoy it as much as you did ? 

He threw your clothes at you and you caught them, quickly getting dressed before he walked back to you, planting a soft kiss on your forehead. 

He looked at you with a sorry expression and your heart started beating faster, it was the kind of expression that you had never seen on him before, it seemed sincere but somehow, you knew that what was coming next wasn’t going to be good at all. 

You waited for him to say something, but he didn’t speak a word until he had reached the stairs. 

“I’m sorry… I can take the risk of you telling Scott or Stiles.” He said and you looked at him with confusion, following him up the stairs but he closed the door behind him before you could reach it. 

You tried to open it but it didn’t move. 

“Theo ?” You called, calmly at first.

No answer. You felt your stomach tighten. You furiously knocked on the door, finally understanding, but even with all the noise that you made, his parents didn’t come to your rescue either. 

After being captured by the dread doctors, you were now Theo’s prisoner, locked up in his basement. 

To be continued… 

(Masterlist ) - ( Disclaimer

♪♫ Still - Daughter ♪♫

It’s spiraling down, biting words like a wolf howling. Hate is spitting out each others mouths but we’re still sleeping like we’re lovers. Still with feet touching, still with eyes meeting, still our hands match, still with hearts beating. 

*I do not own the gifs, credits to the glorious maker/owner(◡‿◡✿)*

Author’s Note :Brett and Liam are currently the most requested (I get around a hundred requests per day about them…) (Theo is quite requested as well but I already explained why I still haven’t written anything about him) But I miss Isaac too much to go this long without writing anything about him… :3 

And sorry I’m a day late, I really didn’t realize that yesterday was already Moonday! 

It was late at night, the rain kept pouring from the sky, considerably reducing your sight. You stopped running, thinking that you finally had reached a safe hiding place between two buildings. Your clothes were drenched and you shivered, feeling terribly cold. 

You pulled the hood of your sweatshirt back on your hair, as if it would make any difference now that you already were soaked to the bone. You reached a metallic fence, and you just pressed your back against the wall of one of the buildings, hoping that no one would find you here. 

You took some deep breaths, preparing yourself to run again. You jumped when you heard some loud noises coming from the street and you just pressed yourself even closer to the wall. 

Everything became suddenly silent. You could only hear your breathing and your heart racing in your chest. That’s when you saw it; two glowing red eyes already so close to you… You couldn’t tell who it was, it was too dark and raining too much but from the tall and muscular silhouette moving closer to you, you could tell that it wasn’t Scott coming to your rescue.

You considered running, but there was nowhere to go but where you came from and it would make it so easy for him to catch you… If he was going to kill you, you didn’t want to go down without a fight. So you jumped at him, trying to hit him with the baseball bat you had borrowed from Stiles. 

He had no difficulty breaking the bat in two pieces and sending your body flying until you hit against the metallic fence and fell back on the wet concrete ground. The shock was hard, but you weren’t injured. 

You tried to lift yourself back up but you saw the glowing eyes coming at you and you knew you had no choice anymore than to accept your fate. 

You closed your eyes, hoping it would be quick… But one second, two seconds, three seconds went by without anything happening and a loud, almost familiar growl in the distance forced you to open them again. 

You saw some yellow eyes, running at the alpha’s silhouette. You saw their shadows colliding. You heard some menacing growls. You could see them fight but you had lost track of which silhouette belonged to the alpha and which one belonged to the beta. 

It seemed like they were slowly moving away from you, one dragging the other back in the street, probably trying to give you a chance to run away but you were too confused to even think about it. 

You couldn’t see or hear them anymore, but you stayed on the ground, waiting for nothing. 

It was as if only a few minutes had passed when the glowing yellow eyes appeared in front of you again. He crouched to be at your height and you were able to distinguish his face a little better. You recognized some familiar traits and it felt like someone was stabbing you in the heart. Repeatedly. 

“Are you hurt ?” He asked, the sound of his voice giving you the most powerful stab. 

You shook your head, more in disbelief than to actually answer him.

He helped you up on your feet. Your side felt a bit painful but nothing too bad, you just knew that you were going to wake up with some bad bruises. 

“What are you doing here ?” You asked him, staring at his face as if he might suddenly disappear like the hallucination you thought he was. 

“Saving you.” He simply replied, before walking you back to your car. 

He drove you back home and at the moment he pulled your car in your driveway, you felt anger slowly but surely rising inside you. You left your car without a word for him, closing the door of your home behind you, making sure to let him know that he wasn’t invited in. 

You ran to your bedroom, trying to contain yourself and resist the urge to go back outside just to yell at him. 

You opened the door and turned on the light, stepping in only to jump in fear once again when you found him standing between your now open window and your bed. 

“What ? Not even a thank you ?” He asked you, truly confused by your sudden behavior. 

You felt angry again and you would have told him exactly what you thought if you hadn’t let yourself get distracted by the way his wet shirt was sticking to his skin, perfectly drawing each of his muscles… No, focus! You were upset and you wanted him to know it. 

“Isaac, what are you doing in town ?” You asked once again, pressing on every word. 

“I came back… For you.” He answered, closing the window behind him, finally noticing that it was raining inside your bedroom. 

“For me ?” You sneered. “If you ever thought about me, you wouldn’t have left in the first place!” 

“So that’s why you are upset…” He started. 

“I’m not upset, I’m furious!” You fumed. “What did you expect ? That you were going to come back and save me like a perfect prince charming and everything will be fine and we’ll kiss under the rain ?” 

“Well kissing under the rain always works.” He replied, with a smile making you even more angry even if he didn’t seem to remark it. 

“Maybe on french girls, not on me.” You snapped. 

Your gaze fell on his chest once again, you tried to stay focused, looking at his face instead. His hair was dripping, a drop running from his forehead, finishing its race on his lips. His lips that you’ve been missing for so long… 

“Do you realize that you were dating me and you left without even a goodbye ? You were dating me and you left because Alison died, how do you think I felt ?” You told him, calming down but forcing yourself to speak instead of running in his arms just to remember how safe it felt. 

He stayed silent for a moment, looking at you with true guilt in his eyes. You didn’t know if he was making that lost puppy face on purpose or not, but you tried to not give in that easily. 

“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to hurt you…” He said, almost in a whisper as he looked down. 

“Well you did. You reallydid.” 

“I’m sorry.” He repeated again. 

You sighed. Hearing him saying those words was making you feel a little better. 

He stepped closer and you turned your back on him, facing your closet and pretending to be searching for something in it. 

“I missed you.” You heard him say, so close to you. 

You closed your eyes, feeling his arms around your waist, pulling you in your wet clothes against his. His lips left a soft kiss on your neck and it asked for all your strength to move his arms away from you. 

“That’s not how it works.” You said, tuning around to face him. “You left for months and you think that now that you are back, everything will be just as it used to be ?” 

“I wish it could be.” 

“Well it can’t, I didn’t know if you were ever going to come back… I have a new boyfriend.” You stated. 

He nodded, seemingly understanding and took a step back but you could see in his eyes that you had just broke his heart, and you hated that. The only reason you started dating someone else was in hopes of forgetting him, but you never did. And now that Isaac was back here, you were rejecting him… 

“Do you want me to leave ?” He asked, already walking to the window. 

You shook your head to say no and you stared at each other for a moment, in silence. 

“You’re still wearing my hoodie.” He remarked. “Maybe that’s why you still smell a bit like me, that’s why I thought that you still… Wanted me.” 

You nodded in silence once again, unsure of what to do or say. You were in love with Isaac, you always were, of course you still wanted him. You wanted him so bad

“Do you want me to stay ?” He asked, hesitating. 

“Yes.” You replied, softly. 

He didn’t seem like he was expecting that answer and he wasn’t quite sure what to do now. 

You pulled your hoodie off and followed with your shirt. The way he was looking at you was the exact same way he did the very first time he had seen you naked, eyes full of a mix of lust and love for you. 

