#it can be enduring and unending



quick sketch of a middle-aged sev and lily who remained friends after sev quit the wizarding world altogether after the werewolf prank, and then went on to become one of the greatest muggle scientists the world had ever known. lily often went to his lectures despite declaring that she had no idea what they all meant, and always stayed til the end. they would eat curry takeaway afterwards, and then argue about the cheque when it came. whoever lost would pay for the coffee or wine that inevitably came after. voldemort had been killed ages ago, when lucius malfoy turned upon learning that the dark lord had his sights set on lucius’ own son for the prophecy. the death eaters had disbanded before they had even been fully formed, unable to handle dissent from its most powerful and most influential member. many were sent to azkaban, peter included.

all was well.