Your skin was glistening, as wet as if you had just gotten out of the shower. He smiled at you from across the room and pulled his shirt off too. His chest as wet as your skin. 

You pulled your pants down and tossed them away with your shoes, looking back at Isaac, expecting him to do the same but his eyes were glued to you and he didn’t seem fully able to function anymore…

You were left in your white underwear, probably transparent now as they were just as drenched as your clothes. You walked up to him, not even waiting for him to come back to himself before hardly pressing your lips against his, almost on tiptoes to be able to reach them. 

You stepped back to unzip his pants and they immediately fell to his ankles. You saw that hard bump under the fabric of his underwear. 

He pulled you against him to kiss you and with his hand on your back, he gently pushed you down on your bed. You lied down and he held himself above you, kissing your neck with intensity. You closed your eyes, it felt so good to have him close to you again. For months you weren’t even sure that you’d ever see him again and now he was on top of you, kissing you as if he had never left.

Maybe it wasn’t real, maybe it was an hallucination, maybe the alpha had killed you and that was your own personal heaven… But whatever it was, you didn’t want it to stop. 

His lips left your neck, leaving kisses down your chest and stomach. He reached your panties and pulled them down and when he made you open your legs wider, you knew what was coming. Once again it felt too good to be real.

He buried his face between your legs and you felt his mouth on your clit, gently sucking on it. You heavily sighed, closing your eyes again, already feeling pleasure building inside you. 

He played around with his tongue, remembering exactly what to do to drive you crazy. Then, he moved down and you felt his tongue entering you. You arched your back a little and let it fall back down on the sheets, your hand reaching for his wet curls between your legs, hoping he’d be able to go deeper inside you but he got out only to get back in with a lick. 

After a few more teases, he abruptly left you, maybe as eager as you were to have him fully inside you. He stood in front of the bed and before you knew it, he pulled on your legs, dragging you closer to him. You felt his hard dick entering you and you sighed loudly. Finally. You thought that you weren’t going to feel him inside you ever again. 

He held your thighs, entering you entirely with all his length. You felt a light pain, you weren’t as used to it anymore, but it was nothing compared to the satisfaction that your body was feeling. 

You looked at him just as he tilted his head back with a loud breath, also trying to get used to you again. 

He gently moved, making sure that you had enough time to adjust to him before he started thrusting, deeply in and then almost out. It didn’t take long until a moan escaped your lips. He stopped himself and climbed back on the bed, immediately finding his way back inside you. He leaned down to kiss you for a moment before he increased his pace, holding your legs around each side of his body. You held yourself to your sheets, feeling close. 

You kept your eyes fixed on him, pretty sure that he looked ever hotter now than in your memories. Who would have thought that it was even possible… You saw a familiar expression appear on his face, you knew what it meant and it was enough to make you lose your mind for good. You arched your back once again, your loud moan resounding with his as he came inside you, leaving you breathless. 

You enjoyed every second of your climax. Then you waited for him to come back to himself. You smiled at him and he leaned to kiss you again, but quickly moved away and you were disappointed, expecting it to last a little longer. 

“You are going to break up with him now, right ?” He asked, suddenly concerned. 

“Are you planning on staying in Beacon Hills ?”  

“Yes, I’m not going to leave you again.” He affirmed. 

“Then yes, I’m going to break up with him.” You answered. 

He smiled, satisfied by your answer and got back to kissing you. And, as much as you were enjoying his kisses and having him close to you, you couldn’t help but feel a little bit preoccupied now. You didn’t really know how you were going to break up with Liam…

(MyMasterlist ) - ( Disclaimer

Bite into me harder, sink your teeth into my flesh. Hold me up against the wall, give it till I beg, give me some more, make me bleed I like it raw.

*I do not own the gifs, credits to the glorious maker/owner(◡‿◡✿)*

( Part 1 ) - ( Part 3)

  • Note:Underaged characters on the show are aged up to 18 in my stories.

Warning: (Slightly) rough. 

You were sitting at a table outside with your usual group of friend, trying to catch a breath of fresh air after class but as per usual, it didn’t seem relaxing at all. 

For months, your only subject of conversation was concerning the new monsters your friends were up against and how to get rid of them. Of course, you did your best to help them out, but it had been weeks since nothing new or helpful was discovered and you felt like your whole life was revolving around that and only that.

“Maybe I could get back to my researches about the were-deers (Y/N) told us about…” Stiles mumbled, looking through his messy notes. “Maybe we could team up with them and…”

“Were-deers ?” Lydia asked, raising her eyebrows.

“Yeah, don’t you remember ? That night (Y/N) drove home alone and was attacked by one on the road… She came back with bite marks on her neck and shoulders, even on her wrist.”

“Who knew deers were such savages…” She replied, longly looking at you because you had told her the truth about where those marks on your body were coming from.

“Oh, it smells like trouble.” Malia suddenly stated, lifting her head up to literally breath the air.

“Yes, that’s good.” Stiles told her, with a proud look. “But there’s no need to actually smell it.”

“But it smells like it.”

“Oh no.” Liam whispered, suddenly trying to disappear under the table.

You turned around at the same time Stiles did, wanting to see what was causing them to react this way and you almost jump from seeing Brett already so close to your table.

“You guys are playing against Devenford again ?” You asked Liam, turning around, trying to look totally detached.

“Not really, they are just going to train on our field for a week.” He answered.

Before you could even ask why, Brett was standing behind you and it seemed like everyone around stopped what they were doing to watch you.

“Brett… Can we help you ? Would you like a tour of the school ?” Stiles asked him, sarcastically.

Brett didn’t even look at him and you looked up to him, worried about what he was going to say in front of everyone…

“I just wanted to tell you that I’ll be in the locker room after practice… Every day this week.” He said, with a smirk, knowing that you understood what he meant by that.

“That’s great, glad to learn that you take some showers and change…” Stiles replied, but the tall lacrosse player was already walking away.

You looked down at your notes, blushing but trying to hide it from everyone.

“Seriously, what’s this guy’s problem.” Stiles mumbled. “Good thing that we won’t have to actually see him for a week.”

“Why wouldn’t we see him ?” You asked, confused.

“Because we have some brainstorming reunions here and at my place every day this week, remember ?”

“Ah, I’m not sure that I’ll be able to make it every day…” You started, trying to find a good excuse to justify your absence.

“(Y/N), we talked about it, nothing is more important than that.”

“Yes but I was thinking that maybe taking a break would actually help us think better…”

“What are we doing right now ?” He asked, as if what you had just said made no sense.

“We were talking about supernatural creatures 2 minutes ago! Like we’ve been doing every hour of every day this month!” You answered.

“I think we all deserve a break.” Lydia agreed.

“We have enough breaks, maybe we even take too many breaks which is probably why our case is not moving forward at all!”

“You take breaks. You spend time with Malia, Scott is with Kira, Liam hangs around with Mason and Lydia visits Parish, which leaves me all alone with my thoughts that are so used to overthink that case that it doesn’t change anything on my part! So I don’t care, I’m going!” You answered Stiles, getting up, starting to feel angry at him for not realizing this.

“Going where ?” He asked, confused.

“Stiles! Brett is the were-deer…” Lydia explained.

“Really ?” Malia said, seemingly completely lost.

“What ?” Liam asked, looking puzzled.

“You mean he is the one who hurt you ?” Stiles asked, looking over to the school doors.

You followed his gaze until you saw Brett, leaning against the wall of the school, arms crossed on his chest and the same expression he had on his face the very first time you found yourself in front of him. He seemed like he was listening to your conversation but he was too far away to really hear anything…

“He didn’t hurt me, he gave me a break.”

“A good one.” Lydia agreed, since you had given her all the details.

Stiles got silent for a moment and instead of leaving like you should have, you stayed standing beside the table, waiting for what he had to say next.

“Are you really that desperate ?” He finally spoke, slowly as if he wanted to press each word.

Lydia stared at him with wide eyes and consternation, and you were pretty sure that your face had a very similar expression.

“You know what ? Yes, I am. So desperate that I’m not even going to wait until after practice to do it!” You snapped at him, finally leaving the table and walking to the school doors, where Brett was still waiting and slightly laughing as he saw you make your way towards him… As if he knew.

You grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into the hallway. It was busier than the other night, some people were walking out, some were talking with friends and some were going through their lockers, most of the teachers were still in class and you didn’t really knew where to go this time, but you kept walking, determined to have your way with Brett again, if only to make Stiles realize how he had been treating you for the past months.

You kept walking, not sure of where you were leading him until he stopped himself and pulled you against him. He opened a supplies closet door and pushed you in, forcing you to take a few steps backwards until your back hit against the wall.

The place was small, you weren’t sure that anyone else could fit in here. The walls were hidden behind messy shelves with school supplies and cleaning products, explaining the nice but strong smell of soap filling the air.
He closed the door and pulled a condom out of his pocket, you couldn’t help but smile.

“You came prepared this time.” You remarked.

“Yeah, I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist me.” He answered, with an arrogant grin. “Even if all you could qualify me of was a were-deer.”

“It’s the only thing that came in my mind!” You defended yourself. “And if you hadn’t left me such visible marks I would…Wait, how do you know I said that ?”

“Because I’m not a deer.” He said, in a deeper voice, his eyes glowing yellow for a few seconds.  

You stared at him in shock, wondering how you and your friends hadn’t noticed that before.

“And you just randomly tell a girl that you are a werewolf the second time you see her ?”

“I saw you babysitting the coyote the other night. And Scott isn’t the type of guy that keeps secrets from his friends…”

“Well then, I’m kind of disappointed.” You admitted.

“Why ? Because you have to deal with yet another werewolf ?”

“No… Because you were really soft for a werewolf last time.”

“Sorry, would you rather have me break you in pieces ?” He asked, smiling as if he already knew the answer.

“Yeah kind of since, you know, I’m desperate.”

As soon as you had finished your sentence, he moved closer and you felt his teeth on your neck, biting harder than what you were expecting. You gasped, trying to be silent since some students were still out in the hall. If you didn’t make any loud noise, you wouldn’t get caught, you never saw anyone open that small closet door before.

His sharp teeth left your skin, but his lips stayed, pressing a very soft kiss on the deep bite mark he had just left on you.
He moved back and you tilted your head, offering him the other side, not even bothered by the light burning pain that the movement caused in your neck. He gave it the same treatment, but didn’t take as much time. He stepped back and you helped him take his shirt off, glad to see his muscular chest again.

But he didn’t allow you to enjoy the view for a very long time. He pinned you back against the wall, pressing his body against yours and almost took you by surprise when he leaned in and started kissing your lips. It felt like only half a second later, you felt his hands under your thighs, lifting you up at his height.

Your body was squeezed between his body and the wall. He was able to kiss you more passionately in that position and although you were quite surprise that no bites were coming, you kissed him back with just as much passion, enjoying the fact that your one night stand was making you feel like he almost cared about you.

You closed your arms around his neck, trying to hold on more tightly as you decided to kiss him harder. He answered with the same force and you moved one arm, your hand resting on the back of his neck. He moved to lift you up even higher and resumed the kiss until your hand gently caressed his hair. It stopped him right away, as if that tender gesture had reminded him that it wasn’t supposed to be like that. He didn’t want to be called a were-deer and he wanted to show you how wrong you were for coming up with this.

He let you reach the floor again, using one of his now free hands to pin both of your wrists above your head, making sure that you wouldn’t be able to touch him anymore. His other hand came on your hip and you took a breath, not knowing what to expect exactly but sensing that something was coming.
You felt his claws digging through your shirt and into your skin, creating a burning sensation even worst than his bites. You would have cried out but he shushed you with a more absent kiss on your lips. 

He moved away just when the pain faded, even if you wanted him to keep kissing you just a little longer…

Then, you felt his lips pressing on your neck, sucking on your skin and you got ready for another bite. It didn’t seem as deep as the previous ones and his mouth immediately trailed down to the neckline of your shirt.

“I don’t have anything else with me…” You said, in a breath, but it was too late and he had already teared a part of it with his teeth.

You couldn’t help but sight, thinking of that ugly shirt you kept in your locker for P.E and never even dared to wear… Seems like you don’t have the choice anymore.

You were thinking that maybe you could make the teared off part look normal with a little bit of creativity but he made sure to put it in pieces with his claws, lightly scratching you a few times in the process.

“That’s for not liking my jersey.” He whispered in your ear and you smiled, but did everything you could to hide it when he faced you again.

He finally let go of your wrists just so that you could get rid of the pieces of fabric left on you. As soon as they all touched the ground, he turned you around and pressed you against the wall once again.

You heard some noises but his body was so close to yours that you didn’t have enough space to turn around to look. It didn’t take long until you felt his clawed hands on your skin again, resting on your hips.

He leaned down and softly kissed your neck, right where he had left his last bite mark. His claws entered your skin, but much more lightly than the first time, as if he knew it had really hurt you and was afraid to do it again.

When his hands left your hips, it was to pull down your pants and underwear to your knees. He entered you and pushed himself as far in as he could, squeezing your body against the wall even more tightly. You felt the cold concrete against your cheek as he slowly started making back and forth motions.
You were pretty sure that his claws were back on your hips, scratching you but you could barely feel it compared to the pleasure his slow thrusts were already giving you.

He moved his arm, putting it around your waist and pulling you closer to his body, radiating with warmth. You tried to keep quiet as he slightly increased his pace but when he bit down on your shoulder, a mixed sound of pain and pleasure escaped your lips, louder than what you intended it to be.
He left out a low growl, reminding you to be quiet but he bit down on your other shoulder with the same strength and the exact same sound resounded again in the small closet.

“Harder…” You asked and he immediately obeyed, biting you again.

His thrusts got faster and you were having trouble staying silent. You were getting so close… And that’s the moment that he chose to pull out from you. You didn’t understand why, he had a condom this time, he didn’t need to pull out. Unless he heard someone coming… ? 

You turned around to ask him but you had barely even opened your mouth that he had pulled your pants down to your ankle, giving you just enough time to toss them away before his hands got under your thighs and pinned you up against the wall once again.

He held you higher than his own height, forcing you to look down to see his face. He was looking at you with an expression you couldn’t interpret, his fangs retracting as soon as your eyes met his.

“I want to see you when I make you come.” He explained, but you didn’t quite believe that was all there was to it…

He made sure to squeeze you tightly against the wall with his own body before letting go of one hand, using it to guide himself back inside of you.
It felt as if he had never left you, the now familiar sensation of pleasure appearing right back in your stomach. 

You closed your legs around his waist, trying to get him even deeper inside you while he quickly increased his pace.
You held on to his shoulders and once again, you decided to provoke him and gently caress his hair again… But instead of biting you, or scratching you, it seemed to give him the urge to kiss you between every two breaths.

You felt so close. You looked at him, too busy trying to catch your breath to let him kiss you again. By the way he smirked at you, you knew that he knew exactly where you were at, and that, just like last time, he was planning on slowing down for you. If anything, he even shoved himself more powerfully into you until you really couldn’t take it anymore.

You leaned back against the wall, feeling pleasure taking control of your body and fighting to not let a sound escape from your mouth. You closed your eyes, trying to focus but he kept moving in you, building up on the already exploding pleasure inside you.

You leaned back against him, your nails digging in his neck as you managed to only let loud breaths escape your lips, hitting on his skin, so close to you. He answered with a soft bite on your shoulder, and it was enough to set you off again, reaching another orgasm, even stronger.

You knew your body was moving but you weren’t really aware of it anymore, you felt the concrete than you felt his skin again and you probably moaned louder than what you should have but at this very moment, you couldn’t care less about getting caught.

He came with a loud moan too, that, you clearly heard it and it gave you the urge to kiss him, again and again, as you were slowly coming down.
He kissed you back, tenderly, and ended up letting you reach the ground again. He picked up his pants and you did the same, whispering an “ouch”, surprised by the pain that that deep scratch mark on your hip was causing you.

None of you said a word as he stepped closer and put his hand where he had hurt you, his veins turning black for a second while it felt like the pain was being sucked away from your body.

You looked at it with amazement. You had heard that werewolves could do that, but you never actually had someone do it to you before. There was not a single bit of pain left in your body when he moved his hand away.

You were about to thank him when your gaze fell on the pieces of your shirt, scattered on the floor. Before you could even either thank him or complain, he handed his own green shirt.

“Your Lacrosse jersey ? Seriously ?” You said, wanting to sound offended but you couldn’t help but laugh.

“That or you can go out with just your bra, which I really like by the way.” He smirked.

“I’ll take the enemy’s jersey then, thanks.” You replied, taking the shirt and putting it on.

He looked at you with a smile and you laughed, slightly embarrassed.

“What ?” You asked, crossing your arms.

“Nothing… I just like it on you, even more than your bra.”

“Good cause I’m keeping it.” You said, in a falsely provocative tone.

“Oh really ?”

“Yes, I think it’s an okay pay back for one of my favorite shirts.”

“Well then…” He started, moving closer to you. “Wear it at the next Lacrosse match.”

“Mh, wouldn’t you love that ?” You replied, thinking about how upset it would make your friends.

“More than you can imagine.” He answered, almost in a whisper, before finally giving you a goodbye kiss.

(MyMasterlist) - ( Disclaimer)


  • request are currently open!
  • i do not write smutordarkfics
  • i do not write male!reader. i only write female!reader. being female, it is what i am most comfortable writing.

-Bucky Barnes

#1 first time you held hands

-Steve Rogers

I Need You To Understand  (Mob!Au)  pt.2



Sam Winchester 

-Teen Wolf


Stiles Stilinski 

Theo Raeken 

Scott McCall

-The Vampire Diaries 


Damon Salvatore 

-Outer Banks 


JJ Maybank 

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Pairing : Scott McCall x fem!reader 

Word count: 670

Warnings: fluff

Authors Note: im sorry that I haven’t been posting. I kinda have had a writes block but I have have an idea for a klaus mikaelson imagine, im thinking of turning it into a series but idk yet. also, hope everyone is doing good and is healthy. 


(not my gif, credit to owner)

It had been a long day for both you and your best friend, Scott. All you wanted to do was take a hot shower and watch some tv. You both had been trying to find the location of the dread doctors in the underground tunnels all day, but were unsuccessful. It was frustrating knowing that the more time it takes to find the tunnels, the more people get hurt by Theo and the doctors.

Scott was driving your car back to his house, where you currently are living at because you couldn’t deal with your parents’ abuse anymore and Scott kindly offered the guest bedroom to you. So that where you were currently living until you could find a new place to live, or until college and you move into dorms.

You guys finally arrived at his house and both went your separate ways when you up the stairs and into your different rooms. You went into your room and went straight into the connecting bathroom. You did everything you had to do before going to bed.

You undid the covers and slid in between them. You laid on your back and stared at the ceiling. You couldn’t stop thinking about everything that was happened in Beacon Hills. You felt like your mind was running a thousand miles an hour and you just couldn’t stop thinking. You tossed and turned for about an hour to try to fall asleep but you just couldn’t fall asleep. You couldn’t stop thinking about how much your life has changed and how things could have been if Scott was never bitten.

You removed your covers off of your body and got out of bed. You opened your door and headed straight for Scott’s room, which was across from your room. His room door was closed so you gave it three little knocks before walking inside. You slowly opened the door, peeking your head inside, and you saw him lying in bed, on his back, facing the ceiling. He sat up a bit as you walked in with a confused look on his face. You gave him a small comforting smile before speaking.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“No, it’s ok. I was already awake. Are you okay?”

“Yea, it’s just that I couldn’t sleep and I was hoping I could stay in here for the night with you. If that’s alright?”

“Yes, of course.” He lifted the sheets that were opposite of him as if its an invitation to get into the bed. So, you walked further into the room, shut the door behind you, and slid into the bed laying right next to him.

You turned to lay on your left side to face Scott, who was still lying on his back. You just looked at him for a while, enjoying the comforting silence that was formed between you two.

“Scott?” You spoke after a while.

“Yea?” He turned his head to get a look at you.

“Do you think we are going to be ok?”

“Yea, I do. It might take a while but we will be.”

“Do you regret going into the woods that night you got the bite?”

“Honestly no.”

“So you don’t regret changing into a werewolf.”

“No. If I didn’t get turned into a werewolf then I would have never met any of you guys and I wouldn’t be saving the people in Beacon Hills. The monsters here would still have come even if I didn’t get turned, but I just get that I got to stop them before they destroyed the town.”

“Hmm. I get what you mean.”

After he spoke, you gave him a little comforting smile. You then turned around, turning your back towards him and facing the wall. When you were about to fall asleep, you felt a hand go around your waist and can feel his breath against your neck. You held a smile on your face as you slowly lost conscious knowing that your best friend was always there for you.


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I Wish

Pairing: Theo Raeken x Fem!reader 

Summary: Theo comes and visits you after all the bad things he did. You just wish things would have ended different. 

Word count: 1,362

Warnings: angst

Authors Note: i really hope you enjoy this because i am really proud of this one <3


You remember the first time you met him. The first time you fell for him. Theodore Raeken came into your world and automatically changed it for the better. He became everything to you. He was funny, mysterious, and incredibly handsome. But the only problem was the relationship, it was all based on lies. His first lie was about what he was. He said he was a werewolf. Then he lied about what he wanted, which was a pack to join.

After everything that he had done to you, you still loved him. You knew it was wrong, but you couldn’t help it. You wanted to stop loving him but all you can think about was how much he hurt you and your pack, how much pain and suffering he brought.

It was two days after Theo tried to kill Scott and betrayed everyone. The pack hasn’t been together for a while. You only have talked to Stiles and Scott because you were the closes with them and you knew that no matter what happened between everyone, that you will always be with them and have their backs.

You were currently in your room. You just got back from the hospital from visiting Stiles’s dad. His dad was like a dad to you since you lost your dad at such a young age. You were at the hospital all day just talking to the Sheriff. It was a long day and you were so tired and ready to go to bed. You already put on your pajama shorts and a random t-shirt you stolen from Scott.

You walked into your bathroom connected to your bedroom and put your hair up in a messy ponytail to take off your makeup when you heard a noise coming from your room. You walked out of the bathroom and saw someone opening the window and climb halfway into your room. You got scared and didn’t know who would come to your house so late, so you grab your baseball bat that was next to your Stiles gave you for protection.

The mystery person fully entered your room, with their back towards you. You put the baseball bat over your shoulder, getting in defense mode and ready to attack. But then the person turned around, facing you, and you saw their face.

“Theo?” You said shocked. You didn’t expect to see him again after everything that happened. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“I came to see you.” He responded with a cheeky smile.


“Why not? I can’t see my girlfriend”

“No.” You said angrily. You were mad that he really thought that things were gonna be fine between the two of you. “I’m not your girlfriend.”

“What do you mean? If I remember clearly, you said yes when I asked you to be my girlfriend.”

“If I remember clearly, you killed Scott, almost killed Stiles’s dad and Malia, and you ruined our pack and killed your own. So no, I’m not your girlfriend anymore. You used me just to get to Scott and made me believe that you actually cared about me.” You put your bat down, next to your desk again. You then face him, and you can feel your eyes starting to water.

“I actually did care about you. I wasn’t meant to fall in love with you.” He slowly started walking closer to you.

“I don’t believe you.” You said sadly. “How can I when you did all these horrible things to me and the people I love, and still say that you love me?”

“I had to. I had no choice.” He was right in front of you. You can smell his cologne. It reminds you of those late nights where you both stayed up late talking and cuddling with him. All you want to do is reach out and kiss him until you both can’t breathe.

“What do you mean you had no choice? You always have a choice.”

“Not this time.” He put his hand on your cheek while looking down into your eyes. “I wanted to hurt you. I wasn’t supposed to falling love, but it just happened.”

“What do you mean you weren’t supposed to? You’re the one who asked me out?”

“The dread doctors told me to find a way to get close to Scott and find an easier way to get into his pack. So I thought about what was the best way to get closer to Scott than his best friend. Stiles didn’t trust me and you were always so nice to me, so I asked you out. But the more we went out, the more I fall for you. I knew it was wrong and I wanted to stop it, but I just couldn’t get you out of my head. I knew I had to let you go eventually, but I guess it was too late, and I already hurt you.” Everything he said to you was true. You meant the world to him.

“So, you did use me to get into the pack. I shouldn’t have known you just weren’t looking for a pack.” He can see the tears coming down your face, and that broke his heart knowing that he is the one who caused those tears and brought you heartbreak. “Do you even love me? Was our whole relationship a lie?”

“Yes, I did love you. Don’t ever think I didn’t love you.” He put his other hand on your other cheek while wiping away your tears. “In the beginning, it was a lie. But the more I got to know you, the more I fell. I wanted to spend every second with you, telling you how much I love you.”

“But you lied to me. You used me.” You hurt and he knew that, and there was nothing he can do to stop that. “I don’t know how you expect everything to be ok.”

“I don’t. I was just wanted to see you one last time and tell you the truth about everything.”

“Well, you did, and now I know. So you can leave now.” You looked down at the floor and pushed his hands away from your face. “I wish you were different. I wish you had do the right thing, then maybe we could have been together. We could have been happy, but you had to selfish.”

“I’m sorry. I really am.” You knew he was, but it was too late. “I hope one day you can forgive me and we can finally be together and be happy.”

“I don’t know if I can forgive you.” You wiped another tear that was running down your face. “Maybe one day. But I don’t think that day is gonna come anytime soon.”

“I understand. Its probably for the better.”

“Yea, it probably is.” You look back up at him and you see a single tear falling from his eye. “You should probably go.”

He nods after you say that. He turns to walk to the window on the opposite side of the room. He opens the window and right before he goes through it, he turns and looks at you for s second, probably for the last time.

“You know I really did love you, and I wish things were different. But there not and that’s ok. I will always love you and I will always do my best to protect you and make sure your safe, even if you don’t want me to.” He then goes through the window and shuts it close, and goes down to his car.

You go to the window and see him drive away in his car. You then go sit on the edge of your bed and think about everything that has happened. You wish you didn’t fall for him, you wish you never met and you wish you can forget him. But after everything, you couldn’t and you knew that was your fault because you were to nice to him and you gave him the benefit of the doubt. You just wish he would do to the right thing in the end and be together, but you knew that wasn’t gonna happen.

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All About You | Theo Raeken Imagine

request:Could you do a Theo dmut where he kidnapps you because he wants you in his pack and all’s you into being in his pack and after that you 2 have passionate sex because he is in love with you and you r in love with him thanks. - luv ya

word count:1233

warnings: smut, oral sex, swearing

A/N: I am so sorry guys.. I know I didn’t write anything for such a long time but I didn’t really have time but now it’s time for another Teen Wolf smut and I hope y’all going to enjoy it ❤️

Everything around you turned black. You hold your breath trying to stay focused, trying to get a noise or something but there was nothing except another heartbeat. You felt someone grab you when you lost consciousness.

With an aching pain in your chest, you opened your eyes to find yourself in some dark basement. “Ah you are finally awake”, you heard a raspy voice from the other side of the room. You looked around trying to see anything but it was too dark. Suddenly you heard footsteps heading in your direction but you still couldn’t make out anything.

Someone switched on the light. “You can leave now, Cory”, the voice said demanding. You felt a hand on your cheek and you looked right into Theo’s hazel eyes. “Hello darling”, he said cocky. “What do you want Theo”, you hissed. “You know what I want, Y/N”, he smirked. You rolled your eyes at him. Since the day Theo walked into Beacon Hills again, he was trying to get you into his pack but with Scott being your best friend and knowing all the bad things Theo had done, it wasn’t that easy to change sides. “Look darling, you will have everything you want, I’ll give you all you need”, Theo added. “But why me, Theo?”, you asked raising one eyebrow. You tried to move but your hands were taped to the bed you were laying in.

“Well Y/N, where should I start?”, Theo whispered. He started caressing your face. You looked at him, not really knowing what he was planning to do. But you felt a small fire building up in your body when Theo’s hand slid down your neck. “You are gorgeous, Y/N and you’re clever as well”, he whispered and smiled slightly. You looked at him in disbelief, as long as you knew Theo you never saw him smile except for his cocky smirk. Theo lowered his face down to yours and focused on your eyes. “What is there not to like about you, baby”, he whispered and sent chills down your spine. You held your breath not knowing what was going to happen next.

Theo smirked and crashed his lips into yours starting a fire inside your body. With a swift move Theo shoved himself into you, your body vibrating against him. He didn’t pull his lips away for a second but still managed to free your hands, allowing you to touch him. Theo’s lips started exploring your exposed neck while his hands slid under your t-shirt making you shiver. You couldn’t help yourself but start moaning when one of his hands made its way under your bra and started massaging your nipple. “You like that, baby girl?”, Theo whispered. You nodded desperately, wanting to feel his naked body against yours.

Your hands moved under Theo’s shirt, pulling it off of his chest harshly. You let your fingertips dance across his defined abs. Theo placed sloppy kisses across your body until he reached your clothed heat. Your heart started pounding in your chest when Theo let his tongue slide over the thin fabric of your leggings. “Theo”, you let out in pleasure. He looked up at you, his eyes filled with lust and desire. Theo gently pulled down your leggings. Suddenly he stopped, staring at your slip. “Baby, you’re dripping”, he growled. You smirked at him as he started nibbling on the skin of your inner thighs.

With your right hand you pulled his hair guiding him in the direction of your pussy and you could feel his arousal. He looked at you, his eyes turning darker and tore your slip apart. You closed your eyes, enjoying his eagerness to please you. Theo held your hips in place, slowly tugging his claws into your hips while he slid his tongue through your wet folds making you shake. “Fuck Theo”, you groaned. He started sucking on your clit, knowing damn well what he was doing. You couldn’t stop yourself from moaning loudly anymore, while Theo started tongue-fucking you. You felt your orgasm build up inside you, the known warm feeling spreading in your stomach. Theo noticed and he stopped.

You whimpered at the lose of contact. “Well princess, I am sure you want to be fucked, huh?”, Theo’s voice was dark which made your pussy even more wet. Theo got up, his erection very visible inside his pants. You could feel how red your cheeks were. “Theo let me ride you”, you said with a raspy voice. Theo’s eyes got big but then he smirked. “Whatever you want, Y/N” You straddled him onto the bed. You took your time to admire his strong chest and started sucking on his neck. You knew that you would leave marks but with them disappearing in next to no time, you risked it. Theo closed his eyes, obviously enjoying your move. While pressing your lips onto Theo’s again, tasting his sweetness again, you pulled off you shirt as well as your bra, presenting your naked body to Theo.

Theo’s eyes sparkled at the sight of your body and he pressed his erection against your core. You started unbuckling Theo’s belt, freeing his hard member. Licking your lips at the sight of his hard you pulled down his boxers and caressed his cock. Theo let out a small moan, turning you on way more than he should have. You started taking him inside of you slowly. It hurt a bit because of its size but you slowly went on until he was inside you completely.

You started to ride his cock at a painful slow pace, trying to tease Theo and it worked. His eyes turned yellow and his claws rugged into your hips. “Y/N”, he moaned. You smirked knowing he was about to beg if you didn’t stop which turned you on. You looked at him with your big, innocent eyes. “What do you want, Theo?”, you whispered seductively. He glanced at you in disbelief but then opened his mouth: “I want you to ride me” You smirked at him, starting to go faster. Smashing your hips onto his cock. Theo started moaning just as you did. He watched your boobs go up and down because of the pace you were riding him, making him groan even louder. “Y-Y/N”, he moaned.

Theo gripped your hips and turned you around, so that you were the one laying under him. He pressed his lips onto yours, kissing you harshly while lining up at your entrance. “Fuck me, Theo”, you moaned and he began slamming his cock into you. “Theo”, you cried out. You were close and he knew that, so he started going even harder. You cried out his name while your walls clenched around him, your stomach in a knot. After a few more thrusts Theo finished inside of you with a loud growl.

His wet body was falling down next to yours. He looked at you with that cocky smirk while you were panting. “So I guess you’re part of the pack now”, he said. You rolled your eyes at him. “Well, that didn’t quite convince me, Raeken”, you answered grinning. Theo raised one eyebrow. “I bet nobody ever fucked you that way”, he uttered confidently. You just laughed at him. “We’ll see about the pack thing”, you just said. Theo smirked and kissed you gently.

{Requested:”Hi can you write an imagine with theo based on the song love the way you lie please? I love your song based imagines so.. ı love you”}

Translations: “Watashi wa mō mahi shite inai toki ni anata no atama o suraisu shimasu” = “I’ll slice your head off when I am not paralyzed anymore” , “Anata no yogoretate o torinozoku watashi kara” = “Get rid of your dirty hands from me” 

This is based around season 5 where the dread doctors and the beasts are the villains.

Warning:Swearing, little bit of smut, violence, and a toxic relationship.

I do not codome toxic relationships like this between the reader and Theo, I will never condome this but please remember this is just an imagine.

On the first page of our story
The future seemed so bright
Then this thing turned out so evil
I don’t know why I’m still surprised
Even angels have their wicked schemes
And you take that to new extremes
But you’ll always be my hero
Even though you’ve lost your mind

I ran through Beacon hills preserve, my heart racing as three dread doctors chased after me. Scott had warned me about them, saying they were going for teenagers. Unfortunately, I’m their next experiment. I kept running until out of nowhere they appeared in front of me. I shrieked Scott’s name, hoping he’d hear me somehow.

I let out an awful cough as my eyes flickered open, wandering around my surroundings, trying to find out where I was. I looked down at my arms to see them connected to tubes and wires. My throat was dry, my eyes were heavy, and my head was throbbing.
“Hey, hey!“I heard someone yell as my eyes drooped.
I forced my eyes open as I felt soft hands cup face. The person my tired eyes fell on had gorgeous green eyes, spiked up light brown hair, and a black leather jacket on.
"I’m getting you out of here, just hang in there."He mumbled as he quickly removed the wires and tubes from me.
The green eyed boy carried me bridal style as he ran out of wherever the hell I was and ran to his truck. He helped me into the passengers seat, quickly jumping into the driver seat before speeding off.
"Who are you?"He asked, breaking the awkward silence in his truck.
”(Y/N), (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?“I answered.
"And what’s the name of my hero?"I asked, clutching my side.
"Theo, Theo Raeken.”

flashback ends
I gasped for air, my eyes shooting wide open in fear. I thought I died? I could have sworn the dread doctors killed me after killing Corey. Am I in a fucking hole? Did I fall into Liam’s hole?

“I’m your alpha.”I heard a familair voice speak up as I pushed myself out from underneath.

I instantly saw Corey, Josh, Hayden, and Tracey covered in blood, dirt, and what seemed to be mercury. I turned to see who they were staring at, and I knew why the voice seemed familair.

“And al of you…”Theo spoke, eyeing me specifically.

“All of you belong to me.”He stated before turning around and walking away.

Corey and I immediately looked at each other as Tracey and Josh followed him.

“Why are we listening to him?”I asked as he and I began to walk after them.

“Because he’s the reason we’re alive…I heard Theo talking about revivng Josh and Tracey before the dread doctors killed me.”Corey answered, making me look over at Theo who stopped, turning to look at Corey and I.

“Do we have a problem?”He asked.

“…No alpha.”I answered, making him smirk.

He began walking again while we followed quickly behind.

“Theo!”I screamed, storming into the dread doctors labratory.

“I told you she’d freak out.”Tracey muttered as my eyes glowed orange.

“Here comes foxy.”Josh whispered, chuckling as they all watched me grab Theo’s shoulders.

I shoved him into the wall, pinning him with my body as his eyes glowed a golden shade.

“Your foxfire really has grown (Y/N).”Theo mumbled, staring at me in awe.

“I thought I told you to stay away from Scott.”I spat, snapping his arm.

Theo let out a bloodcurling scream as I kept crushing his broken arm in my hand. Suddenly I felt a pair of claws dig into my back, making me let go of Theo. As soon as the claws are removed from my back, I fall to my knees before falling flat onto my face.

“Bitch.”I muttered as Tracey stepped over me.

“Theo, you okay?”Tracey asked, grabbing his arm.

Theo glared before backhanding her. Tracey stumbled back, making me smirk.

“Oh shut up you stupid fox.”Tracey spat, making my eyes glow orange again.

“Watashi wa mō mahi shite inai toki ni anata no atama o suraisu shimasu!”I yelled, knowing no one would understand me.

I felt a pair of strong of arms left me up, carrying me upstairs to our bedrooms. None of us lived with our parents since we technically died, instead we lived here where Theo would always boss us around.

“Anata no yogoretate o torinozoku watashi kara!”I spat as Theo gently laid me down in his bed. 

I was the only one allowed in Theo’s bedroom, it practically was our bedroom.

“You need to stop challenging me (Y/N).”Theo sighed as he laid down next to me.

I closed my eyes, feeling stop flicker back to my actual eye color.

“I remember the first time we met, I thought you were an angel or something…God, I was so wrong.”I muttered, making Theo turn to me.

Even angels have their wicked schemes.”Theo stated, making chuckle.

And you take that to new extremes.”I replied, making him grin.

“The extreme always seems to make an impression.”Theo whispered, proud of himself.

“Which is why you called me your hero.”He whispered, making me smile.

“Even after all I’ve done, you’re still by my side.”Theo mumbled.

“Well technically I am paralyzed so I don’t have a choice.”I spoke up, making him chuckle.

But you’ll always be my hero, even if you lost your mind…

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that’s all right because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that’s all right because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
Ohhh, I love the way you lie

“He’s doing it to make you angry.”I cautioned, grabbing Liam’s hand.

Mason was trying to help his bestfriend not to wolf out in front of the whole school as Theo flirted with with Hayden by her locker. His smirk dropped as he noticed my hand firmly grasping Liam’s.

“She’s right Liam, he doesn’t really like her.”Mason agreed.

“He’s also doing this to get back at me.”I added as Theo leaned closer to Hayden.

“Mason, get to class. I’ll take care of Liam.”I muttered as Liam’s eyes started to glow golden.

“No, don’t trust her, she’s apart of Theo’s pack.”Liam growled.

“I’m friends with Corey, if you trust him, trust me.”I told Mason before dragging Liam outside of the school. Liam kept growling, breathing heavily as his claws sprouted out. I drove all the way to the dread doctors lab, dragging him into my room.

“Get away from me!”Liam yelled as I closed the door.

“We used to be best friends Li, you won’t hurt me.”I adressed as I stepped closer to him.

“Don’t!”He roared, baring his sharp fangs at me.

I grabbed his wrists, smashing my lips against his. His tense body relaxed under my touch as he kissed back. I let go of his wrists, his hands immediately cupping my face as he deepened the kiss. My hands flew to his hair, grabbing a handfull of his light brown hair. I shoved him onto my bed, climbing ontop of him.

Liam flipped us over so he could be ontop of me. He ripped my shirt to pieces, then my bra, then my shorts, and finally my thong. When Liam and I used to date, I’d always get angry with him about ripping my clothes, but I could care less right now. I tugged his shirt off and then unbottoned his jeans. Liam’s mouth began to leave soft wet kisses on my rib, making me tug at his hair. Liam always did have a great mouth when it came to foreplay. His eyes sflickered to their golden shade as I palmed him through his boxers, making my eyes glow orange as we stared into each other’s eyes intensely.

(Theo’s P.O.V)

After (Y/N) and Liam rushed off, I decided to follow after them. They did manage to lose me as Sheriff Stilinski stopped me for speeding. I walked into the dread doctors lab, my ears instantly picking up moans from upstairs. As I got closer to the sexual noises, I realized they were coming from (Y/N)’s room. I heard (Y/N) scream while I heard someone else moan. I carefully open her door, leaving a small crack open so I could see without getting caught.

“Liam.”(Y/N) breathed, her chest heaving up and down.

“Hmmm?”Liam asked, trying to come down from his high.

“I love you…”She whispered, grabbing his hand.

Bang.I felt as if someone shot a bullet through my heart.

Liam’s face softened, a gentle smile creeping onto his face.

“I love you so much.”Liam admitted, wrapping his arms around her.

I slid back down the wall, tears threatning to spill as I dug my claws into my palms. So this is what heartbreak felt like, god do I hate this feeling. I heard the bed creak, making me stand back up. I looked up to see (Y/N) wearing Liam’s shirt and Liam wearing his boxers as they both sat on her bed, hands clasped together.

“Theo?”She asked, noticing my presence.

I wiped away the tears from my face and stepped into her room. Liam and (Y/N) jumped to their feet, (Y/N) holding onto Liam.

“(Y/N) I know we’ve been fighting recently but you took it too far this time.”I muttered, boiling with anger.

“Liam, go to my car. I’ll meet you down there.”(Y/N) ordered.

Liam simply nodded, grabbing his pants and shoving past me.

“You said you didn’t want to have sex until you were sure you were ready, and you go ahead and sleep with Liam?”I asked, digging my claws deeper into my bloody palms.

“I’m glad I didn’t sleep with you, or else you would be with Hayden or Tracey behind my back. Or even better, whenever we fight, you use them to get back at me!”She spat.

“You told him you loved him, you’ve never said that once to me!”I screamed, tears now falling down my face.

She just stood there, watching me sob silently as she grabbed her clothes.

Now there’s gravel in our voices
Glass is shattered from the fight
In this tug of war you’ll always win
Even when I’m right
‘Cause you feed me fables from your head
With violent words and empty threats
And it’s sick that all these battles
Are what keeps me satisfied

“I never told you I loved you because you are incapable of loving someone more than you love power!”She spat, punching the mirror behind her, glass shattering.

She kept punching the mirror until I dragged away from it, grabbing her bloody hand.

“You ruined me!”She yelled, tears welling up in her eyes.

“I’m going to kill you!”She screamed as she shoved me away from her.

She kept throwing punches at me, while I tried my best to block her hits.

“Fight back, fight back you asshole!”She shrieked as she threw two last punches at my bleeding facee before Liam yanked her away from me.

I listened as (Y/N) kept screaming, crying out loud until Liam managed to get her into her car. 

(Reader’s P.O.V)

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that’s all right because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that’s all right because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
Ohhh, I love the way you lie

“Liam!”I yelled, shoving him out of the beasts way.

The beast claws scraped against my side, making me let out a bloodcurling scream.

“No!”Liam shouted as I fell onto the floor, my eyes flickering back and forth between orange and my normal eyecolor.

 The beast changed to it’s human form, Sebastian. I gripped my side as it bled, throwing my head back in pain.

“I did some research.”I muttered as Liam ran to my side, helping me up.

Sebastian marched at us, making me smirk.

“Marie-Jean Valet… she looks exactly like Allison.I said, hoping Scott would hear.

“And why are you telling me this now?”Liam asked, preparring to fight Sebastian as he now stood infront of us.

Out of nowhere Scott appeared behind Sebastian, making me grab Sebastian’s claws and dig them into Scott’s neck.

“What’re you doing?”Liam asked, fearful for his alpha.

“If Sebastian see’s his memories, he’ll see Allison. Allison looks exactly like Mari-Jean, he’ll be distracted. Now break as many bones as you can!”I yelled before snapping Sebastian’s knee. Sebastian quickly removed his claws from Scott’s neck as Liam and I managed to break his arms. Sebastian glard at the the three of us as I shoved Scott and Liam behind me, taking my Katana out.

“Mason!”Lydia shouted, making Sebastian turn around.

Sebastian started to march towards Lydia and Kira, making Lydia’s take a deep breath in.

“Mason!”Lydia shrieked, sound waves from her powerful banshee scream hitting Sebastian until he exlpoded into a puff of smoke.

Mason appeared out of the black smoke, Corey appearing out of thin air and catching him and pulling him into safety.

The spirit of Sebastian flew past us all, flying down the corner until a bright orange light came around the corner and caught him.

“Scott!”Parrish yelled, holding Sebastian’s spirit.

Scott tossed the staff at Sebastian and once it periced him, the spirit bursted into a puff of smoke and dissapeared. We all let out sighs of relief, leaning against the wall since we had finally destryoed the beat for once and for all.

“(Y/N)?”I heard Theo scream as he ran down the tunnel.

I immediately jumped to my feet, glad to see he survived. I fell into his arms as my wound started to sting even worse.

“Scott, you have to give her the bite. She won’t be able to heal all by herself.”Liam declared.

Theo and I turned to Scott who simply shook his head.

“The bite could kill her, I won’t be the cause of her dying.”Scott murmured.

“You not giving her the bite will be the reason she dies!”Theo seethed, electricity shooting out of his hand.

Kira picked up her Katana and blocked it, before shoving it into the ground.

“kira, no!”I shrieked, knowing what she had just done.

The ground started to shake as the cement under us started to crumble, she was sending him to hell.

“Īe, anata wa kare o fukuyō shite imasen!” I bellowed, my foxfire growing taller than ever.

I stabbed my Katana onto the ground, my foxfire striking down onto the ground to seal up the cracks. Blood started to trickle down my nose as my chest heaved up in down in anger. I was fuming, but my vision was also darkening as electricty started to bounce off the wall everywhere. The last thing I heard was the sound of chaos before I fell to my knees and passed out.

It’s morning, you wake, a sunray hits your face
Smeared makeup as we lay in the wake of destruction
Hush baby, speak softly, tell me you’re awfully sorry
That you pushed me into the coffee table last night so I can push you off me
Try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me
Run out the room and I’ll follow you like a lost puppy
Baby, without you, I’m nothing, I’m so lost, hug me
Then tell me how ugly I am, but that you’ll always love me
Then after that, shove me, in the aftermath of the
Destructive path that we’re on, two psychopaths but we
Know that no matter how many knives we put in each other’s backs
That we’ll have each other’s backs, ’cause we’re that lucky
Together, we move mountains, let’s not make mountains out of molehills
You hit me twice, yeah, but who’s counting?
I may have hit you three times, I’m starting to lose count
But together, we’ll live forever, we found the youth fountain
Our love is crazy, we’re nuts, but I refused counselling
This house is too huge, if you move out I’ll burn all two thousand
Square feet of it to the ground, ain’t shit you can do about it
Cause with you I’m in my fucking mind, without you, I’m out it.

My eyes flickered open, groaning as a bright sunray hit my face. I sat up and pulled out my tiny mirror out of my pocket. My makeup was smeared down my face, making me curse. I put the mirror back in my pocket and pushed myself up as I noticed Theo’s body laid out on the ground a few inches from me.

“Theo?”I asked, cupping his dirty and wounded face.

“Theo, answer me.”I ordered, my heart racing as fear started to settle in.

“Theo, I’m so sorry.”I whispered, tears running down my face as I remembered what had happened last night.

Flashbacks started to roam around my mind, seeing all the fights we had. We both treated each other so wrong.

“I should’ve been a better girlfriend.”I muttered as my tears fell onto his clothes.

“I can’t, I can’t do this without you. I’m going to lose my fucking mind without you.”I admitted, shaking in anger and pain.

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that’s all right because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that’s all right because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie

I leaned down to press my lips against his cold lips. After a few seconds, I felt rough hands cup my cheeks. My eyes shot open as I pulled away. Theo’s eyes opened as I let go of him, his wounds and scars slowly healing.

“How?”I asked, my voice cracking.

“I don’t know, I just woke up to you kissing me.”He answered.

“And you didn’t even try to tell me you were alive?God, I hate you so much!”I fumed, making Theo smirk.

I love the way you lie. _________________________________________

wow this turned out to be shit I’m so sorry.

Requested: “Hi there! Can I request an imagine like the reader is afraid of needles and the pack helps her overcome her fear(can you add Brett too, Please?) ”

“Alright (Y/N), you’re perfectly fine from what I can see.”Doctor Goodwin declared, making me grin.

“We just need to take some of your blood to make sure.”He informed, making my smile falter.

“And how are we going to do that?”I asked, hoping he wouldn’t say what I thought he would say.

“With a needle of course-”He started to say before I ran out the door.

I ran past Liam, Brett, Malia, Corey, who looked at me, confused on why I was in such a hurry and why I was leaving so soon. I opened the hospital’s doors and ran to the parking lot, trying to find Roscoe. 

Once I found it, I hopped in, scaring Scott, Stiles, and Lydia. They all looked at me with furrowed eyebrows, probably wondering where Liam, Brett, and Malia where.

“Don’t ask, just drive!”I snapped as I saw  Liam, Brett, and Malia storming over.

“You ran away, didn’t you?”Scott asked.

“You knew they would take my blood?”I asked, upset.

“Of course (Y/N), they have to.”Lydia answered.

“You all know I’m terrified of needles. Now drive Stilinski!”I yelled as Liam started running as I rolled up my window.

“You can’t run this time (Y/N).”Scott warned.
“Oh yeah? Watch me.”I muttered before jumping out of the jeep. As soon as I started running, Liam and Brett ran after me. 

Of course I wouldn’t be able to outrun them, they’re freaking werewolves for crying out loud! But I wouldn’t let them catch me, well not without a fight of course. 

Out of nowhere, Malia appeared in front of me while Liam was on my right and Brett behind me.

“It’s just a little needle (Y/N), nothing to be afraid of.”Brett warned as I looked everywhere for an escape.

And that’s when I noticed a tree where no one was blocking me. Suddenly a car near us honked, distracting Liam, Brett, and Malia. I took off, trying to climb up the tree. Luckily it was an easy tree for me to climb, but unfortunately it was also an easy tree for werewolves to climb. Liam was the first one to realize I had took off. He ran over, trying to pull me down as I made it to the top.

“Sweetheart, you’re making this more difficult than it should be.”Brett muttered, walking over with Malia.

“(Y/N), get down.”Malia ordered.

“You’re not my alpha!”I yelled, glaring at them.

“Will you stop being childish and get down?”Liam asked, obviously agitated like the rest.

“You’re not the alpha either.”I spat.

“You’re human, you don’t have one!”Brett reminded me.

“Scott’s the alpha, I only take orders from him.”I muttered as Stiles stopped his jeep next to us.

“(Y/N) will you please get down?”Scott asked as he rolled down his window.

“Nope.”I objected, making Malia snarl at me.

“That’s it, if you won’t come down, I’ll make you.”Malia threatened.

“As if-”I started to say before Malia started to shake the tree.

I slipped off, crashing down onto Liam. Liam and I groaned, staying on the ground.

“Malia!”Scott yelled, glaring at her.

“What? She wouldn’t get down so I made her!”Malia answered, defensively.

“She’s human Malia, she could’ve cracked her head open.”Brett reminded her, making her huff.

“Ouch.”Brett mumbled as he looked down at my arm.

“What-OH MY GOD!”I screamed as I noticed my arm bent backwards.

“AAAHHH!”Stiles screamed before fainting at the sight of my fucked up arm.

“Oh god.”Both Liam muttered, looking a little pail and dizzy.

Scott ran over and picked me up while I screamed hysterically.

“I didn’t feel it until now, I’m gonna die!”I yelled as Scott carried me back to the hospital.

“God dammit Malia.”Lydia muttered as the pack followed Scott and I.

Brett and Liam had to carry Stiles with us since he had barely passed out.

“(Y/N), there you are- oh my…”Doctor Goodwin muttered, noticing my arm.

“What happened?”Doctor Goodwin asked as he and Scott sprinted back to the room I ran away from earlier.

“She climbed up a tree and slipped off.”Malia blurted out.

Doctor Goodwin grabbed an IV stand and a needle, making Scott and Malia pin me down.

“I’m fine, I don’t need surgery, I’ll just keep my arm like this!”I yelled as Doctor Goodwin applied a tourniquet to my left arm that was broken.

“Oh my god (Y/N)-”

“No don’t you, ‘Oh my god (Y/N)” me! You don’t get to do that since you’re the one that broke my arm!”I spat, making Malia glare at me.

“This wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t run away-”

“You know what, I’m stronger so I’ll pin her down.”Liam spoke up, making Malia glare at him.


“Lia, just let him.”Scott ordered, making Malia growl before letting go of me.

“Now no one touch her other arm.”Doctor Goodwin said right as Malia poked my arm.

“Malia!”I yelled, glaring at her.

I heard Stiles groaning, meaning he’d finally woken up.

“C’mon it can’t possibly hurt that bad.”Malia muttered before lifting my broken arm in the air.

I screamed in pain as flipped forward, making everyone else gasp.

“Oh god.”Stiles muttered before fainting again.

“Oh…my bad.”Malia whispered, letting go of my arm, only for it to flip backwards again.

The room was filled with screams and plain madness.

I looked over to see poor Liam fall backwards, making the room go silent as we all looked at each other.

“Did he just faint?”I asked.

“Yup.”Mason muttered, sighing.

Corey and Mason lifted Liam up and dragged him next to Stiles.

Malia was about to take Liam’s spot until Brett stopped her.

“Yeah how about you sit down, I got (Y/N).”Brett muttered, pinning me down.

“Please don’t, I’ve had a horrible day.”I begged as doctor Goodwin approached me with the needle.

“(Y/N), it’s not going to hurt as much as you think it will. Trust me.”Scott mumbled,


“I’ll buy you ice cream after this.”Scott whispered, making me grin.

“I take it your ready?”Doctor Goodwin asked.

I nodded as Scott intertwined our hands together. I turned away as the needle entered, making me wince. After a few seconds, the doctor let go of my arm and clapped his hands.

“Alright, you can look now.”He said, making me furrow my eyebrows.

“That’s it?I thought it was going to hurt more!”I yelled, shocked.

“Like I told you, they don’t hurt as much as you thought they do.”Scott said, making me grin.

“Alright now I’m sure you know that we’re going to operate on you-”Doctor Goodwin started to say before I let go of Scott’s hand and ran away with my IV stand.

“(Y/N)!”Scott yelled.

“I will not get operated on!” ———————————————————————-
